How do the non-spiritual explain it?

For a great many people, there is nothing "spiritual" about Christmas decorations, Easter eggs, St. Patrick's day, etc. These are largely just traditions.

Most non-retards understand that Christmas, Easter and St. Patty's Day are all rituals with a spiritual root. If we need to break out the coloring books to draw you a simple picture of how these holidays are based on spiritual beliefs, we can do that. Most of us are aware of this.

As I stated before, you clearly understand "the spirit of Christmas" ...this is why you decorate with icons associated with Christmas. You long for the spirit of Christmas. It can be a tradition you don't personally associate with spirituality, but that doesn't change what it is or why it exists.
So you admit "spiritual" is PC for "superstition."
an overwhelming majority of humans (95%) still believe in something greater than self.
Fallacy of Argumentum ad populum (appeal to widespread belief, bandwagon argument, appeal to the majority, appeal to the people) – where a proposition is claimed to be true or good solely because many people believe it to be so.
The Spirit of Tradition.

That's where I get it.
Fallacy of Appeal to tradition (argumentum ad antiquitatem) – a conclusion supported solely because it has long been held to be true.
Your demanding some sort of physical evidence to prove the spiritual is beyond ignorant.
Fallacy of Appeal to ridicule – an argument is made by presenting the opponent's argument in a way that makes it appear ridiculous.
What I would like you to do is identify how religion has ever cured a disease. That should be easy for you, right?

You keep talking about Religion and I keep telling you I'm not Religious!!

Human spiritualism has been curing diseases for 100,000 years. Emily presented an impressive study on spiritual healing and this is something the medical community takes very seriously because of how effective it has been.

Aside from that, the entire history of modern medicine is the work of humans inspired by something greater than self to find cures, create vaccines, save lives, etc.
Can you provide an example of a disease cured by the gawds of your spirit realms?
the disease of atheism.....

Atheism is growing. Is that the cure?
no....its contagion.....
When an atheist hears "spiritual" they think you're talking strictly about the supernatural.

Well of course, because they have deemed spiritual to be supernatural. I don't believe spiritual is supernatural, I believe it is a fundamental part of nature. I believe it is a very strong force we can tap into as humans and do so on a regular basis. I am the recipient of all the evidence I need to support my belief, so my mind is open to these things. I don't have a religious ax to grind or dog in the hunt, I am not a religious fanatic, I am a dedicated believer in the principles of science.

I'm not going to sit here and let a bunch of atheists pervert science and try to use is as a means to disprove God.
It's more than just a little silly to suggest your belief in gawds and spirit realms is not connected to the supernatural.

I don't see how there's any denying that gods are real things. The only thing debatable is their true nature. And that's something that most people, atheist and religious alike, aren't interested in discussing.
I have no reason to accept the existence of any of the asserted gawds.

What do you mean "accept"? Surely you recognize their existence, at a bare a minimum, as ideas communally shared by followers, no?

How do you recognize the existence of the invisible?
an overwhelming majority of humans (95%) still believe in something greater than self.
Fallacy of Argumentum ad populum (appeal to widespread belief, bandwagon argument, appeal to the majority, appeal to the people) – where a proposition is claimed to be true or good solely because many people believe it to be so.

If that's not "herd mentality" I don't know what is.
Well of course, because they have deemed spiritual to be supernatural. I don't believe spiritual is supernatural, I believe it is a fundamental part of nature. I believe it is a very strong force we can tap into as humans and do so on a regular basis. I am the recipient of all the evidence I need to support my belief, so my mind is open to these things. I don't have a religious ax to grind or dog in the hunt, I am not a religious fanatic, I am a dedicated believer in the principles of science.

I'm not going to sit here and let a bunch of atheists pervert science and try to use is as a means to disprove God.
It's more than just a little silly to suggest your belief in gawds and spirit realms is not connected to the supernatural.

I don't see how there's any denying that gods are real things. The only thing debatable is their true nature. And that's something that most people, atheist and religious alike, aren't interested in discussing.
I have no reason to accept the existence of any of the asserted gawds.

