How do you feel about religion being taught in our schools?

Well, it certainly didn't take the little busy bee long to pollinate this thread.

Eventually, long into the future, humankind will outgrow their silly religious superstitions. I just hate to see more children being brainwashed based on ancient thinking.

Now just a second. If you started this thread as means to further your anti Christian or atheist agenda, you can expect this to be sent to the romper room....
Just wondering, it is possible for just once for you to leave your extreme left bias outside the door?
Read my first post on page 7 to this thread. Get back to me on that.

religion is NOT the property of the majority in this country

Jesus why cant you people understand your own country?

freedom OF religion does not mean freedom FROM religion. Each local school district should decide its policies, not the federal government.

and once again your are wrong, majority vote does determine how this country operates. a majority put obozo in the whitehouse, did you forget that?
Children don't need moral instruction whatsoever. Just be sure they can put a condom on a bannana and have adequate access to Planned Parenthood and clean needles and they will be just fine.
You don't need religion to be a good person. According to WHO? The guy who sells your kid heroin in History class is a good person. Just ask him. He'll tell you he's a good person. He uses that money that your kid stole from your wallet to help his sick mother. That makes him a good person.

religion is NOT the property of the majority in this country

Jesus why cant you people understand your own country?

freedom OF religion does not mean freedom FROM religion. Each local school district should decide its policies, not the federal government.

and once again your are wrong, majority vote does determine how this country operates. a majority put obozo in the whitehouse, did you forget that?

my RELIGIOUS FREEDOM does mean freedom from YOUR religion.

get it
You don't need religion to be a good person. According to WHO? The guy who sells your kid heroin in History class is a good person. Just ask him. He'll tell you he's a good person. He uses that money that your kid stole from your wallet to help his sick mother. That makes him a good person.

so you are claiming anyone who is not part of some organizzed religion is a drug dealer?

When I was in school we said the Lord's prayer every day. We had school events for Christmas and Easter. I asked my Jewish mother why I had to participate in these events that were clearly Christian. She said "It won't hurt you. You might learn something." Since then, I personally objected to any religious observation in schools. If only out of respect for those of different religions. Since religion was removed, I saw how right my mother was. It won't hurt these kids. They might learn something. Now, especially now, children come from homes that teaches no difference between right and wrong. That does hurt them. I'd rather the kids said The Lord's Prayer than give each other oral sex in the classroom. Decency is like the flu, kids catch it from one another. The practice of Christianity by the majority of students was a steadying influence on ALL the students. Especially students that came from homes so disadvantaged they may as well not have any influence beyond the drug dealer on the corner.

It should not be a mystery that once religion was removed from schools the schools became more chaotic. It is only a simpleton that cannot see what happened.

We must have been in school at around the same time, because my experiences were like yours, I don't think anyone was ever harmed by a morning prayer or saying the pledge of allegiance.

I would have no problem with a christian prayer one day, then a jewish prayer the next day, then a muslim prayer, then a buddhist prayer, a shinto prayer, a hindu prayer, a wicken prayer, and an atheist silence.

expose the kids to all beliefs, it will make them better adults.
And so it comes back to Islam again. Sigh.

No christian ever killed and forced people to submit to christianity? Think hard before you answer.

Not in modern times, no...Islam in it's present form of radicalism exists in the 7th century.
We have many religious tax exempt organizations that educate you so we do not need to bring it in to the public schools.

religion is NOT the property of the majority in this country

Jesus why cant you people understand your own country?

freedom OF religion does not mean freedom FROM religion. Each local school district should decide its policies, not the federal government.

and once again your are wrong, majority vote does determine how this country operates. a majority put obozo in the whitehouse, did you forget that?

You have to understand that so long as you, and people like you, support government regulated education you have no say. No matter what you do, they will continue to indoctrinate children with what they see fit, not you.

Today they are raising a group of children who are taught that gay sex is normal, socialism is good, and anything deviating from these two are either extremists or bigots or hatemongers.

religion is NOT the property of the majority in this country

Jesus why cant you people understand your own country?

freedom OF religion does not mean freedom FROM religion. Each local school district should decide its policies, not the federal government.

and once again your are wrong, majority vote does determine how this country operates. a majority put obozo in the whitehouse, did you forget that?

my RELIGIOUS FREEDOM does mean freedom from YOUR religion.

get it

NO one has ever been forced to practice or observe any religion in the USA.

