How do you feel about religion being taught in our schools?

Actually, religion should not be taught in public school. To much conflict in faiths. Private schools are better suited for their faith.

That being said, evolution should not be taught either.

Why would science not be taught in school, when the only objections are based on superstitions?

Evolution is not fact, it's only theory...There are plenty of university's to attend to learn more of the theory. If religion is not accepted in public school, then evolution shouldn't be forced on children either.

I suppose that Heliocentric Theory should also be omitted :cuckoo:

Theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of knowledge that has been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment.[1][2] Scientists create scientific theories from hypotheses that have been corroborated through the scientific method, then gather evidence to test their accuracy. As with all forms of scientific knowledge, scientific theories are inductive in nature and do not make apodictic propositions; instead, they aim for predictive and explanatory force.[3][4]

The strength of a scientific theory is related to the diversity of phenomena it can explain, which is measured by its ability to make falsifiable predictions with respect to those phenomena. Theories are improved as more evidence is gathered, so that accuracy in prediction improves over time. Scientists use theories as a foundation to gain further scientific knowledge, as well as to accomplish goals such as inventing technology or curing disease.

Scientific theories are the most reliable, rigorous, and comprehensive form of scientific knowledge.[3] This is significantly different from the word "theory" in common usage, which implies that something is unsubstantiated or speculative.[5]

Scientific theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Our nation is not now, nor has it ever been a Christian nation.
Do a search on the Treaty of Tripoly, 1796.
That document is extremely clear that the USA was not and therefore cannot be a Christian nation.
(so nobody can blame the Christians for this screwed up America that we have in our hands)

Not a Christian nation. A nation built by Christians.
Christians who were persecuted by the Anglican Church. The main reason why there is a United States today.
This nation finds its bedrock on freedom OF religion.
Any denial of that fact is futile.
Our nation is not now, nor has it ever been a Christian nation.
Do a search on the Treaty of Tripoly, 1796.
That document is extremely clear that the USA was not and therefore cannot be a Christian nation.
(so nobody can blame the Christians for this screwed up America that we have in our hands)

Not a Christian nation. A nation built by Christians.
Christians who were persecuted by the Anglican Church. The main reason why there is a United States today.
This nation finds its bedrock on freedom OF religion.
Any denial of that fact is futile.

A nation built by Christians? You mean after they murdered Native Americans and stole their land - then turned to slave labor to build their nation? Those Christians?
Our nation is not now, nor has it ever been a Christian nation.
Do a search on the Treaty of Tripoly, 1796.
That document is extremely clear that the USA was not and therefore cannot be a Christian nation.
(so nobody can blame the Christians for this screwed up America that we have in our hands)

Not a Christian nation. A nation built by Christians.
Christians who were persecuted by the Anglican Church. The main reason why there is a United States today.
This nation finds its bedrock on freedom OF religion.
Any denial of that fact is futile.

A nation built by Christians? You mean after they murdered Native Americans and stole their land - then turned to slave labor to build their nation? Those Christians?

Saying that they were hypocritical Christians only reinforces the present conservative's sense of justification.
(so nobody can blame the Christians for this screwed up America that we have in our hands)

except how the last administration invaded Babylon to help bring on the "End Times"

I guess we should of left that up to the people to choose. Not likely they would of ever overthrown Saddam or worked for better. This is part of the reason I have a pretty dim view of most of humanity...Of course within the leftist mind that makes me the bad guy.

I guess most of humanity doesn't want personal freedom and seeks dictatorship. Am I right?
I've noticed a lot of Christian bashing on this thread, which is fine (boring and cliche ridden) but fine. Christianity has accomplished both good and bad. It's almost as if Christianity mirrored human nature, eh? To only focus on the negative accomplishments of Christians is pretty one sided, shallow and self serving. It's a bit like saying all Native American tribes committed cannibalism or all Natives Americans are notorious alcoholics. To paint with such a broad brush in a silly attempt to justify ones one biases and views is, at best, nonsensical.
I've noticed a lot of Christian bashing on this thread, which is fine (boring and cliche ridden) but fine. Christianity has accomplished both good and bad. It's almost as if Christianity mirrored human nature, eh? To only focus on the negative accomplishments of Christians is pretty one sided, shallow and self serving. It's a bit like saying all Native American tribes committed cannibalism or all Natives Americans are notorious alcoholics. To paint with such a broad brush in a silly attempt to justify ones one biases and views is, at best, nonsensical.

