How Does It Feel In Bizarro World?

Still lies no matter how many times you mindlessly repeat them.
Which is a lie?
Both, and you know it, so stop with the dumb act.

"Obama’s Literary Agent Said He Was Born in Kenya?
A 1991 literary promotional booklet identified Barack Obama as having been born in Kenya.
  • PUBLISHED 18 MAY 2012
A 1991 literary client list promotional booklet identified Barack Obama as having been born in Kenya.


About this rating

Obama's Literary Agent Said He Was Born in Kenya?

That's two strikes for you....
Except you claimed Obama YOLD the literary agent he was born in Kenya, something the agent denies.

Stop playing the fool.

There are 195 nations in the world.

Are you claiming the agent just happened to choose 'Kenya' as his birthplace?
The agent explained how she got it wrong, why don't you look up what she actually said rather than mindlessly parrot your conspiracy theory?
Both, and you know it, so stop with the dumb act.

I never lie....let's prove it together.

First....Hillary's campaign began the birther claim.

1. Hillary Clinton's campaign began the view that Hussein was born elsewhere
“Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy,” Trump said today. His campaign subsequently circulated a link to a memo written by Clinton’s 2008 chief strategist, Mark Penn, suggesting they promote then Senator Obama’s “lack of American roots,” as well as the transcript of an interview Clinton’s 2008 campaign manager Patty Solis Doyle, where she tells Wolf Blitzer a staffer forwarded an email promoting the birther conspiracy in 2007, but that staffer was immediately fired.

Penn did write a memo in 2007 saying that Obama’s foreign background could present a weakness for him, and Clinton should emphasize her middle-class Midwestern upbringing.

"His roots to American values and culture are at best limited," the memo says. "I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and values."
Fact-Checking Trump's Claim Clinton Started 'Birther' Movement

That's one.
None of them claim Obama was not born in America so none of them can be the origin of BIRTHerism! DUH!

I documented proof in each case....while you prove to be no more than our best source of greenhouse gases.

Every reader can see you are lying.
You have only "documented" your abject STUPIDITY!

I provided Michelle stating it.

And the Leftist Snopes marking it true.

You lost again, huh?
And I said nothing about Michelle, so that is just a diversion on your part.
But you are just putting YOUR spin on what she said, and as a pathological liar, YOU have NO credibility!!!!!
Which is a lie?
Both, and you know it, so stop with the dumb act.

"Obama’s Literary Agent Said He Was Born in Kenya?
A 1991 literary promotional booklet identified Barack Obama as having been born in Kenya.
  • PUBLISHED 18 MAY 2012
A 1991 literary client list promotional booklet identified Barack Obama as having been born in Kenya.


About this rating

Obama's Literary Agent Said He Was Born in Kenya?

That's two strikes for you....
Except you claimed Obama YOLD the literary agent he was born in Kenya, something the agent denies.

Stop playing the fool.

There are 195 nations in the world.

Are you claiming the agent just happened to choose 'Kenya' as his birthplace?
The agent explained how she got it wrong, why don't you look up what she actually said rather than mindlessly parrot your conspiracy theory?

Why should anyone believe the self-serving lie, when the truth is so evident?

Hussein told the agent what to write.
I never lie....let's prove it together.

First....Hillary's campaign began the birther claim.

1. Hillary Clinton's campaign began the view that Hussein was born elsewhere
“Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy,” Trump said today. His campaign subsequently circulated a link to a memo written by Clinton’s 2008 chief strategist, Mark Penn, suggesting they promote then Senator Obama’s “lack of American roots,” as well as the transcript of an interview Clinton’s 2008 campaign manager Patty Solis Doyle, where she tells Wolf Blitzer a staffer forwarded an email promoting the birther conspiracy in 2007, but that staffer was immediately fired.

Penn did write a memo in 2007 saying that Obama’s foreign background could present a weakness for him, and Clinton should emphasize her middle-class Midwestern upbringing.

