How do you reach the youts in Chicago without being racist?

Find people who actually care about them and who guide them in order to fullfill a duty, not just to pad their pockets.
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Perhaps you could mentor them, and learn to play with them. You could be the last man standing and have their respect. If you were the alpha they would have to conform to your standards. Well done.
Perhaps you could mentor them, and learn to play with them. You could be the last man standing and have their respect. If you were the alpha they would have to conform to your standards. Well done.
I wanted to do just that while in university. The guy I applied to help was probably working with the cops himself rather than actually looking to help troubled kids. That's what a backward society produces.
Stop acknowledging their racism. That's all you can do.

If they try to bring up racism you ignore them. Tell them they are going to be treated like everyone else. Hold them accountable for their actions.

Blacks need to be drug kicking and screaming away from their race based ideas and be made to be in the real world .
After a famous court case came down which held (with some good reason) that public prosecutors are not permitted to engage in jury selection on the basis of race (ie, it isn’t allowed to stack the decks with an all or predominantly white jury in order to obtain a panel which is less likely to be fair to a minority defendant), it became common practice for prosecutors to make note of the race of prospective jurors.

The effect of a largely merited decision was to force prosecutors to make explicit notes about race. Why? Because of you got challenged by a defense attorney on it, you’d need to be able to show that you hadn’t done it.

Eventually, the “Batson” rule also got applied to defense attorneys. So now, defense lawyers also make notes about they races of their prospective jurors.

I find it telling that — in order to defend against a claim of racism — the court cases basically demand that lawyers become race conscious. It’s one of those twisted little ironies.

I believe it happens in other aspects of society, too. Not permitting racism is an acceptable goal in most cases. But forcing people and businesses to become ever more race-conscious to achieve that goal has its own pitfalls.

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