How do the "poor" live so well in the US?

Indeed, some people do not know how to be charitable...

Obama’s Brother: “I Still Live In A Slum”

In November 2008, I stood in a bar in Kenya watching Barack Obama give his victory speech


Except Obama's brother doesn't want the President's money.


Obama’s Brother in Kenya |

George Obama: I was brought up well. I live well even now. The magazines, they have exaggerated everything … There are some challenges, but maybe it is just like where you [the reporter] come from, there are the same challenges.

I wonder what exaggerate sounds like in his dialect. At a dollar a month living expenses, he could live for over 8 years on what O'bama spends for a pound of Wagu beef...... wait, that would be what we the taxpayers spend for O'bama's Wagu beef.
Hardly six months, control of only one House?

Papa Obama and the Dems had it all, they could nothing
Oh wait
His faux legacy Papa ObamaCare got passed

Real, until the voters replace all the Dems next election
it will be tough to correct all of the mistakes of the left

What will the right do different from what they did in 2000-2006? Remember they were making the same speeches and promises from 1994-2000.

Act less like Democrats, will be enough for the American voter

So the republicans didn't act like republicans when they were in power from 2000-2006?

Didn't Ronald Reagan raise taxes, increase the national debt and give amnesty to millions of illegals? Was he acting like a Republican when he was president?

Didn't George H.W. Bush raise taxes? Was he acting like a Republican when he was president?
You mean the US voter did not kick the Democrats out?
Damn, voter tampering again

That's right, they kicked the Democrats out. Which is why the Democrats still control the Senate and have all those seats in the house. :rolleyes:
You mean the US voter did not kick the Democrats out?
Damn, voter tampering again

That's right, they kicked the Democrats out. Which is why the Democrats still control the Senate and have all those seats in the house. :rolleyes:

You are right
They were doing such a good job and the American voter was so happy
Next election the Senate has a lot more seats in play and the WH

If we still have 9.2 unemployment, does the Left chances go up or down

What will the right do different from what they did in 2000-2006? Remember they were making the same speeches and promises from 1994-2000.

Act less like Democrats, will be enough for the American voter

So the republicans didn't act like republicans when they were in power from 2000-2006?

Didn't Ronald Reagan raise taxes, increase the national debt and give amnesty to millions of illegals? Was he acting like a Republican when he was president?

Didn't George H.W. Bush raise taxes? Was he acting like a Republican when he was president?

Yep two party system sucks
But with the horrific way the Left has governed
There is not much choice

At least with the Republicans, there is a chance
After all, they did give us a balanced budget and surplus in the 1990's
in spite of Clinton
You still haven't addressed where I refuted your BS little graph.
Remind me

of what "golden" nugget of truth you found ?

Go back and look.

By the way, what would you think of President Obama if he raised taxes by the largest amount in history when unemployment is 10.1%?
Remind me

of what "golden" nugget of truth you found ?

Go back and look.

By the way, what would you think of President Obama if he raised taxes by the largest amount in history when unemployment is 10.1%?

Oh god, was it that hard of a request

Hey, I looked back - so what?
It is another opinion piece, like mine.
Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one
I think yours stinks

Hey if the Left thinks they
should go around right NOW and tell
the American people that the poor need even more

go for it .....
The other day I was assigned to the same gate as a guy from Africa that was the lead agent, another guy showed up to work the same position, he was a American black. The African sent him away to check with dispatch to be reassigned even though it was his name on the actual assignment sheet and I was a last minute placement. He later told me he wanted to work with me because American blacks were lazy and he knew I would work harder to get the job done. I was going to accuse him of being a racist but realized how silly that would be, white people aren't allowed to accuse black people of being racist........ instead, we worked very well together and got all our aircraft out early.:lol::lol::lol:

Just thought I would share some real life experience. It is truly an eye opener to get to know as many Africans that I do and see the contrast between them and guys that look similar to them but were born here. The same is true of the African women, very sweet and happy without the nasty chip on their shoulder that I see in the American women that have the same outward appearance.:eusa_angel:
Hey if the Left thinks they
should go around right NOW and tell
the American people that the poor need even more

go for it .....

Except you never answered my question. What would you think of President Obama? Would you say he's incompetent, for example?
After traveling in numerous third world countries, I am proud that we, in America, offer food stamps, public education, libraries, medical care and cash aid for our poor.

I've been to a few third world countries also. There is no comparison of our poor vs third world poor. It's night and day.

Yeah... but dammit, you won't be happy till they are starving in the street... right?
Since American poor are living so well, why all the fuss about 9.2% unemployment?
I can only assume that the unemployed don't feed the corporations bottom line.

But this is a good question and probably explains why the Republicans, who campaigned on jobs, have done nothing but ensure that no jobs are forthcoming.

Exactly... just like Social Security, Just like Medicare... they don't make billionaires any richer.

But defense, Private enterprise socialism... and tax breaks for our most capable? THAT makes Billionaires richer. That's why they don't get cut, and are expressed as Job Creating. That's why they want SS and medicare privatized.... so someone can make money off of it(other than the people who have been pouring their hearts and their souls into it all these years). You really want to talk about people who want "something for nothing"? Look no further than this paragraph.
Hey if the Left thinks they
should go around right NOW and tell
the American people that the poor need even more

go for it .....

Except you never answered my question. What would you think of President Obama? Would you say he's incompetent, for example?

Guess it depends on how you define incompetent?
When he had both houses of congress, diid he push the country more left-yes

Are his policies good for the US- no

Do I think he had enough experience - no

In fact, I would argue that it was his inexperience that did him in...

The whole Pork Bill failed because he allowed the Democrats
to shape most of it. They may be Democrats; but like all politicians
they come first.

Had the bill been formatted correctly, it could have had a positive effect

Also, his inexperience made him go for some type of faux legacy with
ObamaCare when they should have been focusing on jobs
They wasted precious time on the piece of crap instead of jobs
- he tried to push too much too fast and it came back to bite him

Papa Obama suffers from Premature proclamation with the US ,,, who would have thought
Guess it comes from his "inexperience" and "over-exuberance"

Except you still haven't answered my question, you're still just sprouting GOP talking points.

I'll ask again:

What would you think of President Obama if he raised taxes by the largest amount in history when unemployment is over 10%? Would you say he's incompetent? Foolish? Dangerous to this country? Pretty simple question I think.
America's "Poor" would be considered incredibly wealthy by most other people around the World. Yet they whine incessantly. They are afforded the time to get high,play their video games,and commit numerous crimes against fellow Americans. So i don't see what all the complaining is about. They have it pretty good. Its the hard-working American Taxpayers who deserve the sympathy & respect. They're the ones paying for it after all.

the problem with that is by our standards they are the lower class and the Media makes sure they feel like they are that being sure we do have some legitimate poor people in this Country who do not have any of the things mentioned earlier....

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