"His roots to American values and culture are at best limited," the memo says. "I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and values."
Fact-Checking Trump's Claim Clinton Started 'Birther' Movement

That's one.
None of them claim Obama was not born in America so none of them can be the origin of BIRTHerism! DUH!

I documented proof in each case....while you prove to be no more than our best source of greenhouse gases.

Every reader can see you are lying.
You have only "documented" your abject STUPIDITY!

I provided Michelle stating it.

And the Leftist Snopes marking it true.

You lost again, huh?
And I said nothing about Michelle, so that is just a diversion on your part.
But you are just putting YOUR spin on what she said, and as a pathological liar, YOU have NO credibility!!!!!

So you're admitting that Obama's wife said he was born in Kenya?

Both, and you know it, so stop with the dumb act.

"Obama’s Literary Agent Said He Was Born in Kenya?
A 1991 literary promotional booklet identified Barack Obama as having been born in Kenya.
  • PUBLISHED 18 MAY 2012
A 1991 literary client list promotional booklet identified Barack Obama as having been born in Kenya.


About this rating

Obama's Literary Agent Said He Was Born in Kenya?

That's two strikes for you....
Except you claimed Obama YOLD the literary agent he was born in Kenya, something the agent denies.

Stop playing the fool.

There are 195 nations in the world.

Are you claiming the agent just happened to choose 'Kenya' as his birthplace?
The agent explained how she got it wrong, why don't you look up what she actually said rather than mindlessly parrot your conspiracy theory?

Why should anyone believe the self-serving lie, when the truth is so evident?

Hussein told the agent what to write.
That's a "documented" lie!!!!!!
None of them claim Obama was not born in America so none of them can be the origin of BIRTHerism! DUH!

I documented proof in each case....while you prove to be no more than our best source of greenhouse gases.

Every reader can see you are lying.
You have only "documented" your abject STUPIDITY!

I provided Michelle stating it.

And the Leftist Snopes marking it true.

You lost again, huh?
And I said nothing about Michelle, so that is just a diversion on your part.
But you are just putting YOUR spin on what she said, and as a pathological liar, YOU have NO credibility!!!!!

So you're admitting that Obama's wife said he was born in Kenya?

That is NOT what she said, proving you a LIAR once again!
Thank you.
I documented proof in each case....while you prove to be no more than our best source of greenhouse gases.

Every reader can see you are lying.
You have only "documented" your abject STUPIDITY!

I provided Michelle stating it.

And the Leftist Snopes marking it true.

You lost again, huh?
And I said nothing about Michelle, so that is just a diversion on your part.
But you are just putting YOUR spin on what she said, and as a pathological liar, YOU have NO credibility!!!!!

So you're admitting that Obama's wife said he was born in Kenya?

That is NOT what she said, proving you a LIAR once again!
Thank you.

The vid isn't Michelle?????

Sooooo......who do you claim this is??????
You have only "documented" your abject STUPIDITY!

I provided Michelle stating it.

And the Leftist Snopes marking it true.

You lost again, huh?
And I said nothing about Michelle, so that is just a diversion on your part.
But you are just putting YOUR spin on what she said, and as a pathological liar, YOU have NO credibility!!!!!

So you're admitting that Obama's wife said he was born in Kenya?

That is NOT what she said, proving you a LIAR once again!
Thank you.

The vid isn't Michelle?????

Sooooo......who do you claim this is??????

Sooooo, where exactly did she use the word "born" that you used?????
I provided Michelle stating it.

And the Leftist Snopes marking it true.

You lost again, huh?
And I said nothing about Michelle, so that is just a diversion on your part.
But you are just putting YOUR spin on what she said, and as a pathological liar, YOU have NO credibility!!!!!

So you're admitting that Obama's wife said he was born in Kenya?

That is NOT what she said, proving you a LIAR once again!
Thank you.

The vid isn't Michelle?????

Sooooo......who do you claim this is??????

