How do people survive on minimum wage?

The question should be is WHY anyone would tolerate Government picking winnders and losers.

WHY is thier a minimumwage? Because it Gives UNIONS room to jack UP thier prices for thier money laundering with politicians.

Certain Statists ARE correct on these boards...'Free Market' Doesn't exist...because we have Politicians making sure it doesn't.

YOU get paid for what you're worth.

You couldn't be more wrong

Illustrate or shut up.

Why would a company "pay you what you are worth"? The conservative model is that you pay the lowest amount possible in order to serve the stockholder.

That is why lower and mid level management people are the biggest workplace suck ups in the world. Their job depends less on competence and more on workplace politics.
It takes a minimum IQ level to discern sarcasm, one which Kosher Girl does not possess.

Of course Jesus did not tell the poor to suck it up. The idea is that conservatives can claim Christianity and then live in such a manner as if Jesus did say such.

she is what it is ;)
Look, more propaganda.

Do you get paid to spread lies? Or is it your hobby?

Prove a lie, skank :nono:
Ahh yes. When a lib's argument is beaten, they resort to insults.
Look genius, if you are so concerned, by all means, start a business, hire inexperienced workers at well above min wage. Let us know in a year how that works out for you.
You people are amazing. Your idea of compassion ALWAYS begins with Other People's Money.....Here's a novel idea...SPEND YOUR OWN MONEY FIRST. Prove to us that your ideas work and we'll be happy to take a look/risk.

No interest in history, huh?


the “Golden Age” of the 1950s was a time of unparalleled economic growth and technological discovery. What conservatism does not acknowledge is that the economic progress that occurred during the 1950s was mostly due to government spending.
Who says it's easy to make money? Quote and link, please.

And where did Christ tell the poor to suck it up? Verse and passage, please.

Please name the people who are against helping each other. Names & links to them saying that, if you don't mind.

Propagandist scum.

Who says it's easy to make money? Quote and link, please.

Nowhere did I say what you wrote above. what WAS written is, "Get a job" isn't so simple (like your mind).
Current political language regarding the poor has, in some cases, proven to be even more discomfiting than it was thirty years ago, and echoes Rousseau in his attitude toward social welfare:

"You know why? [Sic] Because they breed. [Sic] You're facilitating the problem if you give an animal or a person ample food supply. They will reproduce, especially ones that don't think too much further than that. And so what you've got to do is you've got to curtail that type of behavior. They don't know any better.”

Montopoli, Brian, for CBS News, Political Hotsheet, “S.C. Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer Compares Helping Poor to Feeding Stray Animals” January 25, 2010, retrieved December 4, 2011 from S.C. Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer Compares Helping Poor to Feeding Stray Animals - Political Hotsheet - CBS News See Also Weeks, J. Population: An Introduction to Concepts and Issues (10th Ed.) San Diego State University, Thomson Wadsworth 2008, pgs. 75-80

The ratio of unemployed job seekers to job openings is a useful labor market indicator. It is calculated by dividing the number of unemployed workers by the number of job openings. In April 2012, there were 3.3 job seekers per job opening in the Northeast region, unchanged from March 2012. The region's ratio stood at 4.5 in April 2011.

Nationally, the number of unemployed decreased by 1.4% and the number of job openings decreased by 8.7% between March 2012 and April 2012. As a result, the U.S. ratio of unemployed job seekers to job openings rose from 3.4 to 3.7 over this period. In April 2011, the U.S. ratio was 4.6.
Unemployed Job Seekers per Opening - New York State Department of Labor

Unemployed workers outnumber job openings 5.6-to-one in March
Unemployed workers outnumber job openings 5.6-to-one in March | Economic Policy Institute

If you're too stupid to see the satire involved in the Christianity piece, you have deeper problems than mere reading comprehension, but we already knew that it is you who are the lying, propagandist skank.
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I started my business running errands for law firms while doing grad work in Atlanta at age 23. At age 24 I was the #3 investigator for a large law firm working the state court and magistrate cases for the young lawyers. At age 26 I was the #1 investigator for that firm. At age 27 I was licensed as a private detective. Most of my work was litigation but we did do a lot of domestic work also along with repo and fugitive bail At age 30 I received my full agency license.
Starting at the bottom helped me tremendously. It led me to the top after years of hard work. And the hard part is not getting to the top, the hard part is staying there!
Shame these days people want to start at a "living wage" and have no skills to justify it.
And working their asses off.

