How do people survive on minimum wage?

Keep in mind, conservatives not only want to get rid of the minimum wage, or at least not raise it, EVER,

they also want to get rid of the government benefits that go to the working poor.

Once again, more proof that the goal of conservative economics is to increase the gap between rich and poor.

It's not the job of govt to subsidize people's income. Get an education. There has always been a gap between the rich and poor and there always will be. Many people who have been poor increase their wealth as their life progresses. No one is guaranteed financial security in a free society. It's called personal responsibility.

No, it's called barbarity. It's the philosophy of the uncivilized, to let the poor fend for themselves.
If you're trying to survive on minimum wage, the first thing you need to do is get some education in your off time. Duh.

Sure, take all that extra money you're making and pay for some college classes.

Never saw an institution of higher learning that didn't have a financial aid office. Work it out, and stop making excuses for why you have to be a loser/victim forever.
Keep in mind, conservatives not only want to get rid of the minimum wage, or at least not raise it, EVER,

they also want to get rid of the government benefits that go to the working poor.

Once again, more proof that the goal of conservative economics is to increase the gap between rich and poor.

It's not the job of govt to subsidize people's income. Get an education. There has always been a gap between the rich and poor and there always will be. Many people who have been poor increase their wealth as their life progresses. No one is guaranteed financial security in a free society. It's called personal responsibility.

No, it's called barbarity. It's the philosophy of the uncivilized, to let the poor fend for themselves.

Exactly. That is how you view America barbaric and uncivilized. Oh, poor pathetic masses that cannot fend for themselves. If it weren't for the government tens of thousands would die in the streets of starvation every year.

You are delusional.
If you're trying to survive on minimum wage, the first thing you need to do is get some education in your off time. Duh.

Sure, take all that extra money you're making and pay for some college classes.

Never saw an institution of higher learning that didn't have a financial aid office. Work it out, and stop making excuses for why you have to be a loser/victim forever.

Ah yes, financial aid for education. One more bunch of programs that conservatives want to cut.

Further proof, conservatives will do everything they can to widen the gap between rich and poor.
Nearly 2/3's of the 2.2% of American workers that are paid minimum wage work in the food service industry and they receive tips that more than supplement that income. In reality less than 1% of American workers truly are paid minimum wage.

This is yet another manufactured issue that the left constantly insists the government must take action.

Gee by your logic if we just cut minimum wage to $0.00 then low wage workers would benefit the greatest since 0% of them, or anyone, would be earning minimum wage.

Employers will pay whatever is required to obtain the workers they need to operate their business. Sufficient numbers of unskilled workers are available to permit employers to pay cheap wages. That is the market system, and has been proven, over and over again, to be the best system for employers and workers.

Few shoppers are willing to pay the 10 to 20% extra that would be required to allow the supermarket to pay their employers an extra 20%. They would be shopping down the street at the competing supermarket. And, that includes most of you liberals.
Sure, take all that extra money you're making and pay for some college classes.

Never saw an institution of higher learning that didn't have a financial aid office. Work it out, and stop making excuses for why you have to be a loser/victim forever.

Ah yes, financial aid for education. One more bunch of programs that conservatives want to cut.

Further proof, conservatives will do everything they can to widen the gap between rich and poor.

You honestly believe that it is the goal of conservatives to screw the poor? You believe that Republicans literally want to murder your mother and rape your wife.

And the left blames conservatives for how polarized modern politics is.
Keep in mind, conservatives not only want to get rid of the minimum wage, or at least not raise it, EVER,

they also want to get rid of the government benefits that go to the working poor.

Once again, more proof that the goal of conservative economics is to increase the gap between rich and poor.

It's not the job of govt to subsidize people's income. Get an education. There has always been a gap between the rich and poor and there always will be. Many people who have been poor increase their wealth as their life progresses. No one is guaranteed financial security in a free society. It's called personal responsibility.

No, it's called barbarity. It's the philosophy of the uncivilized, to let the poor fend for themselves.

I reject the entire premise of making folks comfortable at a minimum wage. It show concerns for the JOB not person. All you've done is to promote the job. The PERSON still has issues that need to be resolved..

I want my kids to work min wage jobs. THEN they understand why they should take the $60 - $100K I'm plopping down for their college educations SERIOUSLY. And I would do anything legislatively (within reason) to promote the PEOPLE working min wage jobs.

