How do the non-spiritual explain it?

Setting aside the various criticisms of religious beliefs for a moment, and pretending the whimsical dismissal of God is perfectly 'natural' for man and all... how do the non-spiritualists explain the following....

Astral projection experiences.
Near-death experiences.
Transcendental meditation.
ESP and telepathy.
Ghost stories and paranormal experiences.
Other unexplained supernatural phenomenon.
Spells, curses and black magic.
Edgar Cayce.
Prophecy in general.

Is every single bit of it a bunch of hooey caused by our fears and imagination?

To me, it just seems as if there might be something more here. Especially in the case of people like Edgar Cayce. If you've never studied up on him, it's worth a search and read... fascinating man. His uncanny ability to predict the future was beyond anything we've ever known. He gave over 14k readings but that includes a brief period where he didn't do them because he was getting headaches. People were exploiting his power to win horse races and trade stock and he believed this was why he was getting the headaches. After some time, he did more readings but only his trusted wife was allowed to ask him questions.

Can our physical sciences understand this?

A lot can be explained away as simply using the wrong terms for otherwise scientific concepts and phenomenae. For example, prior to understanding our inner monologues (the voice in our heads when we 'think' to ourselves,) that voice could have been thought to be angels, gods, or whatever else. But calling it something supernatural doesn't change what it actually is. As with things like 'astral projection' being something perfectly mundane and explainable via neuroscience. Way our brains works and our thoughts get processed is only now being defined and understood by science. So a lot of what passes for supernatural phenomenae is on its way out of our lexicons and getting replaced with science.

I've had numerable experiences with near and short-term precognitive events in my life, but I can never do it on-demand. It's always when my mind is relaxed and I don't focus on anything in particular. Some seemingly random thought pops in then I become more consciously aware of it and to me it seems like I had a glimpse of a very near future event. Unfortunately, my growing knowledge of neuroscience has killed this romantic explanation and been replaced with a better understanding of perception and neural processing. Basicly, we retroactively define or explain something out of chronological order making it seem like knowledge of an event took place prior to perception of it. But in reality it happened in the right order but our brains tricked us. Stage illusions/magic has taken advantage of this sort of thing for millenia. It's neat to think somehow some of it might be real, but it's not. There is no supernatural, just natural and extranatural (natural things but off planet Earth.)
Boss, did you state God talks to you. sealybobo, do you have a post number to back up your statement that he did?

No, he is mischaracterizing something I said because he's a dumbass. God (my conception) doesn't "talk" because it's not human. I am a Spiritualist. I communicate daily with a force beyond my physical self. I don't "believe" this force exists, I am aware of it.
Well there you go, sealybobo , you are unable to get just about anything figured out, including which poster is which. And that once again leaves me as the only one on the planet who claims God speaks to him as far as I know.
Boss, did you state God talks to you. sealybobo, do you have a post number to back up your statement that he did?

No, he is mischaracterizing something I said because he's a dumbass. God (my conception) doesn't "talk" because it's not human. I am a Spiritualist. I communicate daily with a force beyond my physical self. I don't "believe" this force exists, I am aware of it.
Well there you go, sealybobo , you are unable to get just about anything figured out, including which poster is which. And that once again leaves me as the only one on the planet who claims God speaks to him as far as I know.
he told me you would say that........
Boss, did you state God talks to you. sealybobo, do you have a post number to back up your statement that he did?

No, he is mischaracterizing something I said because he's a dumbass. God (my conception) doesn't "talk" because it's not human. I am a Spiritualist. I communicate daily with a force beyond my physical self. I don't "believe" this force exists, I am aware of it.
Well there you go, sealybobo , you are unable to get just about anything figured out, including which poster is which. And that once again leaves me as the only one on the planet who claims God speaks to him as far as I know.
he told me you would say that........
You're a hoot. :rolleyes-41:
A lot can be explained away as simply using the wrong terms for otherwise scientific concepts and phenomenae. For example, prior to understanding our inner monologues (the voice in our heads when we 'think' to ourselves,) that voice could have been thought to be angels, gods, or whatever else. But calling it something supernatural doesn't change what it actually is. As with things like 'astral projection' being something perfectly mundane and explainable via neuroscience. Way our brains works and our thoughts get processed is only now being defined and understood by science. So a lot of what passes for supernatural phenomenae is on its way out of our lexicons and getting replaced with science.

