How do you feel about religion being taught in our schools?

Dinosaurs hung out with humans; God created dinosaurs on the sixth day; the "behemoth" described in the Bible's Book of Job actually refers to a brontosaurus. These are some of the unscientific beliefs behind what appears to be a fourth-grade science quiz posted recently online.

More: 4th-Grade 'Science Test' Goes Viral: Creationism Quiz Claims Dinosaurs Lived With People (PHOTO)

Students at Mississippi's Northwest Rankin High School who claim that they and their classmates were forced to attend assemblies about Christianity and the power of Jesus Christ are getting help from a top atheist organization to put an end to the meetings.

More: Mississippi High School Lawsuit: Students Allegedly Forced To Attend 'Lectures' On Being 'Open' To Jesus

Personally, I find this very offensive on several levels. In short, I'm strongly against any religious beliefs being taught in our schools - especially ones that are scientifically deranged.

First time I've heard anything of it. The only religion I know that liberals permit in public schools is ISLAM. That is how John Walker Lindh was indoctrinated into Islam and became a terrorist. He attended California public school.
How do you feel about religion being taught in our schools?

How one ‘feels’ is irrelevant.

It is a fact that the Framers, as codified in the Constitution and its case law, intended for there to be a wall of separation erected between church and state, and that the state was forbidden from endorsing or promoting religion, as citizens are free from undue religious influence by government.

Public schools are part of the state, and subject to the prohibition.
How do you feel about religion being taught in our schools?

How one ‘feels’ is irrelevant.

It is a fact that the Framers, as codified in the Constitution and its case law, intended for there to be a wall of separation erected between church and state, and that the state was forbidden from endorsing or promoting religion, as citizens are free from undue religious influence by government.

Public schools are part of the state, and subject to the prohibition.

teaching and indoctrinating are two very different things. madrassas indoctrinate, some church sponsored schools indoctrinate. public schools should teach all religions.
I have not read most of the thread, but I would like to state how I feel.

I think the role of religions in the history of mankind should be taught in school. I think comparative religion should be taught in school.

I DO NOT think we should teach "religion" in school even if it is my own faith. The last thing in the world I want is the government forcing my faith on anyone. One cannot be "forced" to believe, but one can beaten into a false sense of faith. Actually, that is probably the second to last thing I want. The last thing I want is the government to force me to "choose" a faith foreign to my own and I extend that to all others even those with different faiths than mine.

Send your kid to a religious school if that's what you want. But based upon what this country was founded upon, it's absolutely wrong and unAmerican to teach religion in a public school.

Separation of Church and State is a good thing, but I am not saying teach religion. I am saying teach that there are MANY religions..just as there are many hero's in history, many countries, many stars, much in science, how to add and subtract and multiply, etc etc etc.
The teaching of religion should be kept separate, yes. But at least let kids know there is a CHOICE and the origination of each belief.

Plus...this country was founded on Christianity. Wasn't it? Were not our forefathers who wrote the constitution relying on Christian beliefs when they wrote it? Does not our dollar bills have "In God We Trust" on them? The USA is steeped in Christian beliefs.

Religious references are allow provided there is a secular purpose and intent, there is no promotion of religion, and it does not manifest an excessive entanglement with the state. See: Lemon v. Kurtzman (1971).

Plus...this country was founded on Christianity. Wasn't it?

No, it was not.
How do you feel about religion being taught in our schools?

How one ‘feels’ is irrelevant.

It is a fact that the Framers, as codified in the Constitution and its case law, intended for there to be a wall of separation erected between church and state, and that the state was forbidden from endorsing or promoting religion, as citizens are free from undue religious influence by government.

Public schools are part of the state, and subject to the prohibition.

How one "feels" is very relevant.
Dinosaurs hung out with humans; God created dinosaurs on the sixth day; the "behemoth" described in the Bible's Book of Job actually refers to a brontosaurus. These are some of the unscientific beliefs behind what appears to be a fourth-grade science quiz posted recently online.

More: 4th-Grade 'Science Test' Goes Viral: Creationism Quiz Claims Dinosaurs Lived With People (PHOTO)

Students at Mississippi's Northwest Rankin High School who claim that they and their classmates were forced to attend assemblies about Christianity and the power of Jesus Christ are getting help from a top atheist organization to put an end to the meetings.

