The electoral collage is as American as it gets and here longer than you were.

It's as American Institution as much as slavery was. Without slavery we wouldn't have the Electoral College. Fact.

The Electoral College Has Been Divisive Since Day One | History | Smithsonian

Even when a half black democrat wins?

Yes, even then. The "need" for the EC no longer exists. Even the most remote living back woods dumb fuck has access to topical news and information of the day. This last remnant of our slave owning past should be dismantled before any stupid statue.
well you should get to work on how to change the EC. you don't get to wave a magic wand and zap it's gone. let's all vote on it. or are you afraid of a vote?

No, I'm not afraid of a vote...but we don't vote nationally on these things.

Abolish the Electoral College? Majority Favors Popular Vote | Home of the Marist Poll
and we don't for president.
If you count the other states where Democrats have been "spotted", Hillary was close enough to the 270 she could almost reach the finish tape. Seems she tripped and fell.

You are right. She ran a poor campaign.

Still doesn't mean that Trump has the moral authority to be president.

Here's the thing. Richard Nixon won 49 states AND 60% of the vote in 1972. and unlike Trump, he was actually qualified for the job and accomplished some pretty good stuff.

But at the end of the day, when it was found he had been involved in Watergate, he had to go.

And what Trump did with the Russians was FAR worse than Watergate.

Trump didn't do anything except what dances in your mind. What Hil-Liar did was worse than Watergate--not Trump. She deleted hundreds of emails that were subpoenaed by the US Congress. She even bleach bitted her hard drive so nobody could get anything of value off of it. She lied to the US Congress. Then her husband met privately with the US AG to discuss the case. Not only did nothing happen to her, she was allowed to run for the US President!

Nixon was a piker compared to the Clintons.
If you count the other states where Democrats have been "spotted", Hillary was close enough to the 270 she could almost reach the finish tape. Seems she tripped and fell.

You are right. She ran a poor campaign.

Still doesn't mean that Trump has the moral authority to be president.

Here's the thing. Richard Nixon won 49 states AND 60% of the vote in 1972. and unlike Trump, he was actually qualified for the job and accomplished some pretty good stuff.

But at the end of the day, when it was found he had been involved in Watergate, he had to go.

And what Trump did with the Russians was FAR worse than Watergate.

Trump didn't do anything except what dances in your mind. What Hil-Liar did was worse than Watergate--not Trump. She deleted hundreds of emails that were subpoenaed by the US Congress. She even bleach bitted her hard drive so nobody could get anything of value off of it. She lied to the US Congress. Then her husband met privately with the US AG to discuss the case. Not only did nothing happen to her, she was allowed to run for the US President!

Nixon was a piker compared to the Clintons.
Yep, the Clintons are the most repugnant of people. And are above the law
Your side losing doesn't equate to cheating. It equates to you making excuse why you can't win.

Um, yeah, working with the Russians is cheating.

Oh, you're one of those that believes what the movie Roots showed and that all slaves were beaten.

No, I'm one who believes that historical research shows that slaves were treated horribly. One only has to look at the various skin tones on black people to know that rape was a common facet of their lives.

The welfare system, in general, is slavery. A borrower is always a slave to the lender.

So, um, i think you are confused here. Welfare isn't "borrowing". While it is often temporary and most people pay in more than they get out, it isn't "borrowing".

Trump didn't have to according to the CONSTITUTION.

Okay, here's where you are a little confused, buddy. all the constitution says is you "get the office'. It doesn't mean you get the mandate to rule.

It's why people called Rutherford B. Hayes "His Fraudelency" and largely ignored him.

It's why George W. Stupid felt the need to work with the Democrats until he won an ACTUAL election. (and then proceeded to blow it.)

Trump, sadly is a fraud.
Um, yeah, working with the Russians is cheating.

how exactly did anyone cheat? explain.
I'm just curious how you think the minority of blacks who get temporary assistance constitutes "slavery" exactly? I think it indicates you don't understand what slavery was.

Slavery was forcing people to work with no benefit, being subject to all sorts of physical cruelty to keep them in line.

Now, there are a lot of problems with our entitlement system, I'll give you that. But comparing it to slavery is as offensive as comparing something to the Holocaust that isn't the Holocaust.

It is slavery in the sense that the feds take advantage of laziness of people and lure them into the system. Once in the system, it's difficult to get out. People start having kids they can't afford, then there is no way they can support them and have to use some sort of government system(s) because the government pays out better than what those people can earn by getting a job.

Keep them fat and happy. That way they will never advance in life and stay right where you put them. I would say that's slavery.
It's more a civil war thing . You know, how they betrayed America and tried to destroy it .
They were heros sir, who sacrificed everything to save us from the horrors of racial equality. Imagine what the awesomeness of this Nation could be if we were homogenous and white! The Charlottesville Patriots have not suffered in vein. They are a lighted tiki torch leading the way! (-:
If we get rid of the EC, only two states would have representation, New York State and California.
In my book that is not equality, that's mob rule.

That's actually kind of fucking retarded. It make me wonder if you actually can do math.

So let's look at that. The population of the US is 308 Million.

The population of NY is 19 Million. CA is 38 Million.

SO these two states combined are only 57 million people. So even if every person in those states voted the same way like a Borg Hive Mind they still wouldn't overrule the 251 Million who live in the other 48 states.

The last few elections, we had about 130 million voters. So those two states would constitute nearly half of the voters in the entire country.
So let's look at that. The population of the US is 308 Million.

The population of NY is 19 Million. CA is 38 Million.

SO these two states combined are only 57 million people. ... they still wouldn't overrule the 251 Million who live in the other 48 states.

