You can't even argue a point and make sense.

Your argument isn't that the unborn child is a people or not but is it a person or not. I would explain the difference to you but I doubt I have the time.

I've made the point perfectly fine. You are just too stupid to understand it.

If a woman can get rid of a fetus any time she wants to, it's not a person.

You see, even when abortion was illegal, they never charged women with a crime for having them. They rarely charged the doctors who performed them unless they fucked up and injured the woman.

So, the woman has always and always will be more important than the Fetus. Therefore, a fetus is not a person.

See that is the idiotcy of your argument. If the idiot the other day drove his car into a crowd of people and killed to liberal pregnant women you would have nothing to say about charging him for the death of the unborn child. I doubt it, but I hope you see the hypocrisy.

So, you argument is that it isn't nature, evolution or a God that makes a people a person it is the CHOICE of a woman. Wow that is really both anti-science and anti-common sense.
You can't even argue a point and make sense.

Your argument isn't that the unborn child is a people or not but is it a person or not. I would explain the difference to you but I doubt I have the time.

I've made the point perfectly fine. You are just too stupid to understand it.

If a woman can get rid of a fetus any time she wants to, it's not a person.

You see, even when abortion was illegal, they never charged women with a crime for having them. They rarely charged the doctors who performed them unless they fucked up and injured the woman.

So, the woman has always and always will be more important than the Fetus. Therefore, a fetus is not a person.

See that is the idiotcy of your argument. If the idiot the other day drove his car into a crowd of people and killed to liberal pregnant women you would have nothing to say about charging him for the death of the unborn child. I doubt it, but I hope you see the hypocrisy.

So, you argument is that it isn't nature, evolution or a God that makes a people a person it is the CHOICE of a woman. Wow that is really both anti-science and anti-common sense.

It's hardly hypocrisy. If I take a rock and break my own window, no fine. If you take a rock and break my window, you get fined.
You can't even argue a point and make sense.

Your argument isn't that the unborn child is a people or not but is it a person or not. I would explain the difference to you but I doubt I have the time.

I've made the point perfectly fine. You are just too stupid to understand it.

If a woman can get rid of a fetus any time she wants to, it's not a person.

You see, even when abortion was illegal, they never charged women with a crime for having them. They rarely charged the doctors who performed them unless they fucked up and injured the woman.

So, the woman has always and always will be more important than the Fetus. Therefore, a fetus is not a person.

So when a soldier kills an enemy, he isn't charged with murder, so the solder is more important than the enemy. Therefore an enemy is not a person.

However according to science, the life of the baby starts at conception. Sorry abortion is considered to be the taking of a life.
I realize I may be a little slow on the uptake but I do think I realize what ANTIFA is all about. I couldn't understand why so many of the protestors were white. Whites acting like they were concerned with the black mans plight. I could understand why they were protesting when they had to know it would result in what we have today. They have to know that removing the statues will fire up the Nazi fringe which ain't gonna be good for anyone. ESPECIALLY the blacks. So what is their end game, subversion, a civil war which they will blame on anyone other then themselves. Evil liberals pukes.

Well, yeah, you clearly don't understand.

Decent people want to take those statues down because they are indecent.

They weren't put up to commemorate the war dead, they were put up as a big FU to black people and Catholics and Immigrants

And firing up the Nazis, reminding everyone of who they are, is a great thing.

Put Trump on the spot. Does he reject these people or embrace them?
BS, BS, BS, these statues were never an issue until now. You can play the high and moral BS all day and the only ones who will believe it are, well no one, but there will be those who say they agree.

The statues hurt no one, it not like they are abortion mills.

A year ago this wasn't an issue and now all of a sudden the left wing nuts are now wanting this to be an issue. It's another knee jerk response by the left.
Agreed, but it isn't a knee jerk reaction, it is a thought out subversive plot.

The left is a group of very unhappy people full of hate and spite. They claim to be caring and tolerant however, their base are meddlesome and fascist.
The "unborn"... is that like the "undead"?

Hey, I got the full bullshit Catholic brainwashing on abortion. Then I grew up and realized that if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

Yeah, it's called keeping her legs closed.
"Trump’s timeline is correct. The congressional subpoena came on March 4, 2015, and an employee deleted the emails sometime after March 25, 2015, three weeks later.

Okay, an employee at the State Department, not Mrs. Clinton.

So wrong again.

