And fetuses still aren't people, so we have a million glorious abortions a year.
Here is the left in all of their glory. They consider the brutal murder of defenseless infants to be "glorious".
Since the majority of the abortions are minorities that should be your answer to why liberals are so in love with the practice.
Don't be obtuse. She got pregnant becuase she stopped taking her birth control pills. And didn't tell him she wasn't taking her pills. (Otherwise he'd have worn a rubber.)

So she got pregnant on purpose, and because her expectations with her boyfriend were not met, killed the baby instead. Don't you think that the more responsible thing to do would be wait until she got married before she pulled that stunt? I bet if abortions were illegal, she would have waited.

That's right. Her body. Her Choice.

Oh yes, that's right, a person should have the ability to make a choice over their own body. So abortion supports that, but if you don't want to buy medical insurance for YOUR OWN body, you get fined by the federal government.
What does this have to do with holding the men accountable? If the man wants a woman to have an abortion and she refuses, he is held accountable--for at least 18 years..

That's right. Her body. Her Choice.

People don't get pregnant because somebody promised to marry them. That's not how babies are born.

Don't be obtuse. She got pregnant becuase she stopped taking her birth control pills. And didn't tell him she wasn't taking her pills. (Otherwise he'd have worn a rubber.)
Once again you display your inability to argue your point and quite frankly your distain for science when it doesn't suit your ideology.

The unborn child is not part of the woman's body, it is in it but no part of it. If it were then you would not be able to abort the child nor would the child ever be born. Plus the child and the mother do not share the same DNA thus they are two. Not one.
that's so funny from rightwingnut trash defending treason by people fighting to own other people.
Those monuments have stood for over a century. Why - exactly - are they suddenly an issue? :uhh:

Could it be that your side is looking for something they think justifies their rioting, their violence, and the endless criminal activity? Yes. Yes, it is.
check my signature it is plain as day as to why.
That's right. Her body. Her Choice.
Oh yes, that's right, a person should have the ability to make a choice over their own body. So abortion supports that, but if you don't want to buy medical insurance for YOUR OWN body, you get fined by the federal government.
Shhh...Joey doesn't respond well to logic and reason. He is unable to be consistent in his bat-shit crazy positions.
Since the majority of the abortions are minorities that should be your answer to why liberals are so in love with the practice.

First, the majority of abortions are performed on white women.
second, the reason why there might be any discrepancy in the numbers is because White women have better access to contraception. Of course, you guys never provide numbers PROVING that more abortions are performed on minorities.

Shhh...Joey doesn't respond well to logic and reason. He is unable to be consistent in his bat-shit crazy positions.

Hey, my position is that we should have single payer health care and be done with this nonsense. Instead, we made Romney-Care, a bad bit of Corporate welfare national.
So she got pregnant on purpose, and because her expectations with her boyfriend were not met, killed the baby instead. Don't you think that the more responsible thing to do would be wait until she got married before she pulled that stunt? I bet if abortions were illegal, she would have waited.

No, she probably wouldn't have. Nobody said she was rational. If she was, she wouldn't have tried to pull that stunt a second time. She'd have also kicked this guy to the curb the first time he humiliated her in front of his friends. (Not defending her, she was as manipulative as shit, too.)

Oh yes, that's right, a person should have the ability to make a choice over their own body. So abortion supports that, but if you don't want to buy medical insurance for YOUR OWN body, you get fined by the federal government.

Again, as I've said many times. I want single payer. Enough of this crap of making big insurance rich. But if you are going to insist that health care be a commodity, then you should be required to buy insurance.

Now, once you have insurance, no one is going to make you seek medical attention.

Once again you display your inability to argue your point and quite frankly your distain for science when it doesn't suit your ideology.

The unborn child is not part of the woman's body, it is in it but no part of it. If it were then you would not be able to abort the child nor would the child ever be born. Plus the child and the mother do not share the same DNA thus they are two. Not one.

which is totally irrelevent to anything. Here's the thing, if the woman can take a pill to get rid of the fetus, it isn't a person. That's science. A woman who doesn't want to be pregnant will find a way to not be pregnant.

Now, if you nutters were really serious about saving the little fetuses, you'd be for Single Payer, you'd be for Paid Family Leave, you'd be for things that make it easier to choose to have the baby.

But a Millionaire's Tax Cut will always "trump" the little Fetus.
Since the majority of the abortions are minorities that should be your answer to why liberals are so in love with the practice.

First, the majority of abortions are performed on white women.
second, the reason why there might be any discrepancy in the numbers is because White women have better access to contraception. Of course, you guys never provide numbers PROVING that more abortions are performed on minorities.

Shhh...Joey doesn't respond well to logic and reason. He is unable to be consistent in his bat-shit crazy positions.

