Obamacare was set out to screw the working middle class, they were warned that it would but as usual the left only cares about an agenda and power. Didn't you find it odd that Obama delayed Obamacare for business a year but not the working class Americans? Screw the middle class seems to be the way of today's politicians.

Funny, most people I know weren't affected by O-care one way or the other.
Obamacare was set out to screw the working middle class, they were warned that it would but as usual the left only cares about an agenda and power. Didn't you find it odd that Obama delayed Obamacare for business a year but not the working class Americans? Screw the middle class seems to be the way of today's politicians.

Funny, most people I know weren't affected by O-care one way or the other.

Everyone I know affected by it, was effected in a net positive way.
Obamacare was set out to screw the working middle class, they were warned that it would but as usual the left only cares about an agenda and power. Didn't you find it odd that Obama delayed Obamacare for business a year but not the working class Americans? Screw the middle class seems to be the way of today's politicians.

Funny, most people I know weren't affected by O-care one way or the other.

Everyone I know affected by it, was effected in a net positive way.

My rates went up and my quality of insurance went down.
My rates went up and my quality of insurance went down.

Funny how that only happened to right wingers.

You see, I had the opposite experience. Before ACA, every year, the fat cow from HR would have a big old town meeting to tell us how this year, Insurance would cost a little more and cover a little less.

Until ACA passed, and we stopped having those meetings.
Obamacare was set out to screw the working middle class, they were warned that it would but as usual the left only cares about an agenda and power. Didn't you find it odd that Obama delayed Obamacare for business a year but not the working class Americans? Screw the middle class seems to be the way of today's politicians.

Funny, most people I know weren't affected by O-care one way or the other.

Everyone I know affected by it, was effected in a net positive way.

My rates went up and my quality of insurance went down.

Yeah... That happened to me once too, but that was BEFORE the ACA went into effect. Weird... It's almost like insurance companies are the bad guys, not the ACA.
But the problem there is that you have stated you have a shitload of medical problems. So private insurance wouldn't have touched you with a 10 foot pole. again, you guys want to have it both ways. YOu want to preserve this system of fucked up private insurance that makes the fat cats rich, but you don't understand they don't get rich insuring people like you or me with medical issues.

Let me tell you something, I've had medical insurance my entire life until Commie Care came to town. Nobody had any problems insuring me. Even back in the days when I did switch jobs, I got insurance from my new company immediately.

Nobody could ever afford individual coverage even before Obama, that's why group coverage worked out the best. Even with small companies like mine, agencies would pool our company together with dozens of other larger companies to get the best deal for everybody. It was still expensive, but a much better deal than individual coverage.

The best part about it was it didn't take so much of your after tax money. Some companies had an employee contribution, but it was still better than trying to get individual coverage.

Obamacare was set out to screw the working middle class, they were warned that it would but as usual the left only cares about an agenda and power. Didn't you find it odd that Obama delayed Obamacare for business a year but not the working class Americans? Screw the middle class seems to be the way of today's politicians.

Exactly. If you make french fries for a living or sweep floors at K-Mart, you did just fine with Commie Care. You get such a subsidy that makes it almost impossible not be able to afford coverage. But the more you make, the less subsidy they give you. They gave me about $20.00 a month. Big deal. WTF is that????

I filled out the application. They asked how much you make, how old you are, if you smoke or not, and that was about it.

They never asked what your expenses were. They didn't ask how much you pay for a mortgage or rent. They didn't ask how much your car payment was. They didn't ask what your local property taxes were that you paid. They didn't ask how much gasoline you need to get to work and back each month. They didn't ask if you contributed to an IRA or how much you contributed. They didn't ask if you had kids in college or not.

Government says you make X, then you can afford X for health insurance, case closed. Then the left can't figure out why it was such a failure. In spite of every Republican voting against it, they still try to lay the blame on them.
Exactly. If you make french fries for a living or sweep floors at K-Mart, you did just fine with Commie Care. You get such a subsidy that makes it almost impossible not be able to afford coverage. But the more you make, the less subsidy they give you. They gave me about $20.00 a month. Big deal. WTF is that????

