How do the non-spiritual explain it?

A ritual is nothing more than tradition.

A ritual can BE MADE a tradition, but what is the practical physical purpose of a tradition? Haven't you ever heard the phrase "in the spirit of tradition?" A tradition still has a spiritually-rooted foundation and not a physical one, unless it is directly a physical tradition. Ritual burials with red ocher are not physical traditions. Sorry!

What is your point? I'm an atheist who still enjoys Christmas tradition with my family. I don't believe Santa is real, although I may decorate with Santa and his reindeer's.
What is your point? I'm an atheist who still enjoys Christmas tradition with my family. I don't believe Santa is real, although I may decorate with Santa and his reindeer's.

You're the one who said ceremonial rituals are just traditions. I am fully aware that we can have all kinds of non-spiritual traditions. However, tradition itself is rooted in spirit. You decorate to convey a spirit. There is a certain "feel" you want to have at Christmas. 'Tis the Season... all that jazz... it's purely spiritual. You may not recognize it as such but that's because you've brainwashed yourself into rejecting human spirituality.
This may come as a shock to you but your "because I say so" answer is weak.

Just be honest - you can't identify a single, demonstrable case of a disease being cured by the methods of "spiritual"'ness".

This may come as a shock to you but your "because I say so" answer is weak.

Just be honest - you can't identify a single, demonstrable case of a disease not being cured by God.
So you admit that there is not a single case of a disease that was NOT being CAUSED by your sadistic God.
What is your point? I'm an atheist who still enjoys Christmas tradition with my family. I don't believe Santa is real, although I may decorate with Santa and his reindeer's.

You're the one who said ceremonial rituals are just traditions. I am fully aware that we can have all kinds of non-spiritual traditions. However, tradition itself is rooted in spirit. You decorate to convey a spirit. There is a certain "feel" you want to have at Christmas. 'Tis the Season... all that jazz... it's purely spiritual. You may not recognize it as such but that's because you've brainwashed yourself into rejecting human spirituality.

And just because people are doing it, doesn't mean they're getting any results from some of these bizarre rituals.

Do you eat dead people?
This may come as a shock to you but your "because I say so" answer is weak.

Just be honest - you can't identify a single, demonstrable case of a disease being cured by the methods of "spiritual"'ness".

This may come as a shock to you but your "because I say so" answer is weak.

Just be honest - you can't identify a single, demonstrable case of a disease not being cured by God.

Look who's talking. How does this non existent god cure disease exactly?

Same way it created the disease and caused the person to get it and then, us to be aware of it. The same way it inspired the person who believed in something greater than self and found a cure for the disease. God works in many mysterious (and not so mysterious) ways.

And HERE we have a small slice in what is wrong with human beings. They are stupid fear driven dweebs for the most part. Lies built on lies built on lies... til the lies are institutionalized and then down right part of the fabric of whole communities and on and on. It is so much easier to play it safe and just not buck up against the tide of ignorance isn't it.

Read my lips.... There is no god. It was all made up by superstitious goat herders. People didn't have much going on back when all this nonsense got started..I get it. Life of what little there was was hard...death could happen at any time.. sickness..injury...infection.. a million ways to cash your ticket. It was scary stuff no doubt. BUT we are mostly past all that. We usually get to hang around more than 60 years.

Oh nevermind.. This is just SOOOoo...stupid. I'm getting too old to waste my time on this stupid argument.
What is your point? I'm an atheist who still enjoys Christmas tradition with my family. I don't believe Santa is real, although I may decorate with Santa and his reindeer's.

You're the one who said ceremonial rituals are just traditions. I am fully aware that we can have all kinds of non-spiritual traditions. However, tradition itself is rooted in spirit. You decorate to convey a spirit. There is a certain "feel" you want to have at Christmas. 'Tis the Season... all that jazz... it's purely spiritual. You may not recognize it as such but that's because you've brainwashed yourself into rejecting human spirituality.
I think the issue is that like many religious extremists, you are unyielding in your attempts to force your dogma on others.

For a great many people, there is nothing "spiritual" about Christmas decorations, Easter eggs, St. Patrick's day, etc. These are largely just traditions.

Leave people alone with you your spirits, spirit realms and gawds.
You seem to be equating "spiritual" with non-physical.

If spiritual is not physical, what else could you call it?

The issue is the reverse. You seem to be saying that everything non-physical is "spiritual". Is that accurate?

No, that's what YOU are saying...

I am saying that ALL spiritual things are non-physical and cannot be physical. Before your oblivious and obtuse OCD kicks in, that's not to say that some physical things can't also have a spiritual component.

