How do you feel about religion being taught in our schools?

I wouldn't have any problem with teaching the truth of islam. Make sure Muhammad is shown as a pig and always a pig when students are learning about him.

I have a history degree in 19 century central european history and took a course in the muslim history.
I wouldn't have any problem with teaching the truth of islam. Make sure Muhammad is shown as a pig and always a pig when students are learning about him.

Make sure you also teach the God of the Old Testament.

Cruelty and Violence in the Bible

Same as the new testament......learn the topics on which you speak....I dont talk about eagles and wolf gods........without finding out about them first.

The New Testament just tries to sugarcoat the Old Testament.
Make sure you also teach the God of the Old Testament.

Cruelty and Violence in the Bible

Same as the new testament......learn the topics on which you speak....I dont talk about eagles and wolf gods........without finding out about them first.

The New Testament just tries to sugarcoat the Old Testament.

In a way it does....same rules's just Jesus kinda changed things....on how it works man.....good you're learning......maybe you'll get caught up to speed
Why do Atheists generally know more about the Bible and religion than many of those who profess to be Christians?

Would you like your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren to be taught this?
Just think how far medicine has advanced since Biblical days.

How far has religion advanced? Zero! It's the same old superstitious nonsense.
Religion should not be taught in public schools. If you want your kids to have religion rammed down their throats, send them to a religious school.
What about ethics and morality? Should they be discussed? If so, how do you avoid religion rearing its ugly head?

What about Western Literature? Can Shakespeare, Milton, Marlowe --any major Western writer -- be read and understood without a knowledge of the King James Bible?

If we let the anti-religion zealots have their way, Western culture will become nothing more than MacDonald's, Walmart and South Park.
Well, it certainly didn't take the little busy bee long to pollinate this thread.

Eventually, long into the future, humankind will outgrow their silly religious superstitions. I just hate to see more children being brainwashed based on ancient thinking.

Odd, I hate to see them inundated with modern, brainless nihilism.
Hi Lakhota, respectively, from one atheist to another, let me disagree with a few comments you made. First you wrote, "How far has religion advanced? Zero". However, surely you don't believe that living with the Aztecs who killed 10,000 people a year is the same as living in Mexico today. Back in the 15th and 16th century, over 100,000 "witches" were killed in Germany by the Protestants and Catholics. Certainly you would notice hardly any witches are being killed in Europe these days. Of course religion (or most religion) has changed and advanced.
You also wrote, "Just think how far medicine has advanced since biblical days". This is certainly true but it should also be pointed out that many advances in science and medicine have been done by scientists and doctors with religious beliefs. From Isaac Newton to Galileo to Archimedes to Albert Einstein to many,many,many others. These are hardly people known for their stupidity.
Finally, I would just add that the worst atrocities committed by any religion pales in comparison to the atrocities committed by totalitarian regimes of the 20th century. Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler all rejected God while relying on faith in themselves. Replacing God with the state never ends well.
Needless to say, the hallmark of the left seems to be an irrational FAITH in the government... and that is one religion I'll never understand.
What about ethics and morality? Should they be discussed? If so, how do you avoid religion rearing its ugly head?

What about Western Literature? Can Shakespeare, Milton, Marlowe --any major Western writer -- be read and understood without a knowledge of the King James Bible?

If we let the anti-religion zealots have their way, Western culture will become nothing more than MacDonald's, Walmart and South Park.

I think the Westboro Baptist Church should teach religion in your schools.


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