Trump won in exactly the same manner as Obama. Both received 270 (a majority) or more ELECTORAL VOTES. That's not a technicality, that's what the Constitution says has to happen.

Um, no Obama won a majority OF THE VOTERS.

Trump did not.
And he colluded with the Russians, which is treason.

When popular vote is what determines the President, you'll have a point. Since it doesn't, what you do is whine. Obama didn't win because he received a majority of popular votes but a majority of electoral votes. Same applies to Bill Clinton twice.

Trump didn't have to according to the CONSTITUTION.

Where's your proof?
The democrats are spotted the electoral college votes of CA every damn election and they cheat for the rest. No wonder they can't figure out how they keep losing.

Those EV constitute 20% of their needed total. Same with NY. In 2016, NY and California "spot" accounted for 84 of the 270 (31.1%) of what Hillary needed to win. That's almost 1/3 of the 270. What's sad is that someone that wasn't supposed to lose only received only got 227 EVs. If you count the other states where Democrats have been "spotted", Hillary was close enough to the 270 she could almost reach the finish tape. Seems she tripped and fell.
The only people who should bet to vote are those who actually pay a net positive in taxes. The rest are dead beats that certainly will vote which ever way they have been promised the most hand outs.

If you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can always count on the support of Paul.

If a certain party is going to provide people with someone else's money because they won't do for themselves, it's not hard to figure out who those people will vote for.
Na, the reality is that Trump got enough votes to beat Hillary. There is no other fact. Another fact is that America is kind of disgusted by the Clintons. Bubba is the only cool one really.

Y'all keep forgetting that America voted for Hillary by 3 million votes. (More votes than any white presidential candidate in history) The Electoral College is not America.

The electoral collage is as American as it gets and here longer than you were.

It's as American Institution as much as slavery was. Without slavery we wouldn't have the Electoral College. Fact.

The Electoral College Has Been Divisive Since Day One | History | Smithsonian

Even when a half black democrat wins?

Yes, even then. The "need" for the EC no longer exists. Even the most remote living back woods dumb fuck has access to topical news and information of the day. This last remnant of our slave owning past should be dismantled before any stupid statue.
well you should get to work on how to change the EC. you don't get to wave a magic wand and zap it's gone. let's all vote on it. or are you afraid of a vote?
Y'all keep forgetting that America voted for Hillary by 3 million votes. (More votes than any white presidential candidate in history) The Electoral College is not America.

The electoral collage is as American as it gets and here longer than you were.

It's as American Institution as much as slavery was. Without slavery we wouldn't have the Electoral College. Fact.

The Electoral College Has Been Divisive Since Day One | History | Smithsonian

Even when a half black democrat wins?

Yes, even then. The "need" for the EC no longer exists. Even the most remote living back woods dumb fuck has access to topical news and information of the day. This last remnant of our slave owning past should be dismantled before any stupid statue.
well you should get to work on how to change the EC. you don't get to wave a magic wand and zap it's gone. let's all vote on it. or are you afraid of a vote?

All he has to do is look at the Constitution he hates to see how to change it. It's the magic wand he wants to be waved to change it.
The electoral collage is as American as it gets and here longer than you were.

It's as American Institution as much as slavery was. Without slavery we wouldn't have the Electoral College. Fact.

The Electoral College Has Been Divisive Since Day One | History | Smithsonian

Even when a half black democrat wins?

Yes, even then. The "need" for the EC no longer exists. Even the most remote living back woods dumb fuck has access to topical news and information of the day. This last remnant of our slave owning past should be dismantled before any stupid statue.
if Hillary won you wouldn't give a crap.

I would still give a crap that this last vestige of slavery exists to thwart democracy. What would be different is that you'd give a crap. The only way the EC is ever going away is if a Republican wins the popular vote and a Democrat the EC.

Denial ain't just a river...


History is an amazing thing isn't it?
then why weren't you this adamant when obummer and the dems had all of washington DC?
The electoral collage is as American as it gets and here longer than you were.

It's as American Institution as much as slavery was. Without slavery we wouldn't have the Electoral College. Fact.

The Electoral College Has Been Divisive Since Day One | History | Smithsonian

Even when a half black democrat wins?