So we have things that are either physical or non-physical, there is no other option. Spiritual things are non-physical things. Physical things, of course, are not non-physical. Some physical things can have a spiritual component but are physical and can't be actual spiritual things. Some non-physical things can be spiritual and all things spiritual are non-physical. We clear?
For a great many people, there is nothing "spiritual" about Christmas decorations, Easter eggs, St. Patrick's day, etc. These are largely just traditions.

Most non-retards understand that Christmas, Easter and St. Patty's Day are all rituals with a spiritual root. If we need to break out the coloring books to draw you a simple picture of how these holidays are based on spiritual beliefs, we can do that. Most of us are aware of this.

As I stated before, you clearly understand "the spirit of Christmas" ...this is why you decorate with icons associated with Christmas. You long for the spirit of Christmas. It can be a tradition you don't personally associate with spirituality, but that doesn't change what it is or why it exists.
Read my lips.... There is no god.

All you have to do is offer up the evidence to prove your claim. If you can't do that, it means you have no basis for this belief and it is merely a matter of your personal faith and opinion. You can make up all the stories you like about spirituality but until you start posting some hard evidence, it's all your opinion. We've not discovered this ancient civilization of goat herders who invented God, that doesn't exist in reality. Every ancient civilization we've unearthed shows signs of spiritual belief, all the way back to the oldest one.

I don't care how angry you are at Christians and Jews, it doesn't turn your biased opinions into facts. You are just as bad (if not worse) than any bible-thumper ever known. You've made this definitive statement about something on the sole basis of your beliefs (or non beliefs). You don't have any evidence to back it up and you just want to cram this down everyone's throat to accept on your commandment.

I don't respect your dogma any more than I respect religious dogma.
Read my lips.... There is no god.

All you have to do is offer up the evidence to prove your claim. If you can't do that, it means you have no basis for this belief and it is merely a matter of your personal faith and opinion. You can make up all the stories you like about spirituality but until you start posting some hard evidence, it's all your opinion. We've not discovered this ancient civilization of goat herders who invented God, that doesn't exist in reality. Every ancient civilization we've unearthed shows signs of spiritual belief, all the way back to the oldest one.

I don't care how angry you are at Christians and Jews, it doesn't turn your biased opinions into facts. You are just as bad (if not worse) than any bible-thumper ever known. You've made this definitive statement about something on the sole basis of your beliefs (or non beliefs). You don't have any evidence to back it up and you just want to cram this down everyone's throat to accept on your commandment.

I don't respect your dogma any more than I respect religious dogma.

It was scary stuff no doubt. BUT we are mostly past all that.

And yet... miraculously defying your theory-- an overwhelming majority of humans (95%) still believe in something greater than self.

If we invented something FAKE to deal with these irrational fears found nowhere else in nature (because other living things don't contemplate immortality), then we should see a rapid and steady decline of spiritual belief in humans as these scary things subsided. Instead, we see a persistent trend of about 95% of the species continuing to exhibit the behavior.

So, once again, you are wrong about your opinion and you can't support it with science. It's just another aspect to a faith-based opinion you've adopted.
Read my lips.... There is no god.

All you have to do is offer up the evidence to prove your claim. If you can't do that, it means you have no basis for this belief and it is merely a matter of your personal faith and opinion. You can make up all the stories you like about spirituality but until you start posting some hard evidence, it's all your opinion. We've not discovered this ancient civilization of goat herders who invented God, that doesn't exist in reality. Every ancient civilization we've unearthed shows signs of spiritual belief, all the way back to the oldest one.

I don't care how angry you are at Christians and Jews, it doesn't turn your biased opinions into facts. You are just as bad (if not worse) than any bible-thumper ever known. You've made this definitive statement about something on the sole basis of your beliefs (or non beliefs). You don't have any evidence to back it up and you just want to cram this down everyone's throat to accept on your commandment.

I don't respect your dogma any more than I respect religious dogma.


For a great many people, there is nothing "spiritual" about Christmas decorations, Easter eggs, St. Patrick's day, etc. These are largely just traditions.

Most non-retards understand that Christmas, Easter and St. Patty's Day are all rituals with a spiritual root. If we need to break out the coloring books to draw you a simple picture of how these holidays are based on spiritual beliefs, we can do that. Most of us are aware of this.

As I stated before, you clearly understand "the spirit of Christmas" ...this is why you decorate with icons associated with Christmas. You long for the spirit of Christmas. It can be a tradition you don't personally associate with spirituality, but that doesn't change what it is or why it exists.
You're trying to make some connection to something you call "spiritual" and you're failing to make that case.