And the ones who do that don't earn minimum wage for long. As an employer, I can tell you most minimum wage workers are not worth minimum wage. They are unreliable for showing up, the quality of their work, taking care of customers. If you pay them more, you get the same worker who's more expensive. The ones who care get raises. The rest are continual churn. Government doesn't get them higher wages, government gets them fired when the minimum wage goes up. But that's only if you believe facts and data and things like that.

I see the exact opposite. Those who earn minimum wage lack the skills. experience or opportunity to compete for higher earning jobs. The jobs they do are usually involve hard work, no benefits and little prestige. The jobs that are for minimum wage involve hard work and close supervision to make sure they continuously work hard.

I believe that minimum wage should be increased for the following reasons:

1) A raise for minimum earners would allow them to spend more money.
2) A raise in minimum wage may allow some to escape poverty.
3) A raise in minimum wage will decrease the gap between rich and poor in this country.
4) For an employer, it is a cost-benefit analysis as to whether an employee is needed. While raising the minimum wage modestly may cause employers not to hire some, employers will still need to hire employees.

A rise in the minimum wage closes more businesses than it helps employees.
Some folk are not worth the current minimum wage.
I started my business running errands for law firms while doing grad work in Atlanta at age 23. At age 24 I was the #3 investigator for a large law firm working the state court and magistrate cases for the young lawyers. At age 26 I was the #1 investigator for that firm. At age 27 I was licensed as a private detective. Most of my work was litigation but we did do a lot of domestic work also along with repo and fugitive bail At age 30 I received my full agency license.
Starting at the bottom helped me tremendously. It led me to the top after years of hard work. And the hard part is not getting to the top, the hard part is staying there!
Shame these days people want to start at a "living wage" and have no skills to justify it.

My first serious round with self employment was when Mr. Foxfyre was transferred to Santa Fe when we had been married a couple of years and were still in the low income bracket and struggling financially. I got on with the Santa Fe New Mexican (local newspaper) but had to take a minimum wage go-fer job in the advertising department before something opened up for me on the news desk.

So, since I had left a job as legal secretary and research assistant in a law office in Texas, and had access to a free classified ad in the newspaper, I offered free lance legal secretarial services in the evenings and on weekends. Santa Fe is the state capital and the federal courthouse is also there, so we had a lot of visiting attorneys who sometimes needed a legal brief typed up. They would call me, I would come take the dictation in the late afternoon or evening, type it up, and deliver it back to them. In no time I was making almost as much doing that as I was making at the newspaper. (I will always be hugely grateful to my highschool that offered both shorthand and typing classes with excellent teachers who helped me become proficient in both skills that served me very well in college and ever since. That was before government meddling in the schools.)
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I started my business running errands for law firms while doing grad work in Atlanta at age 23. At age 24 I was the #3 investigator for a large law firm working the state court and magistrate cases for the young lawyers. At age 26 I was the #1 investigator for that firm. At age 27 I was licensed as a private detective. Most of my work was litigation but we did do a lot of domestic work also along with repo and fugitive bail At age 30 I received my full agency license.
Starting at the bottom helped me tremendously. It led me to the top after years of hard work. And the hard part is not getting to the top, the hard part is staying there!
Shame these days people want to start at a "living wage" and have no skills to justify it.

My first serious round with self employment was when Mr. Foxfyre was transferred to Santa Fe when we had been married a couple of years and were still in the low income bracket and struggling financially. I got on with the Santa Fe New Mexican (local newspaper) but had to take a minimum wage go-fer job in the advertising department before something opened up for me on the news desk.

So, since I had left a job as legal secretary and research assistant in a law office in Texas, and had access to a free classified ad in the newspaper, I offered free lance legal secretarial services in the evenings and on weekends. Santa Fe is the state capital and the federal courthouse is also there, so we had a lot of visiting attorneys who sometimes needed a legal brief typed up. They would call me, I would come take the dictation in the late afternoon or evening, type it up, and deliver it back to them. In no time I was making almost as much doing that as I was making at the newspaper. (I will always be hugely grateful to my highschool that offered both shorthand and typing classes with excellent teachers who helped me become proficient in both skills that served me very well in college and ever since. That was before government meddling in the schools.)

