How do you get better at evangelism?

As a Christian we are to spread the good news that Christ bore our sins and then rose to life. Nowhere does it say to curtail that activity except to locations where the view is accepted. While I understand private space, I could make the same disgruntled objection to Al Sharpton setting up his soap box and inciting riots.....
When the person opens their front door, just quickly ram your pamphlet down their throat.
I think the best way to convert people is to start up charities and advertise what they do and who they are associated with.
I think the best way to convert people is to start up charities and advertise what they do and who they are associated with.
Convert people by making money? Please try again.
I think the best way to convert people is to start up charities and advertise what they do and who they are associated with.
Convert people by making money? Please try again.
Although it is possible to pay yourself when you run a charity--the real point is to get people to notice you and your ideology

If people think your ideas and concepts are beneficial, they may join you in pushing the philosophy as well..
I think the best way to convert people is to start up charities and advertise what they do and who they are associated with.
Convert people by making money? Please try again.
Although it is possible to pay yourself when you run a charity--the real point is to get people to notice you and your ideology

If people think your ideas and concepts are beneficial, they may join you in pushing the philosophy as well..
Your ideology is to immediately get money from people. EPIC FAIL!
I think the best way to convert people is to start up charities and advertise what they do and who they are associated with.
Convert people by making money? Please try again.
Although it is possible to pay yourself when you run a charity--the real point is to get people to notice you and your ideology

If people think your ideas and concepts are beneficial, they may join you in pushing the philosophy as well..
Your ideology is to immediately get money from people. EPIC FAIL!

Even if the method is to gain money from people, the application of those funds are key to gaining members to support and believe in the ideology.

Is it possible to set up phony charities and organizations with the intent of sucking money from the unsuspecting? Of course. But don't think the purpose of all organizations follow that as its main goal.
Pastor Rod Parsley (the one with dissociative disorder)
said for $300 you can get his Command Blessing.
Not a regular blessing but Command blessing.
Selling blessings?
And all this time we've been giving blessings away for free everytime someone sneezed. Huh!
I think the best way to convert people is to start up charities and advertise what they do and who they are associated with.
Convert people by making money? Please try again.
Although it is possible to pay yourself when you run a charity--the real point is to get people to notice you and your ideology

If people think your ideas and concepts are beneficial, they may join you in pushing the philosophy as well..
Your ideology is to immediately get money from people. EPIC FAIL!

Even if the method is to gain money from people, the application of those funds are key to gaining members to support and believe in the ideology.

Is it possible to set up phony charities and organizations with the intent of sucking money from the unsuspecting? Of course. But don't think the purpose of all organizations follow that as its main goal.
Your ideology needs other people's money to survive. You fail so fucking epically that you should turn in your bible.
I bet it's so much fun to smoke a joint, stand on a street corner, and start yelling ALL KINDS of nonsense about the shit you believe! And when people disagree just scream at them "you're gonna buuuuurrrrn NIGAAAAA!!1!11!!! :rofl:

WAKKA WAKKA! :thanks:

Dude, this guy wrote a very serious post and you are going to treat it like a joke? WTF is the matter with you?

Reverse the question. It's a much shorter list.
My favorite buzz word was "electrocute them" used by Benny Hinn. For a while I didn't think to why he'd use that phrase till I noticed he'd have his dupes stand on direct marked spots on the stage whereby he'd use actual electrical current to knock them on their knees claiming the holy spirit and his anointing was doing it.
He was so brazen that he laughed at them and sneered when shouting to his henchmen to electrocute them.
One time he sliped and said out loud on the mic:
"that was to much" in to much current.
Are you one of those who holds all of Christianity accountable for frauds like Benny Hinn?
Not knowing anything is helpful.


My favorite buzz word was "electrocute them" used by Benny Hinn. For a while I didn't think to why he'd use that phrase till I noticed he'd have his dupes stand on direct marked spots on the stage whereby he'd use actual electrical current to knock them on their knees claiming the holy spirit and his anointing was doing it.
He was so brazen that he laughed at them and sneered when shouting to his henchmen to electrocute them.
One time he sliped and said out loud on the mic:
"that was to much" in to much current.
Are you one of those who holds all of Christianity accountable for frauds like Benny Hinn?

No, but if that's how the religion protects the elderly, senile, and mentally challenged, by not keeping such con artist who prey on the vulnerable in check then one has to wonder...
isn't it tolerated and allowed in the name of furthering the affiliation instead of seeing it as being a blemish in the same way Christians wished moderate Muslims would get active and do more about it's radicals and criminal elements.
My favorite buzz word was "electrocute them" used by Benny Hinn. For a while I didn't think to why he'd use that phrase till I noticed he'd have his dupes stand on direct marked spots on the stage whereby he'd use actual electrical current to knock them on their knees claiming the holy spirit and his anointing was doing it.
He was so brazen that he laughed at them and sneered when shouting to his henchmen to electrocute them.
One time he sliped and said out loud on the mic:
"that was to much" in to much current.
Are you one of those who holds all of Christianity accountable for frauds like Benny Hinn?

No, but if that's how the religion protects the elderly, senile, and mentally challenged, by not keeping such con artist who prey on the vulnerable in check then one has to wonder...
isn't it tolerated and allowed in the name of furthering the affiliation instead of seeing it as being a blemish in the same way Christians wished moderate Muslims would get active and do more about it's radicals and criminal elements.
What are we supposed to do to stop him? There's plenty of warning we give about the con artist Benny Hinn is, but ultimately people eager to part with their money can't be stopped from doing so. Do you know how stupid you sound thinking we can keep someone like that "in check"?
Florida chased him out of the state with new laws involving scamers mainly used to reign in those psychic networks. Texas however gladly took him in.
I reported a few to the Justice dept. I'm sure enough such complaints by those within the faith would do wonders. Approaching Aarp and such advocates of the elderly would help as they have some pull with political authorities. Furthermore the Christian broadcasters should be doing it otherwise restrict or remove their licenses. If they were sincere they would utilize Benny to reach and teach his own Palestinians to understand they are being used and abused by many factions and radical regimes for many sinister reasons and that they must love their children and have concern for their safety & their futures more then they hate others or affiliate with hate mongers/radicals that are keeping them back.
They are to busy using Benny to further a forbidden sorcery show and lie, to busy using him to rake in money and convert people without using him for the actual only value he has.
Pedestrian Polka

It's a good idea to take social cues from the culture/environment around you.

For example, if you want to reach out to today's youth about American optimism as it relates to capitalism moderation (i.e., Enron) and/or multi-culturalism faith (i.e., Chinatown), you might want to learn about scholarly and pedestrian attitudes towards the controversial Vietnam War. You will be in a better position to talk to youngsters about America's 'populism climate.'


Vietnam War


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