Somewhat true, but it's nice to spread the hypocrisy around.
The study of religion is perfectly valid and academically enriching in many ways.

Theology itself is a fascinating subject that necessarily informs many other areas of study.

The study of various world religions is an important aspect of anthropology in general.

One cannot fully and comprehensively study world history without studying world religions.

None of this implies or requires indoctrination or proselytizing.
Our nation is not now, nor has it ever been a Christian nation.
Do a search on the Treaty of Tripoly, 1796.
That document is extremely clear that the USA was not and therefore cannot be a Christian nation.
(so nobody can blame the Christians for this screwed up America that we have in our hands)

Not a Christian nation. A nation built by Christians.
Christians who were persecuted by the Anglican Church. The main reason why there is a United States today.
This nation finds its bedrock on freedom OF religion.
Any denial of that fact is futile.

A nation built by Christians? You mean after they murdered Native Americans and stole their land - then turned to slave labor to build their nation? Those Christians?
Oh please cry me a fucking river. And save the revisionist history for someone with a violin.
I see you have no problem reaping the benefits of a nation built be EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL White people..
Fuck off. Go bury your face in a bottle of whiskey. You little shit.
Our nation is not now, nor has it ever been a Christian nation.
Do a search on the Treaty of Tripoly, 1796.
That document is extremely clear that the USA was not and therefore cannot be a Christian nation.
(so nobody can blame the Christians for this screwed up America that we have in our hands)

Not a Christian nation. A nation built by Christians.
Christians who were persecuted by the Anglican Church. The main reason why there is a United States today.
This nation finds its bedrock on freedom OF religion.
Any denial of that fact is futile.

A nation built by Christians? You mean after they murdered Native Americans and stole their land - then turned to slave labor to build their nation? Those Christians?

And here you are a willing participant in their rule of law. Don't evoke the pain of my ancestors, you haven't the right.
I've noticed a lot of Christian bashing on this thread, which is fine (boring and cliche ridden) but fine. Christianity has accomplished both good and bad. It's almost as if Christianity mirrored human nature, eh? To only focus on the negative accomplishments of Christians is pretty one sided, shallow and self serving. It's a bit like saying all Native American tribes committed cannibalism or all Natives Americans are notorious alcoholics. To paint with such a broad brush in a silly attempt to justify ones one biases and views is, at best, nonsensical.

Somewhat true, but it's nice to spread the hypocrisy around.
You don't come here with clean hands. No worries.
Stop posting. BY buy a car and go on a trip across the nation. Seek out the perfect people.
I've noticed a lot of Christian bashing on this thread, which is fine (boring and cliche ridden) but fine. Christianity has accomplished both good and bad. It's almost as if Christianity mirrored human nature, eh? To only focus on the negative accomplishments of Christians is pretty one sided, shallow and self serving. It's a bit like saying all Native American tribes committed cannibalism or all Natives Americans are notorious alcoholics. To paint with such a broad brush in a silly attempt to justify ones one biases and views is, at best, nonsensical.

Somewhat true, but it's nice to spread the hypocrisy around.
You don't come here with clean hands. No worries.
Stop posting. BY buy a car and go on a trip across the nation. Seek out the perfect people.

Are you encouraging him to start a cult? I think that's how Heaven's Gate got started.
Dinosaurs hung out with humans; God created dinosaurs on the sixth day; the "behemoth" described in the Bible's Book of Job actually refers to a brontosaurus. These are some of the unscientific beliefs behind what appears to be a fourth-grade science quiz posted recently online.

More: 4th-Grade 'Science Test' Goes Viral: Creationism Quiz Claims Dinosaurs Lived With People (PHOTO)

Students at Mississippi's Northwest Rankin High School who claim that they and their classmates were forced to attend assemblies about Christianity and the power of Jesus Christ are getting help from a top atheist organization to put an end to the meetings.

