How do you explain a ordered universe without a Creator?

You don't know who created god. Got it.
No comment, Nazi.
Your ignorance has been duly noted.
No comment. Nazi.
Is it tough going through life so clueless that you can't even respond properly and have no problem showing everyone what an ass you are??
No comment. Nazi
If there is a Creator, are you one of His mistakes?
(PS. Your video "across the universe" is on reasons of copyright inaccessible in Germany)
So you found a way to rip them off. Nice work Adolf.

By the way - how many tryings do I have to find out that your name is Erdogan, Rumpelstiltskin, nazilike one?
I bet you have a small mustache like Adolf, Adolf.

You know that a big part of my family was murdered from Nazis. So you try to hurt a victim of a genocide. To try to hurt victims of a genocide is meanwhile in some countries in the world a crime, Milchreisbubi.

No comment, Nazi.
Your ignorance has been duly noted.
No comment. Nazi.
Is it tough going through life so clueless that you can't even respond properly and have no problem showing everyone what an ass you are??
No comment. Nazi
If there is a Creator, are you one of His mistakes?
No comment, Nazi
By the way - how many tryings do I have to find out that your name is Erdogan, Rumpelstiltskin, nazilike one?

How many more years will it take before you realize that the bizarre religious beliefs that you have allowed to take root in your mind and perpetuate impairs your ability to be honest and rational, the keys to a fruitful and happy life, and consistently makes you say and do stupid things in the same way that malware cripples a computers ability to function effectively?

In 2^31-1 years I could perhaps have a little time to discuss with you this very important not existing problem. That's a short time after 1772.

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(PS. Your video "across the universe" is on reasons of copyright inaccessible in Germany)
So you found a way to rip them off. Nice work Adolf.

By the way - how many tryings do I have to find out that your name is Erdogan, Rumpelstiltskin, nazilike one?
I bet you have a small mustache like Adolf, Adolf.

You know that a big part of my family was murdered from Nazis. So you try to hurt a victim of a genocide. To try to hurt victims of a genocide is meanwhile in some countries in the world a crime, Milchreisbubi.
But it's ok for you to call ME a nazi? Ok Adolf.
Your ignorance has been duly noted.
No comment. Nazi.
Is it tough going through life so clueless that you can't even respond properly and have no problem showing everyone what an ass you are??
No comment. Nazi
If there is a Creator, are you one of His mistakes?
No comment, Nazi
Adolf has no comment, what else is new? :D
(PS. Your video "across the universe" is on reasons of copyright inaccessible in Germany)
So you found a way to rip them off. Nice work Adolf.

By the way - how many tryings do I have to find out that your name is Erdogan, Rumpelstiltskin, nazilike one?
I bet you have a small mustache like Adolf, Adolf.

You know that a big part of my family was murdered from Nazis. So you try to hurt a victim of a genocide. To try to hurt victims of a genocide is meanwhile in some countries in the world a crime, Milchreisbubi.
But it's ok for you to call ME a nazi? Ok Adolf.

Yes, because you are a Nazi: You started immediatelly to attack me. You are a racist - not only against Germans but also against black people and you are extremly nationalistic. You intentionally ignore everything what others say to you - while you are the same time provocating people, who don't like to speak with you by saying agressive nonsense against god and his world. You are a goon with the symbol "black sun" in your avatar. Whatelse than "Nazi" do you prefer should I call you, Nazi?

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"How do you explain a ordered universe without a Creator?"

How do you explain an appeal to ignorance fallacy to a theist without a brain.
No comment. Nazi.
Is it tough going through life so clueless that you can't even respond properly and have no problem showing everyone what an ass you are??
No comment. Nazi
If there is a Creator, are you one of His mistakes?
No comment, Nazi
Adolf has no comment, what else is new? :D
No comment, Nazi.
So you found a way to rip them off. Nice work Adolf.

By the way - how many tryings do I have to find out that your name is Erdogan, Rumpelstiltskin, nazilike one?
I bet you have a small mustache like Adolf, Adolf.

You know that a big part of my family was murdered from Nazis. So you try to hurt a victim of a genocide. To try to hurt victims of a genocide is meanwhile in some countries in the world a crime, Milchreisbubi.
But it's ok for you to call ME a nazi? Ok Adolf.

