How do you feel about religion being taught in our schools?

And so it comes back to Islam again. Sigh.

No christian ever killed and forced people to submit to christianity? Think hard before you answer.

Jesus never said to force anyone. Muhammad did.

Think about it.

Jesus wanted peace
Muhammad wanted war
Lahkota needs to be reminded of his ancestors who were forced to have their hair shorn, their language never spoken in a school, torn from their families, and become "westernized" by the whites that stole their land, their culture, their spiritual beliefs. Why would he wish the same to happen to children nowadays of schools teaching all that needs taught to young minds?

Do you really think that is what L. is saying? I didn't take it that way.

I'm not sure what Lahkota is saying, to be honest. But yeah..I took it as him not wanting any religion at all taught in school. Was I in error?
And so it comes back to Islam again. Sigh.

No christian ever killed and forced people to submit to christianity? Think hard before you answer.

Jesus never said to force anyone. Muhammad did.

Think about it.

Jesus wanted peace
Muhammad wanted war

Jesus may have been a peaceful hippy, but his daddy was something else. Oh, weren't they supposedly one and the same...? Which of those personalities is in control?
And so it comes back to Islam again. Sigh.

No christian ever killed and forced people to submit to christianity? Think hard before you answer.

Well, to be clear, most major "Christian" campaigns of conquest and murder were really thinly disguised economic and political actions. But that is neither meant as a defense of Christianity (the organization in the world) nor of Islam. What Jesus said and taught was sage. What has followed in his name is...something else.
Send your kid to a religious school if that's what you want. But based upon what this country was founded upon, it's absolutely wrong and unAmerican to teach religion in a public school.
And so it comes back to Islam again. Sigh.

No christian ever killed and forced people to submit to christianity? Think hard before you answer.

Jesus never said to force anyone. Muhammad did.

Think about it.

Jesus wanted peace
Muhammad wanted war

God wanted war too. Did you think Moses was just some old man that wandered around? I may not be as smart as some folks when it comes to the bible or Christianity, but I am not stupid. Ignorant, yes. Stupid, no. Moses killed men, women and children. Children. Shall I say that again? CHILDREN. Yet nobody ever talks about that aspect of the OT, which was full of pain, sorrow, death, WAR. The NT cleaned all that out, right?
So...why cannot muslims ignore the bad stuff Muhammad did..just like Moses did...and go forth instead of stepping back? Maybe that is what muslims want to do..except for the crazies who still live in the middle ages...just like some christians.

And you didn't answer my question. Nice skip around.
Lahkota needs to be reminded of his ancestors who were forced to have their hair shorn, their language never spoken in a school, torn from their families, and become "westernized" by the whites that stole their land, their culture, their spiritual beliefs. Why would he wish the same to happen to children nowadays of schools teaching all that needs taught to young minds?

Do you really think that is what L. is saying? I didn't take it that way.

I'm not sure what Lahkota is saying, to be honest. But yeah..I took it as him not wanting any religion at all taught in school. Was I in error?

I'm not sure what you're thinking, but I don't want ANY religion taught in school - including the Great Spirit Wakan Tanka. Any and all religious/spiritual teaching should be outside of regular school.
Lahkota needs to be reminded of his ancestors who were forced to have their hair shorn, their language never spoken in a school, torn from their families, and become "westernized" by the whites that stole their land, their culture, their spiritual beliefs. Why would he wish the same to happen to children nowadays of schools teaching all that needs taught to young minds?

Do you really think that is what L. is saying? I didn't take it that way.

I'm not sure what Lahkota is saying, to be honest. But yeah..I took it as him not wanting any religion at all taught in school. Was I in error?

That is not the same as his saying school should attempt to eradicate a child's faith and culture, as was done to various peoples and ethnicities in the US. He opposes, I think, certain aspects of a particular view of a religion being taught as truth.
Send your kid to a religious school if that's what you want. But based upon what this country was founded upon, it's absolutely wrong and unAmerican to teach religion in a public school.

Separation of Church and State is a good thing, but I am not saying teach religion. I am saying teach that there are MANY religions..just as there are many hero's in history, many countries, many stars, much in science, how to add and subtract and multiply, etc etc etc.
The teaching of religion should be kept separate, yes. But at least let kids know there is a CHOICE and the origination of each belief.

Plus...this country was founded on Christianity. Wasn't it? Were not our forefathers who wrote the constitution relying on Christian beliefs when they wrote it? Does not our dollar bills have "In God We Trust" on them? The USA is steeped in Christian beliefs.
And so it comes back to Islam again. Sigh.

No christian ever killed and forced people to submit to christianity? Think hard before you answer.

Jesus never said to force anyone. Muhammad did.

Think about it.

Jesus wanted peace
Muhammad wanted war

Jesus may have been a peaceful hippy, but his daddy was something else. Oh, weren't they supposedly one and the same...? Which of those personalities is in control?

Jesus was no hippie....again another thing the left tries to do....he fact let me get you a quote from the sermon on the mount.....

