How do red-blooded Americans feel about Islam?

List of Islamic Terror Attacks in America

You might not know it from the grand pity party that vocal Muslims seem to have thrown forthemselves in the years since 9/11, but only one Muslim in America was killed in a vigilante "revenge" attack following the horrific slaughter of thousands in the name of Allah. That would be Waqar Hasan, a Muslim convenience storeowner who was gunned down by Mark Anthony Stroman in Texas. Hardly an average American, Stroman was a white supremacist with a felony criminal record who went on to shoot two more people in the following weeks. However, he did claim to be motivated by anger after having watched the twin towers fall.

hankfully, an American jury sentenced Mark Stroman to death. The same cannot be said of many Muslim terrorists, including Palestinian mass murderers who who kill children. They are not only celebrated in some circles, but have even been invited to perform the Haj at Mecca - without a peep of protest from Muslim groups or individuals.

Despite the overwhelming obsession with "Islamophobia", there have been no Muslims killed in targeted attacks on American soil since. However, since 9/11, 89 Americans have been killed in 48 separate acts of Islamic terror or Islam-related honor killing in the United States, and hundreds of mass murder plots have been thwarted or botched. The real story is not "Islamophobia" but American tolerance - which rightly refuses to punish the individual based on group identity.

As the Muslim population increases in the United States, so too will the number of Islamic terror attacks. This is because the pool from which the radicals recruit grows bigger. Studies show that between 5 - 25% of Muslims in America believe that violence in defense of Islam is justified. The number of potential terrorists therefore grows proportionately with the overall number, even if only a small minority actually plot terror.
We are a nation of laws...........Since 9/11 only 1 Muslim has been killed, and that man was sentenced to death.

Since 9/11 there have been 89 killed by Muslims in America in 47 attacks

Countless attacks have been foiled by the FBI and other intel agencies since that time..............

The people in the Op are governed by the Laws of this country.........They should not be doing this...........but I understand the anger......................People are tired of hearing About Muslims gunning down people all over the world..........not just here.
Over 50% of these savages support suicide bombings. There is virtually no person on this planet who doesn't believe that war is sometimes justified.

Literally the dumbest fucking thing ever, none of those are 50% and you can't just go adding up NET totals like that. Unless you're being disingenuous the total of people who think Suicide bombing isn't acceptable outweighs the people who think they are. Not even factoring in how accurate the damned survey is or isn't.

It's not a NET poll, dumbass. It's legitimate poll. Contrary to your statement, the number of Muslims who think suicide bombing is acceptable outweighs the number who don't, but even if it didn't, it's still a huge percentage of muzzie savages who think it's OK to blow up innocent people by strapping explosives onto your body. We're talking hundreds of millions of people who approve of suicide bombing. You have to be an incredible reprobate not to think these statistics are utterly appalling.
LWNJ's believe that the San Berdu Jihadists were driven to radicalism by cultural insensitivity resulting from colonialism, White Privilege, institutional racism, and the aggregate effect of microaggressions over the years.

It's not their fault.

Naturally, the only solution is to outlaw all guns.

Who is advocating we outlaw all guns?
LWNJ's believe that the San Berdu Jihadists were driven to radicalism by cultural insensitivity resulting from colonialism, White Privilege, institutional racism, and the aggregate effect of microaggressions over the years.

It's not their fault.

Naturally, the only solution is to outlaw all guns.

Idiotic nonsense.

A ridiculous lie and straw man fallacy; ‘liberals’ believe no such thing.

They correctly understand that although a criminal act of terrorism, the terrorists are not ‘representative’ of ‘all Muslims,’ nor is Islam a ‘religion of terror.’

‘Liberals’ also correctly understand that individuals are alone responsible for their actions.

And the notion that ‘liberals’ advocate all guns be ‘banned’ is as stupid as it is wrong.
look and see whats happening worldwide and most of the killing , murder and disruptions are muslim caused . Everything from mass murder , slavery and invasion of Europe are all muslim caused Carineer !!

Very selective memory there... Who invaded the ME and caused ISIL?

