How do you feel about religion being taught in our schools?

I think religion should be left out and actual education should be kept.

If you want your kid learning creationism, then take him to sunday school.
What about ethics and morality? Should they be discussed? If so, how do you avoid religion rearing its ugly head?

What about Western Literature? Can Shakespeare, Milton, Marlowe --any major Western writer -- be read and understood without a knowledge of the King James Bible?

If we let the anti-religion zealots have their way, Western culture will become nothing more than MacDonald's, Walmart and South Park.

I think the Westboro Baptist Church should teach religion in your schools.


Thinking obviously isn't one of your strong points.
I think religion should be left out and actual education should be kept.

If you want your kid learning creationism, then take him to sunday school.

If you want you kid learning nihilism, send him to a public school.
This is a secular society.

Religion has no place in our public schools.
This is a secular society.

Religion has no place in our public schools.

No, this is not a secular society. Who tells you these things?

This is a society in which the free practice of religion is protected by law.
If we taught kids religion for real then we would be making alot of atheists.

what some want is ONE religion taught.

the only way you should rteach religion in public school is if its a class on all of the religions and what they believe.

Since every damned one of them claims to be the ONLY truth kids would see all religion as being a pissing contest between a gaggle of groups who at best all but one is wrong.

Kids would turn off religion as a joke
If we taught kids religion for real then we would be making alot of atheists.

what some want is ONE religion taught.

the only way you should rteach religion in public school is if its a class on all of the religions and what they believe.

Since every damned one of them claims to be the ONLY truth kids would see all religion as being a pissing contest between a gaggle of groups who at best all but one is wrong.

Kids would turn off religion as a joke

You give new meaning to the word benighted.
what do you think would happen if all kids had world religion classes?

would you allow your child to take such a class?
I believe religion should be taught in school, but not in a science class. I think a comparative religion class is very beneficial...maybe combined with a cross cultural communications class. The difference is in teaching about the religion, not preaching the religion.

But religious teachings in a science class is ludicrous.
religion is not sceince.

No one religion should be taught in public school.

the founders would be on our side on that one for sure.

I too think kids would benifit from a wolrd religions class.

teach the basic world religions and what they believe and where these religions are most found in the world.

then let kids deside what they think about it all.

This is a secular society.

Religion has no place in our public schools.

No, this is not a secular society. Who tells you these things?

This is a society in which the free practice of religion is protected by law.

Words have meanings, Lad. It would behoove you to understand them.

Definition of SECULAR

a : of or relating to the worldly or temporal <secular concerns>
b : not overtly or specifically religious <secular music>
c : not ecclesiastical or clerical <secular courts> <secular landowners>
: not bound by monastic vows or rules; specifically : of, relating to, or forming clergy not belonging to a religious order or congregation <a secular priest>

We live in a secular society. You can lie, you can bitch, you can attempt to bullshit people by semantic misdirection but only fucking idiots are fooled by such tripe as yours.
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Well, it certainly didn't take the little busy bee long to pollinate this thread.

Eventually, long into the future, humankind will outgrow their silly religious superstitions. I just hate to see more children being brainwashed based on ancient thinking.

The world would be soooo much better if everyone were a atheist Liberal like you, right? :cuckoo:

Yes, if they were also morally good people. You don't need religion to be a good person. It's the religious insanity that really fucks things up.

ya a lot of nuttiness going on out there in salt lake city utah and burley idaho.
If the school is sponsored by a church, then religion will be part of the curiculum.

If the school has a class on religions of the world, then all religions will be explained (taught).

If a majority of the parents in the school district want the kids to say a prayer at the beginning of the day, then so be it.

If a majority of hte parents want the pledge of alliegiance at the beginning of the day, then so be it.

The OP is really kind of foolish.
This is a secular society.

Religion has no place in our public schools.

No, this is not a secular society. Who tells you these things?

This is a society in which the free practice of religion is protected by law.

Words have meanings, Lad. It would behoove you to understand them.