Hey, my position is that we should have single payer health care and be done with this nonsense. Instead, we made Romney-Care, a bad bit of Corporate welfare national.

First , OK I got it you will defend the genocide of the black race by any means.

Abortion and Race

Lest you feel these claims are an exaggeration, consider the numbers. Among black women, the current abortion ratio is 420.2 That means there are 420 abortions for every 1,000 live births. Statistically, 30% of black pregnancies end in abortion (excluding miscarriages). Among white women, the abortion ratio is 121—which means less than 11% of white pregnancies end in abortion.3 The abortion ratio among Hispanic women is 178, or 15% of pregnancies.4 Even though whites make up 63.7% of America's population,5 white women account for only 37% of its abortions.6

The hilarious (sic) thing is that for your other false scenarios to play out it should be YOU would be fighting the racist institution of abortion, not the right wing. Sanger was a devote racist.

I am for expanding Medicare to EVERYONE. Everyone into the same pool. Politicians, Presidents, the poor, everyone. But that ain't gonna happen with both sides bought off by big medicine and the drug companies. Even you have to see that Obama made a deal with the drug companies, for their support, that helped no one but Obama and the drug companies. The rest of us get screwed.
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First , OK I got it you will defend the genocide of the black race by any means.

Abortion and Race

Lest you feel these claims are an exaggeration, consider the numbers. Among black women, the current abortion ratio is 420.2 That means there are 420 abortions for every 1,000 live births. Statistically, 30% of black pregnancies end in abortion (excluding miscarriages). Among white women, the abortion ratio is 121—which means less than 11% of white pregnancies end in abortion.3 The abortion ratio among Hispanic women is 178, or 15% of pregnancies.4 Even though whites make up 63.7% of America's population,5 white women account for only 37% of its abortions.6

The problem with that argument is that it assumes that abortion is the only method of birth control being used. Yes, white women have LESS abortions because they have better access to the pill, to IUD's, to Plan B and other methods to prevent/end unwanted pregnancy.

Blacks are having more abortions, but they are also having more babies than white people.

Now, I would have no problem if we brought down the number of abortions by improving other birth control methods. But you'd get people like Poodle screaming about how the Founding Slave Rapists did say nothin' about no birth control.

The hilarious (sic) thing is that for your other false scenarios to play out it should be YOU would be fighting the racist institution of abortion, not the right wing. Sanger was a devote racist.

Sanger was also opposed to abortion. The problem with the Sanger Bashing is that she lived in a time where everyone was racist and abortions were really dangerous with the level of medicine they had then. That said, 90% of the quotes attributed to Sanger are either outright fabrications or taken completely out of context.
Again, as I've said many times. I want single payer. Enough of this crap of making big insurance rich. But if you are going to insist that health care be a commodity, then you should be required to buy insurance.

Now, once you have insurance, no one is going to make you seek medical attention.

Just pointing out your hypocrisy here. If your argument is that government should not tell you what to do with your own body in regards to abortion, how can you then say that government should be allowed to tell you what to do with your body by forcing people to buy health insurance for their body?

Now, if you nutters were really serious about saving the little fetuses, you'd be for Single Payer, you'd be for Paid Family Leave, you'd be for things that make it easier to choose to have the baby.

It's real simple: if you can't afford to support children, don't have any children. That decision has nothing to do with socialized medical care or forcing more jobs out of the country with shit like paid family leave. It has to do with personal responsibility; something Democrats are trying to rid our society of with their socialized safety nets.
Just pointing out your hypocrisy here. If your argument is that government should not tell you what to do with your own body in regards to abortion, how can you then say that government should be allowed to tell you what to do with your body by forcing people to buy health insurance for their body?

There isn't any hypocrisy, buddy. Just like you can't own a car without insurance, you can't own a body without insurance. It's protecting the rest of us from your negligence. Or in your case, your employer's negligence, as he doesn't consider you worth insuring.

It's real simple: if you can't afford to support children, don't have any children. That decision has nothing to do with socialized medical care or forcing more jobs out of the country with shit like paid family leave. It has to do with personal responsibility; something Democrats are trying to rid our society of with their socialized safety nets.

I agree with you. If you can't afford or just plain old don't want children, you should go ahead and go right down to that abortion clinic and suck that bastard out and put him in a medical waste container. Because rich people need their dressage horses.

Similarly, if you are a worthless, broken down old slug who won't find a better job, you should just hurry up and die if your employer doesn't consider you worth insuring.

You see the problem with arbitrarily letting the wealthy assign your value as a human being?
There isn't any hypocrisy, buddy. Just like you can't own a car without insurance, you can't own a body without insurance. It's protecting the rest of us from your negligence. Or in your case, your employer's negligence, as he doesn't consider you worth insuring.