Invasions in the ME have nothing to do with ISIL. ISIS is a Sunni revolution and its main goal is to eliminate the Shia who, in their view, have perverted Islam. Once they are done in Syria, Iran will be next.
The only thing they want from the West, is for us to sit it out, and let them create their Sunni Islam Caliphate. Your beloved Obama though, decided to aid ISIS by helping remove non-belligerent governments in Libya, Egypt, and Syria.
Called to the Pinella County, Florida Islamic Center, November of this year:

“Yes, I’m a red-blooded American watching the news in France. I’m over this shit. I’m calling all mosques in Pinellas County. I’m bringing it to you baby, I’m tired of this shit. Guard your children. I don’t care if you are extremists or not. I’m tired of your shit. Get out of my fucking country. I am going to bomb your fucking location. My name is Martin Schnitzler and you can fucking come and find me and report me whenever you want. I am going to fucking take you guys down. I’m sick of you sand n*****s fucking the world up. Fuck you. Fuck Allah. We’ll see how you like it when someone firebombs your fucking place, starts shooting people at will in our country. I’m taking the war to you and I’m going to have a big following. We’re over this shit. You’re not the only mosque in this call. Everyone is getting this call tonight. Fuck you.”

Cue Lee Greenwood!


34 Times American Muslims Suffered Discrimination In The Past Month

and this red blooded American's second call:

“Yes, I was calling in respect to the event on the 23rd and 24th of October, as well as the picnic on the 18th of October. I’ve already missed all that. But I’m basically going through your calendar and I just wanted to let you know with all this coming up with what’s going on in France, we’re tired of your shit and I’m going to fucking personally have a militia that’s going to come down to your Islamic Society in Pinellas County and firebomb you, shoot whoever’s there on sight in the head. I don’t care if they’re fucking 2 years old or 100. I’m over your fucking shit and the whole country. Check out Facebook. Check out postings. This attack in France is the last straw, and, you know, fuck you, fuck Allah, fuck your sand n****r fucking ass pit. Get the fuck out of my country. And my name is Martin Schnitzler. Come find me, please. Please report me because I would love, love it. You’re going to fucking die, Masjid Sunnah, or whatever the fuck your name is, you fucking sand n****r.”

Take note, apparently this guy thinks he has a militia.

I wonder if it's 'well regulated'?
Let's see Muslims killed 150 something people in a couple weeks and there were 34 acts of discrimiation that didn't kill anyone

Aww some people got their feelings hurt

That's so much worse than being dead I guess

Tacit support for anti-Muslim terrorism.

So now hurting someone's feelings is terrorism
Called to the Pinella County, Florida Islamic Center, November of this year:

“Yes, I’m a red-blooded American watching the news in France. I’m over this shit. I’m calling all mosques in Pinellas County. I’m bringing it to you baby, I’m tired of this shit. Guard your children. I don’t care if you are extremists or not. I’m tired of your shit. Get out of my fucking country. I am going to bomb your fucking location. My name is Martin Schnitzler and you can fucking come and find me and report me whenever you want. I am going to fucking take you guys down. I’m sick of you sand n*****s fucking the world up. Fuck you. Fuck Allah. We’ll see how you like it when someone firebombs your fucking place, starts shooting people at will in our country. I’m taking the war to you and I’m going to have a big following. We’re over this shit. You’re not the only mosque in this call. Everyone is getting this call tonight. Fuck you.”

Cue Lee Greenwood!


34 Times American Muslims Suffered Discrimination In The Past Month

and this red blooded American's second call:

“Yes, I was calling in respect to the event on the 23rd and 24th of October, as well as the picnic on the 18th of October. I’ve already missed all that. But I’m basically going through your calendar and I just wanted to let you know with all this coming up with what’s going on in France, we’re tired of your shit and I’m going to fucking personally have a militia that’s going to come down to your Islamic Society in Pinellas County and firebomb you, shoot whoever’s there on sight in the head. I don’t care if they’re fucking 2 years old or 100. I’m over your fucking shit and the whole country. Check out Facebook. Check out postings. This attack in France is the last straw, and, you know, fuck you, fuck Allah, fuck your sand n****r fucking ass pit. Get the fuck out of my country. And my name is Martin Schnitzler. Come find me, please. Please report me because I would love, love it. You’re going to fucking die, Masjid Sunnah, or whatever the fuck your name is, you fucking sand n****r.”

Take note, apparently this guy thinks he has a militia.

