How do you feel about religion being taught in our schools?


religion is NOT the property of the majority in this country

Jesus why cant you people understand your own country?

freedom OF religion does not mean freedom FROM religion. Each local school district should decide its policies, not the federal government.

and once again your are wrong, majority vote does determine how this country operates. a majority put obozo in the whitehouse, did you forget that?

my RELIGIOUS FREEDOM does mean freedom from YOUR religion.

get it

We have freedom OF religion....There is no right to freedom FROM religion. Period.
freedom OF religion does not mean freedom FROM religion. Each local school district should decide its policies, not the federal government.

and once again your are wrong, majority vote does determine how this country operates. a majority put obozo in the whitehouse, did you forget that?

You have to understand that so long as you, and people like you, support government regulated education you have no say. No matter what you do, they will continue to indoctrinate children with what they see fit, not you.

Today they are raising a group of children who are taught that gay sex is normal, socialism is good, and anything deviating from these two are either extremists or bigots or hatemongers.

the federal govt should not be involved in education in any way. Education should be a state and local responsibility. Each local school district should set the curriculum, not some asshole in DC.

Of course not. Federal interloping into public education is just another power grab.
Now, here's the rub. Many states accept federal funding to assist state coffers. With that money, many strings are attached.
The third-world states are going to keep falling farther and farther behind. Unfortunately those of us who live in those that are part of Western Civilization will have to keep supporting their inbred asses.

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Send your kid to a religious school if that's what you want. But based upon what this country was founded upon, it's absolutely wrong and unAmerican to teach religion in a public school.

Separation of Church and State is a good thing, but I am not saying teach religion. I am saying teach that there are MANY religions..just as there are many hero's in history, many countries, many stars, much in science, how to add and subtract and multiply, etc etc etc.
The teaching of religion should be kept separate, yes. But at least let kids know there is a CHOICE and the origination of each belief.

Plus...this country was founded on Christianity. Wasn't it? Were not our forefathers who wrote the constitution relying on Christian beliefs when they wrote it? Does not our dollar bills have "In God We Trust" on them? The USA is steeped in Christian beliefs.

Religious references are allow provided there is a secular purpose and intent, there is no promotion of religion, and it does not manifest an excessive entanglement with the state. See: Lemon v. Kurtzman (1971).

Plus...this country was founded on Christianity. Wasn't it?

No, it was not.

Correct. Our laws and customs are based on Judeo Christian tenets. However, there is a well defined prohibition on Congress in the First Amendment Establishment Clause.
Separation of Church and State is a good thing, but I am not saying teach religion. I am saying teach that there are MANY religions..just as there are many hero's in history, many countries, many stars, much in science, how to add and subtract and multiply, etc etc etc.
The teaching of religion should be kept separate, yes. But at least let kids know there is a CHOICE and the origination of each belief.

Plus...this country was founded on Christianity. Wasn't it? Were not our forefathers who wrote the constitution relying on Christian beliefs when they wrote it? Does not our dollar bills have "In God We Trust" on them? The USA is steeped in Christian beliefs.

Religious references are allow provided there is a secular purpose and intent, there is no promotion of religion, and it does not manifest an excessive entanglement with the state. See: Lemon v. Kurtzman (1971).

Plus...this country was founded on Christianity. Wasn't it?

No, it was not.

Correct. Our laws and customs are based on Judeo Christian tenets. However, there is a well defined prohibition on Congress in the First Amendment Establishment Clause.

It's pretty telling that the Federalist Papers, mentioned Lycurgus of Sparta a couple of times, but didn't mention Jesus even once.
How do you feel about religion being taught in our schools?

How one ‘feels’ is irrelevant.

It is a fact that the Framers, as codified in the Constitution and its case law, intended for there to be a wall of separation erected between church and state, and that the state was forbidden from endorsing or promoting religion, as citizens are free from undue religious influence by government.

Public schools are part of the state, and subject to the prohibition.

How one "feels" is very relevant.
No....Intelligent thought rules the day. Emotions are for your coffee klatch.
Well, it certainly didn't take the little busy bee long to pollinate this thread.

Eventually, long into the future, humankind will outgrow their silly religious superstitions. I just hate to see more children being brainwashed based on ancient thinking.

you asked people how they felt and when they tell you, you shit on them.

what is the point of this thread if you're just going to shit on people for doing what you asked?

In typical lib fashion, Lakhota asks the question, then impugns those who do not answer trhe question in the manner he or she finds acceptable.
A fine example of liberal intolerance.
The everyday liberal is incensed over the existence of a differing point of view. As far as they are concerned, there is no other point of view.
Yes it was. Our nation was founded on Judeo - Christian faith.


The Nation was founded on the rule of law, where all persons of faith are free to express that faith, or to be free from faith altogether. That’s a universal tenet of fundamental human rights, not unique to Judeo/Christian religions.

You are splitting hairs.
You imply our laws and customs are based on nothing. That is neither true nor accurate.
This irritates the left. It infuriates the agnostic/atheist.
The religion that I believe in should be taught in schools. All others should be dismissed and marginalized.
How do you feel about religion being taught in our schools?