Right, and if you believe he didn't delete them by her orders I have a bridge to sell you. You are so gullible you probably believe that Bill and Lynch were talking about their grandchildren when he hopped on that plane and asked to be left alone with her. Funny thing is she doesn't even have grandchildren.
Why do you care if a city or county votes to remove a statue? Why so offended?

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A. I won't stand for U.S. history being erased because progressives are ashamed of their racist history and are trying to rewrite it.

B. Nobody has voted for anything. Left-wing thugs are taking to the street and just destroying and/or tearing down statues without permission.
Hey, I got the full bullshit Catholic brainwashing on abortion. Then I grew up and realized that if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant. snowflake. You grew up and realized that the best way to continue to mooch off of society is to support whatever position the bat-shit crazy communists take (and population control is crucial to communism).
The left is "furious" about slavery. They want statues of Robert E. Lee torn down. They want his name removed from buildings. They are "outraged"!

But.....uh.....there are schools, roads, and bridges bearing the name of former Democrat Senator Robert Byrd - a high ranking member of the KKK.

So....uh....where is the "outrage" by the fascists? Why aren't they rioting down in West Virginia? Why haven't they blown up the Robert C. Byrd bridge? Why haven't they torn down Byrd street signs and Byrd schools?

Oops.... Turns out the left could care less if you are a fierc racist, so long as you are a devout socialist. Not surprising in the least, considering they are the party of racism. They fought for slavery, founded the KKK, and fought against the Civil Rights movement.

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I don't live in WV...I have no voice in what they want to name...nor should I.

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Wow....suddenly you're a constitutional anti-federalist? How convenient.
The left is "furious" about slavery. They want statues of Robert E. Lee torn down. They want his name removed from buildings. They are "outraged"!

But.....uh.....there are schools, roads, and bridges bearing the name of former Democrat Senator Robert Byrd - a high ranking member of the KKK.

So....uh....where is the "outrage" by the fascists? Why aren't they rioting down in West Virginia? Why haven't they blown up the Robert C. Byrd bridge? Why haven't they torn down Byrd street signs and Byrd schools?

Oops.... Turns out the left could care less if you are a fierc racist, so long as you are a devout socialist. Not surprising in the least, considering they are the party of racism. They fought for slavery, founded the KKK, and fought against the Civil Rights movement.

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You realize that the parties have switch political polarities over about a 100-year period of our history?

Lincoln was really the first Progressive.

Did you not finish high school?
See that is the idiotcy of your argument. If the idiot the other day drove his car into a crowd of people and killed to liberal pregnant women you would have nothing to say about charging him for the death of the unborn child. I doubt it, but I hope you see the hypocrisy.

I've said many times I think that fetal homicide laws are bullshit. Probably unconstitutional as well, but they are so rarely occuring that no one makes that challenge.

So when a soldier kills an enemy, he isn't charged with murder, so the solder is more important than the enemy. Therefore an enemy is not a person.

Enemy soldiers have legal protections... for instance, you can't shoot them after they give up. IN fact, they have to be actively involved in trying to kill you. Even the anti-Choice nutters allow for "threat to the life of the mother" as a good reason to allow abortion.

So, you argument is that it isn't nature, evolution or a God that makes a people a person it is the CHOICE of a woman. Wow that is really both anti-science and anti-common sense.

No, guy, it's called practicality. As long as she IS the fetus' life support system, it is her say. and until you guys support arresting and punishing women for having abortions, all your mewling about "life" is kind of laughable.
Here is the left in all of their glory. They consider the brutal murder of defenseless infants to be "glorious".

Fetuses aren't infants. And I can understand why the misogynistic right hates the idea of women being able to say, "You were sad in the sack and I really don't consider you worth replicating." snowflake. You grew up and realized that the best way to continue to mooch off of society is to support whatever position the bat-shit crazy communists take (and population control is crucial to communism).

Actually, Population Control is critical to ANY civilized society. It's why the Industrialized west is reproducing at just replacement rates, while the third world still has a population exploding out of control.

In fact, abortion and birth control are the greatest anti-poverty programs ever conceived by humankind.

But here's what really changed my mind on Abortion. It's when I realized that the Right Wing only uses it to get stupid people like you upset.

In 2008, when you had a choice between a prolife progressive (Huckabee) and a pro-Choice Corporatism (Romney), you guys supported the latter until you finally compromised on McCain.

