How Does A Snowflake Answer The Question:"What Is An Assault Weapon" ??


Jilly Jilly?

Are you with me?

I said I am on your side on the abortion issue.

Can you at least consider my side on the gun issue?
Being fat is a drain on public resources.

We need a fat tax. Let's let Congress decide the definition of "fat" and get to taxing all the fatties. Trust them. They will only tax the really orca fat people. You're safe. Never fear.

Just spread those butt cheeks and say ahhhh.
so are drug addicts
There is, in popular parlance, the term 'assault weapon'. In generic terms, an assault weapon is a weapon that includes a semi-automatic firing system fed by a high capacity ammunition magazine. There are distinct guns designed for sporting purposes. Among these are hunting rifles (bolt and lever action), pump action shot guns designed to hunt water fowl or shoot clay pigeons, and pistols and revolvers designed for target shooting and self defense.

Assault weapons, on the other hand, have design characteristics more akin to combat weapons. Characteristics that do not necessarily augment their use in sporting activities.

You wanted a definition, you got one.

Now, I know your reputation. You will no doubt respond with a smiley emoticon denoting you think this post is funny. If you want to discuss the merits and virtues of the weapons I described as 'assault weapons', fine. But if all you seek are posts you can ridicule as poorly framed, inarticulate or just plain silly, you might find that some opinions that differ from your own still have merit.
well why don't you post up a link with a quote to back your post. Because a knife is an assault weapon, a rock can be an assault weapon, a car can be an assault weapon.
...and so can a semi-auto AR 15, as determined by the law.
so when asking for a ban, name the gun you want to ban. saying ban assault weapons is soooooo general, it implies much much more. And btw, there was a ban on rifles 1994 to 2004 and no statistics changed. so it did absolutely no good. So we have statistics on what a ban would do. And it doesn't solve a murder problem. Isn't that the objective to the rant?

Did the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban Work? -

"Both sides in the gun debate are misusing academic reports on the impact of the 1994 assault weapons ban, cherry-picking portions out of context to suit their arguments.

  • Wayne LaPierre, chief executive officer of the National Rifle Association, told a Senate committee that the “ban had no impact on lowering crime.” But the studies cited by LaPierre concluded that effects of the ban were “still unfolding” when it expired in 2004 and that it was “premature to make definitive assessments of the ban’s impact on gun violence.”
  • Conversely, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who has introduced a bill to institute a new ban on assault weapons, claimed the 1994 ban “was effective at reducing crime.” That’s not correct either. The study concluded that “we cannot clearly credit the ban with any of the nation’s recent drop in gun violence.”
Both sides in the gun debate are selectively citing from a series of studies that concluded with a 2004 study led by Christopher S. Koper, “An Updated Assessment of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban: Impacts on Gun Markets and Gun Violence, 1994-2003.” That report was the final of three studies of the ban, which was enacted in 1994 as part of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994.

The final report concluded the ban’s success in reducing crimes committed with banned guns was “mixed.” Gun crimes involving assault weapons declined. However, that decline was “offset throughout at least the late 1990s by steady or rising use of other guns equipped with [large-capacity magazines].”"
i bet if the reporter asked these girls how they felt about banning only cars that can drive past 65MPH, they would of agreed.
Being fat is a drain on public resources.

We need a fat tax. Let's let Congress decide the definition of "fat" and get to taxing all the fatties. Trust them. They will only tax the really orca fat people. You're safe. Never fear.

Just spread those butt cheeks and say ahhhh.

your ignorance is a drain on public resources
so being fat is healthy now?
how about you stay out of it until
a) you can have a child
b) everyone believes the same thing

until then, I've never met anyone wise enough to make those decisions for anyone else.

and only someone who will never have to make such a decision would laugh about it.

this is why no one takes radical religious zealots seriously... except other religious zealots.
Hey, don't bitch at me. I am on your side.

NO man should EVER have the right to decide that issue. Until a dude is forced to carry and take care of a child, he can shut the fuck up.