I believe it's an utter travesty that the religious dogmas of lolberalism, multicultralism, envirowhackism, political correctness and Goebbels warming are being taught ins schools, but whatchagonnado? :dunno:
I have no problem with my children learning about religion in school. Do you?
Really? It is OK for the school to teach Akadian religion?, Arratu, How about, Buddhism, Catholicism, Christianity (all 104 sects), Druidism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Morman religion, Seventh day Adventist religion, Wicca, and Zoastism?
And how about the religious beliefs of the Agnostic and Atheism, should they also be taught in schools?

Or are you saying it is OK to teach only the religion in which you believe in in schools?
The government hasn't the ability to teach our children religion in the way that we believe. Since they can't teach any one religion then they can't teach any unless they can teach them all. Would you support the government teaching your children about all the religions that exist on earth?
How many would like their children taught about Wicca at school? There has to be a few here who would like that.
This is why there is and must be a separation of church and state. You should remember that your child can pray in school, but the prayer cannot be led by a school official. I said grace before my meals while I was in school and I have often prayed (silently, to myself) in the workplace. There is no law against that and it cannot be punished because no law can be made that restricts your religious practice. Just as no law can be made that restricts your right to keep and bear arms.
Our nation is not now, nor has it ever been a Christian nation.
Do a search on the Treaty of Tripoly, 1796.
That document is extremely clear that the USA was not and therefore cannot be a Christian nation.
(so nobody can blame the Christians for this screwed up America that we have in our hands)
"Babylon has not existed for 3000 years. The "End Times" cannot happen until the Jews are back as a nation AND the Temple is reconstructed.
So far as I know the temple mount still has a mosque on it.
No, it wasn't. That's why the founders gave us a Godless Constitution.
It does not necessitate that we have to have a godless nation.

No one said it did.

The courts have acknowledged the role of religion in American society, and over the decades developed a body of case law allowing citizens to understand when religion is appropriate in the public sector and when it is not.

Well stated. Thank you.
Dinosaurs hung out with humans; God created dinosaurs on the sixth day; the "behemoth" described in the Bible's Book of Job actually refers to a brontosaurus. These are some of the unscientific beliefs behind what appears to be a fourth-grade science quiz posted recently online.

More: 4th-Grade 'Science Test' Goes Viral: Creationism Quiz Claims Dinosaurs Lived With People (PHOTO)

Students at Mississippi's Northwest Rankin High School who claim that they and their classmates were forced to attend assemblies about Christianity and the power of Jesus Christ are getting help from a top atheist organization to put an end to the meetings.

More: Mississippi High School Lawsuit: Students Allegedly Forced To Attend 'Lectures' On Being 'Open' To Jesus

Personally, I find this very offensive on several levels. In short, I'm strongly against any religious beliefs being taught in our schools - especially ones that are scientifically deranged.

Actually, religion should not be taught in public school. To much conflict in faiths. Private schools are better suited for their faith.

That being said, evolution should not be taught either.
Dinosaurs hung out with humans; God created dinosaurs on the sixth day; the "behemoth" described in the Bible's Book of Job actually refers to a brontosaurus. These are some of the unscientific beliefs behind what appears to be a fourth-grade science quiz posted recently online.

More: 4th-Grade 'Science Test' Goes Viral: Creationism Quiz Claims Dinosaurs Lived With People (PHOTO)

Students at Mississippi's Northwest Rankin High School who claim that they and their classmates were forced to attend assemblies about Christianity and the power of Jesus Christ are getting help from a top atheist organization to put an end to the meetings.

More: Mississippi High School Lawsuit: Students Allegedly Forced To Attend 'Lectures' On Being 'Open' To Jesus

Personally, I find this very offensive on several levels. In short, I'm strongly against any religious beliefs being taught in our schools - especially ones that are scientifically deranged.

Actually, religion should not be taught in public school. To much conflict in faiths. Private schools are better suited for their faith.

That being said, evolution should not be taught either.

Why would science not be taught in school, when the only objections are based on superstitions?
Well, it certainly didn't take the little busy bee long to pollinate this thread.

Eventually, long into the future, humankind will outgrow their silly religious superstitions. I just hate to see more children being brainwashed based on ancient thinking.

The world would be soooo much better if everyone were a atheist Liberal like you, right? :cuckoo:
I have a real difficult time believing that the world will be better if we all De-evolve into primates and live just the life we have with no belief, concept or expectation that there might be more.

Mankind may be of the Genus of Mammal, but we...well, some of us, are more than just animals in the wild, living on instinct and thinking that we can do as we wish because after a hundred years, who will know the difference.

It is the fallacy of the atheist; that they believe we would be better without belief.
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More: 4th-Grade 'Science Test' Goes Viral: Creationism Quiz Claims Dinosaurs Lived With People (PHOTO)

More: Mississippi High School Lawsuit: Students Allegedly Forced To Attend 'Lectures' On Being 'Open' To Jesus

Personally, I find this very offensive on several levels. In short, I'm strongly against any religious beliefs being taught in our schools - especially ones that are scientifically deranged.

Actually, religion should not be taught in public school. To much conflict in faiths. Private schools are better suited for their faith.

That being said, evolution should not be taught either.

Why would science not be taught in school, when the only objections are based on superstitions?

Evolution is not fact, it's only theory...There are plenty of university's to attend to learn more of the theory. If religion is not accepted in public school, then evolution shouldn't be forced on children either.

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