Yes, because you are a Nazi: You started immediatelly to attack me. You are a racist - not only against Germans but also against black people and you are extremly nationalistic. You intentionally ignore everything what others say to you - while you are the same time provocating people, who don't like to speak with you by saying agressive nonsense against god and his world. You are a goon with the symbol "black sun" in your avatar. Whatelse than "Nazi" do you prefer should I call you, Nazi?

My avatar is an eclipse you fucking retard, lol.
Maybe if you stopped pretending that your family died in the holocaust you wouldn't open yourself up to so much ridicule. Understand Adolf?
By the way - how many tryings do I have to find out that your name is Erdogan, Rumpelstiltskin, nazilike one?
I bet you have a small mustache like Adolf, Adolf.

You know that a big part of my family was murdered from Nazis. So you try to hurt a victim of a genocide. To try to hurt victims of a genocide is meanwhile in some countries in the world a crime, Milchreisbubi.
But it's ok for you to call ME a nazi? Ok Adolf.

Yes, because you are a Nazi: You started immediatelly to attack me. You are a racist - not only against Germans but also against black people and you are extremly nationalistic. You intentionally ignore everything what others say to you - while you are the same time provocating people, who don't like to speak with you by saying agressive nonsense against god and his world. You are a goon with the symbol "black sun" in your avatar. Whatelse than "Nazi" do you prefer should I call you, Nazi?

My avatar is an eclipse you fucking retard, lol.
Maybe if you stopped pretending that your family died in the holocaust you wouldn't open yourself up to so much ridicule. Understand Adolf?

No comment, Nazi.
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You seem to agree, yet said "not really", so I'm not sure what you are saying.

"Many people believe or disbelieve in the existence of God based on the written words of scripture. Those who fail to comprehend the deeper meaning of the words and subjects, that are not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used, are believing or disbelieving in God based on what scripture is not about."

In other words some people read genesis and believe that God created the solar system, the sun the earth, the first plants and animals, six days. Some people read genesis and do not believe that God created the solar system, the sun the earth, the first plants and animals, six days.

The truth of the matter is that the story of genesis is not about the creation of the solar system, the sun, the earth, the first plants and animals, six days, so everyone, believers and disbelievers alike, are believing or disbelieving and arguing with each other over what the story is not about.
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Simple question, really. Why do so many people have a problem with it? Think about it. Order cannot come from chaos. At least not in this universe. Every bit of scientific knowledge we possess says it just can't happen. The universe is extremely ordered. It also contains vast amounts of information. Information has one source. Intelligence. Earthly intelligence is also the result of information. Can you say catch 22? This proves that information has a source that is outside this universe. What is this source? I believe that it is God. Can you come up with any other explanation?
Science can and has explained other possibilities of how an ordered universe without God is possible but youd rather stick with the God hypothesis. You can't teach old dogs new tricks but luckily the human race is moving away from an ancient con game. It's becoming outdated. If only Muslims weren't 500 years behind us in the evolution of human religions. Christianity wasn't the first and isn't the last.
You seem to agree, yet said "not really", so I'm not sure what you are saying.

"Many people believe or disbelieve in the existence of God based on the written words of scripture. Those who fail to comprehend the deeper meaning of the words and subjects, that are not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used, are believing or disbelieving in God based on what scripture is not about."

In other words some people read genesis and believe that God created the solar system, the sun the earth, the first plants and animals, six days. Some people read genesis and do not believe that God created the solar system, the sun the earth, the first plants and animals, six days.

The truth of the matter is that the story of genesis is not about the creation of the solar system, the sun, the earth, the first plants and animals, six days, so everyone, believers and disbelievers alike, are believing or disbelieving and arguing with each other over what the story is not about.
Bla bla. Modern Humans have been around for 40,000-1 million years. The Jesus story is only one of many religions. Just like evolution happens slowly so does changing religions. We can't imagine a future where no ones a Mormon Muslim Christian or Jew but it's actually probable. Slowly humans are understanding we and our ancestors have been conned for thousands of years. But we don't tell gramma she's stupid we just let her die happy but we won't be going to ancient churches in 1000 years. God willing. We will make up a new religion. Hopefully one that doesn't start off with lies of past visits from this God. They will simply be called believers
You seem to agree, yet said "not really", so I'm not sure what you are saying.

"Many people believe or disbelieve in the existence of God based on the written words of scripture. Those who fail to comprehend the deeper meaning of the words and subjects, that are not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used, are believing or disbelieving in God based on what scripture is not about."

In other words some people read genesis and believe that God created the solar system, the sun the earth, the first plants and animals, six days. Some people read genesis and do not believe that God created the solar system, the sun the earth, the first plants and animals, six days.