What do you mean "accept"? Surely you recognize their existence, at a bare a minimum, as ideas communally shared by followers, no?

How do you recognize the existence of the invisible?

Are you kidding? We do it all the time.

Do you recognize the existence of thoughts? ideas? stories? emotions? numbers? physical law?
What if eventually 80% of us in america were Muslims? Would you be OK with sharia law? So I guess you're OK with Christianity because you don't mind how it imposes its will on America? You don't care it slowed stem cell research or discriminates against gays. What about back when christian america owned slaves? Maybe you think christianity is harmless now but its not. It controls the masses. It gets people thinking with their hearts instead of their brains.

Such an emotional little girl, aren't you? No sir, I couldn't support Sharia law because it rapes the constitution in the ass six ways from Sunday. I am okay with Christians, Muslims or even Atheists having the constitutional rights to petition for redress, politically speak, vote on and create legislation based on their religious influences or lack thereof. I will stand for, fight for, and if necessary, die for their right to do so.
From your list in the OP...

Astral projection experiences.
Near-death experiences.
Transcendental meditation.
ESP and telepathy.
Ghost stories and paranormal experiences.
Other unexplained supernatural phenomenon.
Spells, curses and black magic.
Edgar Cayce.
Prophecy in general.

Do you believe in all of the above? And how exactly do you apply science to this list?

Believe is a strong word. I seldom believe in anything I can't confirm myself. I can accept the possibility of things, I am open minded and willing to look at the facts. It doesn't have to conform to science for me to believe it because there is so much science simply doesn't understand. If man never pushed the boundaries of understanding past what science can confirm, virtually nothing would have ever been discovered and science would be as useless as tits on a boar.

How do I apply science to my list of over a dozen assorted phenomenon science can't explain? Law of averages and probabilities. The list represents untold billions of accounts spanning many thousands of years. I doubt that 100% are absolutely and certainly invalid, just because science can't explain them. I leave the door of possibility open that a certain percentage may be valid and legitimate and we've simply not discovered the scientific explanation.
Physical things, of course, are not non-physical.
What a retard!

Yes, for me to have to make this obvious point, someone certainly is a retard.

So you admit "spiritual" is PC for "superstition."

Nope. Never said anything remotely close to this.

As for your spree of "Fallacy of Whateverums" ...this is just you exhibiting butt hurt because you can't really argue the points intellectually. In situations such as this, where you find yourself completely over your head on an intellectual basis, you morph into a delinquent smart-ass punk and start denigrating and lying.

It's really a shame because I believe in people and I know you're better than this. If your mind was not being controlled by your emotions, I am sure you could probably articulate some thought-provoking and stimulating debate.
From your list in the OP...

Astral projection experiences.
Near-death experiences.
Transcendental meditation.
ESP and telepathy.
Ghost stories and paranormal experiences.
Other unexplained supernatural phenomenon.
Spells, curses and black magic.
Edgar Cayce.
Prophecy in general.

Do you believe in all of the above? And how exactly do you apply science to this list?

Believe is a strong word. I seldom believe in anything I can't confirm myself. I can accept the possibility of things, I am open minded and willing to look at the facts. It doesn't have to conform to science for me to believe it because there is so much science simply doesn't understand. If man never pushed the boundaries of understanding past what science can confirm, virtually nothing would have ever been discovered and science would be as useless as tits on a boar.

How do I apply science to my list of over a dozen assorted phenomenon science can't explain? Law of averages and probabilities. The list represents untold billions of accounts spanning many thousands of years. I doubt that 100% are absolutely and certainly invalid, just because science can't explain them. I leave the door of possibility open that a certain percentage may be valid and legitimate and we've simply not discovered the scientific explanation.
Your list of assorted phenomenon can be accounted for with a bit of common sense acknowledgement of hucksters, charlatans, scam artists, and assorted snake oil salesmen types.

Really bossy, why do you feel a need to make yourself an accomplice to fraud?
From your list in the OP...

