How do the "poor" live so well in the US?

How many American recieve Welfare?

Anbybody really know?

What does it cost this nation?

Anybody really know?

Yes, we are are what, in out 45th year from LBJ's Great Society to "end poverty" as we know it
I guess he was right..

Under President Obama, government will spend more on welfare in a single year than President George W. Bush spent on the war in Iraq during his entire presidency. According to the Congressional Research Service, the cost of the Iraq war through the end of the Bush Administration was around $622 billion. By contrast, annual federal and state means-tested welfare spending will reach $888 billion in FY 2010. Federal welfare spending alone will equal $697 billion in that year.

the Heritage foundation muddles the 'means tested/ not tested' line as well as any other RW propagandist think tank Neo, with little regard to the pentagon's world wide budgetary debacles, but let's say for the sake of debate they're right

prioities my man



How many American recieve Welfare?

Anbybody really know?

What does it cost this nation?

Anybody really know?

When people refer to "welfare," they usually mean the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program (TANF), which provides funds to families with children while encouraging parents to find employment so they do not need the assistance long-term. TANF replaced Aid to Families with Dependent Children, a New Deal program that also helped poor families but had fewer work requirements. AFDC was abolished and TANF established in 1996, under Bill Clinton's welfare reform effort.

TANF is a federal-state joint program, with the federal government providing a block grant and states spending "Maintenance of Effort" (MOE) funds, which have to amount to a set percentage of what states paid for AFDC before its abolition. The most recent data are from fiscal 2008, when the federal government spent $20.5 billion, and federal and state governments combined spent $31 billion. As a percentage of the $2.9 trillion (PDF) in federal spending in fiscal 2008, this is minuscule. Federal TANF spending made up a mere 0.7 percent of the budget.

Ezra Klein - Research Desk tallies: How expensive is welfare?
How many American recieve Welfare?

Anbybody really know?

What does it cost this nation?

Anybody really know?

Whatever we are doing, it must be working

How many American recieve Welfare?

Anbybody really know?

What does it cost this nation?

Anybody really know?

Yes, we are are what, in out 45th year from LBJ's Great Society to "end poverty" as we know it
I guess he was right..

Under President Obama, government will spend more on welfare in a single year than President George W. Bush spent on the war in Iraq during his entire presidency. According to the Congressional Research Service, the cost of the Iraq war through the end of the Bush Administration was around $622 billion. By contrast, annual federal and state means-tested welfare spending will reach $888 billion in FY 2010. Federal welfare spending alone will equal $697 billion in that year.

the Heritage foundation muddles the 'means tested/ not tested' line as well as any other RW propagandist think tank Neo, with little regard to the pentagon's world wide budgetary debacles, but let's say for the sake of debate they're right

prioities my man




Oh boy

BIG FONT and an Ad Hominem argument

You must be right
How many American recieve Welfare?

Anbybody really know?

What does it cost this nation?

Anybody really know?

Whatever we are doing, it must be working


Modern Poverty Includes A.C. and an Xbox - By Ken McIntyre - The Corner - National Review Online

Rather than report such detailed surveys, Rector and co-author Rachel Sheffield write, the media “amplified” the Census Bureau’s annual misrepresentation of poverty over the past 40 years. News reports routinely suggest that poor Americans typically are homeless and hungry — and U.S. foes and rivals such as Iran, China, and Russia are delighted to report the same.

“Regrettably, most discussions of poverty in the U.S. rely on sensationalism, exaggeration, and misinformation,” Rector says. “But an effective anti-poverty policy must be based on an accurate assessment of actual living conditions and the causes of deprivation.”

See the full Heritage Foundation paper, including downloadable charts, here: “Air Conditioning, Cable TV, and an Xbox: What Is Poverty in the United States Today?”
So your opinion piece does not like it,
but does not refute it

So the chart is not wrong
Good to know

Do you honestly believe we don't spend enough on poverty programs?

LBJ and the Left claimed we were gong to end poverty
The Left never like to judge their programs "success"

Funny how that works

Really, the BIG FONT thing is kind of silly
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I have to say one thing.
I grew up in a traditional conservative Republican Upper Middle Class home. Every Thanksgiving and Christmas Day, we all drove down top the local Salvation Army and helped serve food to the poor. We always donated old clothes and household appliances and kitchenware that were still in good shape. Our neighborhood had lawn sales and did other fund raising to help the Salvation Army and other charities. We did volunteer work to help the poor in the inner city year around.
Our family believed in the words of Jesus about helping the poor and disadvantaged.
When I see posts like the posts I see on this thread that basically demonize the poor and I just shake my head. It wasn't that long ago when the GOP's values were sincere values, I don't believe regular Christian conservatives think along the lines of what has spewed out of some people here on this thread. Yeah, my family would now be considered RINOs and the such, but we have more class and more real values than many who posted on this thread that claim to be conservatives. I see human values really lacking here. opinion of why there is so much animosity toward the poor is because there are so many people who are purposely using the system to get what they probably dont deserve....and it seems no one is going after these people or if they are,not enough is being done.....when you see a "poor" kid with 200.00 dollar Nikes on or he has an Ipod ,stuff like that kinda jades people.....there was a time when if you were were fucking had holes in your shoes.....hand me down did not have a big TV, if you did it, did not work and you could not afford to get it fixed.....shit like that......the poor seem to be different today than what they were when i was growing up......the kids who were poor then did not have what the other kids had........ thats my take......