I filled out the application. They asked how much you make, how old you are, if you smoke or not, and that was about it.

They never asked what your expenses were. They didn't ask how much you pay for a mortgage or rent. They didn't ask how much your car payment was. They didn't ask what your local property taxes were that you paid. They didn't ask how much gasoline you need to get to work and back each month. They didn't ask if you contributed to an IRA or how much you contributed. They didn't ask if you had kids in college or not.

Government says you make X, then you can afford X for health insurance, case closed. Then the left can't figure out why it was such a failure. In spite of every Republican voting against it, they still try to lay the blame on them.

So your complaint is that you make too much to afford health care, or you are too cheap to pay for it?
Exactly. If you make french fries for a living or sweep floors at K-Mart, you did just fine with Commie Care. You get such a subsidy that makes it almost impossible not be able to afford coverage. But the more you make, the less subsidy they give you. They gave me about $20.00 a month. Big deal. WTF is that????

I filled out the application. They asked how much you make, how old you are, if you smoke or not, and that was about it.

They never asked what your expenses were. They didn't ask how much you pay for a mortgage or rent. They didn't ask how much your car payment was. They didn't ask what your local property taxes were that you paid. They didn't ask how much gasoline you need to get to work and back each month. They didn't ask if you contributed to an IRA or how much you contributed. They didn't ask if you had kids in college or not.

Government says you make X, then you can afford X for health insurance, case closed. Then the left can't figure out why it was such a failure. In spite of every Republican voting against it, they still try to lay the blame on them.

So your complaint is that you make too much to afford health care, or you are too cheap to pay for it?

My complaint is government deciding what I can afford when it comes to anything. They don't know how much I pay for prescriptions every month. They don't know how much I pay in credit card debt. They don't know what I pay for medical care now. Nor do they care. When leftist government speaks, you just obey their commands as far as they are concerned. And if you can't, then screw you. If you can't afford to buy ridiculously priced insurance plans, then the government will take more of your badly needed money:

Taxpayers pay IRS $3 billion in 2015 for Obamacare penalty
My complaint is government deciding what I can afford when it comes to anything. They don't know how much I pay for prescriptions every month. They don't know how much I pay in credit card debt. They don't know what I pay for medical care now. Nor do they care. When leftist government speaks, you just obey their commands as far as they are concerned. And if you can't, then screw you. If you can't afford to buy ridiculously priced insurance plans, then the government will take more of your badly needed money:

again, this was the Republican Plan... you guys had no problem when the Mormon proposed it.

When the Negro proposed it, you lost your shit.
My complaint is government deciding what I can afford when it comes to anything. They don't know how much I pay for prescriptions every month. They don't know how much I pay in credit card debt. They don't know what I pay for medical care now. Nor do they care. When leftist government speaks, you just obey their commands as far as they are concerned. And if you can't, then screw you. If you can't afford to buy ridiculously priced insurance plans, then the government will take more of your badly needed money:

again, this was the Republican Plan... you guys had no problem when the Mormon proposed it.

When the Negro proposed it, you lost your shit.

We had no problem with it because it was a state issue--not a federal issue. And no, just because nobody said anything about it means we approved. It was none of our business is all.

However on the federal level, It's everybody's business because we have a US Constitution. In that US Constitution lies the Powers of Congress and what our federal government is supposed to provide for the citizenry; healthcare is not in there. Furthermore from what little I know of Romney's plan, nobody was forced to get insurance or else! Commie Care took hard earned money from Americans not marching in lockstep with Big Brother.

Apples and oranges.
We had no problem with it because it was a state issue--not a federal issue. And no, just because nobody said anything about it means we approved. It was none of our business is all.

Okay, that's not what you said. IN fact, when Romney did it, you guys praised it as a free-market solution to helath care that would be a model for the nation.

And People had more Problem with Romney being a Mormon than they did with his health care plan.

Then the Black guy did it, and not only did you guys suddenly decide you hated it, but you decided you didn't care if Romeny was a Mormon. Romney could have worshiped C'Thulhu, and you'd still have been happy to get the black guy out.

