How do you get better at evangelism?


Gold Member
Jul 3, 2013
How do you get better at evangelism?

By Chuckt, April 29, 2015

Just do it. Giving people the truth of the gospel. There are so many people who won’t give people the gospel and they find reasons. Will “I didn’t wan’t want to give someone the gospel?” work on judgment day? Or will “I didn’t want to ruin my witness by giving them the gospel?”

We’re not responsible for results. The miracle of evangelism is God’s job.

Being afraid of not knowing the answer is really not our job. The reason is that people say, “no” to God and no amount of apologetics can make someone say, “yes”.

Our internal screen saver is what hurts us. What do we do when we aren’t doing anything? I know. We watch television. We waste time.

If you look at the parable of the soils in Matthew 13, the seed was planted and the yield was 1 out of 4. On top of that, there were studies out of the 80’s that the average person needed to hear the gospel many times before they would understand the gospel and part of that problem is that there are verses used by people who are unclear about the Gospel. Failing shouldn’t get us discouraged because it will happen to you just like it would happen to me. If someone is going to say, “no” then it doesn’t always matter if there is someone teaching or preaching better than me because the answer was “no”. The answer was based on the soils or the bad environment. I should base my evangelism on the idea that I can get a response out of 100 people and that I’m going to fail but there should be the same response out of the next 100 people. If I don’t see the response then it is possible that my plant will respond by someone else who waters or God who will give the increase. I was preached to at as a young boy but the result wasn’t seen for years later.

It doesn’t matter if I have the best apologetics because people have their minds made up and those who are based on good ground (Matthew 13:23) or good understanding but those that do truth (John 3:21) come to the light but those who agape (love) evil (John 3:19-20) don’t. So failure isn’t based so much upon me or you. There are those who don’t waste their time on the unwilling but they try to get to the willing because they understand that failure isn’t about them. The failure is based upon people who don’t want the truth and the reason why people don’t want to go to church is because they don’t want to hear someone telling them the truth.

About 40 years ago, my mom made me go to church. My sister didn’t like Church so she said bad things about Church, the Bible and told me, “not to let them get me” so I went along with my sister’s suggestion as a child not knowing any better and how much better my life might have been if I had not listened to her and I could have been a wiser and older Christian had I known better. There was nothing they could have said to me back then because I didn’t want it and they didn’t know that there was sibling pressure but that is what we find in the soils which are the cares of this life.
“We’re not responsible for results.”

You do have the responsibility of respecting the wishes of those who don't want to hear about your myths and fables, and refrain from inappropriate proselytizing, such as in venues with a captive audience or on private property when politely asked to leave.

And you have the responsibility to recognize and acknowledge the arrogance of this type of proselytizing, most have already heard this nonsense and have appropriately rejected it.
How do you get better at evangelism?

By Chuckt, April 29, 2015

Just do it. Giving people the truth of the gospel. There are so many people who won’t give people the gospel and they find reasons. Will “I didn’t wan’t want to give someone the gospel?” work on judgment day? Or will “I didn’t want to ruin my witness by giving them the gospel?”

We’re not responsible for results. The miracle of evangelism is God’s job.

Being afraid of not knowing the answer is really not our job. The reason is that people say, “no” to God and no amount of apologetics can make someone say, “yes”.

Our internal screen saver is what hurts us. What do we do when we aren’t doing anything? I know. We watch television. We waste time.

If you look at the parable of the soils in Matthew 13, the seed was planted and the yield was 1 out of 4. On top of that, there were studies out of the 80’s that the average person needed to hear the gospel many times before they would understand the gospel and part of that problem is that there are verses used by people who are unclear about the Gospel. Failing shouldn’t get us discouraged because it will happen to you just like it would happen to me. If someone is going to say, “no” then it doesn’t always matter if there is someone teaching or preaching better than me because the answer was “no”. The answer was based on the soils or the bad environment. I should base my evangelism on the idea that I can get a response out of 100 people and that I’m going to fail but there should be the same response out of the next 100 people. If I don’t see the response then it is possible that my plant will respond by someone else who waters or God who will give the increase. I was preached to at as a young boy but the result wasn’t seen for years later.

It doesn’t matter if I have the best apologetics because people have their minds made up and those who are based on good ground (Matthew 13:23) or good understanding but those that do truth (John 3:21) come to the light but those who agape (love) evil (John 3:19-20) don’t. So failure isn’t based so much upon me or you. There are those who don’t waste their time on the unwilling but they try to get to the willing because they understand that failure isn’t about them. The failure is based upon people who don’t want the truth and the reason why people don’t want to go to church is because they don’t want to hear someone telling them the truth.

About 40 years ago, my mom made me go to church. My sister didn’t like Church so she said bad things about Church, the Bible and told me, “not to let them get me” so I went along with my sister’s suggestion as a child not knowing any better and how much better my life might have been if I had not listened to her and I could have been a wiser and older Christian had I known better. There was nothing they could have said to me back then because I didn’t want it and they didn’t know that there was sibling pressure but that is what we find in the soils which are the cares of this life.

This is a very good post. Thank you for posting it. I would have just clicked the thank button, but I needed to spell it out.
“We’re not responsible for results.”

You do have the responsibility of respecting the wishes of those who don't want to hear about your myths and fables, and refrain from inappropriate proselytizing, such as in venues with a captive audience or on private property when politely asked to leave.

And you have the responsibility to recognize and acknowledge the arrogance of this type of proselytizing, most have already heard this nonsense and have appropriately rejected it.