For instance, with the exception of seniors and the officially disabled, I wouldn't mind seeing a requirement that a min wage job can ONLY GO to an applicant enrolled in furthering their education..

Don't tell me that working on a GED or an Assoc Degree at a Community College is out of reach. Even trade school. You can go to Community College for about $200 a semester and I would wager the min wage employers (if required to confirm enrollment) might even kick in for scholarships or supplies...

The only barbarous practice I see is the lefty expectation that it's FINE for this person to spend years at menial labor. Just like the unions don't give a ratz ass about the person or the career -- they too are fixated on a rigid definition of lever pulling for 50 years and then retirement.
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Sure, take all that extra money you're making and pay for some college classes.

Never saw an institution of higher learning that didn't have a financial aid office. Work it out, and stop making excuses for why you have to be a loser/victim forever.

Ah yes, financial aid for education. One more bunch of programs that conservatives want to cut.

Further proof, conservatives will do everything they can to widen the gap between rich and poor.

Why not talk about lowering tuition and book costs?
Never saw an institution of higher learning that didn't have a financial aid office. Work it out, and stop making excuses for why you have to be a loser/victim forever.

Ah yes, financial aid for education. One more bunch of programs that conservatives want to cut.

Further proof, conservatives will do everything they can to widen the gap between rich and poor.

You honestly believe that it is the goal of conservatives to screw the poor? You believe that Republicans literally want to murder your mother and rape your wife.

And the left blames conservatives for how polarized modern politics is.[/QUOTE]

Yep thre is a word for that. PROJECTION
---(They don't they just exist after 3 years they become zombies)----

Article> One of my clients recently reported getting a job at a fast-food restaurant. Since she's been unemployed and desperately looking for work for nearly a year, I was thrilled for her. She was very excited that she'll be making $7.50 an hour -– a whole quarter more than minimum wage.

After she left my office, I got out a calculator. I've never worked for minimum wage, so I didn't know exactly how much -- or how little -- money that is.

Assuming 80 hours per pay period, my client will be bringing home around $462 every two weeks. That's with no health insurance or retirement contributions.

If I brought home $924 a month, would I even be able to survive? I decided to find out.

read more How do people survive on minimum wage?- MSN Money

I think everyone should start out making minimum wage. This will give them a frame of reference as they make decisions for their future.

A woman customer, the other day, was heatedly complaining that her 24 year old son had moved back home, because he can't find a job and has had jobs but been fired, and he told her he refused to work for minimun wage, or at a fast food place, for low wages. I asked if he had any skills or higher learning and she lol.

Doesn't she know that if the kid knows he can move back home, he WILL! He will let himself be fired because it is easier to live with mommy and daddy. They, fail their son, by not making him responsible for his own livelihood.

It's pretty easy to live on min. wage. Just get some roommates, drop the cell phone and other "necessities" and look for a job that you will keep, because you have to share the rent. It just might make you want to go to a trade school or something else to improve your stature in life.

My son is 27 years old, graduated with honors from a 2 year program at DeVry University. He's not yet found a job. He does live at home, but he's special needs (high functioning autism). Is it you opinion that I should put him out on the street simply because he can't find a job? He does get disability, a whopping $445 a month...yeah, that'll buy an apartment. Do you honestly believe being homeless is going to somehow get him a job?
They don't, they can't, I've been saying that for years, more than 75% of those working for minimum wage are adults and minimum wage currently has the lowest spending power in history. In the richest country in the world, the poorest worker should make a living wage.

I linked to the OP, which has many responses.

Every respondant does and can survive on minimum wage.
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It's not the job of govt to subsidize people's income. Get an education. There has always been a gap between the rich and poor and there always will be. Many people who have been poor increase their wealth as their life progresses. No one is guaranteed financial security in a free society. It's called personal responsibility.

No, it's called barbarity. It's the philosophy of the uncivilized, to let the poor fend for themselves.

I reject the entire premise of making folks comfortable at a minimum wage. It show concerns for the JOB not person. All you've done is to promote the job. The PERSON still has issues that need to be resolved..

I want my kids to work min wage jobs. THEN they understand why they should take the $60 - $100K I'm plopping down for their college educations SERIOUSLY. And I would do anything legislatively (within reason) to promote the PEOPLE working min wage jobs.

For instance, with the exception of seniors and the officially disabled, I wouldn't mind seeing a requirement that a min wage job can ONLY GO to an applicant enrolled in furthering their education..