I wonder if it's 'well regulated'?
Let's see Muslims killed 150 something people in a couple weeks and there were 34 acts of discrimiation that didn't kill anyone

Aww some people got their feelings hurt

That's so much worse than being dead I guess

Tacit support for anti-Muslim terrorism.

So now hurting someone's feelings is terrorism

Terroristic Threat Law & Legal Definition
Called to the Pinella County, Florida Islamic Center, November of this year:

“Yes, I’m a red-blooded American watching the news in France. I’m over this shit. I’m calling all mosques in Pinellas County. I’m bringing it to you baby, I’m tired of this shit. Guard your children. I don’t care if you are extremists or not. I’m tired of your shit. Get out of my fucking country. I am going to bomb your fucking location. My name is Martin Schnitzler and you can fucking come and find me and report me whenever you want. I am going to fucking take you guys down. I’m sick of you sand n*****s fucking the world up. Fuck you. Fuck Allah. We’ll see how you like it when someone firebombs your fucking place, starts shooting people at will in our country. I’m taking the war to you and I’m going to have a big following. We’re over this shit. You’re not the only mosque in this call. Everyone is getting this call tonight. Fuck you.”

Cue Lee Greenwood!


34 Times American Muslims Suffered Discrimination In The Past Month

and this red blooded American's second call:

“Yes, I was calling in respect to the event on the 23rd and 24th of October, as well as the picnic on the 18th of October. I’ve already missed all that. But I’m basically going through your calendar and I just wanted to let you know with all this coming up with what’s going on in France, we’re tired of your shit and I’m going to fucking personally have a militia that’s going to come down to your Islamic Society in Pinellas County and firebomb you, shoot whoever’s there on sight in the head. I don’t care if they’re fucking 2 years old or 100. I’m over your fucking shit and the whole country. Check out Facebook. Check out postings. This attack in France is the last straw, and, you know, fuck you, fuck Allah, fuck your sand n****r fucking ass pit. Get the fuck out of my country. And my name is Martin Schnitzler. Come find me, please. Please report me because I would love, love it. You’re going to fucking die, Masjid Sunnah, or whatever the fuck your name is, you fucking sand n****r.”

Take note, apparently this guy thinks he has a militia.

I wonder if it's 'well regulated'?
Let's see Muslims killed 150 something people in a couple weeks and there were 34 acts of discrimiation that didn't kill anyone

Aww some people got their feelings hurt

That's so much worse than being dead I guess

Tacit support for anti-Muslim terrorism.

So now hurting someone's feelings is terrorism

Terroristic Threat Law & Legal Definition
According the the US Attorneys office, if you apply the same standard they did for Farrakhan, it's protect political speech.
Last edited:
LWNJ's believe that the San Berdu Jihadists were driven to radicalism by cultural insensitivity resulting from colonialism, White Privilege, institutional racism, and the aggregate effect of microaggressions over the years.

It's not their fault.

Naturally, the only solution is to outlaw all guns.

Who is advocating we outlaw all guns?

The pro gun control crowd.

I know, I know. I already hear your objection. "Nobody has said to ban 'all guns.' We just want reasonable regulation." Except, nobody has any 'reasonable regulation.' And all the rhetoric that's used to support your positions is pretty much always so vague and generic it's impossible to accept it and still stop short of a 100% ban.

Best example: The so called 'assault' weapon classification. This is a 100% made up classification. After decades of using this term nobody has yet to offer a definition of what constitutes an 'assault' weapons that goes beyond cosmetic aspects of a weapon, or ends up being so broad that it applies to nearly any gun invented after the musket. And when it's not ambiguities, it's ignorance that the vast majority of you anti-gun crowd employ. You guys still can't get it through your skulls that a semiautomatic is not an automatic weapon.

And the reality is that nothing is ever enough. California thought they were smart by banning weapons that have a detachable magazine. That would have reduced most weapons to a one-time-use style, effectively making most guns illegal since single use guns would be cost prohibitive. But then someone invented the bullet button. That pissed people off and now people want to prohibit the bullet button, while Barbara Boxer wants to outlaw it nation wide. It never ends.
Called to the Pinella County, Florida Islamic Center, November of this year:

“Yes, I’m a red-blooded American watching the news in France. I’m over this shit. I’m calling all mosques in Pinellas County. I’m bringing it to you baby, I’m tired of this shit. Guard your children. I don’t care if you are extremists or not. I’m tired of your shit. Get out of my fucking country. I am going to bomb your fucking location. My name is Martin Schnitzler and you can fucking come and find me and report me whenever you want. I am going to fucking take you guys down. I’m sick of you sand n*****s fucking the world up. Fuck you. Fuck Allah. We’ll see how you like it when someone firebombs your fucking place, starts shooting people at will in our country. I’m taking the war to you and I’m going to have a big following. We’re over this shit. You’re not the only mosque in this call. Everyone is getting this call tonight. Fuck you.”

