How do you love American? and How much do you love America?

"I have the best house on the block, my house is best, go have a look at my house the best on the block, you want to see the best house on this block go and look at mine, look how great it is you can see it from here, it's the greatest house in the neighborhood and if you say ANYTHING bad about my house you are just a great house hater and you don't have pride in your block or your neighborhood......"

I call plagiarism if a Trump tweet.
It's beyond ridiculous to be patriotic.
That, of course, is selfish and self centered. It's all about you.
No it's just that I realize what patch of dirt I was born on was a completely random event.
Don't like this patch of dirt? Find another one. It's not a difficult conundrum.

You have the right to be happy. If you would be happier someplace else, then go there. If, on the other hand, you want to make your "patch of dirt" better, then work on it. Demeaning what is good and right does nothing to fix what isn't.
The operative word is "our" .... you created this government - either thru action or inaction. If you don't like it, fix it. This government is a direct result of the people of this country. We are complacent, self centered, and not prone to action. We were - in a word - uninvolved.That has to change if we wish to reap the benefits of America.

I didn't create this government. I haven't been sitting on my butt either, trying to change it. It doesn't matter what anyone says, it matters what they do. It only takes a few pebbles to start an avalanche.
You DID create this government - either thru action or inaction. I recognize that most people just weren't paying attention. But, what is past, is prologue. We can continue to do what we were doing - and get the same result. Or, we can remember the lessons of history - no matter how recent it may be - and move in a different direction. Acceptance of futility can NOT be the game the plan. The status quo fixes nothing. In order to change the status quo, we need to change the reality.
Patriotism = love of country.

I'll accept that definition, even though I do find it a bit simplistic and confining.

So, you ask how much do I love my country?

Perhaps you remember the movie Jerry McGuire. In it, Dorothy says (about Jerry), " I love him. I love him, and I don't care what you think. I love him for the man he wants to be, and I love him for the man he almost is. I love him."

I love my country as much as Dorothy loves Jerry. I love it for what it is - and I love it for what it can be. My country, like my wife, isn't perfect. I overlook her faults (she snores) because I so enjoy her strengths, her contributions, her warmth, her good intentions, and makes damn fine beef stew. She ain't perfect - but she is two things. 1) She is the woman who brings out the best in me, and 2) she is mine.

So it is with my country. I love it despite its faults. I love it for all its strengths, its goals, its vision, and its good intentions. I am clear-eyed and honest about its faults. I recognize the need to help it grow to be all it can be. I recognize that my country represents the best of man's societal evolution to date, and offers the best chance to be all it can be. I recognize that it is not yet perfect, but I dearly believe it is mankind's only hope in the pursuit of that perfection.

I have been fortunate in my life. I spent twenty years in the Air Force, moved to a second career that allowed me to travel extensively, retired early, and have enjoyed traveling to see the world. My count right now is 47 states visited (New England, here I come!), and 21 countries. I've seen the best they have to offer - and I've seen the worst.

Frankly, the best out there doesn't hold a candle to what we have in the US. I speak not of things, of stuff, of big buildings, fancy airports or great highways. I speak of freedom of movement, of gracious people, of beautiful natural wonders, of diversity of view and people and opportunity, and of hope. This is the only country in the world in which who you are, and what you are, and where you are, does not stop you from being who you want to be, what you want to be, and where you want to be.

I can already hear the catcalls and the naysayers. For them, I ask this question in return. Where else do you have the opportunities you have here? Where else do you have a chance to grow? I recognize what you want. You can get it here. You just have to want it more than others don't want you to have it. You just have to be willing to work harder than those who don't want you to have it are willing to work. There are too many examples of success that put the lie to claims of woe. Yes, it is harder for some than others. Yes, there are those who will try to stop you. Yes, it is frustrating. But, none of that means that it can't be done. The choice is simple - you can do it, or you can complain about why you couldn't do it. Each of us picks our own path.
thank you....

I feel the same way....we moved a lot too, my dad was in the Air Force for 22 years, we were stationed overseas a lot, and even as a child, I could see and knew, from the bottom of my heart,

''There's no place like home!''

We live in the best country in the world, even with all of it's short comings over the years...!

So let me ask you...

Is it an insult when people say they want to

Make America great AGAIN?

AS IF we are not great and the greatest right now?

MAGA refers to repairing the damage Obama inflicted on this country. It's not denying it's inherent greatness. Note it uses the word "again" so that implies its greatness.

Hahahaha. You Obama Haters crack me up, still.