Don't tell me that working on a GED or an Assoc Degree at a Community College is out of reach. Even trade school. You can go to Community College for about $200 a semester and I would wager the min wage employers (if required to confirm enrollment) might even kick in for scholarships or supplies...

The only barbarous practice I see is the lefty expectation that it's FINE for this person to spend years at menial labor. Just like the unions don't give a ratz ass about the person or the career -- they too are fixated on a rigid definition of lever pulling for 50 years and then retirement.

How are they going to pay for furthering their education on minimum wage when they can't even afford a place to live?
Keep in mind, conservatives not only want to get rid of the minimum wage, or at least not raise it, EVER,

they also want to get rid of the government benefits that go to the working poor.

Once again, more proof that the goal of conservative economics is to increase the gap between rich and poor.

Well I'd love to ditch the min wage, it's just controlled inflation.

BUT I dont want to get rid of all govt programs. I like programs like unemployment, WHY you ask? Because there is a time limit and you need to shit or get off the pot at some point. How can you not find a job in ten years? REALLY? you buy that?
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Why do so many nutters try so hard to be funny.......only to fail miserably? They go to such lengths to wrangle in their dopey joke....and it never pays off.

All of your posts are repetitive and childish. You say the word 'nutter' in every other post and have never made a insightful comment. Your posts are not humorous, and you obviously haven't anything to contribute beyond the simplistic name calling an classless insults--again anyone that doubts this check out his posts.

Yes, please check out my posts. I do say "nutter" a lot. I also seem to use the word "dummy" a lot. Therefore, there is no way that I could ever make an insightful comment.

BTW, when you say "again", you are supposed to follow with a reaffirmation of something that you have already stated.

Instead of getting all bent out of shape because I told you you are not funny, why not just stop taking the long route to the punch line?

And I thought left wing hacks dont like "labels"?
They don't, they can't, I've been saying that for years, more than 75% of those working for minimum wage are adults and minimum wage currently has the lowest spending power in history. In the richest country in the world, the poorest worker should make a living wage.

What? No they shouldn't. They should make a wage commiserate with what they produce. We should get rid of the minimum wage all together. No matter how "high" your minimum wage is the poorest people will still be relatively poor.


I tip 20%, and I'm a consultant who travels on the company dime all the time.

A good bartender can make $30/hr easy.

Here is drinking to the future of America. Lets all get bartending jobs for 30 bucks an hour. Who would have thought that this was the future. Fuk the advanced degree. Get a mixology cert. Work great hours. Meet lots of drunks. Ank make 30 dollars an hour.

Fuk yea.

If you have an advanced degree and are making min wage, then you need to kick you professors in the balls.
No, it's called barbarity. It's the philosophy of the uncivilized, to let the poor fend for themselves.

I reject the entire premise of making folks comfortable at a minimum wage. It show concerns for the JOB not person. All you've done is to promote the job. The PERSON still has issues that need to be resolved..

I want my kids to work min wage jobs. THEN they understand why they should take the $60 - $100K I'm plopping down for their college educations SERIOUSLY. And I would do anything legislatively (within reason) to promote the PEOPLE working min wage jobs.

For instance, with the exception of seniors and the officially disabled, I wouldn't mind seeing a requirement that a min wage job can ONLY GO to an applicant enrolled in furthering their education..

Don't tell me that working on a GED or an Assoc Degree at a Community College is out of reach. Even trade school. You can go to Community College for about $200 a semester and I would wager the min wage employers (if required to confirm enrollment) might even kick in for scholarships or supplies...

The only barbarous practice I see is the lefty expectation that it's FINE for this person to spend years at menial labor. Just like the unions don't give a ratz ass about the person or the career -- they too are fixated on a rigid definition of lever pulling for 50 years and then retirement.

How are they going to pay for furthering their education on minimum wage when they can't even afford a place to live?




No need to thank me.
Labor is only about 20% for businesses, so prices go up a lot less than wages. Min. wage should be the equivalent of 1968's, about $10.50. Another thing that should wait for full recovery, unfortunately. Great job, Pubbies. We need another 4 or 8 years of least. LOL

20% are you serious? Have you ever had your car fixed? the part is like $3 and the labor is like $400.
No, it's called barbarity. It's the philosophy of the uncivilized, to let the poor fend for themselves.

I reject the entire premise of making folks comfortable at a minimum wage. It show concerns for the JOB not person. All you've done is to promote the job. The PERSON still has issues that need to be resolved..