The last few elections, we had about 130 million voters. So those two states would constitute nearly half of the voters in the entire country.

Conservatives and math.

, NY = 6% and CA = 12,5% for a total of 18.5%

How you got anywhere near 50%, explains why you support Trump.
It's more a civil war thing . You know, how they betrayed America and tried to destroy it .
They were heros sir, who sacrificed everything to save us from the horrors of racial equality. Imagine what the awesomeness of this Nation could be if we were homogenous and white! The Charlottesville Patriots have not suffered in vein. They are a lighted tiki torch leading the way! (-:
the ISIS terrorists you mean that took down the statue and got a woman killed? them you're proud of. wow.
It's more a civil war thing . You know, how they betrayed America and tried to destroy it .
They were heros sir, who sacrificed everything to save us from the horrors of racial equality. Imagine what the awesomeness of this Nation could be if we were homogenous and white! The Charlottesville Patriots have not suffered in vein. They are a lighted tiki torch leading the way! (-:
the ISIS terrorists you mean that took down the statue and got a woman killed? them you're proud of. wow.
The poor woman was mere collatrall damage in our war for white homogeny.
It's more a civil war thing . You know, how they betrayed America and tried to destroy it .
They were heros sir, who sacrificed everything to save us from the horrors of racial equality. Imagine what the awesomeness of this Nation could be if we were homogenous and white! The Charlottesville Patriots have not suffered in vein. They are a lighted tiki torch leading the way! (-:
the ISIS terrorists you mean that took down the statue and got a woman killed? them you're proud of. wow.
The poor woman was mere collatrall damage in our war for white homogeny.
triggered by ISIS terrorists.
Tucson and Phoenix are very liberal just like most of the largest Cities are.
There would be no moderate or conservative representation Joe.
What part of that are you not seeing?
The more populated cities are liberal.
You want to get rid of the EC so that only one ideology is represented.
That is called mob rule.

No, it's called Democracy. The thing is, the conservative view is the minority view for a reason. It only benefits the very few at the top.

If they weren't very good at using race, religion and sex to get stupid people to vote against their own economic interests, they'd be completely irrelevant.

It's called Constitutional Republic.
Big Government left are systematically trying to turn us into a Democracy, which we aren't, at least not fully yet.

Another lefty lie, Conservatives want less government that benefit all for freedom.
Cons are fed up with both parties.
Cons out number libs 36% to 25%
US Conservatives Outnumber Liberals by Narrowing Margin

You really are believing things that are just not true.
It's more a civil war thing . You know, how they betrayed America and tried to destroy it .
They were heros sir, who sacrificed everything to save us from the horrors of racial equality. Imagine what the awesomeness of this Nation could be if we were homogenous and white! The Charlottesville Patriots have not suffered in vein. They are a lighted tiki torch leading the way! (-:
the ISIS terrorists you mean that took down the statue and got a woman killed? them you're proud of. wow.
The poor woman was mere collatrall damage in our war for white homogeny.

So you kill all the white people, what type of government would it be?
Good Luck with Australia in killing all of those whites.
It won't happen.

You think South America, Mexico and the States in Africa are better?
The people are completely controlled by government and they are starving.
Why do you want that?
The op is wrong.

The left is not furious.

HUMAN BEINGS are furious.

(This is not something RWNJ christians would understand.)

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So Christians are no longer human beings.

That is exactly what whites a long time ago thought about all tribal people.
Look how that ended up with thousands of them murdered.
Is anyone else getting déjà vu?
It's the sixties all over again, where many people were killed.
It didn't end so well for Blacks and Hispanics.
We have the best country in the world and some very misguided people living here wants government controlled hell holes.
Liberals must always have a cause to CHAMPION...........It makes them feel morally safe something even when nobody asked them to save a dang thing....................If it wasn't statues it would be something else...................because they are emotional critters...............

Their rantings only divide a nation and CAUSE MORE RACIAL TENSION..................a tactic that is usually preserved when elections are close by.............Stir up racial hatred for votes................

Face it...............they suck.

What's wrong with opposing racism and bigotry? Seems like a worthy cause to opposed to supporting white supremacy :dunno:
Give me a fucking break...........................Your trying to ERASE HISTORY...........NOT OPPOSING WHITE SUPREMACY...........

So you kill all the white people, what type of government would it be?

What kind of environment would that be? Any white who wants to know, just move into a minority neighborhood for a few years and find out how you are treated.

I did.
There was a condo I rented in San Diego of 400 units.
There was 2 white couples and the rest was all black.
Helicopters from cops every night, looking for drug dealers, had to lock the hood of the car so that the battery wasn't stolen.
So you kill all the white people, what type of government would it be?

What kind of environment would that be? Any white who wants to know, just move into a minority neighborhood for a few years and find out how you are treated.

I did.
There was a condo I rented in San Diego of 400 units.
There was 2 white couples and the rest was all black.
Helicopters from cops every night, looking for drug dealers, had to lock the hood of the car so that the battery wasn't stolen.

That's what it's like over here. That's why I suggested it to the surrender-first whites. They are so anxious to see a much more diverse America without realizing what kind of life they will be leaving their children and grandchildren. They actually believe that once we are overwhelmed with people of color, they will just join hands with us and sing a few bars of Kumbaya.

My suburb is doing badly. We are in the red, violent crime is still an issue. All major stores closed down because of theft, and now they elected a black Mayor. Instead of addressing those issues, her genius plan is to have a meeting with HUD to get more black HUD residents in the city. Gee, couldn't she figure out that they are a large part of our problem? It doesn't matter to her, solidarity does.

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