The truth of the matter is that the story of genesis is not about the creation of the solar system, the sun, the earth, the first plants and animals, six days, so everyone, believers and disbelievers alike, are believing or disbelieving and arguing with each other over what the story is not about.
Bla bla. Modern Humans have been around for 40,000-1 million years. The Jesus story is only one of many religions. Just like evolution happens slowly so does changing religions. We can't imagine a future where no ones a Mormon Muslim Christian or Jew but it's actually probable. Slowly humans are understanding we and our ancestors have been conned for thousands of years. But we don't tell gramma she's stupid we just let her die happy but we won't be going to ancient churches in 1000 years. God willing. We will make up a new religion. Hopefully one that doesn't start off with lies of past visits from this God. They will simply be called believers
I agree. Although I hope beliefs dies in it's entirety .At least the organised kind,because I believe organised religion just like any other ideoligy inevitably leads to strife. Our best hope and our greatest danger is science wich offers rationality above else. But of course also offers those ideologies more and more effective tools to perpetuate that strife.
You seem to agree, yet said "not really", so I'm not sure what you are saying.

"Many people believe or disbelieve in the existence of God based on the written words of scripture. Those who fail to comprehend the deeper meaning of the words and subjects, that are not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used, are believing or disbelieving in God based on what scripture is not about."

In other words some people read genesis and believe that God created the solar system, the sun the earth, the first plants and animals, six days. Some people read genesis and do not believe that God created the solar system, the sun the earth, the first plants and animals, six days.

The truth of the matter is that the story of genesis is not about the creation of the solar system, the sun, the earth, the first plants and animals, six days, so everyone, believers and disbelievers alike, are believing or disbelieving and arguing with each other over what the story is not about.
Bla bla. Modern Humans have been around for 40,000-1 million years. The Jesus story is only one of many religions. Just like evolution happens slowly so does changing religions. We can't imagine a future where no ones a Mormon Muslim Christian or Jew but it's actually probable. Slowly humans are understanding we and our ancestors have been conned for thousands of years. But we don't tell gramma she's stupid we just let her die happy but we won't be going to ancient churches in 1000 years. God willing. We will make up a new religion. Hopefully one that doesn't start off with lies of past visits from this God. They will simply be called believers
I agree. Although I hope beliefs dies in it's entirety .At least the organised kind,because I believe organised religion just like any other ideoligy inevitably leads to strife. Our best hope and our greatest danger is science wich offers rationality above else. But of course also offers those ideologies more and more effective tools to perpetuate that strife.
Can't get rid of ideology without getting rid of people, dude.

Stalin and Mao tried for decades to stamp out religion. It just went underground.
You seem to agree, yet said "not really", so I'm not sure what you are saying.

"Many people believe or disbelieve in the existence of God based on the written words of scripture. Those who fail to comprehend the deeper meaning of the words and subjects, that are not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used, are believing or disbelieving in God based on what scripture is not about."

In other words some people read genesis and believe that God created the solar system, the sun the earth, the first plants and animals, six days. Some people read genesis and do not believe that God created the solar system, the sun the earth, the first plants and animals, six days.

The truth of the matter is that the story of genesis is not about the creation of the solar system, the sun, the earth, the first plants and animals, six days, so everyone, believers and disbelievers alike, are believing or disbelieving and arguing with each other over what the story is not about.
Bla bla. Modern Humans have been around for 40,000-1 million years. The Jesus story is only one of many religions. Just like evolution happens slowly so does changing religions. We can't imagine a future where no ones a Mormon Muslim Christian or Jew but it's actually probable. Slowly humans are understanding we and our ancestors have been conned for thousands of years. But we don't tell gramma she's stupid we just let her die happy but we won't be going to ancient churches in 1000 years. God willing. We will make up a new religion. Hopefully one that doesn't start off with lies of past visits from this God. They will simply be called believers
I agree. Although I hope beliefs dies in it's entirety .At least the organised kind,because I believe organised religion just like any other ideoligy inevitably leads to strife. Our best hope and our greatest danger is science wich offers rationality above else. But of course also offers those ideologies more and more effective tools to perpetuate that strife.
Can't get rid of ideology without getting rid of people, dude.

Stalin and Mao tried for decades to stamp out religion. It just went underground.
Kind of my point. Stalinism was no less an ideoligy then any religion, they just replaced god with state.

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