Sermon on the Mount - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The longest discourse in the Sermon is Matthew 5:17-48, traditionally referred to as the Antitheses or Matthew's Antitheses though Gundry disputes that title.[15] In the discourse Jesus fulfills and reinterprets the Old Covenant and in particular its Ten Commandments, contrasting with what "you have heard" from others, e.g. turning the other cheek compared to taking an eye for an eye. According to most interpretations of Matthew 5:17, 18, 19, and 20, and most Christian views of the Old Covenant, these new interpretations of the Law and Prophets are not opposed to the Old Testament, which was the position of Marcion, but form Jesus' new teachings which bring about salvation, and hence must be adhered to, as emphasized in Matthew 7:24-27 towards the end of the sermon

Now lets see this part(everyone ALWAYS forgets this)
Matthew 5:29 If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.

If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.
Do you really think that is what L. is saying? I didn't take it that way.

I'm not sure what Lahkota is saying, to be honest. But yeah..I took it as him not wanting any religion at all taught in school. Was I in error?

That is not the same as his saying school should attempt to eradicate a child's faith and culture, as was done to various peoples and ethnicities in the US. He opposes, I think, certain aspects of a particular view of a religion being taught as truth.

Then I agree with him. If I had kids in school and they were teaching them reading the bible and having them pray, etc...I would be quite pissed off. TELLING them there is a religion called Christianity, how it was formed, when it was formed, etc....that I would not mind.
Do you really think that is what L. is saying? I didn't take it that way.

I'm not sure what Lahkota is saying, to be honest. But yeah..I took it as him not wanting any religion at all taught in school. Was I in error?

I'm not sure what you're thinking, but I don't want ANY religion taught in school - including the Great Spirit Wakan Tanka. Any and all religious/spiritual teaching should be outside of regular school.

I don't want it TAUGHT either. But I want it KNOWN it exists...THEN let the kid decide if they want to know more and go to the proper place to learn about it.
Send your kid to a religious school if that's what you want. But based upon what this country was founded upon, it's absolutely wrong and unAmerican to teach religion in a public school.

Separation of Church and State is a good thing, but I am not saying teach religion. I am saying teach that there are MANY religions..just as there are many hero's in history, many countries, many stars, much in science, how to add and subtract and multiply, etc etc etc.
The teaching of religion should be kept separate, yes. But at least let kids know there is a CHOICE and the origination of each belief.

Plus...this country was founded on Christianity. Wasn't it? Were not our forefathers who wrote the constitution relying on Christian beliefs when they wrote it? Does not our dollar bills have "In God We Trust" on them? The USA is steeped in Christian beliefs.

That's a slippery slope. Can my Hendrix Religion be taught in school? Basically we smoke pot, bang hot chicks and listen to Jimi Hendrix. I demand equal representation goddamn it!

And no, no it wasn't That's why they fought so strongly for separation of church and stage. (duh)
Why do some of you clowns have to make it personal. My heritage doesn't have a damn thing to do with the OP. Come on, children...

Well when you attack people's religion, what the fuck do you expect?

I generally don't "expect" them to personally attack me for saying religion shouldn't be taught in school.

Oh didnt just say that, you mocked their religion, so be a martyr somewhere else...why do liberals like you make provactive statements, and then whine when someone comes at you? Why dont you just go yell ****** in south me you'd be waay too afraid to......and hell I would too...that place is dangerous!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why do some of you clowns have to make it personal. My heritage doesn't have a damn thing to do with the OP. Come on, children...

Well when you attack people's religion, what the fuck do you expect?

I generally don't "expect" them to personally attack me for saying religion shouldn't be taught in school.

Am I one of the supposed clowns? If so, state it and I will no longer address you.
Well when you attack people's religion, what the fuck do you expect?

I generally don't "expect" them to personally attack me for saying religion shouldn't be taught in school.

Oh didnt just say that, you mocked their religion, so be a martyr somewhere else...why do liberals like you make provactive statements, and then whine when someone comes at you? Why dont you just go yell ****** in south me you'd be waay too afraid to......and hell I would too...that place is dangerous!!!!!!!!!!!!!

...Good to see you're only a few beers in this early.
Yes, Jesus was a hippie community organizer who wore a dress and hung out with 12 men - when he wasn't being God.

It all makes sooo much sense...
Send your kid to a religious school if that's what you want. But based upon what this country was founded upon, it's absolutely wrong and unAmerican to teach religion in a public school.

Separation of Church and State is a good thing, but I am not saying teach religion. I am saying teach that there are MANY religions..just as there are many hero's in history, many countries, many stars, much in science, how to add and subtract and multiply, etc etc etc.
The teaching of religion should be kept separate, yes. But at least let kids know there is a CHOICE and the origination of each belief.

Plus...this country was founded on Christianity. Wasn't it? Were not our forefathers who wrote the constitution relying on Christian beliefs when they wrote it? Does not our dollar bills have "In God We Trust" on them? The USA is steeped in Christian beliefs.

That's a slippery slope. Can my Hendrix Religion be taught in school? Basically we smoke pot, bang hot chicks and listen to Jimi Hendrix. I demand equal representation goddamn it!

And no, no it wasn't That's why they fought so strongly for separation of church and stage. (duh)

Duh, then why have God present in court rooms and on monetary paper, just to name a few things that smack of Christianity? Or is this now going to be people being rude just to make their point? If so, then I'm done. It damn sure isn't worth arguing over. Shame on me for responding to a thread asking opinions and then giving one.

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