You can assign any and all magical / mystical / supernatural connotations to traditions if you like but you should be aware that you represent yourself as the most dogmatic of religious zealots with insistence that rituals must have a religious connection.
It was scary stuff no doubt. BUT we are mostly past all that.

And yet... miraculously defying your theory-- an overwhelming majority of humans (95%) still believe in something greater than self.

If we invented something FAKE to deal with these irrational fears found nowhere else in nature (because other living things don't contemplate immortality), then we should see a rapid and steady decline of spiritual belief in humans as these scary things subsided. Instead, we see a persistent trend of about 95% of the species continuing to exhibit the behavior.

So, once again, you are wrong about your opinion and you can't support it with science. It's just another aspect to a faith-based opinion you've adopted.

So what. The majority of this country once thought Iraq had something to do with 9-11. A lot people believe that fossils were put here to mislead us.

Can the majority of the population be wrong? YES! Yes they can!

Read my lips.... There is no god.

All you have to do is offer up the evidence to prove your claim. If you can't do that, it means you have no basis for this belief and it is merely a matter of your personal faith and opinion. You can make up all the stories you like about spirituality but until you start posting some hard evidence, it's all your opinion. We've not discovered this ancient civilization of goat herders who invented God, that doesn't exist in reality. Every ancient civilization we've unearthed shows signs of spiritual belief, all the way back to the oldest one.

I don't care how angry you are at Christians and Jews, it doesn't turn your biased opinions into facts. You are just as bad (if not worse) than any bible-thumper ever known. You've made this definitive statement about something on the sole basis of your beliefs (or non beliefs). You don't have any evidence to back it up and you just want to cram this down everyone's throat to accept on your commandment.

I don't respect your dogma any more than I respect religious dogma.
You have made no demonstration that "Every ancient civilization we've unearthed shows signs of spiritual belief..."

You recite that mantra as a religious invocation yet you consistently fail to substantiate that claim.
It was scary stuff no doubt. BUT we are mostly past all that.

And yet... miraculously defying your theory-- an overwhelming majority of humans (95%) still believe in something greater than self.

If we invented something FAKE to deal with these irrational fears found nowhere else in nature (because other living things don't contemplate immortality), then we should see a rapid and steady decline of spiritual belief in humans as these scary things subsided. Instead, we see a persistent trend of about 95% of the species continuing to exhibit the behavior.

So, once again, you are wrong about your opinion and you can't support it with science. It's just another aspect to a faith-based opinion you've adopted.

Something "greater than self" is not necessarily connected to your "spiritual" slogan. You should be a bit more discriminating in your assignment of spirit realms to those who have no belief in your spirit realms or anyone else's spirits, gawds or supernatural entities.
What is your point? I'm an atheist who still enjoys Christmas tradition with my family. I don't believe Santa is real, although I may decorate with Santa and his reindeer's.

You're the one who said ceremonial rituals are just traditions. I am fully aware that we can have all kinds of non-spiritual traditions. However, tradition itself is rooted in spirit. You decorate to convey a spirit. There is a certain "feel" you want to have at Christmas. 'Tis the Season... all that jazz... it's purely spiritual. You may not recognize it as such but that's because you've brainwashed yourself into rejecting human spirituality.
"Tradition is rooted in spirit"?

No, it's not. Where do get this nonsense?
So what. The majority of this country once thought Iraq had something to do with 9-11. A lot people believe that fossils were put here to mislead us.

The majority of this country once thought Iraq had something to do with 9-11.

No one that I am aware of ever thought that. I seriously doubt a majority ever did. But I am certain 95% of the human species didn't believe that.

A lot people believe that fossils were put here to mislead us.

And "a lot of people" is not 95% of the human species for all it's existence.
What is your point? I'm an atheist who still enjoys Christmas tradition with my family. I don't believe Santa is real, although I may decorate with Santa and his reindeer's.

You're the one who said ceremonial rituals are just traditions. I am fully aware that we can have all kinds of non-spiritual traditions. However, tradition itself is rooted in spirit. You decorate to convey a spirit. There is a certain "feel" you want to have at Christmas. 'Tis the Season... all that jazz... it's purely spiritual. You may not recognize it as such but that's because you've brainwashed yourself into rejecting human spirituality.
"Tradition is rooted in spirit"?

No, it's not. Where do get this nonsense?

The Spirit of Tradition.

That's where I get it.

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