Furthermore from what little I know of Romney's plan,

Well, you do know little. It was the same thing.
Okay, that's not what you said. IN fact, when Romney did it, you guys praised it as a free-market solution to helath care that would be a model for the nation.

And People had more Problem with Romney being a Mormon than they did with his health care plan.

Then the Black guy did it, and not only did you guys suddenly decide you hated it, but you decided you didn't care if Romeny was a Mormon. Romney could have worshiped C'Thulhu, and you'd still have been happy to get the black guy out.

Oh please with this failed leftist strategy of turning anything and everything into a race issue. Only leftists could do that.

I don't know who you've been watching, but I never heard any Republican bring up what Romney did with the Mass Holes in his state; not even the RINO's. Nobody even cared because it was not a federal issue. When Commie Care was introduced, that's all the Republicans were talking about unless some leftist brought up the subject.

We Republicans are States Rights people. We believe a state can operate and do anything they want within the restraints of the US Constitution. If a state wants to have a retirement plan for their citizens, you won't hear any Republican complain about it. If a state wants to give poor people cars (as Romney did) nobody on the right will even think twice about it. What a state does is the states business. If they don't like what's going on in their state, they will not reelect a Governor such as what happened to Romney after Romney Care.
Oh please with this failed leftist strategy of turning anything and everything into a race issue. Only leftists could do that.

I don't know who you've been watching, but I never heard any Republican bring up what Romney did with the Mass Holes in his state; not even the RINO's. Nobody even cared because it was not a federal issue. When Commie Care was introduced, that's all the Republicans were talking about unless some leftist brought up the subject.

I think you are ignoring most of the history. Where do you think Romney got the idea? He got the idea from a Heritage Foundation Proposal from the 1990's that was offered as an alternative to HillaryCare.

As an aside, your situation would be a lot better if HillaryCare was a thing. Your cheap-ass boss would have either had to provide you insurance or pay into a fund for a public option that would have given you insurance.

And all the Wingnuts oooohed and aaahhed over this free market proposal. Until the Black Guy did it.

Or more precisely, until what the Senate proposed was a bad copy,a nd they couldn't add in things like a public option or medicare buy in (either of which would have been good for your situation) Then the whole proposal became an evil affront on our right to die from lack of medical care.
My complaint is government deciding what I can afford when it comes to anything. They don't know how much I pay for prescriptions every month. They don't know how much I pay in credit card debt. They don't know what I pay for medical care now. Nor do they care. When leftist government speaks, you just obey their commands as far as they are concerned. And if you can't, then screw you. If you can't afford to buy ridiculously priced insurance plans, then the government will take more of your badly needed money:

again, this was the Republican Plan... you guys had no problem when the Mormon proposed it.

When the Negro proposed it, you lost your shit.

We had no problem with it because it was a state issue--not a federal issue. And no, just because nobody said anything about it means we approved. It was none of our business is all.

However on the federal level, It's everybody's business because we have a US Constitution. In that US Constitution lies the Powers of Congress and what our federal government is supposed to provide for the citizenry; healthcare is not in there. Furthermore from what little I know of Romney's plan, nobody was forced to get insurance or else! Commie Care took hard earned money from Americans not marching in lockstep with Big Brother.

Apples and oranges.

Always been my thought, a states issue. Not a federal but the left is very hypocritical in that area and no one forced to purchase insurance as they are today.
My complaint is government deciding what I can afford when it comes to anything. They don't know how much I pay for prescriptions every month. They don't know how much I pay in credit card debt. They don't know what I pay for medical care now. Nor do they care. When leftist government speaks, you just obey their commands as far as they are concerned. And if you can't, then screw you. If you can't afford to buy ridiculously priced insurance plans, then the government will take more of your badly needed money:

again, this was the Republican Plan... you guys had no problem when the Mormon proposed it.

When the Negro proposed it, you lost your shit.

We had no problem with it because it was a state issue--not a federal issue. And no, just because nobody said anything about it means we approved. It was none of our business is all.

