How do red-blooded Americans feel about Islam?

It is when you fear the 99% of Muslims who will never commit a terrorist act or give material support to such acts.
You have to include tacit support, then your numbers are off by a mile.


Yeah, those peace loving Muslims are a model for us all to follow.

If bombings were the measure of who hates peace, Americans would be high on that list.

Over 50% of these savages support suicide bombings. There is virtually no person on this planet who doesn't believe that war is sometimes justified.

Is firebombing mosques justified? Is threatening to firebomb a mosque and kill the church members justified?

I literally LOVE putting you RWnuts in the position where you cannot condemn domestic anti-Muslim terrorism.

Words are not terrorism
You have to include tacit support, then your numbers are off by a mile.


Yeah, those peace loving Muslims are a model for us all to follow.

If bombings were the measure of who hates peace, Americans would be high on that list.

Over 50% of these savages support suicide bombings. There is virtually no person on this planet who doesn't believe that war is sometimes justified.

Is firebombing mosques justified? Is threatening to firebomb a mosque and kill the church members justified?

I literally LOVE putting you RWnuts in the position where you cannot condemn domestic anti-Muslim terrorism.

Words are not terrorism

They are to tender leftist snowflakes
If that mosque member is anything other than a secular muslim I'd call it self defense.

Then that makes you a terrorist.
How dose defending yourself from a group that wants to kill, enslave, or subjugate you make you a terrorist?

How does killing innocent people because they are of a particular religion amount to self defense? How does it not amount to terrorism?

You known what.....don't answer. You're such an extremist your mind is 100% diseased. Better to simply block you.
If that mosque member is anything other than a secular muslim I'd call it self defense.

Then that makes you a terrorist.
How dose defending yourself from a group that wants to kill, enslave, or subjugate you make you a terrorist?

How does killing innocent people because they are of a particular religion amount to self defense? How does it not amount to terrorism?

You known what.....don't answer. You're such an extremist your mind is 100% diseased. Better to simply block you.

What innocent muslims in this country have been killed simply for being muslim?
If that mosque member is anything other than a secular muslim I'd call it self defense.

Then that makes you a terrorist.
How dose defending yourself from a group that wants to kill, enslave, or subjugate you make you a terrorist?

How does killing innocent people because they are of a particular religion amount to self defense? How does it not amount to terrorism?

You known what.....don't answer. You're such an extremist your mind is 100% diseased. Better to simply block you.

What innocent muslims in this country have been killed simply for being muslim?

Are you not paying attention? The discussion in this thread is about doing exactly that. Tex advocates it, and claims that doing so would be "self defense." If you agree with him then just cut to the chase right now and say so, so I can know that you're also a terrorist and block you too.
If that mosque member is anything other than a secular muslim I'd call it self defense.

Then that makes you a terrorist.
How dose defending yourself from a group that wants to kill, enslave, or subjugate you make you a terrorist?

How does killing innocent people because they are of a particular religion amount to self defense? How does it not amount to terrorism?

You known what.....don't answer. You're such an extremist your mind is 100% diseased. Better to simply block you.

What innocent muslims in this country have been killed simply for being muslim?

Are you not paying attention? The discussion in this thread is about doing exactly that. Tex advocates it, and claims that doing so would be "self defense." If you agree with him then just cut to the chase right now and say so, so I can know that you're also a terrorist and block you too.

Maybe you don't realize that talking and actually killing are 2 completely different things

So I ask you how many musims in this country have been killed simply for being muslim
If that mosque member is anything other than a secular muslim I'd call it self defense.

Then that makes you a terrorist.
How dose defending yourself from a group that wants to kill, enslave, or subjugate you make you a terrorist?

How does killing innocent people because they are of a particular religion amount to self defense? How does it not amount to terrorism?

You known what.....don't answer. You're such an extremist your mind is 100% diseased. Better to simply block you.

What innocent muslims in this country have been killed simply for being muslim?

Are you not paying attention? The discussion in this thread is about doing exactly that. Tex advocates it, and claims that doing so would be "self defense." If you agree with him then just cut to the chase right now and say so, so I can know that you're also a terrorist and block you too.
Bull Shit, I never advocated killing an innocent person.
People who want you dead or subjugated are not innocent.
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You have to include tacit support, then your numbers are off by a mile.


Yeah, those peace loving Muslims are a model for us all to follow.

If bombings were the measure of who hates peace, Americans would be high on that list.

Over 50% of these savages support suicide bombings. There is virtually no person on this planet who doesn't believe that war is sometimes justified.

Is firebombing mosques justified? Is threatening to firebomb a mosque and kill the church members justified?

I literally LOVE putting you RWnuts in the position where you cannot condemn domestic anti-Muslim terrorism.