I've had numerable experiences with near and short-term precognitive events in my life, but I can never do it on-demand. It's always when my mind is relaxed and I don't focus on anything in particular. Some seemingly random thought pops in then I become more consciously aware of it and to me it seems like I had a glimpse of a very near future event. Unfortunately, my growing knowledge of neuroscience has killed this romantic explanation and been replaced with a better understanding of perception and neural processing. Basicly, we retroactively define or explain something out of chronological order making it seem like knowledge of an event took place prior to perception of it. But in reality it happened in the right order but our brains tricked us. Stage illusions/magic has taken advantage of this sort of thing for millenia. It's neat to think somehow some of it might be real, but it's not. There is no supernatural, just natural and extranatural (natural things but off planet Earth.)

Lots of things can be "explained away" ...especially using complicated scientific concepts that can neither be proven or disproved. Certainly, there are many so-called phenomena which can be logically explained by modern neuroscience... but 100% of the time, all the time? In every documented case in every field mentioned in the OP.... ALL of them? I say that is as unlikely as all the cases being legitimate and valid. Reason and rationality tell me that, at least in some cases, there is something happening which science can't explain.

Now, I do understand why someone who is non-spiritual and virtually "at war" with the religious, would systemically reject any notion of something outside the physical, regardless of the evidence. If it is ever admitted that just ONE of the literally billions of accounts is valid, it means there is a possibility they can all be valid. That possibility simply cannot exist for the non-spiritual. They are resigned to physical nature being the only nature of reality.
So you are on record... Absolutely 0% of all the billions of associated events mentioned in the OP are legitimate?
What does legitmate mean, that people perceived things in a certain way? Oh, I'm happy to stipulate some people will swear they experienced some things. So what. Rumsfeld for instance swore Iraq had significant stashes of WMD.

That there are 0% events that can be objectively verified as being the work of supernature? Yup.

I'd imagine if you are aware of an instance that could be objectively verified that you would have brought it to our attention.

PS Your argument was still an appeal to the number of suckers.
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That there are 0% events that can be objectively verified as being the work of supernature? Yup.

If all the cases could be explained by physical nature, none of the areas I mentioned would amount to anything. That's the whole point here, nature can't explain very much of this stuff. Still... even with science failing to give you any rational answer, you are willing to remain in blissful denial of any possibility outside your narrow thinking.
That there are 0% events that can be objectively verified as being the work of supernature? Yup.

If all the cases could be explained by physical nature, none of the areas I mentioned would amount to anything. That's the whole point here, nature can't explain very much of this stuff. Still... even with science failing to give you any rational answer, you are willing to remain in blissful denial of any possibility outside your narrow thinking.
Yet another reiteration of the fears and superstitions that have been the hallmark of religious belief: "I don't understand it, therefore, the gawds did it"

What a shame. No converts to the religion of Boss' Ministry of Spirit Realms.

Setting aside the various criticisms of religious beliefs for a moment, and pretending the whimsical dismissal of God is perfectly 'natural' for man and all... how do the non-spiritualists explain the following....

Astral projection experiences.
Near-death experiences.
Transcendental meditation.
ESP and telepathy.
Ghost stories and paranormal experiences.
Other unexplained supernatural phenomenon.
Spells, curses and black magic.
Edgar Cayce.
Prophecy in general.

Is every single bit of it a bunch of hooey caused by our fears and imagination?

To me, it just seems as if there might be something more here. Especially in the case of people like Edgar Cayce. If you've never studied up on him, it's worth a search and read... fascinating man. His uncanny ability to predict the future was beyond anything we've ever known. He gave over 14k readings but that includes a brief period where he didn't do them because he was getting headaches. People were exploiting his power to win horse races and trade stock and he believed this was why he was getting the headaches. After some time, he did more readings but only his trusted wife was allowed to ask him questions.

Can our physical sciences understand this?
For an open minded non spritual person, I'd say they'd explain it like this...

"It's unexplained phenomena." It's actually a brilliant way to answer your question. Some people simply don't feel the need to claim that it's spiritual gobbledygook. I don't know what it is really makes anybody claiming to know what it is appear to be charlatans.
Here let's see if I can break it down:

Astral projection experiences - hallucination of the mind
Near-death experiences - hallucination of the mind
Transcendental meditation - just smoke weed. It's easier.
ESP and telepathy - as you put it... "hooey"
Ghost stories and paranormal experiences - also "hooey"
Other unexplained supernatural phenomenon - more hooey
Spells, curses and black magic - a buttload of hooey
Edgar Cayce - see "Miss Cleo"
Nostradamus - hooey
Prophecy in general - hooey

Thanks, Corky... now can we hear from those who still have living brain cells?

