It's more a civil war thing . You know, how they betrayed America and tried to destroy it .

They tried to preserve the status quo.

Kind like you morons want to preserve social security.
Count me in as one of those pro Social security people

Why would you be pro anything where your family will not get any money that you (and your employers) contributed in your name should you pass away before the age of 65?
Trump didn't do anything except what dances in your mind. What Hil-Liar did was worse than Watergate--not Trump. She deleted hundreds of emails that were subpoenaed by the US Congress.

You mean she deleted them three years before anyone in Congress thought to ask for them?

Sorry, guy, most people delete their emails after a couple of months.
The last few elections, we had about 130 million voters. So those two states would constitute nearly half of the voters in the entire country.

Except that not everyone in those states can vote, and not everyone votes the same way. so the bizarre notion that we need us them thar electoral college so two states don't dictate everything is kind of...


It is slavery in the sense that the feds take advantage of laziness of people and lure them into the system. Once in the system, it's difficult to get out.

you keep repeating that, but IT'S NOT TRUE.

Most people on assistance only stay there for a short time.

I've posted the links to you over and over again, and you keep pretending that it's true, probably because you want to believe that you are slightly better than the other people who live next to you in the ghetto you live in.

You aren't. Because they aren't assholes.
Trump didn't do anything except what dances in your mind. What Hil-Liar did was worse than Watergate--not Trump. She deleted hundreds of emails that were subpoenaed by the US Congress.

You mean she deleted them three years before anyone in Congress thought to ask for them?

Sorry, guy, most people delete their emails after a couple of months.

No, she deleted them after the Congress requested them.
Yet Joe didn't consider it badly written when he said Obama winning a majority of electoral votes made him a legitimate President.

No, because Obama also won the popular vote, by a pretty substantial margin.

at the end of the day, when youa re talking about mandates, Trump doesn't have one. Most people said "No".

At the end of the day, Trump is President and Hillary isn't because he received a majority of electoral votes and she didn't.

Bill Clinton didn't get a majority of popular votes either time. Did he have a mandate?
At the end of the day, Trump is President and Hillary isn't because he received a majority of electoral votes and she didn't.

Bill Clinton didn't get a majority of popular votes either time. Did he have a mandate?

He had more votes than anyone else, so he had a limited mandate.

Trump on the other hand, doesn't.

Again, Trump won on a technicality... he has no mandate and he knows it. It's why he keeps going on these "campaign events" like the attrocity last night, because the poor man needs constant validation.
At the end of the day, Trump is President and Hillary isn't because he received a majority of electoral votes and she didn't.

Bill Clinton didn't get a majority of popular votes either time. Did he have a mandate?

He had more votes than anyone else, so he had a limited mandate.

Trump on the other hand, doesn't.

Again, Trump won on a technicality... he has no mandate and he knows it. It's why he keeps going on these "campaign events" like the attrocity last night, because the poor man needs constant validation.

That's not any kind of mandate. You referenced Obama winning the popular vote. If someone gets less than 1/2 of it, according to you, that's not winning it.

Trump won in the manner the Constitution dictates. That's not a technicality.

Obama went on them for 8 years and you kissed his ass the entire time.
Trump won in the manner the Constitution dictates. That's not a technicality.

Obama went on them for 8 years and you kissed his ass the entire time.

Dude, your gay fantasies about the former president need to stop. Seriously.

But to the point, Trump didn't win the people. The people said no. It's why the poor many goes around handing out copies of the Electoral Map in crayon and holds these affirmation rallies. He's just soooo needy.
Trump won in the manner the Constitution dictates. That's not a technicality.

Obama went on them for 8 years and you kissed his ass the entire time.

Dude, your gay fantasies about the former president need to stop. Seriously.

But to the point, Trump didn't win the people. The people said no. It's why the poor many goes around handing out copies of the Electoral Map in crayon and holds these affirmation rallies. He's just soooo needy.

I'm not the one kissing his black ass, NL. You are. Since you do, why are you ashamed of doing it?

Bill Clinton didn't win the people.

The electoral vote is all that matters. When are you going to learn that FACT?
I'm not the one kissing his black ass, NL. You are. Since you do, why are you ashamed of doing it?

Bill Clinton didn't win the people.

The electoral vote is all that matters. When are you going to learn that FACT?