Cue Lee Greenwood!


34 Times American Muslims Suffered Discrimination In The Past Month

and this red blooded American's second call:

“Yes, I was calling in respect to the event on the 23rd and 24th of October, as well as the picnic on the 18th of October. I’ve already missed all that. But I’m basically going through your calendar and I just wanted to let you know with all this coming up with what’s going on in France, we’re tired of your shit and I’m going to fucking personally have a militia that’s going to come down to your Islamic Society in Pinellas County and firebomb you, shoot whoever’s there on sight in the head. I don’t care if they’re fucking 2 years old or 100. I’m over your fucking shit and the whole country. Check out Facebook. Check out postings. This attack in France is the last straw, and, you know, fuck you, fuck Allah, fuck your sand n****r fucking ass pit. Get the fuck out of my country. And my name is Martin Schnitzler. Come find me, please. Please report me because I would love, love it. You’re going to fucking die, Masjid Sunnah, or whatever the fuck your name is, you fucking sand n****r.”

Take note, apparently this guy thinks he has a militia.

I wonder if it's 'well regulated'?
Let's see Muslims killed 150 something people in a couple weeks and there were 34 acts of discrimiation that didn't kill anyone

Aww some people got their feelings hurt

That's so much worse than being dead I guess

Tacit support for anti-Muslim terrorism.

So now hurting someone's feelings is terrorism

Terroristic Threat Law & Legal Definition
According the the US Attorneys office, if you apply the same standard they did for Farrakhan, it's protect political speech.

That's meaningless drivel.

According to YOU what is a direct threat to kill the members of a mosque?
Phobia is an irrational fear. Nothing irrational about fearing the practitioners of islam.

It is when you fear the 99% of Muslims who will never commit a terrorist act or give material support to such acts.
You have to include tacit support, then your numbers are off by a mile.


Yeah, those peace loving Muslims are a model for us all to follow.

If bombings were the measure of who hates peace, Americans would be high on that list.

Over 50% of these savages support suicide bombings. There is virtually no person on this planet who doesn't believe that war is sometimes justified.

Is firebombing mosques justified? Is threatening to firebomb a mosque and kill the church members justified?

I literally LOVE putting you RWnuts in the position where you cannot condemn domestic anti-Muslim terrorism.
It's strange how the left sides with Muslims, very strange

Especially considering how Islam treats the causes the left loves. Freedom of the press invites massacres, gays get tossed off of buildings, women are second class, there are no alternative religions, and so on.
It's strange how the left sides with Muslims, very strange

Especially considering how Islam treats the causes the left loves. Freedom of the press invites massacres, gays get tossed off of buildings, women are second class, there are no alternative religions, and so on.

How is siding with Muslim-Americans who are being threatened with their mosque being firebombed and they being killed some sort of wrong? Do you side with the terrorist making the threats?
Not at all, but what Islam demands (and its followers do) and what the left pretends isn't a facet is Islam is the issue. The left uses Islam as a political talking point but conveniently forgets just what it is Islam is all about. They'll gladly saw a lesbian's head off just for being a lesbian all the while the left goes on and on about how the Republicans are the real problem for women.
Let's see Muslims killed 150 something people in a couple weeks and there were 34 acts of discrimiation that didn't kill anyone

Aww some people got their feelings hurt

That's so much worse than being dead I guess

Tacit support for anti-Muslim terrorism.

So now hurting someone's feelings is terrorism

Terroristic Threat Law & Legal Definition
According the the US Attorneys office, if you apply the same standard they did for Farrakhan, it's protect political speech.

That's meaningless drivel.

According to YOU what is a direct threat to kill the members of a mosque?
If that mosque member is anything other than a secular muslim I'd call it self defense.
I feel the same about all Abrahamic Republicans.

They all come from the same guy. No wonder they are so much alike.

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