I think when someone dismisses the literal millions upon millions of accounts comprising my rather long list, it illustrates a person who has tuned out all rationality and exists in a state of total denial. I'm not claiming there is something to everything, but that much of something has to be significant. It's at the least, reasonable to consider there might be other forces at work.

People like “Theoldschool” are here because most likely they are afraid. They are looking for affirmation that they do not have to be accountable to any God because they want to live their lives as they please but also hedge their bet. They want some documentation that shows they tried to find out if there was a God, convinced themselves through the lamest of excuses there was no sign of God, and now they can continue on their merry way. Misery loves company to put it another way.

His answers were a total embarrassment devoid of a scientific explanation. For instance, in 2008 when a non-believing neurosurgeon, Dr Eban Alexander, lay near death in a coma for six days because of bacterial meningitis and the doctors are ready to pull the plug on him, all of a sudden his pop open and he makes a remarkable fully recovery. While he had virtually no brain function he experienced paradise as an atheist. He did his research afterwards demonstrating how his condition could never have allowed such brain activity. But no one wants to believe his scientific work. Why? Because his science gives evidence for God not the opposite. Deniers of God only point to science when it supports their wishes and dismisses its findings when it proves them wrong.

There are many souls on earth that are either brought back from purgatory or are having some connect with what God intends. Ghosts, yes, in some cases. Spells and curses are too often real.

You will not get anyone on the side of the skeptic here to admit they could very well have been wrong because they have already been given the evidence. Their preferred defense is to try to pick them off one by one, but from my experience, it comes off sad. Everything is hallucination or mass hallucination when thousands see the same thing, or of course, all the eye witnesses are liars.

I still love the events from Indiana where the devils scared the hell out of the social workers and law enforcement personnel who came to investigate the strange occurrences in that house. Once again, the deniers of the supernatural here had nothing but lame counter-explanations. I no longer expect anything else.
Here let's see if I can break it down:

Astral projection experiences - hallucination of the mind
Near-death experiences - hallucination of the mind
Transcendental meditation - just smoke weed. It's easier.
ESP and telepathy - as you put it... "hooey"
Ghost stories and paranormal experiences - also "hooey"
Other unexplained supernatural phenomenon - more hooey
Spells, curses and black magic - a buttload of hooey
Edgar Cayce - see "Miss Cleo"
Nostradamus - hooey
Prophecy in general - hooey

Thanks, Corky... now can we hear from those who still have living brain cells?

I think when someone dismisses the literal millions upon millions of accounts comprising my rather long list, it illustrates a person who has tuned out all rationality and exists in a state of total denial. I'm not claiming there is something to everything, but that much of something has to be significant. It's at the least, reasonable to consider there might be other forces at work.

People like “Theoldschool” are here because most likely they are afraid. They are looking for affirmation that they do not have to be accountable to any God because they want to live their lives as they please but also hedge their bet. They want some documentation that shows they tried to find out if there was a God, convinced themselves through the lamest of excuses there was no sign of God, and now they can continue on their merry way. Misery loves company to put it another way.

His answers were a total embarrassment devoid of a scientific explanation. For instance, in 2008 when a non-believing neurosurgeon, Dr Eban Alexander, lay near death in a coma for six days because of bacterial meningitis and the doctors are ready to pull the plug on him, all of a sudden his pop open and he makes a remarkable fully recovery. While he had virtually no brain function he experienced paradise as an atheist. He did his research afterwards demonstrating how his condition could never have allowed such brain activity. But no one wants to believe his scientific work. Why? Because his science gives evidence for God not the opposite. Deniers of God only point to science when it supports their wishes and dismisses its findings when it proves them wrong.

There are many souls on earth that are either brought back from purgatory or are having some connect with what God intends. Ghosts, yes, in some cases. Spells and curses are too often real.

You will not get anyone on the side of the skeptic here to admit they could very well have been wrong because they have already been given the evidence. Their preferred defense is to try to pick them off one by one, but from my experience, it comes off sad. Everything is hallucination or mass hallucination when thousands see the same thing, or of course, all the eye witnesses are liars.