Sounds a lot like us as She Who Must Be Obeyed also started as a legal secretary! Now she runs her own paralegal contracting business.
I started my business running errands for law firms while doing grad work in Atlanta at age 23. At age 24 I was the #3 investigator for a large law firm working the state court and magistrate cases for the young lawyers. At age 26 I was the #1 investigator for that firm. At age 27 I was licensed as a private detective. Most of my work was litigation but we did do a lot of domestic work also along with repo and fugitive bail At age 30 I received my full agency license.
Starting at the bottom helped me tremendously. It led me to the top after years of hard work. And the hard part is not getting to the top, the hard part is staying there!
Shame these days people want to start at a "living wage" and have no skills to justify it.

My first serious round with self employment was when Mr. Foxfyre was transferred to Santa Fe when we had been married a couple of years and were still in the low income bracket and struggling financially. I got on with the Santa Fe New Mexican (local newspaper) but had to take a minimum wage go-fer job in the advertising department before something opened up for me on the news desk.

So, since I had left a job as legal secretary and research assistant in a law office in Texas, and had access to a free classified ad in the newspaper, I offered free lance legal secretarial services in the evenings and on weekends. Santa Fe is the state capital and the federal courthouse is also there, so we had a lot of visiting attorneys who sometimes needed a legal brief typed up. They would call me, I would come take the dictation in the late afternoon or evening, type it up, and deliver it back to them. In no time I was making almost as much doing that as I was making at the newspaper. (I will always be hugely grateful to my highschool that offered both shorthand and typing classes with excellent teachers who helped me become proficient in both skills that served me very well in college and ever since. That was before government meddling in the schools.)

Sounds a lot like us as She Who Must Be Obeyed also started as a legal secretary! Now she runs her own paralegal contracting business.

And it probably didn't take a huge investment to do that either, right? Back then I needed a typewriter, that I already had, a ream or two of typing paper, and enough money for gas to get to my appointments and deliver the product, and I was in business. And I was able to throw work at a couple of other gals when I had more than I could handle.

And while everybody isn't emotionally equipped for self employment, or lack the work ethic, so many people sit on their duffs wringing their hands with a 'woe is me, there is no work' attitude, when so often all we need to do is identify a market and fill it to work for ourselves. But it does require educating ourselves and being willing to do whatever we have to do to acquire marketable skills.
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The problem with the left is that they see minimum wage jobs as a career choice. Go to freaking school and learn a skill or join the Military and get money for college while learning leadership and quit whining.
The problem with the left is that they see minimum wage jobs as a career choice. Go to freaking school and learn a skill or join the Military and get money for college while learning leadership and quit whining.

Have you not seen the occupy rape crowd?????Thats what the schools are pumping out....I am not sure coming out a brain dead retard is the way to go LOL What you want is to learn a skill any way you can!
The problem with the left is that they see minimum wage jobs as a career choice. Go to freaking school and learn a skill or join the Military and get money for college while learning leadership and quit whining.

Have you not seen the occupy rape crowd?????Thats what the schools are pumping out....I am not sure coming out a brain dead retard is the way to go LOL What you want is to learn a skill any way you can!

Yup. Early in my adult working career, I ltook a job as secretary to the Vice President of a large grain elevator outfit. This VP, however, traveled a great deal leaving me absolutely nothing to do most of the time. It was absolutely the most boring job I ever had. But there was a Musack sysem in the building that piped elevator music into all the offices for 15 minutes and then was off for three....back on for fifteen minutes, off for three. I bought a typing book that did the word count for you and gave myself typing tests timed by that Musack system. When I left that job after a few months, I had increased my typing skills to more than 100 wpm. That has proved to be a very marketable skill. :)

You get em when and where you can.
---(They don't they just exist after 3 years they become zombies)----

Article> One of my clients recently reported getting a job at a fast-food restaurant. Since she's been unemployed and desperately looking for work for nearly a year, I was thrilled for her. She was very excited that she'll be making $7.50 an hour -– a whole quarter more than minimum wage.

