How do we fix this?

No, they have actually been debunked.

You want an example?

During a rally at Atlanta’s State Farm Arena, Alky Rudy showed a truncated clip of what he said was a "suitcase" of illegal ballots being pulled out from under a table after vote counting had stopped.

Trump brought this "evidence" up with Barr and Barr looked into it. Barr found that if you watch the ENTIRE video, it was not a suitcase but a box used to secure ballots which are ubiquitous in Georgia for such purposes and that they were opened to count the legal ballots within in full view of observers.

The claim by Rudy that vote counting had stopped and then the "suitcases" were then snuck into the counting is pure horseshit.

If you watched the hearings today, you would have heard Barr testify to these facts. And then he said when this was explained to Trump, Trump accepted his explanation, and yet the very next day Trump repeated the lies about the "suitcases".

That is deliberately willful lying on Trump's part.

But state officials told us that the full video shows the supposed “suitcases” were actually standard containers used to secure ballots, and that the ballots in question were opened and prepared for counting earlier in the night in full view of observers. They said the campaign presented limited, selective parts of the footage.

You rubes were deliberately hoaxed.
Why have Democrats been so secretive? Hell, they even put carboard on windows so people couldn't watch the counting.

Democrats have done everything they could to foster the idea they were being dishonest.

I thought you guys wanted free and transparent elections?
I'm not going to be sidetracked by more deluded horseshit that has nothing to do with the topic.
You believed the lies you were told. You STILL believe them, even after being shown they were lies.

How is it you believe you're superior to anyone else?
Why have Democrats been so secretive? Hell, they even put carboard on windows so people couldn't watch the counting.

Democrats have done everything they could to foster the idea they were being dishonest.

I thought you guys wanted free and transparent elections?
You do realize there were media and political observers from both sides watching the vote counting inside those rooms, right?

The windows were covered because they didn't want the tard herd outside making mistaken assumptions about what they were seeing. And they did not want voter privacy violated by peepers.

Like I said, this bullshit has all been debunked countless times.
You believed the lies you were told. You STILL believe them, even after being shown they were lies.

How is it you believe you're superior to anyone else?
I was just watching some video of deluded Trump supporters who were at the Capital on 1/6. Repeating all the usual myths about voting machines being hooked up to the internet, votes gone missing, votes being changed, a rehash of the false accusations Trump made for months. A rehash of the untruths pushed on Faux about the Dominion machines. Not to pick on Faux. Many right wing media outlets reinforced the charges of voter fraud either directly or by innuendo. Many still are.

Millions of Trump's base supporters still believe this, as Bill Barr said, "bullshit."

We can't have a significant percent of the population be detached from reality if we are going to successfully govern ourselves. Self governance requires hard work, participation, being informed on the issues no matter what your position on them is. It requires informed debate so people get a chance to hear both sides of the issues we need to design solutions for.

At this point, we have become dysfunctional in our collective ability to debate issues because we can't agree what the facts are. How can we shore up our election procedures to ensure fairness if we can't agree what the problems are? How can we solve the problem of climate change if we can't even agree it's a problem?

I offer no solutions because I am pessimistic about the efficacy of available remedies. The reason, the mixed messages from media outlets leaving their audiences with a choice of which narrative to consume and therefore believe. One side saying Trump won the election, climate change in the era we now live in is not man made, gun control equates to gun confiscation, and more outrageous falsehoods like China owns Biden, Obama is a Muslim, and Dem's eat babies. Unfortunately, many on the Right have become the political equivalent of National Enquirer readers. Attracted by sensationalism and absent critical thought.

For those optimists out there who disagree with me, I invite you to read the replies from the conservatives on the board.
I'm not sure any of this can be fixed so long as we are plagued with rubes with selective skepticism who bleev lies because they want those lies to be true. They BEG to be lied to.

There is a method to the madness behind all the bullshit being spread by totalitarian wannabes. This is a great article which explains: Steve Bannon and the Politics of Bullshit

The ultimate consequence of spreading BS far and wide is a gradually rising tide of chaos—epistemic, moral, and political. Hannah Arendt rightly saw it as preparing the way for totalitarianism in general and fascism in particular.

