How do you feel about defense spending?


VIP Member
Jun 9, 2012
I think I have a pretty good idea of how the tea party feels about welfare (aka crack moms and crack babies). What about the monumental waste that goes on in defense?
The "monumental waste" you speak of enables cowards like you the ability to post freely on message boards.
Audits must be done on defense spending... There are many many contractors who do not live up to contract that still get paid... there is always room to trim the fat, and defense is no exception

BUT.... The federal government is constitutionally charged to defend the union.... and I fully believe we should stay leaps and bounds above others in the world, to ensure we always have the most prepared and advanced military in the world... so I cannot condone gutting defense spending like many uber-liberals want
I dont think there is any reason we cant cut military waste and increase salaries to the troops and take care of them.

Every budget needs to be trimmed of waste. There are no sacred cows.
I think I have a pretty good idea of how the tea party feels about welfare (aka crack moms and crack babies). What about the monumental waste that goes on in defense?

As someone who served in the military for 20 years, I can give you plenty of examples of waste, fraud, and abuse in defense spending. And it used to piss me off to no end. In fact, I turned down a very lucrative six figure job with a defense contractor after I retired, in no small part because that contractor was one of the biggest offenders.

With that said, I believe that much of what is seen as "waste" is not really waste. I think there are people who are unfamiliar with military logistics and make assumptions from ignorance.

I think it would be more productive to examine the big picture instead. We should look at the various things we are doing around the world and determine which of those things are truly vital to our survival, and which are not.
Im thinking that the 4-5% of GDP traditionally spent on the military is just about right............
Sure it could be cut back. Why don't we just start with a 5 percent decrease in appropriations across the board along with welfare, education, pensions, and other double digit percentages that swallow our budget.
Im thinking that the 4-5% of GDP traditionally spent on the military is just about right............

A number in a vacuum is ridiculous. What if it really only took 3 percent to ensure our survival? What if it really took 8 percent?

If we entered a depression and GDP shrank by 20 percent, does that mean our survival is 20 percent cheaper?
The country has to make a decision,

we can't be a big spender on defense, and also have a modern civilized domestic social spending agenda, AND

be a super low tax nation.

The math doesn't work.
We spend too much defending other countries.

If we actually defended our own country we would be spending a lot less.

We should pull our troops out from all foreign countries and post them on our borders.
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I served active duty 28 days short of 12 years in the combat arms.

Slash defense by 40%. Don't tell me about lost jobs, because govt does not create jobs.
Warrior102 is Sotero's cousin, so figure what he says in light of that.
As someone who served in the military for 20 years....

The only thing you served the military were blow-jobs behind a dumpster on Pier 12 in Norfolk, or in some random men's room of a Greyhound Bus Station.

Stop projecting.

You're a 16 year old on summer vacation typing in mommy's basement pretending you're this great american combat veteran, it's horse shit. No one is buying your internet tough guy schtick.
The country has to make a decision,

we can't be a big spender on defense, and also have a modern civilized domestic social spending agenda, AND

be a super low tax nation.

The math doesn't work.

Can you guess why some suggest it can work?
The only thing you served the military were blow-jobs behind a dumpster on Pier 12 in Norfolk, or in some random men's room of a Greyhound Bus Station.

Stop projecting.

You're a 16 year old on summer vacation typing in mommy's basement pretending you're this great american combat veteran, it's horse shit. No one is buying your internet tough guy schtick.

He is insane and I will never answer a post of his again

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