I still love the events from Indiana where the devils scared the hell out of the social workers and law enforcement personnel who came to investigate the strange occurrences in that house. Once again, the deniers of the supernatural here had nothing but lame counter-explanations. I no longer expect anything else.
^ this nigga cray
Here let's see if I can break it down:

Astral projection experiences - hallucination of the mind
Near-death experiences - hallucination of the mind
Transcendental meditation - just smoke weed. It's easier.
ESP and telepathy - as you put it... "hooey"
Ghost stories and paranormal experiences - also "hooey"
Other unexplained supernatural phenomenon - more hooey
Spells, curses and black magic - a buttload of hooey
Edgar Cayce - see "Miss Cleo"
Nostradamus - hooey
Prophecy in general - hooey

Thanks, Corky... now can we hear from those who still have living brain cells?

I think when someone dismisses the literal millions upon millions of accounts comprising my rather long list, it illustrates a person who has tuned out all rationality and exists in a state of total denial. I'm not claiming there is something to everything, but that much of something has to be significant. It's at the least, reasonable to consider there might be other forces at work.

People like “Theoldschool” are here because most likely they are afraid. They are looking for affirmation that they do not have to be accountable to any God because they want to live their lives as they please but also hedge their bet. They want some documentation that shows they tried to find out if there was a God, convinced themselves through the lamest of excuses there was no sign of God, and now they can continue on their merry way. Misery loves company to put it another way.

His answers were a total embarrassment devoid of a scientific explanation. For instance, in 2008 when a non-believing neurosurgeon, Dr Eban Alexander, lay near death in a coma for six days because of bacterial meningitis and the doctors are ready to pull the plug on him, all of a sudden his pop open and he makes a remarkable fully recovery. While he had virtually no brain function he experienced paradise as an atheist. He did his research afterwards demonstrating how his condition could never have allowed such brain activity. But no one wants to believe his scientific work. Why? Because his science gives evidence for God not the opposite. Deniers of God only point to science when it supports their wishes and dismisses its findings when it proves them wrong.

There are many souls on earth that are either brought back from purgatory or are having some connect with what God intends. Ghosts, yes, in some cases. Spells and curses are too often real.

You will not get anyone on the side of the skeptic here to admit they could very well have been wrong because they have already been given the evidence. Their preferred defense is to try to pick them off one by one, but from my experience, it comes off sad. Everything is hallucination or mass hallucination when thousands see the same thing, or of course, all the eye witnesses are liars.

I still love the events from Indiana where the devils scared the hell out of the social workers and law enforcement personnel who came to investigate the strange occurrences in that house. Once again, the deniers of the supernatural here had nothing but lame counter-explanations. I no longer expect anything else.
^ this nigga cray
Yeah, you're scared. You know it. That God you don't believe in May actually be
Here let's see if I can break it down:

Astral projection experiences - hallucination of the mind
Near-death experiences - hallucination of the mind
Transcendental meditation - just smoke weed. It's easier.
ESP and telepathy - as you put it... "hooey"
Ghost stories and paranormal experiences - also "hooey"
Other unexplained supernatural phenomenon - more hooey
Spells, curses and black magic - a buttload of hooey
Edgar Cayce - see "Miss Cleo"
Nostradamus - hooey
Prophecy in general - hooey

Thanks, Corky... now can we hear from those who still have living brain cells?

I think when someone dismisses the literal millions upon millions of accounts comprising my rather long list, it illustrates a person who has tuned out all rationality and exists in a state of total denial. I'm not claiming there is something to everything, but that much of something has to be significant. It's at the least, reasonable to consider there might be other forces at work.

People like “Theoldschool” are here because most likely they are afraid. They are looking for affirmation that they do not have to be accountable to any God because they want to live their lives as they please but also hedge their bet. They want some documentation that shows they tried to find out if there was a God, convinced themselves through the lamest of excuses there was no sign of God, and now they can continue on their merry way. Misery loves company to put it another way.

His answers were a total embarrassment devoid of a scientific explanation. For instance, in 2008 when a non-believing neurosurgeon, Dr Eban Alexander, lay near death in a coma for six days because of bacterial meningitis and the doctors are ready to pull the plug on him, all of a sudden his pop open and he makes a remarkable fully recovery. While he had virtually no brain function he experienced paradise as an atheist. He did his research afterwards demonstrating how his condition could never have allowed such brain activity. But no one wants to believe his scientific work. Why? Because his science gives evidence for God not the opposite. Deniers of God only point to science when it supports their wishes and dismisses its findings when it proves them wrong.