However on the federal level, It's everybody's business because we have a US Constitution. In that US Constitution lies the Powers of Congress and what our federal government is supposed to provide for the citizenry; healthcare is not in there. Furthermore from what little I know of Romney's plan, nobody was forced to get insurance or else! Commie Care took hard earned money from Americans not marching in lockstep with Big Brother.

Apples and oranges.

Always been my thought, a states issue. Not a federal but the left is very hypocritical in that area and no one forced to purchase insurance as they are today.

Sure, because if my state wanted to have a public health insurance program, it's well within their right to do so. I may not be for it, but states can do as they please especially with social safety nets. If we don't want it, we can write to our local representatives and express our disapproval; much more difficult to do on a national level.
Oh please with this failed leftist strategy of turning anything and everything into a race issue. Only leftists could do that.

I don't know who you've been watching, but I never heard any Republican bring up what Romney did with the Mass Holes in his state; not even the RINO's. Nobody even cared because it was not a federal issue. When Commie Care was introduced, that's all the Republicans were talking about unless some leftist brought up the subject.

I think you are ignoring most of the history. Where do you think Romney got the idea? He got the idea from a Heritage Foundation Proposal from the 1990's that was offered as an alternative to HillaryCare.

As an aside, your situation would be a lot better if HillaryCare was a thing. Your cheap-ass boss would have either had to provide you insurance or pay into a fund for a public option that would have given you insurance.

And all the Wingnuts oooohed and aaahhed over this free market proposal. Until the Black Guy did it.

Or more precisely, until what the Senate proposed was a bad copy,a nd they couldn't add in things like a public option or medicare buy in (either of which would have been good for your situation) Then the whole proposal became an evil affront on our right to die from lack of medical care.

So when Republicans went against Hillary Care, it's because she was black????

What you fail to understand about party and politics is that Democrats want as many government dependents as they can while Republicans want the least amount of government dependents. DumBama single handedly created over 40 million new government dependents on food stamps and Commie Care alone. It was no accident either. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.

Of course Republicans don't want that. I don't care if DumBama was purple with yellow stripes. Democrats want to shackle Americans to the government and Republicans want to get rid of those shackles.

Do you want to know what America could look like in ten years from now with government healthcare and giving them the power?

Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS

Japan, Seeking Trim Waists, Measures Millions
Oh please with this failed leftist strategy of turning anything and everything into a race issue. Only leftists could do that.

I don't know who you've been watching, but I never heard any Republican bring up what Romney did with the Mass Holes in his state; not even the RINO's. Nobody even cared because it was not a federal issue. When Commie Care was introduced, that's all the Republicans were talking about unless some leftist brought up the subject.

I think you are ignoring most of the history. Where do you think Romney got the idea? He got the idea from a Heritage Foundation Proposal from the 1990's that was offered as an alternative to HillaryCare.

As an aside, your situation would be a lot better if HillaryCare was a thing. Your cheap-ass boss would have either had to provide you insurance or pay into a fund for a public option that would have given you insurance.

And all the Wingnuts oooohed and aaahhed over this free market proposal. Until the Black Guy did it.

Or more precisely, until what the Senate proposed was a bad copy,a nd they couldn't add in things like a public option or medicare buy in (either of which would have been good for your situation) Then the whole proposal became an evil affront on our right to die from lack of medical care.

So when Republicans went against Hillary Care, it's because she was black????

What you fail to understand about party and politics is that Democrats want as many government dependents as they can while Republicans want the least amount of government dependents. DumBama single handedly created over 40 million new government dependents on food stamps and Commie Care alone. It was no accident either. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.

Of course Republicans don't want that. I don't care if DumBama was purple with yellow stripes. Democrats want to shackle Americans to the government and Republicans want to get rid of those shackles.

Do you want to know what America could look like in ten years from now with government healthcare and giving them the power?

Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS

Japan, Seeking Trim Waists, Measures Millions

Racism is the leftie's fallback when they have absolutely nothing and have lost the argument. Pathetic, but that is what they do.
Oh please with this failed leftist strategy of turning anything and everything into a race issue. Only leftists could do that.