But no one should ever be prevented from practicing his/her religion in the USA.

If you want those things reversed, move to a muslim country where you can be beheaded for reading a Bible.

religion is NOT the property of the majority in this country

Jesus why cant you people understand your own country?

freedom OF religion does not mean freedom FROM religion. Each local school district should decide its policies, not the federal government.

and once again your are wrong, majority vote does determine how this country operates. a majority put obozo in the whitehouse, did you forget that?

You have to understand that so long as you, and people like you, support government regulated education you have no say. No matter what you do, they will continue to indoctrinate children with what they see fit, not you.

Today they are raising a group of children who are taught that gay sex is normal, socialism is good, and anything deviating from these two are either extremists or bigots or hatemongers.

the federal govt should not be involved in education in any way. Education should be a state and local responsibility. Each local school district should set the curriculum, not some asshole in DC.
freedom OF religion does not mean freedom FROM religion. Each local school district should decide its policies, not the federal government.

and once again your are wrong, majority vote does determine how this country operates. a majority put obozo in the whitehouse, did you forget that?

You have to understand that so long as you, and people like you, support government regulated education you have no say. No matter what you do, they will continue to indoctrinate children with what they see fit, not you.

Today they are raising a group of children who are taught that gay sex is normal, socialism is good, and anything deviating from these two are either extremists or bigots or hatemongers.

the federal govt should not be involved in education in any way. Education should be a state and local responsibility. Each local school district should set the curriculum, not some asshole in DC.

Those of us who have any intelligence knows that the Department of Education, along with the cabinet level SecEd were payola by the Carter administration to the teacher's unions. And as a result, we saw what piss poor performance we get. Now, as to the clearly flawed OP, the other part of the equation is this. Today, morality is no longer taught in the schools as a result of attempts to strip God out of the marketplace of ideas. Thank god for Jay Sekulow and the American Center for Law and Justice.
You have to understand that so long as you, and people like you, support government regulated education you have no say. No matter what you do, they will continue to indoctrinate children with what they see fit, not you.

Today they are raising a group of children who are taught that gay sex is normal, socialism is good, and anything deviating from these two are either extremists or bigots or hatemongers.

the federal govt should not be involved in education in any way. Education should be a state and local responsibility. Each local school district should set the curriculum, not some asshole in DC.

Those of us who have any intelligence knows that the Department of Education, along with the cabinet level SecEd were payola by the Carter administration to the teacher's unions. And as a result, we saw what piss poor performance we get. Now, as to the clearly flawed OP, the other part of the equation is this. Today, morality is no longer taught in the schools as a result of attempts to strip God out of the marketplace of ideas. Thank god for Jay Sekulow and the American Center for Law and Justice.

It is just about control.

In ancient times, the collectivists ruled as dictators and had us believe they were God.

When this no longer sold to the common man, the collectivist convinced us that he spoke for God.

Then when that no longer worked, the collectivist convinced us that God did not exist, thus making himself the absolute authority in the universe. That is part of why they are pushing abortion and gay marriage. They must first establish the notion that the God most people identify with is dead.

Then when society becomes amoral and lawless, they will need a police state to contain them. How convenient.
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I don't believe an individual has to be religious to be a good person. I do however believe that for a society to live in comparable peace, a religion is required. I point at any history book as evidence. I also don't put all religions in the same basket. I judge various religions by the society those religions are reflected in. Some societies impress me more than others.
As an atheist I would have no problem with teaching religion in schools in a historical sense. Atheist or not, we live in a country who's laws are based on a Judeo-Christian ethic. I'm actually glad about that. I live in a country who's laws (based on a Judeo-Christian ethic) allows me to be an atheist without fear of being stoned to death or imprisoned. Of course, Christianity is already taught in one way or another. Every time a child is punished for being a bully he is taught Christianity. Every time a kid in school is caught cheating, he will be reprimanded in a way Christianity will allow. So it would be nice if these kids would be taught the origins of our nations laws and where or sense of right and wrong (morality) comes from.
My solution would be to eliminate the Department of Education and then let individual schools teach what (and how) they wanted and let the parents decide what's best for their own children.
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The instruction of Comparative Religious Systems, Beliefs, and Pageantry should be taught in public school, yes.

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