I'm certain it's not. No ambiguity.

Since you don't think about things, I understand why you are so foolishly certain.

Logically certain. Equating Social Security to slavery is unhinged, incoherent and utterly ridiculous.

With the exception of not working, do you have a choice whether the government takes your money for SS or not?

I can't believe you are seriously equating slavery and taxation.

Let me know when your family goes on the auction block, your wife is sold down river, you're kids are sold to the highest bidder, your sister is forced to "mate" with a suitable "buck" (no this isn't family attack - I'm speaking generically). Not to mention being owned by another human being, like a dog. Someone who can do what ever he wants with you.

So when I work and forced to give the money I work for to support other people, I'm not being owned?

No. You are not. To compare it to the institution of slavery is a false equivalency.
You guys really get stuck on Byrd, but you know - he actually regretted his earlier association with the KKK and some of the stances he took. He spent a lot of his later life making up for it.

Just something to think about.

Yes, but it's the leftists who are always pointing fingers at the right trying to make race and racism an issue even if race is not even the subject.

The current events are a perfect example of this. Some of our uninformed voters here actually believe that Trump is siding with Nazis because he made a blanket statement about all involved in VA instead of explicitly saying Nazis or white supremacists. What makes them think like this? The media and Democrat politicians.

Besides the hypocrisy of the left constantly bringing up the KKK and their relationship to Republicans, they also are fighting hard to keep funding Planned Parenthood which was started to abort black babies to keep the black population down. They are fighting for the continuation of killing black babies and attacking harmless statutes instead.

There is nothing wrong with pointing out hypocrisy when it's so clear and evident.

I totally agree. Yet, when that supposed "pointing out" utterly excludes much of the man's legislative career...well...shouldn't that be pointed out? You guys trot out Byrd like a worn out record every time.

There are plenty of unrepentent racists available for exposure.

Yes there are, but how many times do the Republicans bring up Byrd unless a racial accusation was made about Republicans first?

I think your side is just as good at painting racial accusations on others.
You guys really get stuck on Byrd, but you know - he actually regretted his earlier association with the KKK and some of the stances he took. He spent a lot of his later life making up for it.

Just something to think about.
Byrd is forgiven for his history of racism, but Jeff Sessions had defend himself against the ACCUSATION.

So did Byrd. Does Sessions deserve a free pass because he's one of yours?
The difference, my dear, is that Byrd was an actual KKK racist. Sessions was never racist - he was simply accused of it by the left because the left can't win on the battlefield of ideas.
Speaking of ASTOUNDING ignorance - why do you constantly conflate PARTY with IDEOLOGY? The southern democrats were CONSERVATIVE. Party is irrelevent.
Your responding here to post #76. I debunked this lie in post #78. You should have kept reading before responding...

You guys really get stuck on Byrd, but you know - he actually regretted his earlier association with the KKK and some of the stances he took. He spent a lot of his later life making up for it.

Just something to think about.

Yes, but it's the leftists who are always pointing fingers at the right trying to make race and racism an issue even if race is not even the subject.

The current events are a perfect example of this. Some of our uninformed voters here actually believe that Trump is siding with Nazis because he made a blanket statement about all involved in VA instead of explicitly saying Nazis or white supremacists. What makes them think like this? The media and Democrat politicians.

Besides the hypocrisy of the left constantly bringing up the KKK and their relationship to Republicans, they also are fighting hard to keep funding Planned Parenthood which was started to abort black babies to keep the black population down. They are fighting for the continuation of killing black babies and attacking harmless statutes instead.

There is nothing wrong with pointing out hypocrisy when it's so clear and evident.

I totally agree. Yet, when that supposed "pointing out" utterly excludes much of the man's legislative career...well...shouldn't that be pointed out? You guys trot out Byrd like a worn out record every time.

There are plenty of unrepentent racists available for exposure.

Yes there are, but how many times do the Republicans bring up Byrd unless a racial accusation was made about Republicans first?

I think your side is just as good at painting racial accusations on others.