Obama Actually Made America Great Again. Here's the Data.
It's beyond ridiculous to be patriotic.
That, of course, is selfish and self centered. It's all about you.
No it's just that I realize what patch of dirt I was born on was a completely random event.
Don't like this patch of dirt? Find another one. It's not a difficult conundrum.

You have the right to be happy. If you would be happier someplace else, then go there. If, on the other hand, you want to make your "patch of dirt" better, then work on it. Demeaning what is good and right does nothing to fix what isn't.

Didn't say I didn't like it I said patriotism is silly. And why do patriotism and happiness go hand in hand in your mind? I have a good life here but then again billions of people all over the world think they have good lives too.

I don't feel the need to fix this country. Quite frankly I think the US has peaked. We are a debtor nation now and are consumed with a broken, corrupt 2 party political system. I'm not going to waste any time trying to fix that. The way I see it I'll be dead before the country really hits the skids
It's not about love, it's about respect. Respect for the rule of law, respect for the Flag and respect for traditional values. I understand that the f'ball players have a 1st Amendment right to disrespect the Country but I have a 1st Amendment right to disrespect them.
No right thinking person denies that the football players have the RIGHT to protest during the National Anthem, but you have to wonder about the method. They simply picked the wrong method of protest. When I see them kneel, I don't (and, apparently, most of America) see them as protesting police tactics, or systemic racism. I see them disrespecting the flag, disrespecting the country, disrespecting veterans.

Communications is a two-way street. It is the responsibility of the sender to ensure that his message is clear, concise, and to the point. It is the responsibility of the receiver to endeavor to understand the message.

Their message has been lost in the reaction to their method. They need to change HOW they protest, not whether they protest.
It's beyond ridiculous to be patriotic.
That, of course, is selfish and self centered. It's all about you.
No it's just that I realize what patch of dirt I was born on was a completely random event.
Don't like this patch of dirt? Find another one. It's not a difficult conundrum.

You have the right to be happy. If you would be happier someplace else, then go there. If, on the other hand, you want to make your "patch of dirt" better, then work on it. Demeaning what is good and right does nothing to fix what isn't.

Didn't say I didn't like it I said patriotism is silly. And why do patriotism and happiness go hand in hand in your mind? I have a good life here but then again billions of people all over the world think they have good lives too.

I don't feel the need to fix this country. Quite frankly I think the US has peaked. We are a debtor nation now and are consumed with a broken, corrupt 2 party political system. I'm not going to waste any time trying to fix that. The way I see it I'll be dead before the country really hits the skids
Yep --- it's all about you.
Patriotism = love of country.

I'll accept that definition, even though I do find it a bit simplistic and confining.

So, you ask how much do I love my country?

Perhaps you remember the movie Jerry McGuire. In it, Dorothy says (about Jerry), " I love him. I love him, and I don't care what you think. I love him for the man he wants to be, and I love him for the man he almost is. I love him."

I love my country as much as Dorothy loves Jerry. I love it for what it is - and I love it for what it can be. My country, like my wife, isn't perfect. I overlook her faults (she snores) because I so enjoy her strengths, her contributions, her warmth, her good intentions, and makes damn fine beef stew. She ain't perfect - but she is two things. 1) She is the woman who brings out the best in me, and 2) she is mine.

So it is with my country. I love it despite its faults. I love it for all its strengths, its goals, its vision, and its good intentions. I am clear-eyed and honest about its faults. I recognize the need to help it grow to be all it can be. I recognize that my country represents the best of man's societal evolution to date, and offers the best chance to be all it can be. I recognize that it is not yet perfect, but I dearly believe it is mankind's only hope in the pursuit of that perfection.

I have been fortunate in my life. I spent twenty years in the Air Force, moved to a second career that allowed me to travel extensively, retired early, and have enjoyed traveling to see the world. My count right now is 47 states visited (New England, here I come!), and 21 countries. I've seen the best they have to offer - and I've seen the worst.

Frankly, the best out there doesn't hold a candle to what we have in the US. I speak not of things, of stuff, of big buildings, fancy airports or great highways. I speak of freedom of movement, of gracious people, of beautiful natural wonders, of diversity of view and people and opportunity, and of hope. This is the only country in the world in which who you are, and what you are, and where you are, does not stop you from being who you want to be, what you want to be, and where you want to be.