He talked about not being afraid to speak about your faith and share it. He never talked about how he would do that, so your ENTIRE post is nothing but a fart in the wind.
I bet it's so much fun to smoke a joint, stand on a street corner, and start yelling ALL KINDS of nonsense about the shit you believe! And when people disagree just scream at them "you're gonna buuuuurrrrn NIGAAAAA!!1!11!!! :rofl:

WAKKA WAKKA! :thanks:

Dude, this guy wrote a very serious post and you are going to treat it like a joke? WTF is the matter with you?
What do you think I keep encouraging you all to study the Book of Mormon? Because it has the power to bring men to Christ like no other tool does. God designed it to do just that.

I know that many won't bother to read it because of any number of reasons. But the Lord has set up a standard to the nation's as He promised. And I will share what I can with whom I can. They can accept or reject it.

And Clayton, you can complain about arrogance when you humble yourself.
OP ASKED: How do you get better at evangelism?

1) START BY panhandling on a busy center city corner-
once you raise $20 in spare change in a short day then you are ready for step
2) work for a fund raising non prophet er I mean non profit by tellephone soliciting for money.
then step
3) now you are ready to work for a "non prophet" ministry asking for SEED DONATIONS so they can harvest into false promises and expectations, try not to use the word money because that scares the fish away.
Every show you do, ever sermon, don't forget to ask/beg for money. Target old senile lonely people, and don't forget to use hell and damnation as a scare tactic to open up those wallets.
Don't quit your day job because no one will laugh at your jokes.
“We’re not responsible for results.”

You do have the responsibility of respecting the wishes of those who don't want to hear about your myths and fables, and refrain from inappropriate proselytizing, such as in venues with a captive audience or on private property when politely asked to leave.

And you have the responsibility to recognize and acknowledge the arrogance of this type of proselytizing, most have already heard this nonsense and have appropriately rejected it.

If I have an auto accident and someone is injured, I am required to render aid and to seek help by law.

Since there is a hell and people are going there, logic would follow that I would have to do something.

If you don't want to believe then that is your ignorance.
People with pamphlets used to come up to me and by the time the conversation was over there would be a new convert, and it was not me. ;) I have yet to meet anyone who is handing those things out who understands what they believe in. Seeing how things have changed for me I should probably be a little ashamed for that. I am sure as soon as they regrouped they shrugged off everything I said. It was always fun though.
Don't quit your day job because no one will laugh at your jokes.

So you admit the evangelist money whoring Baal harvest scam is no joking manner?
There's not one day that goes by that there isn't the age old baal scam going on through Christian broadcasting talking the same talk and same seed harvest scam as the priests of baal. Same celebrated Dec 25th Baal birthday, same sun cross. Try educating yourself, look up the Canaanite rites of the dying god son of baal called the morning star-Rev 22:16
Laziness is not acceptable.
Don't quit your day job because no one will laugh at your jokes.

So you admit the evangelist money whoring Baal harvest scam is no joking manner?
There's not one day that goes by that there isn't the age old baal scam going on through Christian broadcasting talking the same talk and same seed harvest scam as the priests of baal. Same celebrated Dec 25th Baal birthday, same sun cross. Try educating yourself, look up the Canaanite rites of the dying god son of baal called the morning star-Rev 22:16
Laziness is not acceptable.

I believe God allows for some false teachers as an aid for faith because God can get His word across to you through someone false because there are a lot of people who wouldn't listen to me or listen to someone with the truth.
Since there is a hell and people are going there, logic would follow that I would have to do something.

Objection; assumes facts not in evidence.

When I'm in heaven, we will be looking down at hell and I'll say, "Those are the stupid ones that didn't want to believe in God."
In fact, the ones in hell will still be saying, "There is no God" after having met Him.
Since there is a hell and people are going there, logic would follow that I would have to do something.

Objection; assumes facts not in evidence.

When I'm in heaven, we will be looking down at hell and I'll say, "Those are the stupid ones that didn't want to believe in God."
In fact, the ones in hell will still be saying, "There is no God" after having met Him.
It never fails to amaze me that people stupid enough to actually believe this bullshit are really capable of learning how to type..!!
People with pamphlets used to come up to me and by the time the conversation was over there would be a new convert, and it was not me. ;) I have yet to meet anyone who is handing those things out who understands what they believe in. Seeing how things have changed for me I should probably be a little ashamed for that. I am sure as soon as they regrouped they shrugged off everything I said. It was always fun though.

I'm not a fan of the whole pamphlet thing.

It's like they are just trying to get people to jump through the hoops to get saved.

I think salvation is a very personal and individualistic experience. People should be approached as such instead of being treated like cattle.
Since there is a hell and people are going there, logic would follow that I would have to do something.

Objection; assumes facts not in evidence.

When I'm in heaven, we will be looking down at hell and I'll say, "Those are the stupid ones that didn't want to believe in God."
In fact, the ones in hell will still be saying, "There is no God" after having met Him.
It never fails to amaze me that people stupid enough to actually believe this bullshit are really capable of learning how to type..!!

Then why are you here if you don't like it? Make sure you scrape it off your shoe.
When I'm in heaven, we will be looking down at hell and I'll say, "Those are the stupid ones that didn't want to believe in God."
In fact, the ones in hell will still be saying, "There is no God" after having met Him.


If scripture is true, because you openly defy the divine commands and teach others to do the same and worship a human being as if he was a god, YOU are already in hell.

Repent of your sorcery and your blasphemy, your perjury and your murders, or you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven..

People do not believe you because there is no such thing as a trinity that became a man.

Those are the stupid ones? Really?

Maybe you should find another hobby, you really suck at evangelizing.
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