How Do You Feel?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Are you depressed about the state of how badly the democrats are destroying America or are you excited because you know that Trump will be taking back the white house at the beginning of next year? I'm a little sad and depressed of the decline in our country and America as we know it has died, but not true patriotism as that is still very much alive and as patriots we aren't just going to rollover and let our country and freedom die.
I love our Constitution.

If it's Trump vs Biden....we lose no matter what.

But, with Trump we should lose less. Biden is "regulating" the hell out of things right now.

He thinks he's God and his handlers don't mind playing him.

I am happy our Constitution exists.

I am happy we have a GREAT 6 Justice Conservative Majority (two of the three lefties got their credentials in a cracker jack box....go figure).

I know we'll survive no matter who wins. We've survived Bush, Obama, Trump, Biden.

Finer than a frog hair.

The Republicans held the House and limited the worst of the damage...and Biden and the Democrats have fucked shit up so badly Trump is a shoe-in for the Presidency and we'll likely take the Senate as well.

We'll see if the Democrats are as enthusiastic about torpedoing the filibuster when WE'RE in charge.
I feel fine.

How about you?

Btw, that's all you got? No heartbreak for anything that's going on in our world today let alone country?

I love our Constitution.

If it's Trump vs Biden....we lose no matter what.

But, with Trump we should lose less. Biden is "regulating" the hell out of things right now.

It is Trump vs Biden and how can we possibly lose with Trump?

Incredulously dumbstruck, when I realize that the reigning king of the unforced error is the one being relied upon to try and unwind this mess.

Never felt better about anything.

Because you know what's coming or because you don't care about how divided our country is right now? And let me tell you guys something. I thought of this topic because I have my own personal struggles right now but nothing that I'm going through can ever compare to what our nation is currently going through.
Trying to make some sense of it all,
But I can see that it makes no sense at all,
Is it cool to go to sleep on the floor,
'Cause I don't think that I can take anymore........

Trying to make some sense of it all,
But I can see that it makes no sense at all,
Is it cool to go to sleep on the floor,
'Cause I don't think that I can take anymore........


You have to wonder what the countless men and women who have their lives for this country would say if they were here today. Nobody can ever be sure, but I think that it would go something like this.

Happy as a dog with a new chew toy. Neither Biden nor Trump can affect me much but I'm concerned about the next generations and the country they will inherit if Trump and his successors can't pull us out of the tailspin the Democrats created.
You have to wonder what the countless men and women who have their lives for this country would say if they were here today. Nobody can ever be sure, but I think that it would go something like this.


Are you depressed about the state of how badly the democrats are destroying America or are you excited because you know that Trump will be taking back the white house at the beginning of next year? I'm a little sad and depressed of the decline in our country and America as we know it has died, but not true patriotism as that is still very much alive and as patriots we aren't just going to rollover and let our country and freedom die.
Everyday I wake up happy Im not you.
That NJ Trump rally sure made me feel better.... never before has that state turned out for a rally that size...

There's nothing like a Trump rally to cut thought the lies, propaganda, and bullshit the left is throwing around. They can marginalize us all they want to, but MAGA is the biggest, most powerful, and most influential political movement of the 21st century, and it's not going away any time soon.
Btw if any of you guys haven't ever seen The Majestic (the clip I just posted in post #13 is from that movie) I would highly recommend it as it is one of my favorite movies. It's about this screenwriter who is mistaken for a MIA solider who never came home. It also proves that Jim Carrey can play a serious role pretty darn well.

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