I’m not calling Bannon an outright fascist. His positive vision is too indeterminate to be pinned down with any precise ideological label. Yet it’s also undeniable that one potential outcome of the politics of bullshit could be a revolution or coup in which a strongman (perhaps along with a cadre of needy, self-deluded morons) seize power amidst intentionally cultivated confusion about just what the hell is going on.
If you look at the total vote counts from 2000-2020 you will see that 2020 has an unusually high number of voters. It looks like a good voter fraud case.
The wonders of absentee voting

No wonder Republicans want to put a stop to it
I was just watching some video of deluded Trump supporters who were at the Capital on 1/6. Repeating all the usual myths about voting machines being hooked up to the internet, votes gone missing, votes being changed, a rehash of the false accusations Trump made for months. A rehash of the untruths pushed on Faux about the Dominion machines. Not to pick on Faux. Many right wing media outlets reinforced the charges of voter fraud either directly or by innuendo. Many still are.

Millions of Trump's base supporters still believe this, as Bill Barr said, "bullshit."

We can't have a significant percent of the population be detached from reality if we are going to successfully govern ourselves. Self governance requires hard work, participation, being informed on the issues no matter what your position on them is. It requires informed debate so people get a chance to hear both sides of the issues we need to design solutions for.

At this point, we have become dysfunctional in our collective ability to debate issues because we can't agree what the facts are. How can we shore up our election procedures to ensure fairness if we can't agree what the problems are? How can we solve the problem of climate change if we can't even agree it's a problem?

I offer no solutions because I am pessimistic about the efficacy of available remedies. The reason, the mixed messages from media outlets leaving their audiences with a choice of which narrative to consume and therefore believe. One side saying Trump won the election, climate change in the era we now live in is not man made, gun control equates to gun confiscation, and more outrageous falsehoods like China owns Biden, Obama is a Muslim, and Dem's eat babies. Unfortunately, many on the Right have become the political equivalent of National Enquirer readers. Attracted by sensationalism and absent critical thought.

For those optimists out there who disagree with me, I invite you to read the replies from the conservatives on the board.
The most plausible ideas I’ve seen center around the assumption that it has to be a process, similar to that of freeing people from a cult.

So while I guess it’s good that there are some possible remedies, I have to wonder how much damage will be caused as the process plays out.
Easy to write, but can you show evidence of it like Trump supporter's cult-like belief in the Big Lie?
Already have. You ignore it and move on.

We don't bother anymore with the Democrat cult.. You know,, pearls before swine
I'm not sure any of this can be fixed so long as we are plagued with rubes with selective skepticism who bleev lies because they want those lies to be true. They BEG to be lied to.

There is a method to the madness behind all the bullshit being spread by totalitarian wannabes. This is a great article which explains: Steve Bannon and the Politics of Bullshit

The ultimate consequence of spreading BS far and wide is a gradually rising tide of chaos—epistemic, moral, and political. Hannah Arendt rightly saw it as preparing the way for totalitarianism in general and fascism in particular.

I’m not calling Bannon an outright fascist. His positive vision is too indeterminate to be pinned down with any precise ideological label. Yet it’s also undeniable that one potential outcome of the politics of bullshit could be a revolution or coup in which a strongman (perhaps along with a cadre of needy, self-deluded morons) seize power amidst intentionally cultivated confusion about just what the hell is going on.
people in power lied to get an illegal fisa warrant to spy on the sitting POTUS in hopes of removing him and people not in power trespassed on the Capital to protest an election ...... which of the 2 acts is the bigger threat to elections in our country ?
Trump absolutely depends on his rube herd being as willfully blind as he is. And like every huckster who ever lived, he depends on the credulity of the marks to get what he wants from them.

As was shown during the hearing today, none of the hundreds of millions the rubes sent to Trump to "Stop the Steal" actually went to court costs. It all went to various political action committees.

These dumbasses fall for Trump's lies and hoaxes over and over and over.