After she left my office, I got out a calculator. I've never worked for minimum wage, so I didn't know exactly how much -- or how little -- money that is.

Assuming 80 hours per pay period, my client will be bringing home around $462 every two weeks. That's with no health insurance or retirement contributions.

If I brought home $924 a month, would I even be able to survive? I decided to find out.

read more How do people survive on minimum wage?- MSN Money

Find a roommate and you have a combined income of $1848 a month.
You couldn't be more wrong

Illustrate or shut up.

Why would a company "pay you what you are worth"? The conservative model is that you pay the lowest amount possible in order to serve the stockholder.

That is why lower and mid level management people are the biggest workplace suck ups in the world. Their job depends less on competence and more on workplace politics.

The problem with the left is that they see minimum wage jobs as a career choice. Go to freaking school and learn a skill or join the Military and get money for college while learning leadership and quit whining.

Have you not seen the occupy rape crowd?????Thats what the schools are pumping out....I am not sure coming out a brain dead retard is the way to go LOL What you want is to learn a skill any way you can!

They can't join the military.

The military no longer accepts dropouts, drug addicts, or felons.
And the ones who do that don't earn minimum wage for long. As an employer, I can tell you most minimum wage workers are not worth minimum wage. They are unreliable for showing up, the quality of their work, taking care of customers. If you pay them more, you get the same worker who's more expensive. The ones who care get raises. The rest are continual churn. Government doesn't get them higher wages, government gets them fired when the minimum wage goes up. But that's only if you believe facts and data and things like that.

I see the exact opposite. Those who earn minimum wage lack the skills. experience or opportunity to compete for higher earning jobs. The jobs they do are usually involve hard work, no benefits and little prestige. The jobs that are for minimum wage involve hard work and close supervision to make sure they continuously work hard.

I believe that minimum wage should be increased for the following reasons:

1) A raise for minimum earners would allow them to spend more money.
2) A raise in minimum wage may allow some to escape poverty.
3) A raise in minimum wage will decrease the gap between rich and poor in this country.
4) For an employer, it is a cost-benefit analysis as to whether an employee is needed. While raising the minimum wage modestly may cause employers not to hire some, employers will still need to hire employees.

A rise in the minimum wage closes more businesses than it helps employees.
Some folk are not worth the current minimum wage.

That a rise in minimum wage would close more businesses than it helps employees is an possible argument against doing such, but you have left it an unsupported assertion. One would have to weigh the increase in purchasing power provided by the minimum wage increase against just how many businesses would actually close or employees would be laid off due to it.

As far as some folks not being worth minimum wage, that might apply to some folks making more than minimum wage. Personally, as I have said before, I think people who make minimum wage generally work very hard for their money, just not necessarily smart.
California Girl said:

What is a 'living wage'? Given that if a business increases what it pays its workers, it generally has to increase the price to its customers... therefore the cost of living goes up, which means the 'living wage' is no longer a 'living wage' which means it needs to be increased... which leads to increased prices to customers, which leads to an increase in the cost of living, which leads to an increase in the 'living wage', which leads to.... I think you get where I'm going with this. There is no simple answer... and people really should recognize that and stop expecting simple answers.

So cheap prices are more important than paying employees a wage they can survive on? That's ridiculous. There is nothing wrong with paying an extra few dollars if it means the employes are paid a decent wage.

Over here, our prices are more expensive, but our employees are paid generously. The minimum wage here is around $650 a week. Yet the article mentions you would have to work 80 hours a week (I assume the author means an 80 hour working week) to earn two hundred dollars LESS. That is just wrong no matter how you look at it.

A casual worker at McDonalds, over 21, will make close to $17 an hour. You can work just 20 hours for the week and take home the same, if not more, than the same person working 80 hours at McDonalds in America.

America needs to raise its minimum wage. The cost of living goes up every year, yet the minimum wage doesn't go up enough to cover this - why not?
Why can't you understand this?

The price of goods is driven by the cost of producing them. If you have to pay your workers more, the price of what they produce will escalate.

This is amazingly simple, yet the great brains of the left seem incapable of, or unwilling to, understand.

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