There are many souls on earth that are either brought back from purgatory or are having some connect with what God intends. Ghosts, yes, in some cases. Spells and curses are too often real.

You will not get anyone on the side of the skeptic here to admit they could very well have been wrong because they have already been given the evidence. Their preferred defense is to try to pick them off one by one, but from my experience, it comes off sad. Everything is hallucination or mass hallucination when thousands see the same thing, or of course, all the eye witnesses are liars.

I still love the events from Indiana where the devils scared the hell out of the social workers and law enforcement personnel who came to investigate the strange occurrences in that house. Once again, the deniers of the supernatural here had nothing but lame counter-explanations. I no longer expect anything else.
^ this nigga cray

I should be surprised you have nothing intelligent to say?

Life in general and people in general cause me a lot of sorrow and concern. We are not playing a game.
Here let's see if I can break it down:

Astral projection experiences - hallucination of the mind
Near-death experiences - hallucination of the mind
Transcendental meditation - just smoke weed. It's easier.
ESP and telepathy - as you put it... "hooey"
Ghost stories and paranormal experiences - also "hooey"
Other unexplained supernatural phenomenon - more hooey
Spells, curses and black magic - a buttload of hooey
Edgar Cayce - see "Miss Cleo"
Nostradamus - hooey
Prophecy in general - hooey

Thanks, Corky... now can we hear from those who still have living brain cells?

I think when someone dismisses the literal millions upon millions of accounts comprising my rather long list, it illustrates a person who has tuned out all rationality and exists in a state of total denial. I'm not claiming there is something to everything, but that much of something has to be significant. It's at the least, reasonable to consider there might be other forces at work.

People like “Theoldschool” are here because most likely they are afraid. They are looking for affirmation that they do not have to be accountable to any God because they want to live their lives as they please but also hedge their bet. They want some documentation that shows they tried to find out if there was a God, convinced themselves through the lamest of excuses there was no sign of God, and now they can continue on their merry way. Misery loves company to put it another way.

His answers were a total embarrassment devoid of a scientific explanation. For instance, in 2008 when a non-believing neurosurgeon, Dr Eban Alexander, lay near death in a coma for six days because of bacterial meningitis and the doctors are ready to pull the plug on him, all of a sudden his pop open and he makes a remarkable fully recovery. While he had virtually no brain function he experienced paradise as an atheist. He did his research afterwards demonstrating how his condition could never have allowed such brain activity. But no one wants to believe his scientific work. Why? Because his science gives evidence for God not the opposite. Deniers of God only point to science when it supports their wishes and dismisses its findings when it proves them wrong.

There are many souls on earth that are either brought back from purgatory or are having some connect with what God intends. Ghosts, yes, in some cases. Spells and curses are too often real.

You will not get anyone on the side of the skeptic here to admit they could very well have been wrong because they have already been given the evidence. Their preferred defense is to try to pick them off one by one, but from my experience, it comes off sad. Everything is hallucination or mass hallucination when thousands see the same thing, or of course, all the eye witnesses are liars.

I still love the events from Indiana where the devils scared the hell out of the social workers and law enforcement personnel who came to investigate the strange occurrences in that house. Once again, the deniers of the supernatural here had nothing but lame counter-explanations. I no longer expect anything else.
^ this nigga cray

I should be surprised you have nothing intelligent to say?

Life in general and people in general cause me a lot of sorrow and concern. We are not playing a game.
Don't worry about atheists. You should really be concerned with proper evangelism. Nothing turns people off more than a believer with a bee in her bonnet about an atheist person.
For an open minded non spiritual person...

That's an oxymoron.
No it isn't. I think people that insist that unexplained phenomena must be spiritual hooey are not only close minded dullards but extremely childish and arrogant.

My spirituality is truth. I'm a Taoist. To me unexplainable crap isn't worth talking about.

Where did I claim unexplained phenomena must be ANYTHING? I am the one leaving that door of possibility open as the non-spiritual try desperately to close it. To me, it's far more childish and arrogant to say "it's can't possibly be X!"