I can already hear the catcalls and the naysayers. For them, I ask this question in return. Where else do you have the opportunities you have here? Where else do you have a chance to grow? I recognize what you want. You can get it here. You just have to want it more than others don't want you to have it. You just have to be willing to work harder than those who don't want you to have it are willing to work. There are too many examples of success that put the lie to claims of woe. Yes, it is harder for some than others. Yes, there are those who will try to stop you. Yes, it is frustrating. But, none of that means that it can't be done. The choice is simple - you can do it, or you can complain about why you couldn't do it. Each of us picks our own path.
thank you....

I feel the same way....we moved a lot too, my dad was in the Air Force for 22 years, we were stationed overseas a lot, and even as a child, I could see and knew, from the bottom of my heart,

''There's no place like home!''

We live in the best country in the world, even with all of it's short comings over the years...!

So let me ask you...

Is it an insult when people say they want to

Make America great AGAIN?

AS IF we are not great and the greatest right now?

MAGA refers to repairing the damage Obama inflicted on this country. It's not denying it's inherent greatness. Note it uses the word "again" so that implies its greatness.

Hahahaha. You Obama Haters crack me up, still.

Obama Actually Made America Great Again. Here's the Data.

Sorry ---- you're not going to draw me into a bullshit argument. You conveniently change the subject because you can't respond to the original.

Have a nice day.
It's beyond ridiculous to be patriotic.
That, of course, is selfish and self centered. It's all about you.
No it's just that I realize what patch of dirt I was born on was a completely random event.
Don't like this patch of dirt? Find another one. It's not a difficult conundrum.

You have the right to be happy. If you would be happier someplace else, then go there. If, on the other hand, you want to make your "patch of dirt" better, then work on it. Demeaning what is good and right does nothing to fix what isn't.

Didn't say I didn't like it I said patriotism is silly. And why do patriotism and happiness go hand in hand in your mind? I have a good life here but then again billions of people all over the world think they have good lives too.

I don't feel the need to fix this country. Quite frankly I think the US has peaked. We are a debtor nation now and are consumed with a broken, corrupt 2 party political system. I'm not going to waste any time trying to fix that. The way I see it I'll be dead before the country really hits the skids
Yep --- it's all about you.

No it's all about my wife.

The way I see it my father fell for the patriotism thing and the government that supposedly was looking out for him sent him to die in the sky over Vietnam for nothing other than political gamesmanship.

A country that throws the lives of its soldiers away doesn't really deserve much loyalty
That, of course, is selfish and self centered. It's all about you.
No it's just that I realize what patch of dirt I was born on was a completely random event.
Don't like this patch of dirt? Find another one. It's not a difficult conundrum.

You have the right to be happy. If you would be happier someplace else, then go there. If, on the other hand, you want to make your "patch of dirt" better, then work on it. Demeaning what is good and right does nothing to fix what isn't.

Didn't say I didn't like it I said patriotism is silly. And why do patriotism and happiness go hand in hand in your mind? I have a good life here but then again billions of people all over the world think they have good lives too.

I don't feel the need to fix this country. Quite frankly I think the US has peaked. We are a debtor nation now and are consumed with a broken, corrupt 2 party political system. I'm not going to waste any time trying to fix that. The way I see it I'll be dead before the country really hits the skids
Yep --- it's all about you.

No it's all about my wife.

The way I see it my father fell for the patriotism thing and the government that supposedly was looking out for him sent him to die in the sky over Vietnam for nothing other than political gamesmanship.

A country that throws the lives of its soldiers away doesn't really deserve much loyalty
Got it .... don't fix the "problems" for your children or your grandchildren. Let them deal with it, right?

It's all about you.
Patriotism = love of country.

I'll accept that definition, even though I do find it a bit simplistic and confining.

So, you ask how much do I love my country?

Perhaps you remember the movie Jerry McGuire. In it, Dorothy says (about Jerry), " I love him. I love him, and I don't care what you think. I love him for the man he wants to be, and I love him for the man he almost is. I love him."

I love my country as much as Dorothy loves Jerry. I love it for what it is - and I love it for what it can be. My country, like my wife, isn't perfect. I overlook her faults (she snores) because I so enjoy her strengths, her contributions, her warmth, her good intentions, and makes damn fine beef stew. She ain't perfect - but she is two things. 1) She is the woman who brings out the best in me, and 2) she is mine.

So it is with my country. I love it despite its faults. I love it for all its strengths, its goals, its vision, and its good intentions. I am clear-eyed and honest about its faults. I recognize the need to help it grow to be all it can be. I recognize that my country represents the best of man's societal evolution to date, and offers the best chance to be all it can be. I recognize that it is not yet perfect, but I dearly believe it is mankind's only hope in the pursuit of that perfection.