But, you can't deny that the issues are the same in that one side wants to impose their will on the other. We're talking about authoritarianism verses freedom. Liberty.

I hope you can see the connection.
but men did decide on carrying a baby.
but men did decide on carrying a baby.
The point is consistency in principle.

One must compare and contrast the rights and burdens of the mother, the father, and the child. It is an issue that freedom lovers can make good-faith arguments either way. On the one hand, the child (if it is a child) has rights. On the other hand, the mother's body is getting severely fucked up. She is suffering pain and discomfort, and is carrying the moron bastard child of some asshole who will try to dodge his responsibility.

The father's rights are a very distant third. Other than potential emotional attachments and financial responsibility, he has no burden. He got to fuck and now wants to tell the mother what she can and cannot do?

Either way, letting a bunch of narcissistic, greedy, corrupt old farts in Congress or state legislatures make those decisions should bother the fuck out of people on all sides of the issue.
:abgg2q.jpg: I just saw the footage on Fox News as I was coming home. A reporter was sent to some anti-gun March, must of been a very blue state. He is asking a few of the young female protesters if they knew what an assault weapon is. But as expected, they had no clue!
They may as well answered, the real hard question like this.
So like, uh, what is an assault weapon? Uh, like, isn't that like a gun that shoots a lot of bullets?
Or maybe answer it like this?,,,uh,,like,,uhm,,uh?,,,so like, what's an assault weapon? Uh, is that like a gun made from salt?
:CryingCow: :haha: :iyfyus.jpg:

I saw that video as well. It's a pretty typical example of how Proglodytes react when asked to explain something in factual, logical terms. They can't, so they erupt into a blast of profanity.
why not ban people over 350 pounds? arent they pretty much killing themselves? i wonder how many obese people die every year in respect to how many students get shot.
how about you stay out of it until
a) you can have a child
b) everyone believes the same thing

until then, I've never met anyone wise enough to make those decisions for anyone else.

and only someone who will never have to make such a decision would laugh about it.

this is why no one takes radical religious zealots seriously... except other religious zealots.
Hey, don't bitch at me. I am on your side.

NO man should EVER have the right to decide that issue. Until a dude is forced to carry and take care of a child, he can shut the fuck up.

But, you can't deny that the issues are the same in that one side wants to impose their will on the other. We're talking about authoritarianism verses freedom. Liberty.

I hope you can see the connection.
but men did decide on carrying a baby.

until they have to pay child support. :rofl:
why not ban people over 350 pounds? arent they pretty much killing themselves? i wonder how many obese people die every year in respect to how many students get shot.
Who gets to decide whether 350 pounds is so grossly obese that it should be "banned"?

What do we mean by "banned"?

(by the way, this is just an intellectual exercise offered to demonstrate a point. Courts have already held that status violations like being homeless or addicted to drugs, are unconstitutional).
why not ban people over 350 pounds? arent they pretty much killing themselves? i wonder how many obese people die every year in respect to how many students get shot.
Who gets to decide whether 350 pounds is so grossly obese that it should be "banned"?

What do we mean by "banned"?

(by the way, this is just an intellectual exercise offered to demonstrate a point. Courts have already held that status violations like being homeless or addicted to drugs, are unconstitutional).
well what i was getting at was more geared to banning fast food being people who are addicted to it all of their lives eventually die from it before they reach 70
You'll have to ask the snowflakes at the nRA who made their convention a gun-free zone for safety. From their own gullible followers.

The snow drifts in the hall were 8 feet deep.

That contradicts anything the NRA ever said where? If you don't like NRA policies, fine, argue against them. But when you have to make up their positions and you do it wrong, that is just an admission on your part that you know your own argument is weak.

Now what is a double standard is that gun grabbing Obama is protected by guns. He's saying some citizens are more important than others and are worth of gun protection.

Why don't you ask Obama why if guns aren't an effective form of self defense why he uses guns for self defense.

Don't care, do you?
Thank you.
If it's exactly the same, then who cares if it goes away.

