I marvel at the restraint and class shown day after day by conservatives. And I'm sickened by how evil, vile, and violent the left is day after day...

Please keep hugging the Nazis and the Klan, buddy.

Please keep doing that.

On a side note - conservatives have shown an astounding amount of patience and restraint. But it's time they start carrying firearms to protect themselves. I can tell you that I carry every single day of my life, and the first Antifa idiot (or any other idiot for that matter) who tries to stab me is going to get a couple of slugs center mass. This is exactly why the left has desperately wanted to disarm the American people for so long. They love to resort to violence and they don't want peaceful Americans to have the capacity to defend themselves.

Poodle, you need to see someone about your violence fantasies before someone gets hurt and you end up being someone's prison bitch.
Opposition to Civil rights has always been regional.
That may be the dumbest thing I have ever read. Region does not dictate one's ideology. Plenty of northerners wanted to keep slavery (they were left-wing Democrats). Plenty of southerners wanted to end slavery (they were right-wing Republicans).

I don't blame you for being ashamed of your party's ugly history. I would be too. It shows you choose poorly. But own that shit. Don't try to pin it on the innocent. Imagine if 100 years from now, your grandchildren had to listen to how Republicans lead the fight for gay marriage and Democrats vehemently opposed it. You'd be pissed at such an egregious lie. Well, don't do that to others.

You don't read well do you? I said primarily.
No. No you didn't. I've highlighted your idiotic comment in purple above for you. I did not edit it at all. Please show me where the word "primarily" appears.

And even if you had said (which you didn't), that would just make you primarily wrong.

Gosh my apologies...so many of you RWNJs play this silly game, I lose track of how many times it is debunked.

Yes, it has always been PRIMARILY regional.

The states that owned slaves, the southern states, have been the states most resistant to change.

Were Republicans really the party of civil rights in the 1960s? | Harry J Enten

It's more a civil war thing . You know, how they betrayed America and tried to destroy it .

No, they tried to peacefully leave and establish their own country. Certain entities told them they couldn't and tried to stop them.

Would you expect a victim of domestic abuse to simply take it or leave?
I marvel at the restraint and class shown day after day by conservatives. And I'm sickened by how evil, vile, and violent the left is day after day...

Please keep hugging the Nazis and the Klan, buddy.

Please keep doing that.

On a side note - conservatives have shown an astounding amount of patience and restraint. But it's time they start carrying firearms to protect themselves. I can tell you that I carry every single day of my life, and the first Antifa idiot (or any other idiot for that matter) who tries to stab me is going to get a couple of slugs center mass. This is exactly why the left has desperately wanted to disarm the American people for so long. They love to resort to violence and they don't want peaceful Americans to have the capacity to defend themselves.

Poodle, you need to see someone about your violence fantasies before someone gets hurt and you end up being someone's prison bitch.

You haven't stopped kissing Obama's ass and no one expects you to do so. Pucker up.
that's so funny from rightwingnut trash defending treason by people fighting to own other people.
Those monuments have stood for over a century. Why - exactly - are they suddenly an issue? :uhh:

Could it be that your side is looking for something they think justifies their rioting, their violence, and the endless criminal activity? Yes. Yes, it is.

Did those statues and monuments suddenly become hateful? Why weren't they a problem when Obama was President? B. Bush? Clinton? And Presidents going all the way back to when they were put up?

Did you see the pussies in Durham kick that statue's ass after they criminally took it down? Real tough guys beating up an inanimate object. Notice how they don't try that with someone that can fight back?
You haven't stopped kissing Obama's ass and no one expects you to do so. Pucker up.

Dude, you need to stop these weird gay fantasies about the Great Ex-President.

Did those statues and monuments suddenly become hateful? Why weren't they a problem when Obama was President? B. Bush? Clinton? And Presidents going all the way back to when they were put up?

Actually, they were also hateful the moment they were put up, in the 1920's as a big fuck you to black people.

and people were complaining about them, then. Of course, the fact that neo-Nazis are the ones fighting for them has put it on the front burner.