You're no more of a Taoist than you are open minded, if you believe we can ever be certain of truth.
Here let's see if I can break it down:

Astral projection experiences - hallucination of the mind
Near-death experiences - hallucination of the mind
Transcendental meditation - just smoke weed. It's easier.
ESP and telepathy - as you put it... "hooey"
Ghost stories and paranormal experiences - also "hooey"
Other unexplained supernatural phenomenon - more hooey
Spells, curses and black magic - a buttload of hooey
Edgar Cayce - see "Miss Cleo"
Nostradamus - hooey
Prophecy in general - hooey

Thanks, Corky... now can we hear from those who still have living brain cells?

I think when someone dismisses the literal millions upon millions of accounts comprising my rather long list, it illustrates a person who has tuned out all rationality and exists in a state of total denial. I'm not claiming there is something to everything, but that much of something has to be significant. It's at the least, reasonable to consider there might be other forces at work.

People like “Theoldschool” are here because most likely they are afraid. They are looking for affirmation that they do not have to be accountable to any God because they want to live their lives as they please but also hedge their bet. They want some documentation that shows they tried to find out if there was a God, convinced themselves through the lamest of excuses there was no sign of God, and now they can continue on their merry way. Misery loves company to put it another way.

His answers were a total embarrassment devoid of a scientific explanation. For instance, in 2008 when a non-believing neurosurgeon, Dr Eban Alexander, lay near death in a coma for six days because of bacterial meningitis and the doctors are ready to pull the plug on him, all of a sudden his pop open and he makes a remarkable fully recovery. While he had virtually no brain function he experienced paradise as an atheist. He did his research afterwards demonstrating how his condition could never have allowed such brain activity. But no one wants to believe his scientific work. Why? Because his science gives evidence for God not the opposite. Deniers of God only point to science when it supports their wishes and dismisses its findings when it proves them wrong.

There are many souls on earth that are either brought back from purgatory or are having some connect with what God intends. Ghosts, yes, in some cases. Spells and curses are too often real.

You will not get anyone on the side of the skeptic here to admit they could very well have been wrong because they have already been given the evidence. Their preferred defense is to try to pick them off one by one, but from my experience, it comes off sad. Everything is hallucination or mass hallucination when thousands see the same thing, or of course, all the eye witnesses are liars.

I still love the events from Indiana where the devils scared the hell out of the social workers and law enforcement personnel who came to investigate the strange occurrences in that house. Once again, the deniers of the supernatural here had nothing but lame counter-explanations. I no longer expect anything else.
^ this nigga cray

I should be surprised you have nothing intelligent to say?

Life in general and people in general cause me a lot of sorrow and concern. We are not playing a game.
Don't worry about atheists. You should really be concerned with proper evangelism. Nothing turns people off more than a believer with a bee in her bonnet about an atheist person.

Yes, agreed. I do not share my thoughts with others in the real world in a know-it-all way. I am charitable and I do not make them feel inferior.

But on forums such as this, the game changes. Atheists or agnostics or even unbalanced believers are not interested in being pursued with flowers and kindness. They have more of a mission to mock and to lay waste to whatever Christianity says with boldness or assuredness. And if someone is going to be laughing at the evidence then they need to be challenged. They may take offense here in some way, but so what? Maybe later on in their own bedroom they can become more open and honest and introspective. If they begin to pray and feel a bit scared none of us bullies will even know, nor will they ever have to admit anything to me or you. Maybe some scornful yet challenging words is just the thing? I personally do not care if I am not welcome.
For an open minded non spiritual person...

That's an oxymoron.
No it isn't. I think people that insist that unexplained phenomena must be spiritual hooey are not only close minded dullards but extremely childish and arrogant.

My spirituality is truth. I'm a Taoist. To me unexplainable crap isn't worth talking about.

Where did I claim unexplained phenomena must be ANYTHING? I am the one leaving that door of possibility open as the non-spiritual try desperately to close it. To me, it's far more childish and arrogant to say "it's can't possibly be X!"
So when somebody sees the northern lights and says it's magical unicorns you accept that as equal to the explanation that it's solar wind?
There has been rational explanations for everything that you listed. Give me a reason to believe that it's some fantastical explanation.

You're no more of a Taoist than you are open minded, if you believe we can ever be certain of truth.
That's a nice opinion. It doesn't seem relevant and it really seems more emotionally motivated.

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