The difference of course is that you don't have to buy car insurance. My mother nor her parents ever had car insurance. Why? Because none of them ever drove a car in their lives. It's an option. Just like owning a house. If you don't want to buy house insurance, then don't buy a house. Rent.

The only option to living on this earth is killing yourself. But I guess commie government would appreciate that more than not obeying Big Brother.

I agree with you. If you can't afford or just plain old don't want children, you should go ahead and go right down to that abortion clinic and suck that bastard out and put him in a medical waste container. Because rich people need their dressage horses.

Similarly, if you are a worthless, broken down old slug who won't find a better job, you should just hurry up and die if your employer doesn't consider you worth insuring.

You see the problem with arbitrarily letting the wealthy assign your value as a human being?

Yep folks, and there you have it. The dictator mentality of a leftists: Do as Big Brother says or die.

Speaking of Big Brother, you want me to find another job? Then get your filthy federal government from stopping me. You want me to keep my insurance? Quit electing Communists to the White House. My employer may share in that responsibility, but the largest share goes to the dolts who voted in that big-eared creep and his minions in Congress. Start accepting responsibilities for your actions for crying out loud.
The difference of course is that you don't have to buy car insurance. My mother nor her parents ever had car insurance. Why? Because none of them ever drove a car in their lives. It's an option. Just like owning a house. If you don't want to buy house insurance, then don't buy a house. Rent.

The only option to living on this earth is killing yourself. But I guess commie government would appreciate that more than not obeying Big Brother.

Again, everyone else who lives on earth (at least in developed countries) has single payer universal care.

Now you could rent instead of buying, but your landlord will make you buy renters insurance.

here's the thing. We already decided that even though your boss considers you kind of worthless and not worth insuring because you are as replaceable as a sea monkey, we are not going to let you die. You can show up at an Emergency room and get treatment and then declare bankruptcy and get out of that debt. The problem is,t he rest of us who are responsible enough to get insurance end up having to pay for that when the hospitals pad their expenses.

Speaking of Big Brother, you want me to find another job? Then get your filthy federal government from stopping me. You want me to keep my insurance? Quit electing Communists to the White House. My employer may share in that responsibility, but the largest share goes to the dolts who voted in that big-eared creep and his minions in Congress. Start accepting responsibilities for your actions for crying out loud.

Dude, I don't want your broken down ass driving a truck down the highway endangering me. Neither does anyone else.
Again, everyone else who lives on earth (at least in developed countries) has single payer universal care.

Now you could rent instead of buying, but your landlord will make you buy renters insurance.

here's the thing. We already decided that even though your boss considers you kind of worthless and not worth insuring because you are as replaceable as a sea monkey, we are not going to let you die. You can show up at an Emergency room and get treatment and then declare bankruptcy and get out of that debt. The problem is,t he rest of us who are responsible enough to get insurance end up having to pay for that when the hospitals pad their expenses.

And what if some joker comes in and makes insurance too expensive for middle-class people to buy? What do you do then? After all, that's what Commie Care was all about. Get lowlifes (typically Democrat voters) cheap insurance at the cost to productive middle-class people (typically Republican voters) and foot the bill to them. How to do that? Well you encourage their employers to drop their company insurance and then force individuals to buy their own.

Commie Care wanted over 25% of my net pay to get a garbage plan that could hardly be called insurance at all. Who can do without 25% of their net pay and still live comfortably? Even the lady that took my application stated she could never afford the plan she was offering me. But this is typical of government.

Dude, I don't want your broken down ass driving a truck down the highway endangering me. Neither does anyone else.

Yes, but you're all for some foreigner who can't speak or read English to drive down the highway in a truck endangering you. He can't even read the road signs and you'd rather see him next to your mini-van with your family than me--an American with an outstanding driving record.
And what if some joker comes in and makes insurance too expensive for middle-class people to buy? What do you do then? After all, that's what Commie Care was all about. Get lowlifes (typically Democrat voters) cheap insurance at the cost to productive middle-class people (typically Republican voters) and foot the bill to them. How to do that? Well you encourage their employers to drop their company insurance and then force individuals to buy their own.

Again, we wanted a Public Option for employers like yours that were too cheap to pay for real insurance,and Republicans shot it down. (With the help of Joe Lieberman (D-Israel). We also wanted a Medicare buy in for people our age that the insurance companies would rather not touch. Again, the only way Joe Lieberjew was going along with that was if we lived in Israel.
Commie Care wanted over 25% of my net pay to get a garbage plan that could hardly be called insurance at all. Who can do without 25% of their net pay and still live comfortably? Even the lady that took my application stated she could never afford the plan she was offering me. But this is typical of government.