Did you see the pussies in Durham kick that statue's ass after they criminally took it down? Real tough guys beating up an inanimate object. Notice how they don't try that with someone that can fight back?

True, only pussies would bring down a statue...


Why do you hate our soldiers?
You haven't stopped kissing Obama's ass and no one expects you to do so. Pucker up.

Dude, you need to stop these weird gay fantasies about the Great Ex-President.

Did those statues and monuments suddenly become hateful? Why weren't they a problem when Obama was President? B. Bush? Clinton? And Presidents going all the way back to when they were put up?

Actually, they were also hateful the moment they were put up, in the 1920's as a big fuck you to black people.

and people were complaining about them, then. Of course, the fact that neo-Nazis are the ones fighting for them has put it on the front burner.

Did you see the pussies in Durham kick that statue's ass after they criminally took it down? Real tough guys beating up an inanimate object. Notice how they don't try that with someone that can fight back?

True, only pussies would bring down a statue...


Why do you hate our soldiers?

What you need to do is stop doing that to an unqualified ex President.

Those soldiers legally took it down. They actually did something for that to happen. The pussies in Durham didn't. Why can't you see the difference?

Since most blacks today support Democrats, they say fuck you to themselves. You say those statues remind blacks of slavery yet they make themselves slaves to Democrats by choice. How sad.
Those soldiers legally took it down. They actually did something for that to happen. The pussies in Durham didn't. Why can't you see the difference?

They illegally invaded a country on false pretenses? Yeah, I guess they "did something".

Since most blacks today support Democrats, they say fuck you to themselves. You say those statues remind blacks of slavery yet they make themselves slaves to Democrats by choice. How sad.

Okay, once again, you repeat a lot of cliches that have nothing to do with reality.

Most black folks have jobs.
Most people on welfare are white. (and that's not counting middle class entitlements like Social Security.)
Those soldiers legally took it down. They actually did something for that to happen. The pussies in Durham didn't. Why can't you see the difference?

They illegally invaded a country on false pretenses? Yeah, I guess they "did something".

Since most blacks today support Democrats, they say fuck you to themselves. You say those statues remind blacks of slavery yet they make themselves slaves to Democrats by choice. How sad.

Okay, once again, you repeat a lot of cliches that have nothing to do with reality.

Most black folks have jobs.
Most people on welfare are white. (and that's not counting middle class entitlements like Social Security.)

The first quote was to vague and Alex Jones like to make any sense. The second is very much like race bating. One thing for sure though, black folks alwho work dot typically vote for democrats.
The first quote was to vague and Alex Jones like to make any sense.

Um, no... We invaded Iraq because they supposedly had WMD's.
They didn't have WMD's.
We invaded on false pretenses.
This isn't complicated.

The second is very much like race bating. One thing for sure though, black folks alwho work dot typically vote for democrats.

Actually, they do. Hillary got 88% of the black vote. Obama got 96% of it.
The first quote was to vague and Alex Jones like to make any sense.

Um, no... We invaded Iraq because they supposedly had WMD's.
They didn't have WMD's.
We invaded on false pretenses.
This isn't complicated.

The second is very much like race bating. One thing for sure though, black folks alwho work dot typically vote for democrats.

Actually, they do. Hillary got 88% of the black vote. Obama got 96% of it.

Yeah, but since they got rid of he black for the Mexican so that's changing. They would stick with gay and transweirdos, but they are just so few in number.
Yeah, but since they got rid of he black for the Mexican so that's changing. They would stick with gay and transweirdos, but they are just so few in number.

Um, no, it's really not.

Here's the reality- Trump didn't do any better with any voting group than Romney did. it was j ust that too many people pissed away their votes on third party candidates because the media told them Hillary was just as bad and she had it in the bag, anyway.
Yeah, but since they got rid of he black for the Mexican so that's changing. They would stick with gay and transweirdos, but they are just so few in number.

Um, no, it's really not.