Astral projection experiences.
Near-death experiences.
Transcendental meditation.
ESP and telepathy.
Ghost stories and paranormal experiences.
Other unexplained supernatural phenomenon.
Spells, curses and black magic.
Edgar Cayce.
Prophecy in general.

Do you believe in all of the above? And how exactly do you apply science to this list?

Believe is a strong word. I seldom believe in anything I can't confirm myself. I can accept the possibility of things, I am open minded and willing to look at the facts. It doesn't have to conform to science for me to believe it because there is so much science simply doesn't understand. If man never pushed the boundaries of understanding past what science can confirm, virtually nothing would have ever been discovered and science would be as useless as tits on a boar.

How do I apply science to my list of over a dozen assorted phenomenon science can't explain? Law of averages and probabilities. The list represents untold billions of accounts spanning many thousands of years. I doubt that 100% are absolutely and certainly invalid, just because science can't explain them. I leave the door of possibility open that a certain percentage may be valid and legitimate and we've simply not discovered the scientific explanation.

Have you ever seen a ghost?
What if eventually 80% of us in america were Muslims? Would you be OK with sharia law? So I guess you're OK with Christianity because you don't mind how it imposes its will on America? You don't care it slowed stem cell research or discriminates against gays. What about back when christian america owned slaves? Maybe you think christianity is harmless now but its not. It controls the masses. It gets people thinking with their hearts instead of their brains.

Such an emotional little girl, aren't you? No sir, I couldn't support Sharia law because it rapes the constitution in the ass six ways from Sunday. I am okay with Christians, Muslims or even Atheists having the constitutional rights to petition for redress, politically speak, vote on and create legislation based on their religious influences or lack thereof. I will stand for, fight for, and if necessary, die for their right to do so.

Then I'm a Muslim. Let's see how you feel when 51% of us are Muslims.
From your list in the OP...

Astral projection experiences.
Near-death experiences.
Transcendental meditation.
ESP and telepathy.
Ghost stories and paranormal experiences.
Other unexplained supernatural phenomenon.
Spells, curses and black magic.
Edgar Cayce.
Prophecy in general.

Do you believe in all of the above? And how exactly do you apply science to this list?

Believe is a strong word. I seldom believe in anything I can't confirm myself. I can accept the possibility of things, I am open minded and willing to look at the facts. It doesn't have to conform to science for me to believe it because there is so much science simply doesn't understand. If man never pushed the boundaries of understanding past what science can confirm, virtually nothing would have ever been discovered and science would be as useless as tits on a boar.

How do I apply science to my list of over a dozen assorted phenomenon science can't explain? Law of averages and probabilities. The list represents untold billions of accounts spanning many thousands of years. I doubt that 100% are absolutely and certainly invalid, just because science can't explain them. I leave the door of possibility open that a certain percentage may be valid and legitimate and we've simply not discovered the scientific explanation.
But if it must be god and you think that's the answer why keep looking? Apparently you have the answer. Must be god. Thunder use to be god.
But if it must be god and you think that's the answer why keep looking? Apparently you have the answer. Must be god. Thunder use to be god.

"Must be God" doesn't answer any questions for me. Science is about finding answers to questions, not drawing conclusions. As a believer in God, "must be god" is kinda dumb because it so obviously can apply to everything. Everything must be god if you believe in a God who created everything. So why would I use the understanding that God most certainly did something to short-circuit my quest for the answers of how God did it?

We can explain how thunder happens. Long detailed explanations of how lighting creates sound, etc. This is a scientific explanation for how something happens, what makes it happen. Can you explain for me, WHY this happens? Why does lightning exist? Why does gravity exist? I don't want to know what causes them but why they exist? Bottom line is, science has no explanation... but I do.
Then I'm a Muslim. Let's see how you feel when 51% of us are Muslims.

I'll feel the same way because my feelings are not based on what you are or how many Muslims there are. If it ever comes to the point where Sharia law trumps Constitutional law in America, I will leave for some place where they reject Sharia law... You're welcome to stay here and practice 5th Century barbarism and mutilation of women if that cranks your tractor.

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