How do you explain a ordered universe without a Creator?

I see, you are always right even when you are wrong.
Do you look in a mirror when you say that? Anomalies exist in nature, but all are still explained by natural law. Not a single one can only be explained by magic. You are free to believe in magic as an answer to the mysteries of the Universe.
Explaining why Venus rotates in the opposite direction does not change the fact that you were WRONG when you said ALL planets and the Sun spin in the SAME direction.
You may think you are right even when you are wrong, but reality is that when you are wrong you are wrong.
After reading all of these replies, one thing is clear. Scientists don't know why the universe exists. That's a fact. Get over it. I may be wrong about a Creator, but I don't think so, and no one can prove me wrong on that. So I'll continue to believe, unless someone can prove me wrong. You can believe whatever you want.
So who created god?
IF the Universe had proved to be an Oscillating Universe, would you be questioning "Who created the Universe"?

I heard an oscilating universe would not be able to reset the entropy. So if an endles rwo ofn uhnicese woud Exit before teh entroyp would be endlees. But uit is it endless. I gave him by the way the answer. God created everything - before he created everything was nothing.
So god created everything and before that there was nothing. Not even a god?

Exactly. God created the world out of a situation of a totally nonexistance. The word of creation is a timeless word.

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With "creation". Nothing was before god created everything - including existance.
So who created god?

You did not understand, what I said into the crying loudness of your supreme existance, where everyone is a subhuman idiot, if he's not you, Nazi.
So who created god?
no comment, Nazi
You don't know who created god. Got it.
No comment, Nazi.
So who created god?

You did not understand, what I said into the crying loudness of your supreme existance, where everyone is a subhuman idiot, if he's not you, Nazi.
So who created god?
no comment, Nazi
You don't know who created god. Got it.
No comment, Nazi.
Your ignorance has been duly noted.
I think that it's interesting to explore the why of the universe and potentially if someone actually made it. But if someone made it, then that person has to have come from someone/somewhere.
God isn't a "someone". Not a "he" nor a "her". God is God. Not a "being", but an eternal power that is beyond this Universe yet we are all part of it.

This is a difficult concept for them. Most God deniers simply can't comprehend any other type of existence than physical. If it isn't physical, it isn't real. I've answered this question thousands of times... probably dozens of times for Mudda... they just keep on asking it because they can't comprehend Spiritual existence.
I think that it's interesting to explore the why of the universe and potentially if someone actually made it. But if someone made it, then that person has to have come from someone/somewhere.
God isn't a "someone". Not a "he" nor a "her". God is God. Not a "being", but an eternal power that is beyond this Universe yet we are all part of it.

This is a difficult concept for them. Most God deniers simply can't comprehend any other type of existence than physical. If it isn't physical, it isn't real. I've answered this question thousands of times... probably dozens of times for Mudda... they just keep on asking it because they can't comprehend Spiritual existence.
NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not fucking Bossy. lol.

Bossy has zero proof for his claims, I thought I'd let them know that in advance. :D
So who created god?
IF the Universe had proved to be an Oscillating Universe, would you be questioning "Who created the Universe"?

I heard an oscilating universe would not be able to reset the entropy. So if an endles rwo ofn uhnicese woud Exit before teh entroyp would be endlees. But uit is it endless. I gave him by the way the answer. God created everything - before he created everything was nothing.
So god created everything and before that there was nothing. Not even a god?

Exactly. God created the world out of a situation of a totally nonexistance. The word of creation is a timeless word.
So if god didn't exist before he created the well, that doesn't even make any fucking sense. :lmao:
Have any proof for what you claim or is it just fartsmoke?
The fact remains no one knows whence the Universe originated. At best, we have pretty good evidence what happened immediately, but anything about why. Anyone who claims they definitely know what did or didn't happen before the Big Bang is full of "fartsmoke".
I think that it's interesting to explore the why of the universe and potentially if someone actually made it. But if someone made it, then that person has to have come from someone/somewhere.
God isn't a "someone". Not a "he" nor a "her". God is God. Not a "being", but an eternal power that is beyond this Universe yet we are all part of it.

This is a difficult concept for them. Most God deniers simply can't comprehend any other type of existence than physical. If it isn't physical, it isn't real. I've answered this question thousands of times... probably dozens of times for Mudda... they just keep on asking it because they can't comprehend Spiritual existence.
NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not fucking Bossy. lol.