Here's the reality- Trump didn't do any better with any voting group than Romney did. it was j ust that too many people pissed away their votes on third party candidates because the media told them Hillary was just as bad and she had it in the bag, anyway.

Yeah, but since they got rid of he black for the Mexican so that's changing. They would stick with gay and transweirdos, but they are just so few in number.

Um, no, it's really not.

Here's the reality- Trump didn't do any better with any voting group than Romney did. it was j ust that too many people pissed away their votes on third party candidates because the media told them Hillary was just as bad and she had it in the bag, anyway.

Na, the reality is that Trump got enough votes to beat Hillary. There is no other fact. Another fact is that America is kind of disgusted by the Clintons. Bubba is the only cool one really.
Yeah, but since they got rid of he black for the Mexican so that's changing. They would stick with gay and transweirdos, but they are just so few in number.

Um, no, it's really not.

Here's the reality- Trump didn't do any better with any voting group than Romney did. it was j ust that too many people pissed away their votes on third party candidates because the media told them Hillary was just as bad and she had it in the bag, anyway.

Yeah, but since they got rid of he black for the Mexican so that's changing. They would stick with gay and transweirdos, but they are just so few in number.

Um, no, it's really not.

Here's the reality- Trump didn't do any better with any voting group than Romney did. it was j ust that too many people pissed away their votes on third party candidates because the media told them Hillary was just as bad and she had it in the bag, anyway.

Na, the reality is that Trump got enough votes to beat Hillary. There is no other fact. Another fact is that America is kind of disgusted by the Clintons. Bubba is the only cool one really.

Y'all keep forgetting that America voted for Hillary by 3 million votes. (More votes than any white presidential candidate in history) The Electoral College is not America.
Yeah, but since they got rid of he black for the Mexican so that's changing. They would stick with gay and transweirdos, but they are just so few in number.

Um, no, it's really not.

Here's the reality- Trump didn't do any better with any voting group than Romney did. it was j ust that too many people pissed away their votes on third party candidates because the media told them Hillary was just as bad and she had it in the bag, anyway.

Yeah, but since they got rid of he black for the Mexican so that's changing. They would stick with gay and transweirdos, but they are just so few in number.

Um, no, it's really not.

Here's the reality- Trump didn't do any better with any voting group than Romney did. it was j ust that too many people pissed away their votes on third party candidates because the media told them Hillary was just as bad and she had it in the bag, anyway.

Na, the reality is that Trump got enough votes to beat Hillary. There is no other fact. Another fact is that America is kind of disgusted by the Clintons. Bubba is the only cool one really.

Y'all keep forgetting that America voted for Hillary by 3 million votes. (More votes than any white presidential candidate in history) The Electoral College is not America.

Tell us, who won the election?
Without the EC, there'd be no reason for anyone outside of the east, west coast and Chicago to vote. Genius actually.
Yeah, but since they got rid of he black for the Mexican so that's changing. They would stick with gay and transweirdos, but they are just so few in number.

Um, no, it's really not.

Here's the reality- Trump didn't do any better with any voting group than Romney did. it was j ust that too many people pissed away their votes on third party candidates because the media told them Hillary was just as bad and she had it in the bag, anyway.

Yeah, but since they got rid of he black for the Mexican so that's changing. They would stick with gay and transweirdos, but they are just so few in number.

Um, no, it's really not.

Here's the reality- Trump didn't do any better with any voting group than Romney did. it was j ust that too many people pissed away their votes on third party candidates because the media told them Hillary was just as bad and she had it in the bag, anyway.

Na, the reality is that Trump got enough votes to beat Hillary. There is no other fact. Another fact is that America is kind of disgusted by the Clintons. Bubba is the only cool one really.

Y'all keep forgetting that America voted for Hillary by 3 million votes. (More votes than any white presidential candidate in history) The Electoral College is not America.

Tell us, who won the election?

Donald Trump won the Electoral College (ranking 46th out of 58 elections). Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by a staggering 3 million votes. The most votes in history 2nd only to Barack Obama.

Just wake up Rumplestilskin?

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