How do you explain a ordered universe without a Creator?

Do you understand the cosmos go out in each direction and go for infinity? Our little universe is just one universe of an infinite time and space.

Think about just our universe. OK? Put it in a box in your mind. Got it? Now what's beyond that?

Even if you believe in God, are you really putting God inside a box? You're saying God can't go somewhere beyond our little universe?

If there IS anything outside the cosmos (we do not know this)... then God also create that. I don't see where anyone has limited God to just this one universe. God is also not limited to only creating life on Earth.

But I would like to go back to another statement you're making... what is infinity? Give me the math formula to calculate the value of . If you cannot define the value of it, then you cannot measure it. If you cannot measure it, you cannot test it. If you can't test or measure it, you simply can't apply physical sciences to it. Infinity is not a physical property. It can only be imagined in a philosophical (spiritual) context. If you believe in "infinite time and space" then you ostensibly believe in God. There is really no difference other than the language you're using to define it.
The definition of God and infinity are different. No God necessary for infinity to exist.

God has other children? I feel like a family that finds out daddy has another family in another town
Who created God..

Never fails.

Why do non-believers constantly and consistently raise this rhetorical ignorant question and think they are being clever and smug? Is it because your mind simply can't wrap itself around the concept of something spiritual existing? When us mortal human beings use the word "created" ...which, btw, we created.... It generally means to bring into physical existence in an objective reality. BUT... By it's very nature... pardon the pun... Spiritual Nature is not physical or doesn't have physical existence in objective physical reality.

So what the hell do you mean by "create" when applied to a spiritual entity? How would you go about creating something spiritual? Better yet, how could you prove it or evaluate the evidence for it? You see.... we have a major breakdown of communication here because your brain can't comprehend spiritual existence. For you, the ONLY kind of existence is physical.

This is important because it is the root of why you are a disbeliever.

Since you can only comprehend physical existence, when people say that "God exists" you find no physical evidence of a God existing and conclude that it's ridiculous. I wholeheartedly agree... it is ridiculous to believe in an invisible physical being floating around everywhere all at the same time. Especially if the being is adorned with all sorts of humanistic attributes... love, hate, jealousy, anger, needs... those are human physical attributes that I don't think apply to spiritual omnipotent entities. Obviously, a lot of religious people disagree with me on that. But whatever.

The point is.... there is a Spiritual Nature just like there is a Physical Nature... they are both Natural. Neither are Supernatural. They are the Yin/Yang. Our objective reality is tied to the Physical and our souls and spirit are tied to the Spiritual. Most of our thoughts, emotions and principles are guided by our spirit and our spiritual connection. But you are trapped in your mind because you can only imagine the Physical.

Finally... Physics proves Spiritual Nature's existence. I know that comes as a real shocker but pay attention... According to laws of physics, there is not an explanation for how physical nature created itself. It is a paradoxical contradiction. Physical nature exists and therefore, something caused it to exist. It cannot cause itself to exist.... nothing physical can. Energy and Matter cannot be created, and yet... Energy and Matter WERE created. They HAD to have been because they exist in Physical Nature.
You've created something from nothing. God. Does that make you God?
But don't worry because 5 universes are born every second in the infinite cosmos
Uh, dude, the "cosmos" is our Universe. I think you meant to say "5 galaxies are born every second" although I don't know where you pulled that number from.

Definition of COSMOS
the cosmos : the universe especially when it is understood as an ordered system
What do you call the universes outside of our universe?
Universes. A cosmos is the Universe. You can't have a universe inside a universe.
If there are other universes what would you call them? I call everything the cosmos because you confuse our universe with everything.

In order for you to understand there could be more you first have to realize there might be more. This is what people didn't do back when they came up with the God hypothesis
But don't worry because 5 universes are born every second in the infinite cosmos
Uh, dude, the "cosmos" is our Universe. I think you meant to say "5 galaxies are born every second" although I don't know where you pulled that number from.

Definition of COSMOS
the cosmos : the universe especially when it is understood as an ordered system
What do you call the universes outside of our universe?
Universes. A cosmos is the Universe. You can't have a universe inside a universe.

Not really. In every point all around you could be an infinite number of universes if the sum of all positive and negative energies of this universes would be "0". Our universe has by the way no outside.

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Not really. In every point all around you could be an infinite number of universes if the sum of all positive and negative energies of this universes would be "0". Our universe has by the way no outside.
Hey, look who's back, enjoy your little holiday away from the board? You're welcome. :D
How do you know that there's nothing outside our universe? Your invisible friend tell you?
I'm not saying it does, but I don't blindly exclude the possibility, like you.

Hey, I am the one who is keeping ALL possibilities open, including an Intelligent Designer. YOU are the one who draws conclusions and makes blind assumptions.
...I call everything the cosmos because you confuse our universe with everything....
LOL You are free to misuse terms and feel like you are smart. Just don't expect anyone to respect your ignorance.
Bet you never watched the Cosmos. And if you did, you didn't understand what you were watching. But feel free to continue calling me ignorant. I think it is funny because your little brain can't wrap your mind around what I'm telling you. You remind me of people who thought the universe all revolved around us because we were clearly in a fixed position and everything else was revolving around us. Must have all been made for us.

But continue to tell me how smart you are and then tell me how you believe in invisible gods that talk to you in the next breath.
I'm not saying it does, but I don't blindly exclude the possibility, like you.

Hey, I am the one who is keeping ALL possibilities open, including an Intelligent Designer. YOU are the one who draws conclusions and makes blind assumptions.
I'm open to the possibility. I'm just not convinced at all because your arguments aren't convincing at all. Well, maybe a little but that's why believing in god is just the easy way out. Instead of admitting we don't know we say, "must be god" because that makes us comfortable.

And your god is not the same god of the bible or koran or torah. Those gods are made up. So is yours but at least you admit you're just going off a theory. You never claim it sent Jesus or visited Noah or Moses. The only one you think it visits is you.
...I call everything the cosmos because you confuse our universe with everything....
LOL You are free to misuse terms and feel like you are smart. Just don't expect anyone to respect your ignorance.
Is it possible that something else exists beyond existence? Yes.

The "outside the universe" question gets tricky right off the bat, because first you have to define the universe. One common answer is called the observable universe, and it's defined by the speed of light. Since we can only see things when the light they emit or reflect reaches us, we can never see farther than the farthest distance light can travel in the time the universe has existed. That means the observable universe keeps getting bigger, but it is finite – the amount is sometimes referred to as the Hubble Volume. We'll never be able to see beyond that boundary, so for all intents and purposes, it's the only universe we'll ever interact with.

We know with some certainty that there's "more universe" out there beyond that boundary, though. Astronomers think space might be infinite....

But you keep thinking the universe you see is all their is. That's what I would expect from a puny human

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