How do people survive on minimum wage?

Minimum wage is not capable of supporting a family or even a single person without the safety nets that cost us so much money. The only solution is to stop supporting fascism and get back to supporting the public that owns the country.

So you want to put everyone on the dole? Is that really what you're saying?

BTW, fascism is exactly what you just proposed.




Look, more propaganda.

Do you get paid to spread lies? Or is it your hobby?
Propaganda brought to you by the Occupy movement....A group os people so fucking stupid they cant even figure out how to apply for a job....A group so devoid of any semblance of being human they need RAPE FREE zones....A group so devoid of free thought they just repeat what one fucking retard says ....A group so full of shit they complain about evil corporation on the Ipads and Laptops made by the evil corporations....A group that blames Jews for their hardships....The occupy movement where ignorance is cherished.
Who says it's easy to make money? Quote and link, please.

And where did Christ tell the poor to suck it up? Verse and passage, please.

Please name the people who are against helping each other. Names & links to them saying that, if you don't mind.

Propagandist scum.
It takes a minimum IQ level to discern sarcasm, one which Kosher Girl does not possess.

Of course Jesus did not tell the poor to suck it up. The idea is that conservatives can claim Christianity and then live in such a manner as if Jesus did say such.
She told me to point out the lies, which I did.

It doesn't matter if it's sarcasm or not.

Psst...some people who use sarcasm aren't really being sarcastic, they're just lying to see how far they can go.
Of course it matters whether a statement is sarcasm. Otherwise some ignorant person, such as yourself, might take it at face value and believe they are lies.
If folks have only the skills to obtain a wage no higher than the minimum wage THAT IS NOT MY FAULT.
They should have trained themselves FOR WHAT THE MARKET DEMANDS.
Plenty of work in HVAC, plumbing, auto repair, heavy equipment repair, aviation electronics and mainttenance, marine engine repair or electrical and most all renovation.
If folks are making the minimum wage they have no business having children.
If folks are on the minimum wage now then they should take HVAC training or any other of THE JOBS IN DEMAND.
A large percentage of America's rich did not inherit their weatlh but are self made. Most acquired the skils and knowhow working for somebody else, saved or borrowed some venture capital, and started their own successful businesses. Sometimes they just had an idea that made them multi millionaires or billionaires. Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook is one of those. An excellent student, he won a merit scholarship to Harvard. He would subsequently drop out, but not before he was fooling around with a computer and launched the precursor to Facebook there. The only venture capital needed was some spending money for a website. A little over ten years later, he is in Fortune 400, one of the richest men in the country.

Steve Jobs was not an excellent student and also a college dropout. But he had an aptitude for electronics. When he was just 21, in the 1970's, he and Steve Wozniak started Apple Computers in the Jobs family garage. The venture was funded by Jobs selling his Volkswagon and Wozniak selling his most valuable and prized possession, a scientific calcuator. The rest is history.

Our own Gary Johnson, former governor of NM, past GOP candidate for President, currently running for President on the Libertarian ticket, was born to a low end employee of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and a school teacher. With an aptitude for mechancial things, he worked his way to a bachelor's degree at the University of New Mexico here in Albuqeurque by living at home and working as a door to door handyman. After a couple of apprenticeships with mechanical contractors, (mostly minimum wage jobs), he started Big J Construction. He was the only employee. But Johnson perfected his craft and worked long long hard hours. Big J is now one of the largest construction companies in New Mexico with more than 1000 employees and Johnson is a millionaire.

There are thousands and thousands of rags to riches stories of people who started out as children living in poverty who ultimately became multi millionaires. And most of them at some point worked somewhere for minimum wage.

Those who choose to not educate themselves in school, drop out or just get a social promotion diploma, get involved in illegal activities including abusing alcohol and other drugs, and who think doing menial labor or other minimum wage tasks is beneath them or not worth their time, are not likely to prosper. And the sad thing is, they blame everybody but themselves when they do not.
Of course it matters whether a statement is sarcasm. Otherwise some ignorant person, such as yourself, might take it at face value and believe they are lies.

Barb's post was not a sarcastic post. She believes that shit, and it is lies.
Not to mention you're going to give him more responsibilities, because he's proven that you CAN give him more, which is also going to increase his value to your business and merit more pay for him.

In McDonald's terms, that MW cashier just became shift leader, and is supervising all of the slacker MW cashiers who started with him, but didn't think the pay merited more than a half-assed effort.

Minimum wage is not capable of supporting a family or even a single person without the safety nets that cost us so much money. The only solution is to stop supporting fascism and get back to supporting the public that owns the country.

Would you mind telling us what the hell this vague bullshit is supposed to even MEAN? "Fascism"? "Supporting the public"? Specify, please.

By the way, OF COURSE minimum wage is not capable of supporting a family, or even a single independent person. Who the hell ever told you it was SUPPOSED to?