It does't matter at all if even your own party thinks you're a fraud.

Hey, I'll do something I rarely do. Actually cite Ronald Reagan as a GOOD example.

He won the popular vote, by a good margin. And even though he didn't control the HOuse and didn't control the senate for a large chunk of his presidency, the fact that he had a mandate made it impossible for Congress to ignore his leadership.

Trump, on the other hand, can't get ObamaCare repealed. Because the people didn't vote for that, and no one wants to stick his neck out and be the guy who voted for that thing nobody really wanted to do. .
No, she deleted them after the Congress requested them.

really? You keep telling yourself that.

"Trump’s timeline is correct. The congressional subpoena came on March 4, 2015, and an employee deleted the emails sometime after March 25, 2015, three weeks later.

However, the implication — that Clinton deleted emails relevant to the subpoena in order to avoid scrutiny — is unprovable if not flat wrong.

The FBI’s investigation did find several thousand emails among those deleted that were work-related and should have been turned over to the State Department. However, FBI Director James Comey said in a July 2016 statement that the FBI investigation "found no evidence that any of the additional work-related emails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them."

Comey added in a later congressional hearing that the FBI learned no one on Clinton’s staff specifically asked the employee to delete the emails following the New York Times story and subpoena. Rather, the employee made that decision on his own."

Trump: Clinton deleted 33,000 emails after getting subpoena

Sure he did.
I'm not the one kissing his black ass, NL. You are. Since you do, why are you ashamed of doing it?

Bill Clinton didn't win the people.

The electoral vote is all that matters. When are you going to learn that FACT?

It does't matter at all if even your own party thinks you're a fraud.

Hey, I'll do something I rarely do. Actually cite Ronald Reagan as a GOOD example.

He won the popular vote, by a good margin. And even though he didn't control the HOuse and didn't control the senate for a large chunk of his presidency, the fact that he had a mandate made it impossible for Congress to ignore his leadership.

Trump, on the other hand, can't get ObamaCare repealed. Because the people didn't vote for that, and no one wants to stick his neck out and be the guy who voted for that thing nobody really wanted to do. .

The fact that Reagan was a leader was why they couldn't ignore his leadership.

Trump didn't get to vote on the Obamcare repeal. The reason it wasn't repealed is because of McCain. What's sad is couldn't even beat the unqualified black guy.
The left is "furious" about slavery. They want statues of Robert E. Lee torn down. They want his name removed from buildings. They are "outraged"!

But.....uh.....there are schools, roads, and bridges bearing the name of former Democrat Senator Robert Byrd - a high ranking member of the KKK.

So....uh....where is the "outrage" by the fascists? Why aren't they rioting down in West Virginia? Why haven't they blown up the Robert C. Byrd bridge? Why haven't they torn down Byrd street signs and Byrd schools?

Oops.... Turns out the left could care less if you are a fierc racist, so long as you are a devout socialist. Not surprising in the least, considering they are the party of racism. They fought for slavery, founded the KKK, and fought against the Civil Rights movement.

Sign the Petition
They cannot do that. It is because whomever had drank from the cup of Hillary's menstrual's blood, that they must pass them by.



The left is "furious" about slavery. They want statues of Robert E. Lee torn down. They want his name removed from buildings. They are "outraged"!

But.....uh.....there are schools, roads, and bridges bearing the name of former Democrat Senator Robert Byrd - a high ranking member of the KKK.

So....uh....where is the "outrage" by the fascists? Why aren't they rioting down in West Virginia? Why haven't they blown up the Robert C. Byrd bridge? Why haven't they torn down Byrd street signs and Byrd schools?

Oops.... Turns out the left could care less if you are a fierc racist, so long as you are a devout socialist. Not surprising in the least, considering they are the party of racism. They fought for slavery, founded the KKK, and fought against the Civil Rights movement.

Sign the Petition
I realize I may be a little slow on the uptake but I do think I realize what ANTIFA is all about. I couldn't understand why so many of the protestors were white. Whites acting like they were concerned with the black mans plight. I could understand why they were protesting when they had to know it would result in what we have today. They have to know that removing the statues will fire up the Nazi fringe which ain't gonna be good for anyone. ESPECIALLY the blacks. So what is their end game, subversion, a civil war which they will blame on anyone other then themselves. Evil liberals pukes.

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