I want my kids to work min wage jobs. THEN they understand why they should take the $60 - $100K I'm plopping down for their college educations SERIOUSLY. And I would do anything legislatively (within reason) to promote the PEOPLE working min wage jobs.

For instance, with the exception of seniors and the officially disabled, I wouldn't mind seeing a requirement that a min wage job can ONLY GO to an applicant enrolled in furthering their education..

Don't tell me that working on a GED or an Assoc Degree at a Community College is out of reach. Even trade school. You can go to Community College for about $200 a semester and I would wager the min wage employers (if required to confirm enrollment) might even kick in for scholarships or supplies...

The only barbarous practice I see is the lefty expectation that it's FINE for this person to spend years at menial labor. Just like the unions don't give a ratz ass about the person or the career -- they too are fixated on a rigid definition of lever pulling for 50 years and then retirement.

How are they going to pay for furthering their education on minimum wage when they can't even afford a place to live?

I've been thru this argument before.. GED education is FREE.. Community College starts at $200/semester (tuition, books, one/two classes). AND THAT is before you walk into financial aid..

And Like i said -- if we really cared about the people and made it LAW that min wage jobs must be coupled with continuing education, my guess is that employers would LEAP to making local scholarships, grants, deals with schools in the local area..

As for someone with 2 yrs at DeVry.. That's wonderful... Whatever the degree is in, there are 100s of specialized placement agencies across the country for every career. The legit ones don't charge the appliicant a penny... Be patient -- USE the agencies..
Keep in mind, conservatives not only want to get rid of the minimum wage, or at least not raise it, EVER,

they also want to get rid of the government benefits that go to the working poor.

Once again, more proof that the goal of conservative economics is to increase the gap between rich and poor.

Well I'd love to ditch the min wage, it's just controlled inflation.

BUT I dont want to get rid of all govt programs. I like programs like unemployment, WHY you ask? Because there is a time limit and you need to shit or get off the pot at some point. How can you not find a job in ten years? REALLY? you buy that?

Unemployment lasts for 10 years? Since when?

BTW, I know a woman who lost her job 3 years ago, she's over 50 and can't find a new job. She's even tried the fast food joints and all the restaurants around here. She doesn't exactly sit around on her butt as she volunteers at the local foodbank when she's not looking for work. She ended up having to move back in with her mother at HER age. The jobs aren't out there and the ones that are pay diddly squat and anybody who thinks otherwise is in the upper-classes and has never had to worry about where their next meal is coming from, EVER!!! IOW, they like the increasing gap between the rich and the poor because their income is increasing.
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I reject the entire premise of making folks comfortable at a minimum wage. It show concerns for the JOB not person. All you've done is to promote the job. The PERSON still has issues that need to be resolved..

I want my kids to work min wage jobs. THEN they understand why they should take the $60 - $100K I'm plopping down for their college educations SERIOUSLY. And I would do anything legislatively (within reason) to promote the PEOPLE working min wage jobs.

For instance, with the exception of seniors and the officially disabled, I wouldn't mind seeing a requirement that a min wage job can ONLY GO to an applicant enrolled in furthering their education..

Don't tell me that working on a GED or an Assoc Degree at a Community College is out of reach. Even trade school. You can go to Community College for about $200 a semester and I would wager the min wage employers (if required to confirm enrollment) might even kick in for scholarships or supplies...

The only barbarous practice I see is the lefty expectation that it's FINE for this person to spend years at menial labor. Just like the unions don't give a ratz ass about the person or the career -- they too are fixated on a rigid definition of lever pulling for 50 years and then retirement.

How are they going to pay for furthering their education on minimum wage when they can't even afford a place to live?

I've been thru this argument before.. GED education is FREE.. Community College starts at $200/semester (tuition, books, one/two classes). AND THAT is before you walk into financial aid..

And Like i said -- if we really cared about the people and made it LAW that min wage jobs must be coupled with continuing education, my guess is that employers would LEAP to making local scholarships, grants, deals with schools in the local area..

As for someone with 2 yrs at DeVry.. That's wonderful... Whatever the degree is in, there are 100s of specialized placement agencies across the country for every career. The legit ones don't charge the appliicant a penny... Be patient -- USE the agencies..

Where the hell did you find a community college that costs $200/semester??? Here, it's more than $200 a CLASS, and yeah, that's at the local community college.

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