Because the Right Wing leadership doesn't really care about the little fetuses. Roe was decided by Republican justices (5 out of the original seven) and sustained by Republican justices (four of the 9 GOP appointments made since 1973)

So they keep talking shit about it, but they won't ever change it.

Now, here's the thing. It wasn't always this way. Prior to the 1970's, opposition to abortion was considered "A Catholic Thing". The Protestant Evangelicals didn't care about it. They were more upset they might have to sit next to a black person in school or church.

And to give the Catholic Church credit, when they opposed abortion, they supported the kind of government programs you hate because they might keep a baby from starving or dying of a treatable disease after the fourth trimester.

But then the Christian Right got into the act, and while Catholics realized that abortion was something you had to kind of just live with, (just treat the Pope like a senile uncle) they went crazy on the issue....
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The "unborn"... is that like the "undead"?

Hey, I got the full bullshit Catholic brainwashing on abortion. Then I grew up and realized that if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

Yeah, it's called keeping her legs closed.

It's also called Scheduling an Abortion on Tuesday.

And how come you never hold the men accountable?

You see, I knew this gal once, raised catholic, strict Asian household, and she got pregnant because her d-bag boyfriend wasn't making good on his promises to marry her. So she got an abortion when he still wouldn't marry her because she didn't want her parents to think she wasn't still a virgin at 22.

And then a year later, she got back together with the same guy, and did the exact same thing.
The left is "furious" about slavery. They want statues of Robert E. Lee torn down. They want his name removed from buildings. They are "outraged"!

But.....uh.....there are schools, roads, and bridges bearing the name of former Democrat Senator Robert Byrd - a high ranking member of the KKK.

So....uh....where is the "outrage" by the fascists? Why aren't they rioting down in West Virginia? Why haven't they blown up the Robert C. Byrd bridge? Why haven't they torn down Byrd street signs and Byrd schools?

Oops.... Turns out the left could care less if you are a fierc racist, so long as you are a devout socialist. Not surprising in the least, considering they are the party of racism. They fought for slavery, founded the KKK, and fought against the Civil Rights movement.

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You realize that the parties have switch political polarities over about a 100-year period of our history?

Lincoln was really the first Progressive.

Did you not finish high school?
Abraham Lincoln was a fascist piece of shit
The "unborn"... is that like the "undead"?

Hey, I got the full bullshit Catholic brainwashing on abortion. Then I grew up and realized that if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

Yeah, it's called keeping her legs closed.

It's also called Scheduling an Abortion on Tuesday.

And how come you never hold the men accountable?

You see, I knew this gal once, raised catholic, strict Asian household, and she got pregnant because her d-bag boyfriend wasn't making good on his promises to marry her. So she got an abortion when he still wouldn't marry her because she didn't want her parents to think she wasn't still a virgin at 22.

And then a year later, she got back together with the same guy, and did the exact same thing.

What does this have to do with holding the men accountable? If the man wants a woman to have an abortion and she refuses, he is held accountable--for at least 18 years.

People don't get pregnant because somebody promised to marry them. That's not how babies are born.
The left is "furious" about slavery. They want statues of Robert E. Lee torn down. They want his name removed from buildings. They are "outraged"!

But.....uh.....there are schools, roads, and bridges bearing the name of former Democrat Senator Robert Byrd - a high ranking member of the KKK.

So....uh....where is the "outrage" by the fascists? Why aren't they rioting down in West Virginia? Why haven't they blown up the Robert C. Byrd bridge? Why haven't they torn down Byrd street signs and Byrd schools?

Oops.... Turns out the left could care less if you are a fierc racist, so long as you are a devout socialist. Not surprising in the least, considering they are the party of racism. They fought for slavery, founded the KKK, and fought against the Civil Rights movement.

Sign the Petition
They can scrape the names of and put up new ones...I live in Mizzouri so they is no confederate statues till you get to the square in Bentonville, Arkanass....
What does this have to do with holding the men accountable? If the man wants a woman to have an abortion and she refuses, he is held accountable--for at least 18 years..

That's right. Her body. Her Choice.

People don't get pregnant because somebody promised to marry them. That's not how babies are born.

Don't be obtuse. She got pregnant becuase she stopped taking her birth control pills. And didn't tell him she wasn't taking her pills. (Otherwise he'd have worn a rubber.)

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