That's not what we are talking about. We are talking about who brings up race in the first place.
Liberals must always have a cause to CHAMPION...........It makes them feel morally superior............to safe something even when nobody asked them to save a dang thing....................If it wasn't statues it would be something else...................because they are emotional critters...............

Their rantings only divide a nation and CAUSE MORE RACIAL TENSION..................a tactic that is usually preserved when elections are close by.............Stir up racial hatred for votes................

Face it...............they suck.

What's wrong with opposing racism and bigotry? Seems like a worthy cause to CHAMPION....as opposed to supporting white supremacy :dunno:

You oppose what you consider to be racism and bigotry.

Like most left wingers....you know what is right...that is why you feel you should be in control.

Shove off.
I'm not sure social security is comparable to slavery.
I'm certain it's not. No ambiguity.

Since you don't think about things, I understand why you are so foolishly certain.

Logically certain. Equating Social Security to slavery is unhinged, incoherent and utterly ridiculous.

With the exception of not working, do you have a choice whether the government takes your money for SS or not?

I can't believe you are seriously equating slavery and taxation.

Let me know when your family goes on the auction block, your wife is sold down river, you're kids are sold to the highest bidder, your sister is forced to "mate" with a suitable "buck" (no this isn't family attack - I'm speaking generically). Not to mention being owned by another human being, like a dog. Someone who can do what ever he wants with you.

You morons should go back and read the original post.

It was about preserviing the status quo.

That is what the southern generals were tasked with doing.

That is what the left does when someone mentions putting S.S. on the block.

Preserving the status quo.

They were doing a masterful job of it too. They pretty much kicked the North's ass at every turn until Gettysburg.
Since you don't think about things, I understand why you are so foolishly certain.

Logically certain. Equating Social Security to slavery is unhinged, incoherent and utterly ridiculous.

With the exception of not working, do you have a choice whether the government takes your money for SS or not?

I can't believe you are seriously equating slavery and taxation.

Let me know when your family goes on the auction block, your wife is sold down river, you're kids are sold to the highest bidder, your sister is forced to "mate" with a suitable "buck" (no this isn't family attack - I'm speaking generically). Not to mention being owned by another human being, like a dog. Someone who can do what ever he wants with you.

So when I work and forced to give the money I work for to support other people, I'm not being owned?

No. You are not. To compare it to the institution of slavery is a false equivalency.

By the way, I have seen families go on the block because of tax burdens. They are broken up and homes are destroyed because they can't afford it. So, while I never intended to compare the two (I've explained about 20 times what I was comparing but you guys can't pull your heads out of your asses long enough to think....), don't think there are not consequences to your lousy tax laws.
Opposition to Civil rights has always been regional.
That may be the dumbest thing I have ever read. Region does not dictate one's ideology. Plenty of northerners wanted to keep slavery (they were left-wing Democrats). Plenty of southerners wanted to end slavery (they were right-wing Republicans).

I don't blame you for being ashamed of your party's ugly history. I would be too. It shows you choose poorly. But own that shit. Don't try to pin it on the innocent. Imagine if 100 years from now, your grandchildren had to listen to how Republicans lead the fight for gay marriage and Democrats vehemently opposed it. You'd be pissed at such an egregious lie. Well, don't do that to others.

You don't read well do you? I said primarily.

Regional Reactions to the Civil Rights Act of 1964
The left is "furious" about slavery. They want statues of Robert E. Lee torn down. They want his name removed from buildings. They are "outraged"!

But.....uh.....there are schools, roads, and bridges bearing the name of former Democrat Senator Robert Byrd - a high ranking member of the KKK.

Except he was never a high ranking member and he renounced his membership.

t’s also true that Robert Byrd was a member of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1940s and helped establish the hate group’s chapter in Sophia, West Virginia. However, in 1952 Byrd avowed that “After about a year, I became disinterested [in the KKK], quit paying my dues, and dropped my membership in the organization,” and throughout his long political career (he served for 57 years in the United States Congress) he repeatedly apologized for his involvement with the KKK:

“I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times … and I don’t mind apologizing over and over again. I can’t erase what happened.”