I don't know who you've been watching, but I never heard any Republican bring up what Romney did with the Mass Holes in his state; not even the RINO's. Nobody even cared because it was not a federal issue. When Commie Care was introduced, that's all the Republicans were talking about unless some leftist brought up the subject.

I think you are ignoring most of the history. Where do you think Romney got the idea? He got the idea from a Heritage Foundation Proposal from the 1990's that was offered as an alternative to HillaryCare.

As an aside, your situation would be a lot better if HillaryCare was a thing. Your cheap-ass boss would have either had to provide you insurance or pay into a fund for a public option that would have given you insurance.

And all the Wingnuts oooohed and aaahhed over this free market proposal. Until the Black Guy did it.

Or more precisely, until what the Senate proposed was a bad copy,a nd they couldn't add in things like a public option or medicare buy in (either of which would have been good for your situation) Then the whole proposal became an evil affront on our right to die from lack of medical care.

So when Republicans went against Hillary Care, it's because she was black????

What you fail to understand about party and politics is that Democrats want as many government dependents as they can while Republicans want the least amount of government dependents. DumBama single handedly created over 40 million new government dependents on food stamps and Commie Care alone. It was no accident either. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.

Of course Republicans don't want that. I don't care if DumBama was purple with yellow stripes. Democrats want to shackle Americans to the government and Republicans want to get rid of those shackles.

Do you want to know what America could look like in ten years from now with government healthcare and giving them the power?

Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS

Japan, Seeking Trim Waists, Measures Millions

Racism is the leftie's fallback when they have absolutely nothing and have lost the argument. Pathetic, but that is what they do.

Especially with Joe. You can't say anything to Joe without him finding a way to make race out of it. I mean think of it. Talking about government taking over one-sixth of our economy, Fn it all up, and that's a race issue to him. How anybody can draw a line between those two points takes some imagination.
Oh please with this failed leftist strategy of turning anything and everything into a race issue. Only leftists could do that.

I don't know who you've been watching, but I never heard any Republican bring up what Romney did with the Mass Holes in his state; not even the RINO's. Nobody even cared because it was not a federal issue. When Commie Care was introduced, that's all the Republicans were talking about unless some leftist brought up the subject.

I think you are ignoring most of the history. Where do you think Romney got the idea? He got the idea from a Heritage Foundation Proposal from the 1990's that was offered as an alternative to HillaryCare.

As an aside, your situation would be a lot better if HillaryCare was a thing. Your cheap-ass boss would have either had to provide you insurance or pay into a fund for a public option that would have given you insurance.

And all the Wingnuts oooohed and aaahhed over this free market proposal. Until the Black Guy did it.

Or more precisely, until what the Senate proposed was a bad copy,a nd they couldn't add in things like a public option or medicare buy in (either of which would have been good for your situation) Then the whole proposal became an evil affront on our right to die from lack of medical care.

So when Republicans went against Hillary Care, it's because she was black????

What you fail to understand about party and politics is that Democrats want as many government dependents as they can while Republicans want the least amount of government dependents. DumBama single handedly created over 40 million new government dependents on food stamps and Commie Care alone. It was no accident either. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters.

Of course Republicans don't want that. I don't care if DumBama was purple with yellow stripes. Democrats want to shackle Americans to the government and Republicans want to get rid of those shackles.

Do you want to know what America could look like in ten years from now with government healthcare and giving them the power?

Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS

Japan, Seeking Trim Waists, Measures Millions

Racism is the leftie's fallback when they have absolutely nothing and have lost the argument. Pathetic, but that is what they do.

Especially with Joe. You can't say anything to Joe without him finding a way to make race out of it. I mean think of it. Talking about government taking over one-sixth of our economy, Fn it all up, and that's a race issue to him. How anybody can draw a line between those two points takes some imagination.

Yep, he is that stupid. Racists like him feel guilty for their racism and project it onto others to make themselves feel better. What is funny is he claims he isn't racist because he has a black friend! Lol! Mighty white of him!

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