I have been fortunate in my life. I spent twenty years in the Air Force, moved to a second career that allowed me to travel extensively, retired early, and have enjoyed traveling to see the world. My count right now is 47 states visited (New England, here I come!), and 21 countries. I've seen the best they have to offer - and I've seen the worst.

Frankly, the best out there doesn't hold a candle to what we have in the US. I speak not of things, of stuff, of big buildings, fancy airports or great highways. I speak of freedom of movement, of gracious people, of beautiful natural wonders, of diversity of view and people and opportunity, and of hope. This is the only country in the world in which who you are, and what you are, and where you are, does not stop you from being who you want to be, what you want to be, and where you want to be.

I can already hear the catcalls and the naysayers. For them, I ask this question in return. Where else do you have the opportunities you have here? Where else do you have a chance to grow? I recognize what you want. You can get it here. You just have to want it more than others don't want you to have it. You just have to be willing to work harder than those who don't want you to have it are willing to work. There are too many examples of success that put the lie to claims of woe. Yes, it is harder for some than others. Yes, there are those who will try to stop you. Yes, it is frustrating. But, none of that means that it can't be done. The choice is simple - you can do it, or you can complain about why you couldn't do it. Each of us picks our own path.
thank you....

I feel the same way....we moved a lot too, my dad was in the Air Force for 22 years, we were stationed overseas a lot, and even as a child, I could see and knew, from the bottom of my heart,

''There's no place like home!''

We live in the best country in the world, even with all of it's short comings over the years...!

So let me ask you...

Is it an insult when people say they want to

Make America great AGAIN?

AS IF we are not great and the greatest right now?

MAGA refers to repairing the damage Obama inflicted on this country. It's not denying it's inherent greatness. Note it uses the word "again" so that implies its greatness.

Hahahaha. You Obama Haters crack me up, still.

Obama Actually Made America Great Again. Here's the Data.

Sorry ---- you're not going to draw me into a bullshit argument. You conveniently change the subject because you can't respond to the original.

Have a nice day.

I was rebutting WILL's post. Thank you. Have a great weekend.
Some people love America for what it WOULD be if they could "fundamentally change" it.

So that could be considered love, by some, I guess.
No it's just that I realize what patch of dirt I was born on was a completely random event.
Don't like this patch of dirt? Find another one. It's not a difficult conundrum.

You have the right to be happy. If you would be happier someplace else, then go there. If, on the other hand, you want to make your "patch of dirt" better, then work on it. Demeaning what is good and right does nothing to fix what isn't.

Didn't say I didn't like it I said patriotism is silly. And why do patriotism and happiness go hand in hand in your mind? I have a good life here but then again billions of people all over the world think they have good lives too.

I don't feel the need to fix this country. Quite frankly I think the US has peaked. We are a debtor nation now and are consumed with a broken, corrupt 2 party political system. I'm not going to waste any time trying to fix that. The way I see it I'll be dead before the country really hits the skids
Yep --- it's all about you.

No it's all about my wife.

The way I see it my father fell for the patriotism thing and the government that supposedly was looking out for him sent him to die in the sky over Vietnam for nothing other than political gamesmanship.

A country that throws the lives of its soldiers away doesn't really deserve much loyalty
Got it .... don't fix the "problems" for your children or your grandchildren. Let them deal with it, right?

It's all about you.
I don't have children so I won't have grandchildren
Don't like this patch of dirt? Find another one. It's not a difficult conundrum.

You have the right to be happy. If you would be happier someplace else, then go there. If, on the other hand, you want to make your "patch of dirt" better, then work on it. Demeaning what is good and right does nothing to fix what isn't.

Didn't say I didn't like it I said patriotism is silly. And why do patriotism and happiness go hand in hand in your mind? I have a good life here but then again billions of people all over the world think they have good lives too.

I don't feel the need to fix this country. Quite frankly I think the US has peaked. We are a debtor nation now and are consumed with a broken, corrupt 2 party political system. I'm not going to waste any time trying to fix that. The way I see it I'll be dead before the country really hits the skids
Yep --- it's all about you.

No it's all about my wife.

The way I see it my father fell for the patriotism thing and the government that supposedly was looking out for him sent him to die in the sky over Vietnam for nothing other than political gamesmanship.

