How do you feel about religion being taught in our schools?

You asked for opinions, and mine is..yes. Religions should be taught in school. Not bible study and whatnot...but religions of the world, what they represent, the locale, how it started, etc....then let the kid and parents decide to take it further on whichever religion tickled their ear that they learned about in school.
In short...the rudiments.
Good idea the only problem if we teach the fundimentals of all the religions in the world where would we find time to teach the other subjects ?
like prayers at school sports events let each religion have a prayer time previous to the game and we wait 7 hours for the match to start

no teach religion in church, maths and science in schools.

Praying before the game to ask God to protect the players is a wonderful thing.

But, one of the things I could never understand is why people pray for their team to win. Do they really think that the Omniscient, Omnipotent, Eternal Creator gives a Divine damn about who wins each of those millions of assorted games. Apparently these folks don't know that those on the opposite side of the field (or court or whatever) are also praying for their own team to win and obviously God can't make everyone happy. Even after their team loses they continue to pray at every game with some vain hope that God won't keep disappointing them. They don't get the message that God doesn't really care who wins. The same goes for the athlete who thanks God for the victory. Although his faith in God is admirable, the message he sends is that God liked him better than the other players. But I thought the Bible teaches that God is no respecter of persons. Oh well. Come to think of it, I never heard a member of the losing team blame God; yet if He favors one participant over the other, He should get credit for the victory and blame for the defeat.

I think people are arrogant to even think that the Almighty God would be involved in the smallest trivialities of their lives, especially when the favor they expect causes someone else to be disappointed. I suggest that they demean God by supposing He should be concerned with their every whim.

I pray. In fact, I pray a lot. But I stopped asking for things a long time ago. All my prayers now are prayers of thanksgiving. I think it is sad that far too many people pray that God will give them more and more, and far too few people pray for God to make them happy with what they already have.
You asked for opinions, and mine is..yes. Religions should be taught in school. Not bible study and whatnot...but religions of the world, what they represent, the locale, how it started, etc....then let the kid and parents decide to take it further on whichever religion tickled their ear that they learned about in school.
In short...the rudiments.
Good idea the only problem if we teach the fundimentals of all the religions in the world where would we find time to teach the other subjects ?
like prayers at school sports events let each religion have a prayer time previous to the game and we wait 7 hours for the match to start

no teach religion in church, maths and science in schools.

Praying before the game to ask God to protect the players is a wonderful thing.

But, one of the things I could never understand is why people pray for their team to win. Do they really think that the Omniscient, Omnipotent, Eternal Creator gives a Divine damn about who wins each of those millions of assorted games. Apparently these folks don't know that those on the opposite side of the field (or court or whatever) are also praying for their own team to win and obviously God can't make everyone happy. Even after their team loses they continue to pray at every game with some vain hope that God won't keep disappointing them. They don't get the message that God doesn't really care who wins. The same goes for the athlete who thanks God for the victory. Although his faith in God is admirable, the message he sends is that God liked him better than the other players. But I thought the Bible teaches that God is no respecter of persons. Oh well. Come to think of it, I never heard a member of the losing team blame God; yet if He favors one participant over the other, He should get credit for the victory and blame for the defeat.

I think people are arrogant to even think that the Almighty God would be involved in the smallest trivialities of their lives, especially when the favor they expect causes someone else to be disappointed. I suggest that they demean God by supposing He should be concerned with their every whim.

I pray. In fact, I pray a lot. But I stopped asking for things a long time ago. All my prayers now are prayers of thanksgiving. I think it is sad that far too many people pray that God will give them more and more, and far too few people pray for God to make them happy with what they already have.

That is correct, God doesnt take sides in football, but I'm praying, just in case!!!!!!!!!!!
Somewhat true, but it's nice to spread the hypocrisy around.
You don't come here with clean hands. No worries.
Stop posting. BY buy a car and go on a trip across the nation. Seek out the perfect people.

Are you encouraging him to start a cult? I think that's how Heaven's Gate got started.

No. Lakhota expresses feelings on here that when in agreement with his, everything is fine.
When those express their thoughts to the contrary, Lakhota bears his talons.
He is looking for the 'perfect people'.
Do a Ghost Dance and shut up.

Dinosaurs hung out with humans; God created dinosaurs on the sixth day; the "behemoth" described in the Bible's Book of Job actually refers to a brontosaurus. These are some of the unscientific beliefs behind what appears to be a fourth-grade science quiz posted recently online.

More: 4th-Grade 'Science Test' Goes Viral: Creationism Quiz Claims Dinosaurs Lived With People (PHOTO)

Students at Mississippi's Northwest Rankin High School who claim that they and their classmates were forced to attend assemblies about Christianity and the power of Jesus Christ are getting help from a top atheist organization to put an end to the meetings.

More: Mississippi High School Lawsuit: Students Allegedly Forced To Attend 'Lectures' On Being 'Open' To Jesus

Personally, I find this very offensive on several levels. In short, I'm strongly against any religious beliefs being taught in our schools - especially ones that are scientifically deranged.

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