If it's exactly the same as other rifles that will not be banned (and it is) why do you care if it stays ?

The functional capability of the weapon that makes it suitable for attacks will be banned.
Not just any particular platform.

What practical purpose is there for a thirty round magazine? Why is it necessary today more than in the past? What work requires a tool with a thirty round magazine rather than five or six rounds in an internal magazine?

The work of imaginary fears and fantasy.
You're standing on a position that the Bill of Rights is a limit on people and not the government. However, it is called the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs, nor the Bill of practical purpose.

It's already that way. If even one restriction is allowed, then any is. It is not unlimited. Your individual right to keep and bear arms is not and would not be taken away.
By banning a single rifle, you have taken away My right to keep and bear arms. You and your ilk are punishing the innocent out of fear.

Stop with the hysterical blubbering, Shirley.

The only thing lost is that particular type of firearm. Your rights are intact.
Not to be rude, but I think everyone but you knows what they mean by "assault weapon."
No, they don't. Most gun murders are with hand guns.
We seem to be focusing on mass murders right now. They are not mostly done with hand guns.
Mass murders (a sketchy term) is the tiniest of a fraction of a percent of the deaths caused by guns in general.
Yet three of the worst in our history have happened in the past six months. They are gaining. In the decade after the assault weapons ban expired, mass shootings and the number of people killed tripled. How much worse does it have to become before it becomes significant to you?
You, and the rest of the radical grabbers, have yet to correlate gun ownership to and out of control mass shooting spree.

It is NOT the guns. It is the people.

It's the culture around guns and it's effect on people.
No they do not.

There are laws already on the books that could have prevented the shooting in Florida, so the failure to protect those kids fall on LEO and the FBI and not the NRA!

If the government fails to do it job do you believe more laws will get them to do it!?!
I'm not saying it is ALL the big old bad NRA's fault. That's a stupid argument. They are to blame, however, for getting in the way of legislation that might have helped.
That is like saying the ACLU is to blame for getting in the way of legislation reinstating slavery.

The NRA is exercising the exact same rights as all of the other National Advocacy groups.

You are essentially saying that I want to take away a right from a segment of the population and the NRA is stopping me from doing that so they are responsible for the deaths because I am right.

The problem is, you, and those who are for restricting guns, are NOT right.
The problem is, you, and those who are for restricting guns, are NOT right
How did they ask the question about assault weapons? Did they explain that an AR-15 is NOT an assault weapon?

BTW....That does NOT make them right.
Not to be rude, but I think everyone but you knows what they mean by "assault weapon."
Yes we know you think it is anything that goes BANG

The difference between a tool and a weapon is the intent of the person wielding the tool

More people are killed knives than rifles so which is deadlier?

Intent can change. Everyone is a good guy with a gun until they aren't.

Vegas wasn't done with a car, a truck, a knife, an axe, or a brick. Stupid argument. It was only possible with the availability of the capable weaponry.

So then we should take everything away from you that can be used to kill because you are just a murderer in waiting right?

Why don't we start by amputating your hands and feet because hands and feet are used to kill more than rifles

I've said nothing about taking anything away from anyone. I've suggested it shouldn't be available.

So the millions of rifles that are already out there just what happens to them exactly?

A well maintained firearm has a lifespan of many many decades
View attachment 184956
So you are advocating confiscation

At least you finally admitted it
Great. ARs are advertised as "sporting rifles" as well. Anything that can accept a thirty round magazine is not simply a ranch tool.

Any practical purpose for a rifle can be accomplished with an internal magazine.

An AR is the exact same rifle as my ranch rifle except that it has plastic components

And it matters not if a rifle has a detachable magazine
Then WHY do mass shooters choose it over and over as the weapon of choice, and WHY are people so upset about this one insignificant model of gun coming off the shelves?
Thank you.
If it's exactly the same, then who cares if it goes away.

If it's exactly the same as other rifles that will not be banned (and it is) why do you care if it stays ?

The functional capability of the weapon that makes it suitable for attacks will be banned.
Not just any particular platform.