You'd be surprised at the quality of stuff that can be purchased at Goodwill. It is a little ridiculous to compare what happened during your childhood to now. We live in a disposable society and luckily for the poor a lot of disposers give to Goodwill.
it may be ridiculous Ravi....but i bet a lot of people feel the same way when they see some of our poor with some of the things mentioned......just sayin......
The American poor appreciate what they have more than say a rich person. They do have T.V.s, Washers and Dryers, PlayStations, DVDs, etc... But they have those by either saving their penny's, or the trusty ole lay-o-away. Once they have them they appreciate them, knowing they are not easily replaceable and keep them taken care of.
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The poor live as they do because we the taxpayer are forced to support them.

The poor don't worry about money.

Their EBT cards will always have money so they will always have food. Their medical bills will always be payed. (They don't worry about those either), their rent and utilities will be payed.

Three cheers for the American taxpayer.

I'd say the poor don't have to much to worry about unless they run out of other peoples money.
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One day they're claiming the Children are Starving,then the next day they're claiming the Children are too Fat. So which is it? Are they all starving or are they all eating too much? Socialists/Progressives just can't get things straight. The poor in America would be more appreciative of Taxpayers if the Democrats weren't working 24/7 creating their Victim/Entitlement mentality. Their Entitlement attitude has become so pervasive now. Lets see,they have their nice TV's,Cars,Computers,Cell Phones,and Video Games? And that's what "Poor" in America is today? Must be nice.
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America's "Poor" would be considered incredibly wealthy by most other people around the World. Yet they whine incessantly. They are afforded the time to get high,play their video games,and commit numerous crimes against fellow Americans. So i don't see what all the complaining is about. They have it pretty good. Its the hard-working American Taxpayers who deserve the sympathy & respect. They're the ones paying for it after all.

You can't be serious! I have a feeling you don't know any of our nations poor, and have never been one yourself. I know many many of our poor, and let me tell ya that work harder than ANYONE. They don't have cushy desk jobs. They are miners, sawmill workers, construction workers etc... Most had to quit school in order to help the family. College for most is but a dream.

I am tired of hearing about entitlement programs.

We seem to forget the fact that Social Security is NOT free money. Our fathers generation paid the S.S. for this generation, and we likewise pay in for the the next. You are hearing so much about S.S. because our Government has plundered the S.S. fund.

The difference between the rich and the poor is that the poor work harder, make less, have real grassroots morals and values, and all of this and statistics show they are the happiest.

Half of everything the rich own they own because their neighbors have it. So they go through life trying to impress and keep up with the Jone's. They hold way more debt than the poor, and are usually the most miserable folks I've met. They whine the most. In fact they whine and cry so much that it was the nations poor that bailed them out.

You will never have the moral fiber of the poor.
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One day they're claiming the Children are Starving,then the next day they're claiming the Children are too Fat. So which is it? Are they all starving or are they all eating too much? Socialists/Progressives just can't get things straight. The poor in America would be more appreciative of Taxpayers if the Democrats weren't working 24/7 creating their Victim/Entitlement mentality. Their Entitlement attitude has become so pervasive now. Lets see,they have their nice TV's,Cars,Computers,Cell Phones,and Video Games? And that's what "Poor" in America is today? Must be nice.

Well there are soup kitchens all over this country in every city that give away free meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner to the poor. If you know the hours and get there on time, you will get fed, so we don't have any people really "starving" in the US like in Somalia. Plus not all the poor have tvs, cars, cell phones etc, people who lose their jobs, house and have to check into a homeless shelter most of the time just have the clothes on their back and a plastic bag of belongings.
Granny shops atta Goodwill, an' DAV, an' Thriftstores for the Blind...

... she says its a good place to buy slightly used clothes, an' appliances, an' color TV's if ya don't mind the screen bein' a lil' dim...

... Uncle Ferd says its a good place to get computer parts like 56k modems now dat dem rich folks moved up to cable, an' 5¼ floppy drives so's ya can keep yer secret files on floppies dat most people don't use no more...

... possum thinks its a good place to buy used flashlights so's he can read at night when Granny turns off the lights.
The poor live as they do because we the taxpayer are forced to support them.

The poor don't worry about money.

Their EBT cards will always have money so they will always have food. Their medical bills will always be payed. (They don't worry about those either), their rent and utilities will be payed.

Three cheers for the American taxpayer.

I'd say the poor don't have to much to worry about unless they run out of other peoples money.

You make it sound like the poor don't work. Really? For your information they comprise the largest labor market in our Country. Not everyone is born into privilege. Your Daddy probably bought your first car for you, pampered and overly sheltered you. What a snob that doesn't seem to be aware that not everyone lives like you do.

There are a lot or programs that we do not need I agree. What pays for those programs though? Taxes do, and they pay taxes as well and believe me it hurts their checkbook worse than yours. Because the poor are our largest labor force they pay more taxes collectively than any other. When you retire you will like everyone else get S.S.. I bet you won't send that check back in the mail. Read a couple of years ago that just about EVERY rich or wealthy person cash's their S.S. check as they get it. You would think that since most rich folks are against entitlements they would send them back. YEAH RIGHT!
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After traveling in numerous third world countries, I am proud that we, in America, offer food stamps, public education, libraries, medical care and cash aid for our poor.

I've been to a few third world countries also. There is no comparison of our poor vs third world poor. It's night and day.

True. Some Americans want our poor to be as bad off as the poor in Third World countries. I think that's wrong.
After traveling in numerous third world countries, I am proud that we, in America, offer food stamps, public education, libraries, medical care and cash aid for our poor.

I've been to a few third world countries also. There is no comparison of our poor vs third world poor. It's night and day.

True. Some Americans want our poor to be as bad off as the poor in Third World countries. I think that's wrong.

The people that want that have no idea what their asking for, remove welfare, public housing, food stamps etc we will have shanty town slums all over the US like they have in Brazil, South Africa, Jamaica etc people in South Africa have bullet proof vehicles because its so bad, is that what we really want?

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