Words are not terrorism

Maybe not to a retard like you.
Called to the Pinella County, Florida Islamic Center, November of this year:

“Yes, I’m a red-blooded American watching the news in France. I’m over this shit. I’m calling all mosques in Pinellas County. I’m bringing it to you baby, I’m tired of this shit. Guard your children. I don’t care if you are extremists or not. I’m tired of your shit. Get out of my fucking country. I am going to bomb your fucking location. My name is Martin Schnitzler and you can fucking come and find me and report me whenever you want. I am going to fucking take you guys down. I’m sick of you sand n*****s fucking the world up. Fuck you. Fuck Allah. We’ll see how you like it when someone firebombs your fucking place, starts shooting people at will in our country. I’m taking the war to you and I’m going to have a big following. We’re over this shit. You’re not the only mosque in this call. Everyone is getting this call tonight. Fuck you.”

Cue Lee Greenwood!


34 Times American Muslims Suffered Discrimination In The Past Month

and this red blooded American's second call:

“Yes, I was calling in respect to the event on the 23rd and 24th of October, as well as the picnic on the 18th of October. I’ve already missed all that. But I’m basically going through your calendar and I just wanted to let you know with all this coming up with what’s going on in France, we’re tired of your shit and I’m going to fucking personally have a militia that’s going to come down to your Islamic Society in Pinellas County and firebomb you, shoot whoever’s there on sight in the head. I don’t care if they’re fucking 2 years old or 100. I’m over your fucking shit and the whole country. Check out Facebook. Check out postings. This attack in France is the last straw, and, you know, fuck you, fuck Allah, fuck your sand n****r fucking ass pit. Get the fuck out of my country. And my name is Martin Schnitzler. Come find me, please. Please report me because I would love, love it. You’re going to fucking die, Masjid Sunnah, or whatever the fuck your name is, you fucking sand n****r.”

Take note, apparently this guy thinks he has a militia.

I wonder if it's 'well regulated'?

It's embarrassing to see we have such extremely stupid people in America.

If he actually thinks that Florida is a separate nation from America he's nuts.

If he actually thinks that terrorizing and murdering American citizens is taking it to "you" as in the terrorists in the middle east who are terrorizing and killing muslims, the man is totally bat crap out of his mind.

The male terrorist who killed in San Bernardino was born and raised in America.

No one from Syria or Isis has come to America and killed Americans.

So far all those who kill Americans, are Americans. Mostly white and christians.
It's strange how the left sides with Muslims, very strange

It;s actually hilarious that they do. They do and stand for things against the most basic tenets of Islam. If any of the Progs claiming to support Islam lived in a Sharia community, they'd either be dead or maimed in no time at all.

I find it interesting that you believe that the people in the middle east who are terrorizing muslims in Syria and Iraq, are here living in America.

The people you want to harm and kill are Americans who live here. Who never did anything to anyone.

Why do you want to harm innocent people yet turn a blind eye to those who are actually terrorizing people?

It's also interesting that you are absolutely no different from those terrorists you're so afraid of. You also hate and want to terrorize innocent American citizens.
Strange how the right sides with the Islamiphobs
Phobia is an irrational fear. Nothing irrational about fearing the practitioners of islam.

It is when you fear the 99% of Muslims who will never commit a terrorist act or give material support to such acts.
You have to include tacit support, then your numbers are off by a mile.

You are expressing tacit support for the guy in the OP, a terrorist.

Terrorizing Americans in a mosque in Florida is not self preservation.

It's terrorizing American citizens.
If that mosque member is anything other than a secular muslim I'd call it self defense.

Then that makes you a terrorist.
How dose defending yourself from a group that wants to kill, enslave, or subjugate you make you a terrorist?

How does killing innocent people because they are of a particular religion amount to self defense? How does it not amount to terrorism?

You known what.....don't answer. You're such an extremist your mind is 100% diseased. Better to simply block you.

What innocent muslims in this country have been killed simply for being muslim?

Are you not paying attention? The discussion in this thread is about doing exactly that. Tex advocates it, and claims that doing so would be "self defense." If you agree with him then just cut to the chase right now and say so, so I can know that you're also a terrorist and block you too.
Do you also object this strongly to all the exhortations in the Quran to kill the infidel? The people reading that without objection are terrorists too then?
Then that makes you a terrorist.
How dose defending yourself from a group that wants to kill, enslave, or subjugate you make you a terrorist?

How does killing innocent people because they are of a particular religion amount to self defense? How does it not amount to terrorism?

You known what.....don't answer. You're such an extremist your mind is 100% diseased. Better to simply block you.

What innocent muslims in this country have been killed simply for being muslim?

Are you not paying attention? The discussion in this thread is about doing exactly that. Tex advocates it, and claims that doing so would be "self defense." If you agree with him then just cut to the chase right now and say so, so I can know that you're also a terrorist and block you too.
Do you also object this strongly to all the exhortations in the Quran to kill the infidel? The people reading that without objection are terrorists too then?

No religion has a book that every person of that religion follows to the letter.

This quoting the Koran bullshit is just a standard issue propaganda tactic of Islamophobes.

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