If you do not know the meaning of simple words by now you chould be banned from voting and other political activities.

Your support for creasting a bigger population of poor is nothing but fascist support for the 1% pigs feeding at the trough and supporting more welfare for the wealthy.
By the way - there is a very simple solution for every single last minimum wage worker out there who feels they are not getting paid what they are worth. They can quit their job, start their own business, and ride off into the sunset as billionaires (but that would require effort, now wouldn't it - so much easier to take the liberal path of mooching of off others and constantly demanding more and more from them).

And I'll save you from embarassing yourself with the tired excuse of money - Seve Jobs started Apple out of his garage with $0 and he died a billionaire entrepreneur. He did not go to college (save for a semester or two over the span of several years) and he was of average intelligence. What he was however, was extremely driven. He would work 18 hour days most of the time. You're all out of excuses lazy liberals.

A simple solution is to quit a minimum wage job and start their own business? Do you really think a minimum wage earner would have start up captal?

BTW not everyone is Steve Jobs or would have his opportunity.Then again, you really don't know what your talking about do you? Characterizing all liberals as lazy is an over-generalization, made by someone who is lazy in their thinking.

Starting your own business and laziness are two separate topics, but for sure self employment is not for the lazy or the clueless. But yes, many many businesses have been started by people with very little in capital. Just yesterday I was visiting with a young woman who had just opened her first commercial location to sell cupcakes. She started out teaching herself how to flavor and decorate custom cupcakes in her own kitchen in her spare time. She gradually gained a reputation by making these for friends and relatives and then getting paid for some special orders until she had developed a booming business that she could do and still be a full time mom and housewife. Now that her kids are teenager and more independent, she is ready to go full time commercial.

It can be done with anybody with the ability to see and fill a need and the courage to take the risk.

The woman who invented liquid paper did the same thing. She was unemployed and started making the stuff in her kitchen then hauling it door to office door. She put it in empty nail polish bottles.

I had a friend who started off selling a case of paper out of the trunk of his car. Two years later it was California Copy Systems. He started out with ONE case of paper bought cheap from a loading dock.
Minimum wage is not capable of supporting a family or even a single person without the safety nets that cost us so much money. The only solution is to stop supporting fascism and get back to supporting the public that owns the country.

Would you mind telling us what the hell this vague bullshit is supposed to even MEAN? "Fascism"? "Supporting the public"? Specify, please.

By the way, OF COURSE minimum wage is not capable of supporting a family, or even a single independent person. Who the hell ever told you it was SUPPOSED to?

If you do not know the meaning of simple words by now you chould be banned from voting and other political activities.

Your support for creasting a bigger population of poor is nothing but fascist support for the 1% pigs feeding at the trough and supporting more welfare for the wealthy.

In other words, you don't understand what the fuck you're talking about any more than anyone else does while reading your nonsense posts. You're just throwing out buzzwords and inane accusations in an attempt to sound profound, and when you get called out on the utter meaningless of your babble, you spew some more.

So since you admit that you can't explain what your last bit of nonsense meant - and that, in fact, it meant nothing at all and was just random words strung together - let's discuss THIS little swamp emanation, shall we?

"My support for creating a bigger population of the poor"? WHAT support would that be, exactly, shitbrain? Point me to that support. Fucking QUOTE it. And there's that word "fascist" again. Do you even know what the definition of "fascist" is? Hell, do you even know that words HAVE definitions, or do you just assume it means "something I don't like"? EXPLAIN the fascism you're accusing people of, because so far, you're on Strike Two where that word is concerned.

If you don't demonstrate the presence of some IQ, you SHOULD be banned from voting . . . or leaving the house without a keeper, for that matter.

So go ahead, shitstain. Babble some more meaningless nonsense in the mistaken belief that you're impressing people. I'll be happy to continue ripping you new orifices and showing everyone what a total waste of oxygen you are.

Look, more propaganda.

Do you get paid to spread lies? Or is it your hobby?

Prove a lie, skank :nono:
Ahh yes. When a lib's argument is beaten, they resort to insults.
Look genius, if you are so concerned, by all means, start a business, hire inexperienced workers at well above min wage. Let us know in a year how that works out for you.
You people are amazing. Your idea of compassion ALWAYS begins with Other People's Money.....Here's a novel idea...SPEND YOUR OWN MONEY FIRST. Prove to us that your ideas work and we'll be happy to take a look/risk.
A large percentage of America's rich did not inherit their weatlh but are self made. Most acquired the skils and knowhow working for somebody else, saved or borrowed some venture capital, and started their own successful businesses. Sometimes they just had an idea that made them multi millionaires or billionaires. Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook is one of those. An excellent student, he won a merit scholarship to Harvard. He would subsequently drop out, but not before he was fooling around with a computer and launched the precursor to Facebook there. The only venture capital needed was some spending money for a website. A little over ten years later, he is in Fortune 400, one of the richest men in the country.

