How does the military relate 2 trump v obama as cic?

Under whom would u rather serve ?

  • Obama

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • Trump

    Votes: 27 93.1%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
Informal poll. Some non military posters here will speak loudly 4 those who actually r. The rest will proceed with quiet confidence.

I served under Reagan, wouldn't mind serving under him again.

(IF he were still alive)
Democrats in general have a difficult time with the Military. When they are not having their votes disqualified (2000) they are accusing them of war crimes and terror.
Informal poll. Some non military posters here will speak loudly 4 those who actually r. The rest will proceed with quiet confidence.

I started under Reagan and retired under Obama...though the timing of my retirement I ended up getting two letters, one from Bush II and one from Obama.

I would go with Trump as of now as he is not adding more troops to the middle east and he says he wants to bring home the ones that are there.
Let's ask that question when we are neck deep in a unnecessary war with Iran just to satisfy John Bolton's bloodlust.
Let's ask that question when we are neck deep in a unnecessary war with Iran just to satisfy John Bolton's bloodlust.

That would change my response that is for sure. But so far, that has not happened.
Obama, like the Clintons HATED the military. It is everything they abhor because they have NO honor, and the military is largely about honor and duty to country.

When you hate America, you hate its military.
Democrats in general have a difficult time with the Military. When they are not having their votes disqualified (2000) they are accusing them of war crimes and terror.
And you served how many years to find this out?

What does years of service have to do with what what everyone / anyone can observe. In 2000 Elections, the Democrats sued to have Military absentee ballots in Florida disqualified on a technicality. That ought to tell you everything you need to know on Democrats’ relationship with the Military. Why were Democrats so motivated to have Troops’ votes disqualified over a “postmark” technicality? Democrats knew that the majority of those votes would be for Bush which is why they hung on the postmark issue.
Joined in the early 80's, retired in the early 2000's. I'd rather serve with Obama in office. Why? Obama was clear in what his intentions were. Trump flip flops on a regular basis and lies about what he's had our military doing. Remember the 3 carrier armada that was supposed to be off the shores of N. Korea, but was later found to be non existent when Chinese and Russian spy ships checked it out?
Joined in the early 80's, retired in the early 2000's. I'd rather serve with Obama in office. Why? Obama was clear in what his intentions were. Trump flip flops on a regular basis and lies about what he's had our military doing. Remember the 3 carrier armada that was supposed to be off the shores of N. Korea, but was later found to be non existent when Chinese and Russian spy ships checked it out?

Obama was very clear in his intentions. He was a coward that let everyone walk all over the US. Remember his infamous "Line in the sand" regarding Syria? We see how well that worked out, didn't we?
Democrats in general have a difficult time with the Military. When they are not having their votes disqualified (2000) they are accusing them of war crimes and terror.
You are a shill. The ignorant in the military can go ph uk themselves. But political shills like you I would never listen to if push came to shove in a nasty situation. A few years ago I saw a photo of at least a dozen African American women I believe was west Point with the Black Power hand signal. The military is about discipline. I would watch the enemy kill them all. And I certainly would not follow them. That was a quota move by Obama. And yes I would follow orders of people of all backgrounds if my superior enlisted or officer. The military does not need chitt stirrers when lives may be on the line.
Democrats in general have a difficult time with the Military. When they are not having their votes disqualified (2000) they are accusing them of war crimes and terror.
You are a shill. The ignorant in the military can go ph uk themselves. But political shills like you I would never listen to if push came to shove in a nasty situation. A few years ago I saw a photo of at least a dozen African American women I believe was west Point with the Black Power hand signal. The military is about discipline. I would watch the enemy kill them all. And I certainly would not follow them. That was a quota move by Obama. And yes I would follow orders of people of all backgrounds if my superior enlisted or officer. The military does not need chitt stirrers when lives may be on the line.

Military votes should have never been disqualified. You want to talk lives on the line and shit stirrers?? Murtha, Kerry, Obama,,Durbin..... all on record of selling out Troops in combat.
Joined in the early 80's, retired in the early 2000's. I'd rather serve with Obama in office. Why? Obama was clear in what his intentions were. Trump flip flops on a regular basis and lies about what he's had our military doing. Remember the 3 carrier armada that was supposed to be off the shores of N. Korea, but was later found to be non existent when Chinese and Russian spy ships checked it out?

So now we are believing ENEMY intelligence (disinformation) over our own? All of a sudden the Russians, and Chinese tell the truth? Obama was a cluster, and you are just clueless beyond belief.

Obama hated the military and used it politically more than any other President. He said he was going to draw down troops yet escalated Iraq, Afghanistan, got us into Syria and Libya. He said he would close GITMO. HE LIED. The fact that you like him speaks volumes as he was a TRAITOR.
Democrats in general have a difficult time with the Military. When they are not having their votes disqualified (2000) they are accusing them of war crimes and terror.
And you served how many years to find this out?

What does years of service have to do with what what everyone / anyone can observe. In 2000 Elections, the Democrats sued to have Military absentee ballots in Florida disqualified on a technicality. That ought to tell you everything you need to know on Democrats’ relationship with the Military. Why were Democrats so motivated to have Troops’ votes disqualified over a “postmark” technicality? Democrats knew that the majority of those votes would be for Bush which is why they hung on the postmark issue.
Just knew without looking.....What is in the pyramids that no one else can find? Maybe it's what the democrats are claiming about why they wanted them disqualified..Postmark issue could have been more relevant than when the GOP purges voters registrations with the knowledge of such an act and not alerting the actual voter?
Democrats in general have a difficult time with the Military. When they are not having their votes disqualified (2000) they are accusing them of war crimes and terror.
And you served how many years to find this out?

What does years of service have to do with what what everyone / anyone can observe. In 2000 Elections, the Democrats sued to have Military absentee ballots in Florida disqualified on a technicality. That ought to tell you everything you need to know on Democrats’ relationship with the Military. Why were Democrats so motivated to have Troops’ votes disqualified over a “postmark” technicality? Democrats knew that the majority of those votes would be for Bush which is why they hung on the postmark issue.
Just knew without looking.....What is in the pyramids that no one else can find? Maybe it's what the democrats are claiming about why they wanted them disqualified..Postmark issue could have been more relevant than when the GOP purges voters registrations with the knowledge of such an act and not alerting the actual voter?

The people purged could not be contacted, dumbass!

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