How do you do multiple line quoting?

Otherwise, if you are looking to Multi-Quote, use the plus sign at the bottom right on every post you want to quote.
Or you can just remove the [ quote] [ /quote] then just separately one at a time highlight each section you want quoted and hit the quote icon.


Now is the time
for all good men
to come to the aid of their country.

Quote tags removed:

Now is the time
for all good men
to come to the aid of their country.

Each line highlighted one at a time then the quote icon clicked:

Now is the time
for all good men
to come to the aid of their country.
Last edited:
Otherwise, if you are looking to Multi-Quote, use the plus sign at the bottom right on every post you want to quote.

What IS that thing for? I've never used it -- tried it just now and nothing happens at all.

If the OP is asking how to break up a quote like this...

Otherwise, if you are looking to Multi-Quote

(--- reply message here ---)

use the plus sign at the bottom right on every post you want to quote.

(--- reply 2---)

.... I usually take the "QUOTE=postername;number" and copy/paste it in front of each passage where I want it to start, with "/QUOTE" at the end. It's a bit of a PITA but if you just paste the passage and
put it in generic quotes
the board software starts losing the quote in subsequent posts and pretty soon the context is gone. That would be a good thing to find a remedy for btw...
How do you do multiple quoting?

How do you do multiple quoting?

Do you mean, how do you break up a paragraph into separate comments?

Or, do you mean how do you incorporate posts from several members into one quote?

I think you're asking how to break up a quote.

The answer is using quote tags.
will end a quote.
will begin one.

Otherwise, if you are looking to Multi-Quote, use the plus sign at the bottom right on every post you want to quote.

Otherwise, if you are looking to Multi-Quote, use the plus sign at the bottom right on every post you want to quote.

What IS that thing for? I've never used it -- tried it just now and nothing happens at all.

If the OP is asking how to break up a quote like this...

Otherwise, if you are looking to Multi-Quote

(--- reply message here ---)

use the plus sign at the bottom right on every post you want to quote.

(--- reply 2---)

.... I usually take the "QUOTE=postername;number" and copy/paste it in front of each passage where I want it to start, with "/QUOTE" at the end. It's a bit of a PITA but if you just paste the passage and
put it in generic quotes
the board software starts losing the quote in subsequent posts and pretty soon the context is gone. That would be a good thing to find a remedy for btw...

Hey Pogo-I just hit reply to quote to your quote and used the plus symbol on the first 4 quotes here. So it looks like the above.
How do you do multiple quoting?

Otherwise, if you are looking to Multi-Quote, use the plus sign at the bottom right on every post you want to quote.

What IS that thing for? I've never used it -- tried it just now and nothing happens at all.

If the OP is asking how to break up a quote like this...

Otherwise, if you are looking to Multi-Quote

(--- reply message here ---)

use the plus sign at the bottom right on every post you want to quote.

(--- reply 2---)

.... I usually take the "QUOTE=postername;number" and copy/paste it in front of each passage where I want it to start, with "/QUOTE" at the end. It's a bit of a PITA but if you just paste the passage and
put it in generic quotes
the board software starts losing the quote in subsequent posts and pretty soon the context is gone. That would be a good thing to find a remedy for btw...

This is the plus sign on the first quote and yours. Basically it's a way to include more than one quote from more than one poster. You have to quote someone to get it to work and plus all the others you want to include.
After you hit the plus sign....what do you do?

nothing happens when I hit it
After you hit the plus sign....what do you do?

nothing happens when I hit it

Click the plus sign on each post you want to quote, then click "Post New Reply". All of those posts you checked should appear as quotes.

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If they don't, you can quote someone and use the plus sign on the other quotes you want to include. I believe you have to quote someone to get it to work.
After you hit the plus sign....what do you do?

nothing happens when I hit it

Click the plus sign on each post you want to quote, then click "Post New Reply". All of those posts you checked should appear as quotes.

Sent from my iPhone using

If they don't, you can quote someone and use the plus sign on the other quotes you want to include. I believe you have to quote someone to get it to work.