Steve Jobs was not an excellent student and also a college dropout. But he had an aptitude for electronics. When he was just 21, in the 1970's, he and Steve Wozniak started Apple Computers in the Jobs family garage. The venture was funded by Jobs selling his Volkswagon and Wozniak selling his most valuable and prized possession, a scientific calcuator. The rest is history.

Our own Gary Johnson, former governor of NM, past GOP candidate for President, currently running for President on the Libertarian ticket, was born to a low end employee of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and a school teacher. With an aptitude for mechancial things, he worked his way to a bachelor's degree at the University of New Mexico here in Albuqeurque by living at home and working as a door to door handyman. After a couple of apprenticeships with mechanical contractors, (mostly minimum wage jobs), he started Big J Construction. He was the only employee. But Johnson perfected his craft and worked long long hard hours. Big J is now one of the largest construction companies in New Mexico with more than 1000 employees and Johnson is a millionaire.

There are thousands and thousands of rags to riches stories of people who started out as children living in poverty who ultimately became multi millionaires. And most of them at some point worked somewhere for minimum wage.

Those who choose to not educate themselves in school, drop out or just get a social promotion diploma, get involved in illegal activities including abusing alcohol and other drugs, and who think doing menial labor or other minimum wage tasks is beneath them or not worth their time, are not likely to prosper. And the sad thing is, they blame everybody but themselves when they do not.
We conservatives just do not get it. Your account does not fit the liberal narrative.
That said, the left has rendered such accounts unacceptable.
The left has made out as unpopular, wealth , achievement and success.
I use this analogy: generations ago, a parent would be walking or driving in a car with their child. As they go, the parent would point out a luxury car or nice home.
The parent would tell the child they could one day own such things if they stayed in school, worked hard, paid attention to intelligent people so that they could have an opportunity at success.
Today, same scenario, the liberal parent tells their child the house and/or car are out of reach. Those things belong to people who have robbed the system and stolen from mommy and daddy. It is just not fair for some people to have all that money. They should be ashamed. The successful should be compelled to "share" their wealth or be punished.
I once knew a very intellgent woman but not intellgent to the extreme of helping with algebra or pre calculus...No not smart in that field. This woman was dirt poor had a daughter her sons had disowned her for a bad childhood, but the she told everyone time and time again she stayed with her mom for the simple fact that everyone needs someone even if she didnt get the hottest clothes or food every night she got the satisfaction of keeping her mother going a woman and 17 year old daughter whom live in a trailer and eat scraps contiune going on because they do follow 5 simple steps, which they believe every one should know.

1) If food is unavailable do not panic you can either A) find and kill your own takes a little more energy and time but if possible you can really hit a good meal or B) churches have food banks alot of times you can walk up after their sunday service cry a little ask and recieve your feast for the night this way you can have food for longer.

2) Money everyone has a few bucks to spare its just the matter of finding them alot of times Elderly couples mainly elderly women will throw 5's at you Younger women if you are a guy that drive bmw's or nice cars will give you some Younger men for those of you that are women will give you money just be sure to always carry protection on you.
Couples with kids between the age of 12-18 will throw some change at you enough for you to get a 2 dollar water or some health bars that are 25 cents usally found in gas stations. (this may be soliciting but, in most states you can not be arrested for it unless you have previously been asked to leave. if any polticans read this or tell you off when you tell them your strategy of surviving the world ask them if they had to feed themselves would they stoop to this level or starve to death until a million dollars falls from the sky)

3) Bathing and cleaning yourself is a necessity worst comes to worse if you have issues with a lake and bathing in it go to a car wash i know it sounds creepy but alot of times at night you can have more privacy than during the day. Getting soaps and tissue isnt that hard go into a gas station it is extremely easy to carry an empty soda bottle into a gas station bathroom and hit up the soap dispenser after words you can grap kleenexes out of their little fast food section.

4) clothes an cleaning them you can usually hand wash these items in a river use a rock and your hands you can use your shoelaces for your undergarments but heavier stuff your gonna have to use a tree branch.

5) sleeping arrangements alot of times if a roof is hard to find resort to bridges they are safe but you have to worry bout ppl and bugs but it is out of the weather if you are around abandon houses hit them up a little more safe and even though it is possibly illegal again you are trying to stay alive dont let your morals get in the way of that. But if it bothers you that much many places have homeless shelters we are talking warm beds clean too warm water hot food and clean clothes you gotta love that its almost like being rich.

The mother and daughter now live in a 3 bedroom trailer and the child (myself) have managed to get things on track i am attending college in the fall for paramedics and emt, and mother and i have both got jobs, we were able to stay alive and well from these simple steps.

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