Definition of SECULAR

a : of or relating to the worldly or temporal <secular concerns>
b : not overtly or specifically religious <secular music>
c : not ecclesiastical or clerical <secular courts> <secular landowners>
: not bound by monastic vows or rules; specifically : of, relating to, or forming clergy not belonging to a religious order or congregation <a secular priest>

We live in a secular society. You can lie, you can bitch, you can attempt to bullshit people by semantic misdirection but only fucking idiots are fooled by such tripe as yours.

"endowed by their creator....." seems like I read that in one of our founding documents. secular? nope. state religion? nope.

religion is NOT the property of the majority in this country

Jesus why cant you people understand your own country?
I believe religion should be taught in school, but not in a science class. I think a comparative religion class is very beneficial...maybe combined with a cross cultural communications class. The difference is in teaching about the religion, not preaching the religion.

But religious teachings in a science class is ludicrous.

^^^^ refers ONLY to schools receiving taxpayer dollars ^^^^
Dinosaurs hung out with humans; God created dinosaurs on the sixth day; the "behemoth" described in the Bible's Book of Job actually refers to a brontosaurus. These are some of the unscientific beliefs behind what appears to be a fourth-grade science quiz posted recently online.

More: 4th-Grade 'Science Test' Goes Viral: Creationism Quiz Claims Dinosaurs Lived With People (PHOTO)

Students at Mississippi's Northwest Rankin High School who claim that they and their classmates were forced to attend assemblies about Christianity and the power of Jesus Christ are getting help from a top atheist organization to put an end to the meetings.

More: Mississippi High School Lawsuit: Students Allegedly Forced To Attend 'Lectures' On Being 'Open' To Jesus

Personally, I find this very offensive on several levels. In short, I'm strongly against any religious beliefs being taught in our schools - especially ones that are scientifically deranged.
I view religion to be a private matter. Therefore no religious studies should be permitted in the public schools.
This is not to stated that all references to religion should be hidden from students.
In the course of US and world history, religion plays an important role in the arena of politics and society. Religion's effect in that context should be studied.
As far as actual courses on religion? No. That should happen at home or in one's house or worship
When I was in school we said the Lord's prayer every day. We had school events for Christmas and Easter. I asked my Jewish mother why I had to participate in these events that were clearly Christian. She said "It won't hurt you. You might learn something." Since then, I personally objected to any religious observation in schools. If only out of respect for those of different religions. Since religion was removed, I saw how right my mother was. It won't hurt these kids. They might learn something. Now, especially now, children come from homes that teaches no difference between right and wrong. That does hurt them. I'd rather the kids said The Lord's Prayer than give each other oral sex in the classroom. Decency is like the flu, kids catch it from one another. The practice of Christianity by the majority of students was a steadying influence on ALL the students. Especially students that came from homes so disadvantaged they may as well not have any influence beyond the drug dealer on the corner.

It should not be a mystery that once religion was removed from schools the schools became more chaotic. It is only a simpleton that cannot see what happened.
Dinosaurs hung out with humans; God created dinosaurs on the sixth day; the "behemoth" described in the Bible's Book of Job actually refers to a brontosaurus. These are some of the unscientific beliefs behind what appears to be a fourth-grade science quiz posted recently online.

More: 4th-Grade 'Science Test' Goes Viral: Creationism Quiz Claims Dinosaurs Lived With People (PHOTO)

Students at Mississippi's Northwest Rankin High School who claim that they and their classmates were forced to attend assemblies about Christianity and the power of Jesus Christ are getting help from a top atheist organization to put an end to the meetings.

More: Mississippi High School Lawsuit: Students Allegedly Forced To Attend 'Lectures' On Being 'Open' To Jesus

Personally, I find this very offensive on several levels. In short, I'm strongly against any religious beliefs being taught in our schools - especially ones that are scientifically deranged.

They are having a hard time with reading and writing. They dont need anything else to do wrong.
Well, it certainly didn't take the little busy bee long to pollinate this thread.

Eventually, long into the future, humankind will outgrow their silly religious superstitions. I just hate to see more children being brainwashed based on ancient thinking.

The world would be soooo much better if everyone were a atheist Liberal like you, right? :cuckoo:

Yes, if they were also morally good people. You don't need religion to be a good person. It's the religious insanity that really fucks things up.

Really? When it comes to helping the poor reilgious groups far outweigh atheists. In fact, there is no comparison.

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