This is just a test. I hit post new reply and both of these quotes with the plus sign and that worked so both of these ways will work-either one. I've tested them both. :cool:
After you hit the plus sign....what do you do?

nothing happens when I hit it

After you hit the plus sign....what do you do?

nothing happens when I hit it

Click the plus sign on each post you want to quote, then click "Post New Reply". All of those posts you checked should appear as quotes.

Sent from my iPhone using

If they don't, you can quote someone and use the plus sign on the other quotes you want to include. I believe you have to quote someone to get it to work.

W@W! Who knew! :eusa_dance:

So .. first you hit plus signs on each post you want to include, and then hit "Post Reply" at the bottom (don't quote any post directly). You won't see anything happen clicking the plus signs. That's why it's elusive.

Never knew. Let's go tell Quantum Windbag :evil:
After you hit the plus sign....what do you do?

nothing happens when I hit it

Something does happen, you're just not aware that it does.

It marks that particular post to be picked up when you hit the quote sign of another post.

For example: Say you hit the plus sign on one of my posts. Then you scroll down to another page and hit the quote on Wolfsister's post. My post, as well as Wolfsister's are both going to show up in your "reply to thread" area.

If you hit the plus sign on 3 posts, then hit the quote on another, 4 posts are going to show up on your "reply to thread" area.

You only use it when you want to include other people's post in the same response to another person's comment.
W@W! Who knew! :eusa_dance:

So .. first you hit plus signs on each post you want to include, and then hit "Post Reply" at the bottom (don't quote any post directly).
That's not true. You can hit the plus sign on each post you want to include also when quoting someone. The posts you "plused" will appear in your "reply to thread" area for that post.

They remain marked for inclusion, so if you don't want them included in other posts, you have to go back and un-plus them, otherwise they will show up with every post you make on that thread.
W@W! Who knew! :eusa_dance:

So .. first you hit plus signs on each post you want to include, and then hit "Post Reply" at the bottom (don't quote any post directly).
That's not true. You can hit the plus sign on each post you want to include also when quoting someone. The posts you "plused" will appear in your "reply to thread" area for that post.

They remain marked for inclusion, so if you don't want them included in other posts, you have to go back and un-plus them, otherwise they will show up with every post you make on that thread.

Well on my screen once I'm in this box (having hit "Quote" on your post), all the plusses disappear, so they're not available. That's why I said you have to hit plusses first and then quote.
How do you do multiple quoting?

After you hit the plus sign....what do you do?

nothing happens when I hit it

W@W! Who knew! :eusa_dance:

So .. first you hit plus signs on each post you want to include, and then hit "Post Reply" at the bottom (don't quote any post directly).
That's not true. You can hit the plus sign on each post you want to include also when quoting someone. The posts you "plused" will appear in your "reply to thread" area for that post.

They remain marked for inclusion, so if you don't want them included in other posts, you have to go back and un-plus them, otherwise they will show up with every post you make on that thread.

Well on my screen once I'm in this box (having hit "Quote" on your post), all the plusses disappear, so they're not available. That's why I said you have to hit plusses first and then quote.

I hit the plus sign on chuck's post, then on rightwinger's, and then hit the quote on your post, and it looks like I picked up their posts as well.

I'll go check to see if the plus have disappeared - this Forum may be different than other forums, where they stay marked forever in a thread.
W@W! Who knew! :eusa_dance:

So .. first you hit plus signs on each post you want to include, and then hit "Post Reply" at the bottom (don't quote any post directly).
That's not true. You can hit the plus sign on each post you want to include also when quoting someone. The posts you "plused" will appear in your "reply to thread" area for that post.

They remain marked for inclusion, so if you don't want them included in other posts, you have to go back and un-plus them, otherwise they will show up with every post you make on that thread.

Well on my screen once I'm in this box (having hit "Quote" on your post), all the plusses disappear, so they're not available. That's why I said you have to hit plusses first and then quote.

You're right, they have disappeared, I guess they are only good for one time, so I stand corrected!

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