More: Mississippi High School Lawsuit: Students Allegedly Forced To Attend 'Lectures' On Being 'Open' To Jesus

Personally, I find this very offensive on several levels. In short, I'm strongly against any religious beliefs being taught in our schools - especially ones that are scientifically deranged. 4th Grade Science Quiz

retard regurgitates old thread and doesn't get his thread merged

Stunning how some people get away with things lately.
This is a secular society.

Religion has no place in our public schools.

No, this is not a secular society. Who tells you these things?

This is a society in which the free practice of religion is protected by law.

This is a society where the law is secular, not religious.

And the law prohibits the state from using its authority to compel religions observance, where citizens are free from undue religious influence accordingly.
Dinosaurs hung out with humans; God created dinosaurs on the sixth day; the "behemoth" described in the Bible's Book of Job actually refers to a brontosaurus. These are some of the unscientific beliefs behind what appears to be a fourth-grade science quiz posted recently online.

More: 4th-Grade 'Science Test' Goes Viral: Creationism Quiz Claims Dinosaurs Lived With People (PHOTO)

Students at Mississippi's Northwest Rankin High School who claim that they and their classmates were forced to attend assemblies about Christianity and the power of Jesus Christ are getting help from a top atheist organization to put an end to the meetings.

More: Mississippi High School Lawsuit: Students Allegedly Forced To Attend 'Lectures' On Being 'Open' To Jesus

Personally, I find this very offensive on several levels. In short, I'm strongly against any religious beliefs being taught in our schools - especially ones that are scientifically deranged.

First time I've heard anything of it. The only religion I know that liberals permit in public schools is ISLAM. That is how John Walker Lindh was indoctrinated into Islam and became a terrorist. He attended California public school.

Thank you for exhibiting your ignorance and hate, and demonstrating that the Constitution and its case law are needed as much today as any time in our Nation’s history, to protect citizens from such ignorance and hate.
Well, it certainly didn't take the little busy bee long to pollinate this thread.

Eventually, long into the future, humankind will outgrow their silly religious superstitions. I just hate to see more children being brainwashed based on ancient thinking.

you asked people how they felt and when they tell you, you shit on them.

what is the point of this thread if you're just going to shit on people for doing what you asked?
More: 4th-Grade 'Science Test' Goes Viral: Creationism Quiz Claims Dinosaurs Lived With People (PHOTO)

More: Mississippi High School Lawsuit: Students Allegedly Forced To Attend 'Lectures' On Being 'Open' To Jesus

Personally, I find this very offensive on several levels. In short, I'm strongly against any religious beliefs being taught in our schools - especially ones that are scientifically deranged.

First time I've heard anything of it. The only religion I know that liberals permit in public schools is ISLAM. That is how John Walker Lindh was indoctrinated into Islam and became a terrorist. He attended California public school.

Thank you for exhibiting your ignorance and hate, and demonstrating that the Constitution and its case law are needed as much today as any time in our Nation’s history, to protect citizens from such ignorance and hate.

So we should be transformed into a islamic state? As it is hate to state the true nature of islam. Is this what you want? Why won't you admit that islam teaches people to kill within its name and take over our nations.
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I truly fear for the future of western civilization as you people don't believe in defending it. All you do is hate whites and kiss the ass of anyone that isn't. Think about it for a second...

Shouldn't you be attacking anyone that goes against your beliefs no matter what race?
Yes it was. Our nation was founded on Judeo - Christian faith.


The Nation was founded on the rule of law, where all persons of faith are free to express that faith, or to be free from faith altogether. That’s a universal tenet of fundamental human rights, not unique to Judeo/Christian religions.
Yes it was. Our nation was founded on Judeo - Christian faith.

No, it wasn't. That's why the founders gave us a Godless Constitution.
It does not necessitate that we have to have a godless nation.

No one said it did.

The courts have acknowledged the role of religion in American society, and over the decades developed a body of case law allowing citizens to understand when religion is appropriate in the public sector and when it is not.

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