How does the 2nd amendment apply to weaponized drones?

Your opinion is the 2nd amendment covers weaponized drones.
Go try and buy one and see what happens.

What would that prove again? I don't get it. You asked what I think. How would that change it? You appear to just be your snotty, racist self.
Guns are arms but many other weapons are arms.
Almost all other arms but guns have been restricted from being owned by citizens.
What is with that.

Again, you're just being snotty and racist without any point to the discussion.

So let's clear this up. You asked what we think, then when I answered, you switched to what our government says. Are you asking what we think or what your beloved government thinks because those are different questions and you're flipping between them.

Do I know what I think? Yes
Do I know what our government does? Yes

So which are you asking, racist?
How does the 2nd amendment apply to weaponized drones? Weaponized drones are one of the most effective "arms" in the world.

Is the NRA going to allow the government to restrict weaponized drones? A weaponized drone is not a "rifle' but if you are going to protect the 2nd amendment how can you allow one of the most effective "arms" to be restricted?
I would say that technically a weapon that you can use from a remote location is not the same as bearing a weapon on your person. It's more akin to a remote controlled bomb

And the FAA has jurisdiction over the skies
I would say that technically a weapon that you can use from a remote location is not the same as bearing a weapon on your person. It's more akin to a remote controlled bomb

And the FAA has jurisdiction over the skies

I made the same point. If you are careless with a gun, then you are responsible for that. Same with a drone. That drones are Constitutionally protected does not allow you to threaten or endanger others any more than guns being Constitutionally protected allows you to wield it unsafely. It's a lot harder to fly a weaponized drone and not threaten anyone, but it is possible, particularly on your own property.

If the question were would there be more restrictions on weaponized drones not threatening or endangering people, the, then the answer would be yes. But are they Constitutionally protected by the second amendment, the answer is also yes.

Democrats live in the wild west. They think if we allow weaponized drones then they can shoot em up just like Democrats think gun owners are all Yosemite Sam. Democrats are idiots ... and racists ...
No you can't but I believe you were trying to say yes you can if they were manufactured before 1986.
And you can buy a tank
Well you almost got me on this one but you can buy the tank but you cannot buy any of the munitions to make the tank a functional "arms". It is liking be able to buy an AR-15 but you cannot buy any bullets.
Am I not correct?
I would say that technically a weapon that you can use from a remote location is not the same as bearing a weapon on your person. It's more akin to a remote controlled bomb

And the FAA has jurisdiction over the skies
The definition of "arms" from the time the bill of rights was written can safely said to be "weapons of war"
An armed drone can be called a weapon of war.
The weapon, not the vehicle, is protected by the 2nd.
If you have a right to (weapon) you have a right to use that weapon for traditionally lawful purposes.
The platform does not matter.
The weapon that killed Ayman al-Zawahiri was a Hellfire missile. Go and try and buy a Hellfire missile.
Well you almost got me on this one but you can buy the tank but you cannot buy any of the munitions to make the tank a functional "arms"
Sure you can. NFA1934 classes these weapons as "destructive devices" and require you to pay a tax.
The definition of "arms" from the time the bill of rights was written can safely said to be "weapons of war"
An armed drone can be called a weapon of war.
Maybe not

You can certainly possess them but it may be illegal to fly a drone over someone else's property and anything being flown over 400 feet needs to have a flight plan submitted.
Did y'all lefties fall asleep in Civics 101? The Bill of Rights only applies within in the geographical limits of the U.S. Maybe that's why y'all lefties keep getting arrested for drug possession in foreign countries.
Some maintain the "rights" are from "God". How can human geographical limits infringe on any such deity?
Well you almost got me on this one but you can buy the tank but you cannot buy any of the munitions to make the tank a functional "arms". It is liking be able to buy an AR-15 but you cannot buy any bullets.
Am I not correct?
I know people who have to know how and the components to make it so there's always that.
The weapon that killed Ayman al-Zawahiri was a Hellfire missile. Go and try and buy a Hellfire missile.

No one has the right to demand they be provided with weapons, that isn't what rights mean. I mean duh. So build a Hellfire missile or persuade someone to sell you one if you have enough money, but you don't have the right to demand you be provided with one. The obvious is just completely out of your capabilities

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