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me a fucking thousand times and I am a full blown retard."
The most plausible ideas I’ve seen center around the assumption that it has to be a process, similar to that of freeing people from a cult.

So while I guess it’s good that there are some possible remedies, I have to wonder how much damage will be caused as the process plays out.
That's why I have the Charles Mackay quote in my signature.

Hopefully, these hearings will bring more people to their senses.
No, they have actually been debunked.

You want an example?

During a rally at Atlanta’s State Farm Arena, Alky Rudy showed a truncated clip of what he said was a "suitcase" of illegal ballots being pulled out from under a table after vote counting had stopped.

Trump brought this "evidence" up with Barr and Barr looked into it. Barr found that if you watch the ENTIRE video, it was not a suitcase but a box used to secure ballots which are ubiquitous in Georgia for such purposes and that they were opened to count the legal ballots within in full view of observers.

The claim by Rudy that vote counting had stopped and then the "suitcases" were then snuck into the counting is pure horseshit.

If you watched the hearings today, you would have heard Barr testify to these facts. And then he said when this was explained to Trump, Trump accepted his explanation, and yet the very next day Trump repeated the lies about the "suitcases".

That is deliberately willful lying on Trump's part.

But state officials told us that the full video shows the supposed “suitcases” were actually standard containers used to secure ballots, and that the ballots in question were opened and prepared for counting earlier in the night in full view of observers. They said the campaign presented limited, selective parts of the footage.

You rubes were deliberately hoaxed.
So the video of them pulling out those votes and counting them after the counting had stopped, and the sudden gain of Bidumb votes by morning never happened.

Let me tell you why this was allowed to happen. Politicians on both sides of the aisle and their appointees really, really don’t want there to be questions or answers to how they got that cushy job.
I was just watching some video of deluded Trump supporters who were at the Capital on 1/6. Repeating all the usual myths about voting machines being hooked up to the internet, votes gone missing, votes being changed, a rehash of the false accusations Trump made for months. A rehash of the untruths pushed on Faux about the Dominion machines. Not to pick on Faux. Many right wing media outlets reinforced the charges of voter fraud either directly or by innuendo. Many still are.

Millions of Trump's base supporters still believe this, as Bill Barr said, "bullshit."

We can't have a significant percent of the population be detached from reality if we are going to successfully govern ourselves. Self governance requires hard work, participation, being informed on the issues no matter what your position on them is. It requires informed debate so people get a chance to hear both sides of the issues we need to design solutions for.

At this point, we have become dysfunctional in our collective ability to debate issues because we can't agree what the facts are. How can we shore up our election procedures to ensure fairness if we can't agree what the problems are? How can we solve the problem of climate change if we can't even agree it's a problem?

I offer no solutions because I am pessimistic about the efficacy of available remedies. The reason, the mixed messages from media outlets leaving their audiences with a choice of which narrative to consume and therefore believe. One side saying Trump won the election, climate change in the era we now live in is not man made, gun control equates to gun confiscation, and more outrageous falsehoods like China owns Biden, Obama is a Muslim, and Dem's eat babies. Unfortunately, many on the Right have become the political equivalent of National Enquirer readers. Attracted by sensationalism and absent critical thought.

For those optimists out there who disagree with me, I invite you to read the replies from the conservatives on the board.
Vote in person on election day or the voter request an absentee ballot to be received by the local board of elections by election day and ALL votes counted that night. the only exceptions being military and overseas ballots or emergency medical. Only US citizens vote. Get rid of dominion software or anything else developed by the CCP. Problem solved.. Poll watchers from BOTH parties check the count. No one gets thrown out like the demrats did in Philly and several other places.
For those optimists out there who disagree with me, I invite you to read the replies from the conservatives on the board.

You came through like a champ.
I'm not a "conservative", jackass.

And your disingenuousness rings as hollow as can be.
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So the video of them pulling out those votes and counting them after the counting had stopped, and the sudden gain of Bidumb votes by morning never happened.

Let me tell you why this was allowed to happen. Politicians on both sides of the aisle and their appointees really, really don’t want there to be questions or answers to how they got that cushy job.
The moonbats are actually gaslighting themselves.

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