But the problem there is that you have stated you have a shitload of medical problems. So private insurance wouldn't have touched you with a 10 foot pole. again, you guys want to have it both ways. YOu want to preserve this system of fucked up private insurance that makes the fat cats rich, but you don't understand they don't get rich insuring people like you or me with medical issues.

Yes, but you're all for some foreigner who can't speak or read English to drive down the highway in a truck endangering you. He can't even read the road signs and you'd rather see him next to your mini-van with your family than me--an American with an outstanding driving record.

I'm not for that at all. But never mind.

Given your racism and anger management issues, you are probably still scarier being on the road.
And what if some joker comes in and makes insurance too expensive for middle-class people to buy? What do you do then? After all, that's what Commie Care was all about. Get lowlifes (typically Democrat voters) cheap insurance at the cost to productive middle-class people (typically Republican voters) and foot the bill to them. How to do that? Well you encourage their employers to drop their company insurance and then force individuals to buy their own.

Again, we wanted a Public Option for employers like yours that were too cheap to pay for real insurance,and Republicans shot it down. (With the help of Joe Lieberman (D-Israel). We also wanted a Medicare buy in for people our age that the insurance companies would rather not touch. Again, the only way Joe Lieberjew was going along with that was if we lived in Israel.

Your anti-semitic rants aside, maybe if they couldn't get the public option, they should have just dropped Commie Care altogether. Don't try to blame anybody but the Democrats for this disaster. It's all on them.
But the problem there is that you have stated you have a shitload of medical problems. So private insurance wouldn't have touched you with a 10 foot pole. again, you guys want to have it both ways. YOu want to preserve this system of fucked up private insurance that makes the fat cats rich, but you don't understand they don't get rich insuring people like you or me with medical issues.

Let me tell you something, I've had medical insurance my entire life until Commie Care came to town. Nobody had any problems insuring me. Even back in the days when I did switch jobs, I got insurance from my new company immediately.

Nobody could ever afford individual coverage even before Obama, that's why group coverage worked out the best. Even with small companies like mine, agencies would pool our company together with dozens of other larger companies to get the best deal for everybody. It was still expensive, but a much better deal than individual coverage.

The best part about it was it didn't take so much of your after tax money. Some companies had an employee contribution, but it was still better than trying to get individual coverage.
Your anti-semitic rants aside, maybe if they couldn't get the public option, they should have just dropped Commie Care altogether. Don't try to blame anybody but the Democrats for this disaster. It's all on them.

I think the key thing was making sure everyone had access to coverage, not necessarily any part of the program.

But here's the thing. What we did get was exactly the same thing Republicans have been preaching for years. It was the alternative to HillaryCare back in the 1990's, and it was implemented as RomneyCare in the oughts in MA, and you guys were totally fine with it.

Until the black guy did it.

Let me tell you something, I've had medical insurance my entire life until Commie Care came to town. Nobody had any problems insuring me. Even back in the days when I did switch jobs, I got insurance from my new company immediately.

You mean when you were younger and didn't have medical problems?

Nobody could ever afford individual coverage even before Obama, that's why group coverage worked out the best. Even with small companies like mine, agencies would pool our company together with dozens of other larger companies to get the best deal for everybody. It was still expensive, but a much better deal than individual coverage.

exactly the point. But the reason why group coverage sucks is that the contract isn't between you and the insurance company, it's between the employer and the insurance company. So the conversation goes like this.

Big Insurance "Meh, we don't want to pay for Ray's Treatment."
Employer "Okay, never liked the guy that much, anyway."
Ray "whaaaa...."
But the problem there is that you have stated you have a shitload of medical problems. So private insurance wouldn't have touched you with a 10 foot pole. again, you guys want to have it both ways. YOu want to preserve this system of fucked up private insurance that makes the fat cats rich, but you don't understand they don't get rich insuring people like you or me with medical issues.

Let me tell you something, I've had medical insurance my entire life until Commie Care came to town. Nobody had any problems insuring me. Even back in the days when I did switch jobs, I got insurance from my new company immediately.

Nobody could ever afford individual coverage even before Obama, that's why group coverage worked out the best. Even with small companies like mine, agencies would pool our company together with dozens of other larger companies to get the best deal for everybody. It was still expensive, but a much better deal than individual coverage.

The best part about it was it didn't take so much of your after tax money. Some companies had an employee contribution, but it was still better than trying to get individual coverage.

Obamacare was set out to screw the working middle class, they were warned that it would but as usual the left only cares about an agenda and power. Didn't you find it odd that Obama delayed Obamacare for business a year but not the working class Americans? Screw the middle class seems to be the way of today's politicians.

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