In 2010, even the NAACP released a statement honoring Senator Byrd and mourning his passing:

The NAACP is saddened by the passing of United States Senator Robert Byrd. Byrd, the longest serving member of congress was first elected to the U.S. House from [West Virginia] in 1952 and was elected Senator in 1958. Byrd passed away this morning at the age of 92.

Hillary Clinton Kissed by Former Klan Member
You guys really get stuck on Byrd, but you know - he actually regretted his earlier association with the KKK and some of the stances he took. He spent a lot of his later life making up for it.

Just something to think about.

Yes, but it's the leftists who are always pointing fingers at the right trying to make race and racism an issue even if race is not even the subject.

The current events are a perfect example of this. Some of our uninformed voters here actually believe that Trump is siding with Nazis because he made a blanket statement about all involved in VA instead of explicitly saying Nazis or white supremacists. What makes them think like this? The media and Democrat politicians.

Besides the hypocrisy of the left constantly bringing up the KKK and their relationship to Republicans, they also are fighting hard to keep funding Planned Parenthood which was started to abort black babies to keep the black population down. They are fighting for the continuation of killing black babies and attacking harmless statutes instead.

There is nothing wrong with pointing out hypocrisy when it's so clear and evident.

I totally agree. Yet, when that supposed "pointing out" utterly excludes much of the man's legislative career...well...shouldn't that be pointed out? You guys trot out Byrd like a worn out record every time.

There are plenty of unrepentent racists available for exposure.

Yes there are, but how many times do the Republicans bring up Byrd unless a racial accusation was made about Republicans first?

Why do conservatives generally accept George Wallace's repudiation of his segregationist past but reject Byrd's?
If you don't think the Confederate Democrats were conservatives, you might want to take a look at the CSA's Constitution,
and note the conservative shifts in it compared to the US Constitution.
Opposition to Civil rights has always been regional.
That may be the dumbest thing I have ever read. Region does not dictate one's ideology. Plenty of northerners wanted to keep slavery (they were left-wing Democrats). Plenty of southerners wanted to end slavery (they were right-wing Republicans).

I don't blame you for being ashamed of your party's ugly history. I would be too. It shows you choose poorly. But own that shit. Don't try to pin it on the innocent. Imagine if 100 years from now, your grandchildren had to listen to how Republicans lead the fight for gay marriage and Democrats vehemently opposed it. You'd be pissed at such an egregious lie. Well, don't do that to others.

You don't read well do you? I said primarily.
No. No you didn't. I've highlighted your idiotic comment in purple above for you. I did not edit it at all. Please show me where the word "primarily" appears.

And even if you had said (which you didn't), that would just make you primarily wrong.
If you don't think the Confederate Democrats were conservatives, you might want to take a look at the CSA's Constitution, and note the conservative shifts in it compared to the US Constitution.
You're idiotic false narrative has been debunked, snowflake. Repeating it just makes you look ignorant and desperate.

I marvel at the restraint and class shown day after day by conservatives. And I'm sickened by how evil, vile, and violent the left is day after day...

This is the second time that this has happened in the past two days. It is time that President Trump declares Antifa the terrorist organization that they actually are and it's time the government eliminate them as such.

On a side note - conservatives have shown an astounding amount of patience and restraint. But it's time they start carrying firearms to protect themselves. I can tell you that I carry every single day of my life, and the first Antifa idiot (or any other idiot for that matter) who tries to stab me is going to get a couple of slugs center mass. This is exactly why the left has desperately wanted to disarm the American people for so long. They love to resort to violence and they don't want peaceful Americans to have the capacity to defend themselves.

Misidentified: A man was stabbed…because a haircut made him look like a Nazi
Senator Byrd renounced his racist past and deeply regretted his involvement in the KKK. He spoke about this very eloquently many times and explained that he was formed by the society in which he was raised but through the love for his grandson he came to understand how terribly wrong racism and segregation were. And yes, for many years he championed causes that benefited the poor and people of color - and he stood firmly against the illegal invasion of Iraq, speaking prophetically about the foolhardiness of that course of action. He was a great example of redemption.

You know what, George Wallace did too at the end of his life...He doesn't deserve any fucking statues.

30 years later, Wallace apologizes to marchers

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