Sooooo, where exactly did she use the word "born" that you used?????

She used the established English language.

I can help you with the definition.

She used the established English language.

home-country. Noun. (plural home countries) the country in which a person was born and usually raised, regardless of the present country of residence and citizenship. › home-country

Home-country dictionary definition | home-country defined

home-country. Noun. (plural home countries) the country in which a person was born and usually raised, regardless of the present country of residence and citizenship. › home-country

Home-country dictionary definition | home-country defined

home country - Wiktionary

Noun. home country (plural home countries) The country in which a person was born and usually raised, regardless of the present country of residence and citizenship.
English · ‎Noun › dictionary › english › home-country

Home country definition and meaning | Collins English ...


Home country definition: the country a person comes from | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.

Now....are you accusing Michelle of lying????
And I said nothing about Michelle, so that is just a diversion on your part.
But you are just putting YOUR spin on what she said, and as a pathological liar, YOU have NO credibility!!!!!

So you're admitting that Obama's wife said he was born in Kenya?

That is NOT what she said, proving you a LIAR once again!
Thank you.

The vid isn't Michelle?????

Sooooo......who do you claim this is??????

Sooooo, where exactly did she use the word "born" that you used?????

She used the established English language.

I can help you with the definition.

She used the established English language.

home-country. Noun. (plural home countries) the country in which a person was born and usually raised, regardless of the present country of residence and citizenship.

View attachment › home-country

Home-country dictionary definition | home-country defined

home-country. Noun. (plural home countries)
Now....are you accusing Michelle of lying????

No, as well you know I am accusing YOU of misrepresenting what SHE meant, which was the country your ancestors are from, another common representation of the words home country.

But I'm curious, how can you be born in more than one country, since there is a plural form of the word your OWN link provided, if it ONLY represents the country you were born in, as you falsely claim?????
So you're admitting that Obama's wife said he was born in Kenya?

That is NOT what she said, proving you a LIAR once again!
Thank you.

The vid isn't Michelle?????

Sooooo......who do you claim this is??????

Sooooo, where exactly did she use the word "born" that you used?????

She used the established English language.

I can help you with the definition.

She used the established English language.

home-country. Noun. (plural home countries) the country in which a person was born and usually raised, regardless of the present country of residence and citizenship.

View attachment › home-country

Home-country dictionary definition | home-country defined

home-country. Noun. (plural home countries)
Now....are you accusing Michelle of lying????

No, as well you know I am accusing YOU of misrepresenting what SHE meant, which was the country your ancestors are from, another common representation of the words home country.

But I'm curious, how can you be born in more than one country, since there is a plural form of the word your OWN link provided, if it ONLY represents the country you were born in, as you falsely claim?????

What's the definition of "homecountry"?

Take your time.
Just yesterday I noted
"Today’s Democrat Party is closer to Lee Harvey Oswald, than to John F. Kennedy."

Bernie, a Marxist, was their almost-candidate last time, and is on the rise today. Better than half of Democrats favor socialism over capitalism.

But no one makes that point better than the's editorial reverses JFK' Inaugural Speech...

...and re-writes it to reflect today's Democrat Party.

I dare anyone to deny that this shouldn't be the inaugural if the (shudder!) win in November:

"We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of socialism — symbolizing an end as well as a beginning — signifying a decline as well as change. For I have affirmed before you and any God that may exist the same words our forebears prescribed nearly two and a half centuries ago.

Our philosophy is very different now. For capitalism created all forms of human poverty and gave us the power to abolish all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are now but nightmares for a woke generation that has learned the hard truth that the rights of persons come not from the hand of any God but from the generosity of the state.

We dare not forget today the sins of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans — intimidated by war, discouraged by a hard and bitter peace, woke from our ancient heritage — and prepared to countenance the slow undoing of those human rights this nation once indulged at home and around the world."
The Democrats Draft Their Inaugural

More lunacy from the village idiot.

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