Bossy has zero proof for his claims, I thought I'd let them know that in advance. :D

Sure I do. Logic. The physical universe cannot have created itself. It's a paradox in physics... nothing can create itself because it would have to already exist. So physics must logically be perpetually eternal which makes it spiritual or it has to be created by something outside of physical nature.
This is a difficult concept for them. Most God deniers simply can't comprehend any other type of existence than physical. If it isn't physical, it isn't real. I've answered this question thousands of times... probably dozens of times for Mudda... they just keep on asking it because they can't comprehend Spiritual existence.
Agreed. Most atheists believe we're all meat computers walking around in response to biochemical programming and when we cease functioning, nothing remains except component parts.

They insist on only believing what is in front of their nose. That's fine. Them insisting on evidence before believing anything is fine too. What is not fine is them claiming to know things they can't possible know in response to those who claim the same thing about religion. No one knows and anyone claims they do is either fooling themselves, lying or crazy.
Sure I do. Logic. The physical universe cannot have created itself. It's a paradox in physics... nothing can create itself because it would have to already exist. So physics must logically be perpetually eternal which makes it spiritual or it has to be created by something outside of physical nature.
Extrapolating natural law outside the Universe is illogical. We don't know. All we know is that natural laws are constant inside the Universe.
I think that it's interesting to explore the why of the universe and potentially if someone actually made it. But if someone made it, then that person has to have come from someone/somewhere.
God isn't a "someone". Not a "he" nor a "her". God is God. Not a "being", but an eternal power that is beyond this Universe yet we are all part of it.

This is a difficult concept for them. Most God deniers simply can't comprehend any other type of existence than physical. If it isn't physical, it isn't real. I've answered this question thousands of times... probably dozens of times for Mudda... they just keep on asking it because they can't comprehend Spiritual existence.
NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not fucking Bossy. lol.

Bossy has zero proof for his claims, I thought I'd let them know that in advance. :D

Sure I do. Logic. The physical universe cannot have created itself. It's a paradox in physics... nothing can create itself because it would have to already exist. So physics must logically be perpetually eternal which makes it spiritual or it has to be created by something outside of physical nature.
Cmon man, don't start with your nonsense. You connect things as fact when you're simply making it all up.
It is either a closed or open universe and closed implies God did it.
What is happening is that, with the discoveries of modern science (specifically quantum physics), we are confronted by realities for which we have no vocabulary. The relative world we evolved in and created language in has no parallels from which to draw. We cannot, for example, hear that the universe started at 0 some time in the past without automatically asking what preceded. Further, we cannot accept the concept that nothing preceded. We are caught in linguistics.
It's pretty simple. In the beginning was the Word.

"In the beginning was the word" - Anton Zeilinger, 01/21/2015.

"Im Anfang war das Wort. Und wer hätte geahnt, dass diese Aussage in den modernen Überlegungen der Physik jetzt eine ganz andere Bedeutung bekommen könnte. Es gibt immer mehr Leute in der Quantenphysik, die der Meinung sind, das Grundkonzept über das wir sprechen, ist die Information. Die Information als Möglichkeit des Gewinns von Wissen. Wenn das das fundamentale Konzept unserer Weltbeschreibung ist, dann ist das nicht weit weg von ‚Im Anfang war das Wort‘“.

source: Diözese Linz

... Nobody gives a fuck about the jews, we're talking about the bible. 6 days means 6 fucking days.

Whatever could be the opposit of "Nobody gives a fuck about the Jews." without to attack any Jew: that's exactly my choice, Nazi, US-¿Anti?-American one. God made the world in six days. Nothing to discuss about with Nazis.

So now I have to give a fuck about Jews to not be a nazi? :cuckoo:
I don't give a fuck about you either. :lol:

I doubt about. Nazis never let other people live in peace. If you are wrong then you will explode like Little Boy and Fat Man on no other reason than your own wrongness.

In this case, what's difference between nazis and democrats? Lasts are never let to North Corea live in peace too...:)

Hmm ... One difference is it for example that german Nazis made with the skin of human beings lampshades for living room lamps. A short time later the president John F. Kennedy started to send the USA to the moon. But I did not know that they forgot some people there. Shall we ask the Russians to be so nice to bring you back from the moon?

In magical scientific circles it is usually the chicken or egg question.

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