What practical purpose is there for a thirty round magazine? Why is it necessary today more than in the past? What work requires a tool with a thirty round magazine rather than five or six rounds in an internal magazine?

The work of imaginary fears and fantasy.

Who the fuck are you to say a law abiding person can't have a semiautomatic rifle with a detachable magazine?

Millions of people have them and will never kill anyone

Sorry but you cannot hold innocent people responsible for the crimes of others and in this case a fraction of a fraction of a percent of the population.

If you want to to that then do it across the board and treat everyone like a criminal
No, they don't. Most gun murders are with hand guns.
We seem to be focusing on mass murders right now. They are not mostly done with hand guns.
Mass murders (a sketchy term) is the tiniest of a fraction of a percent of the deaths caused by guns in general.
Yet three of the worst in our history have happened in the past six months. They are gaining. In the decade after the assault weapons ban expired, mass shootings and the number of people killed tripled. How much worse does it have to become before it becomes significant to you?
You, and the rest of the radical grabbers, have yet to correlate gun ownership to and out of control mass shooting spree.

It is NOT the guns. It is the people.

It's the culture around guns and it's effect on people.


.003143% of the population are murdered annually and since some people kill more than one person the number of actual murderers is even less than that

Sorry but that ain't much of an effect by the so called gun culture
That is like saying the ACLU is to blame for getting in the way of legislation reinstating slavery.

The NRA is exercising the exact same rights as all of the other National Advocacy groups.

You are essentially saying that I want to take away a right from a segment of the population and the NRA is stopping me from doing that so they are responsible for the deaths because I am right.

The problem is, you, and those who are for restricting guns, are NOT right.
The problem is, you, and those who are for restricting guns, are NOT right
How did they ask the question about assault weapons? Did they explain that an AR-15 is NOT an assault weapon?

BTW....That does NOT make them right.
Not to be rude, but I think everyone but you knows what they mean by "assault weapon."
No, they don't. Most gun murders are with hand guns.
We seem to be focusing on mass murders right now. They are not mostly done with hand guns.
and mass murders are the least of our murder problems since only 1% of all murders occur in mass shootings

The difference between a tool and a weapon is the intent of the person wielding the tool

More people are killed knives than rifles so which is deadlier?

Intent can change. Everyone is a good guy with a gun until they aren't.

Vegas wasn't done with a car, a truck, a knife, an axe, or a brick. Stupid argument. It was only possible with the availability of the capable weaponry.

So then we should take everything away from you that can be used to kill because you are just a murderer in waiting right?

Why don't we start by amputating your hands and feet because hands and feet are used to kill more than rifles

I've said nothing about taking anything away from anyone. I've suggested it shouldn't be available.

So the millions of rifles that are already out there just what happens to them exactly?

A well maintained firearm has a lifespan of many many decades

Buy back. As an example, there are just under 2 million ARs. Pay above retail for turn in. Let's say $2k. That would be the best $4b ever spent. Do the same w/handguns. Even illegal ones. Maybe those kids on the street would find it more lucrative to turn them in rather than use them or sell them on. It would also kill the black market trade.

Another word for confiscation.

What if I don't want to "sell" my gun to the fucking governemnt?
That is like saying the ACLU is to blame for getting in the way of legislation reinstating slavery.

The NRA is exercising the exact same rights as all of the other National Advocacy groups.

You are essentially saying that I want to take away a right from a segment of the population and the NRA is stopping me from doing that so they are responsible for the deaths because I am right.

The problem is, you, and those who are for restricting guns, are NOT right.
The problem is, you, and those who are for restricting guns, are NOT right
How did they ask the question about assault weapons? Did they explain that an AR-15 is NOT an assault weapon?

BTW....That does NOT make them right.
Not to be rude, but I think everyone but you knows what they mean by "assault weapon."
No, they don't. Most gun murders are with hand guns.
We seem to be focusing on mass murders right now. They are not mostly done with hand guns.
and yet you compare rifles to handguns

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