More: Mississippi High School Lawsuit: Students Allegedly Forced To Attend 'Lectures' On Being 'Open' To Jesus

Personally, I find this very offensive on several levels. In short, I'm strongly against any religious beliefs being taught in our schools - especially ones that are scientifically deranged.

There is an insurmountable problem with teaching religion that has never been seriously addressed: what religion are we talking about? There are literally thousands of Christian denominations alone with varying and conflicting theologies. Some Christians believe that justification is by faith alone and that good works are irrelevant; however, other Christians believe that salvation is through works, and faith without works is dead. Some Christians believe in the doctrine of "once saved always saved" whereby one cannot lose salvation after accepting Christ; however, other Christians believe that those who continue in sin after knowing of Christ are to be treated as an infidel or worse. Some Christians believe in a pre-tribulation rapture and others say the Book of Revelation precludes such an event. Some Christians believe that Jesus is merely the Son of God, the Father being greater than the Son; however, others believe that He is a co-equal part of a Divine Trinity; while still others believe He is God Himself.

There are many other theological disputes among Christians, including the legitimacy of the Genesis Creation account. Some Christians believe in a 6,000 year old Earth (the Bishop Ussher timeline) while others do not. The position of the Catholic Church and some other denominations is that the Genesis creation account is to be taken allegorically, not factually. Bible critics maintain that there are two Creation accounts (Genesis 1 and 2) and they are self contradictory. It appears that when schools enter the arena of religion they are going to offend a lot of people – including deeply religious people - no matter what they teach. If they even suggest that one belief is more valid than another (including Atheism) all I can say is: bring in the lawyers! It's gonna happen just as sure as Campbell makes soup..
You asked for opinions, and mine is..yes. Religions should be taught in school. Not bible study and whatnot...but religions of the world, what they represent, the locale, how it started, etc....then let the kid and parents decide to take it further on whichever religion tickled their ear that they learned about in school.
In short...the rudiments.
Good idea the only problem if we teach the fundimentals of all the religions in the world where would we find time to teach the other subjects ?
like prayers at school sports events let each religion have a prayer time previous to the game and we wait 7 hours for the match to start

no teach religion in church, maths and science in schools.
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They were before the 60s, some of these things are crazy...but in general's a huge part of life....and should be just cant ignore that......and does ANYONE disagree with the 10 commandments?
yes i do its just muttered by jusus freaks not obeyed.
do chrisitans keep the sabbath holy ?? how many dont have any other gods,
I find it rather odd that when I was a kid (way back in the dark ages) we recited the Pledge every day before school and recited the "Lord's Prayer" every day as well. Our parents took us to Church (whether we wanted to go or not) every Sunday and we were taught to respect our elders.

My generation grew up and "practiced patriotism"....99% of us were damned proud to be American and didn't mind "covering our hearts" at ball games and removing our hats when the colors went by. It wasn't "religion" so much as it was (perhaps) Judeo-Christian "values" that were instilled into our upbringing.

Contrast that with today - where children curse their parents in public, spit on the flag, are taught in schools that "America is evil" and are PROHIBITED from any religious display on public grounds. They are not permitted to pray at school functions and can not openly embrace their religious beliefs without being persecuted by their teachers and peers.

And yet, liberals tell you that our "best days are ahead of us"
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You asked for opinions, and mine is..yes. Religions should be taught in school. Not bible study and whatnot...but religions of the world, what they represent, the locale, how it started, etc....then let the kid and parents decide to take it further on whichever religion tickled their ear that they learned about in school.
In short...the rudiments.
Good idea the only problem if we teach the fundimentals of all the religions in the world where would we find time to teach the other subjects ?
like prayers at school sports events let each religion have a prayer time previous to the game and we wait 7 hours for the match to start

no teach religion in church, maths and science in schools.

I guess we can't teach history 'cause there's just so darn much history we'd never have time for anything else! Literature? Hell, look at how many books there are in the world! No time! English? You ever see how many words and stuff there are in English? It's like a whole lot! If you teach everything you can about Science there's no way you'll have enough time for Math, and vice versa. What a pickle!

you can take sex ed out and teach the 3 most popular is that....christianity, islam, and buddism... I do think people need to know a little bit about them......I took a class on islam in college and it was worth it....taught by a Jew.......and no he didnt savage them....pretty professional....

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