A country that throws the lives of its soldiers away doesn't really deserve much loyalty
Got it .... don't fix the "problems" for your children or your grandchildren. Let them deal with it, right?

It's all about you.
I don't have children so I won't have grandchildren
I do.

But that doesn't matter, right? It's all about you.
Didn't say I didn't like it I said patriotism is silly. And why do patriotism and happiness go hand in hand in your mind? I have a good life here but then again billions of people all over the world think they have good lives too.

I don't feel the need to fix this country. Quite frankly I think the US has peaked. We are a debtor nation now and are consumed with a broken, corrupt 2 party political system. I'm not going to waste any time trying to fix that. The way I see it I'll be dead before the country really hits the skids
Yep --- it's all about you.

No it's all about my wife.

The way I see it my father fell for the patriotism thing and the government that supposedly was looking out for him sent him to die in the sky over Vietnam for nothing other than political gamesmanship.

A country that throws the lives of its soldiers away doesn't really deserve much loyalty
Got it .... don't fix the "problems" for your children or your grandchildren. Let them deal with it, right?

It's all about you.
I don't have children so I won't have grandchildren
I do.

But that doesn't matter, right? It's all about you.

Take care of your own kids.
Yep --- it's all about you.

No it's all about my wife.

The way I see it my father fell for the patriotism thing and the government that supposedly was looking out for him sent him to die in the sky over Vietnam for nothing other than political gamesmanship.

A country that throws the lives of its soldiers away doesn't really deserve much loyalty
Got it .... don't fix the "problems" for your children or your grandchildren. Let them deal with it, right?

It's all about you.
I don't have children so I won't have grandchildren
I do.

But that doesn't matter, right? It's all about you.

Take care of your own kids.
Yep. I got it.

You have no responsibility to the country in which you live. You have no responsibility to the state in which you live. You have no responsibility to the town in which you live.

It's all about you.
No it's all about my wife.

The way I see it my father fell for the patriotism thing and the government that supposedly was looking out for him sent him to die in the sky over Vietnam for nothing other than political gamesmanship.

A country that throws the lives of its soldiers away doesn't really deserve much loyalty
Got it .... don't fix the "problems" for your children or your grandchildren. Let them deal with it, right?

It's all about you.
I don't have children so I won't have grandchildren
I do.

But that doesn't matter, right? It's all about you.

Take care of your own kids.
Yep. I got it.

You have no responsibility to the country in which you live. You have no responsibility to the state in which you live. You have no responsibility to the town in which you live.

It's all about you.

I meet every responsibility I have. I obey the law and pay my taxes. Why do you want me to take care of your kids too?
Got it .... don't fix the "problems" for your children or your grandchildren. Let them deal with it, right?

It's all about you.
I don't have children so I won't have grandchildren
I do.

But that doesn't matter, right? It's all about you.

Take care of your own kids.
Yep. I got it.

You have no responsibility to the country in which you live. You have no responsibility to the state in which you live. You have no responsibility to the town in which you live.

It's all about you.

I meet every responsibility I have. I obey the law and pay my taxes. Why do you want me to take care of your kids too?
Twisting and perverting the argument now?

It's okay --- you don't have to justify yourself. We recognize your motivation.

Have a great life.
I don't have children so I won't have grandchildren
I do.

But that doesn't matter, right? It's all about you.

Take care of your own kids.
Yep. I got it.

You have no responsibility to the country in which you live. You have no responsibility to the state in which you live. You have no responsibility to the town in which you live.

It's all about you.

I meet every responsibility I have. I obey the law and pay my taxes. Why do you want me to take care of your kids too?
Twisting and perverting the argument now?

It's okay --- you don't have to justify yourself. We recognize your motivation.

Have a great life.

I am having a great life
So, there's lots of talk about patriotism.

Patriotism being the love of one's country.

But how do you love your country?

Do you have to love 100% of things in your country to be patriotic?

So, a patriot would have to love the gangs, the inner city cesspits, the murders. A patriot would have to love the left wingers, the Communists, Bernie Sanders.

Or is loving your country loving a percentage of the country? And what percent of the country do you have to love?

So, of those people who could vote, 45.3% of the people didn't vote. Do you love the majority of people who have the vote?

Do you love the 26.3% of people who voted for Hillary?

That's 71.6% of the people. Trump got 25.2% of the potential votes, so, to love your country do you only have to love 25% of it for it to be considered "love"?

What percentage would be required for someone to declare their love of a country?

And as always the liberal wants to find reasons to dismiss the very concept of patriotism.

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