Yes, even then. The "need" for the EC no longer exists. Even the most remote living back woods dumb fuck has access to topical news and information of the day. This last remnant of our slave owning past should be dismantled before any stupid statue.
well you should get to work on how to change the EC. you don't get to wave a magic wand and zap it's gone. let's all vote on it. or are you afraid of a vote?

All he has to do is look at the Constitution he hates to see how to change it. It's the magic wand he wants to be waved to change it.
yep, he wants the, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
Means shit Joe. So says the law. Deal with it.

The law once said a black person was 3/5th of a white man. Didn't make it right or even a good idea.

Trump won on a technicality, not because the people wanted him. That makes his presidency illegitimate. That and he's morally and intellectually unfit for the job.

The electoral collage is as American as it gets and here longer than you were.

The thing was, from 1888 to 2000, it really didn't matter what the electoral college did because it confirmed the popular vote. Now we have a guy who never should have been put into office, who the people rejected. and you guys can't admit you made a mistake.
It's as American Institution as much as slavery was. Without slavery we wouldn't have the Electoral College. Fact.

The Electoral College Has Been Divisive Since Day One | History | Smithsonian

Even when a half black democrat wins?

Yes, even then. The "need" for the EC no longer exists. Even the most remote living back woods dumb fuck has access to topical news and information of the day. This last remnant of our slave owning past should be dismantled before any stupid statue.
well you should get to work on how to change the EC. you don't get to wave a magic wand and zap it's gone. let's all vote on it. or are you afraid of a vote?

All he has to do is look at the Constitution he hates to see how to change it. It's the magic wand he wants to be waved to change it.
yep, he wants the, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

There is a two step process outlined in the Constitution. There are 4 possible combinations on how an amendment can be added. Don't expect one to be added related to it. Even the States that are Democrat party automatics (NY and California to name just 2) don't want it to change. They hold to much power under the current system.
He won by using the system the Constitution set up. That's not a technicality.

Why do you hate the Constitution?

Because it's badly written by slave rapist who shit in chamber pots?

The system that is set up is awful and was specifically designed to disenfranchise the people in favor of the elites.

But if you really want to go back to the original intent, the original intent was to prevent EXACTLY something like Trump from happening.
now it's badly written.
Mute "resistance" ain't doing shit but making a case for Trump. You are losing all your elections. You have lost since 2010. Now you are resorting to burning cars and making bombs. Your resistance is crumbling joe. Matter of fact, many are worried what the left will do being as desperate as you are. Hope they never get anbomb maker who knows what they are doing...

Guy, your side isn't winning elections. When we have a NATIONAL election, you guys have lost every national election save one since 1988.
That you win elections in Gerrymandered districts because minorities were undercounted isn't anything to be proud of.

The fact is, after he hugged the Nazis after Charlottesville, even Republicans are running away from Trump.
who is hugging Nazis? I didn't know they existed? weren't they defeated in Germany?
He won by using the system the Constitution set up. That's not a technicality.

Why do you hate the Constitution?

Because it's badly written by slave rapist who shit in chamber pots?

The system that is set up is awful and was specifically designed to disenfranchise the people in favor of the elites.

But if you really want to go back to the original intent, the original intent was to prevent EXACTLY something like Trump from happening.
now it's badly written.

Yet Joe didn't consider it badly written when he said Obama winning a majority of electoral votes made him a legitimate President.
Apparently you don't understand proportions. Blacks are almost 4x more likely to be on food stamps than whites based on those proportions.

which is meaningless to any point. Again, there's no shame to being on Food Stamps, a program that mostly exists to prop up white farmers.

Gerrymandered districts? You mean like the one in my state that was purposely made with a 60%+ black majority?

Since I don't know what state you live in, my guess is that you crowded all the blacks into that one district so that all the other ones would be white majority.

Yet you called Obama to account racist. How hypocritical.

Obama won a legitimate election. Twice.
so did all other presidents.
Apparently you don't understand proportions. Blacks are almost 4x more likely to be on food stamps than whites based on those proportions.

which is meaningless to any point. Again, there's no shame to being on Food Stamps, a program that mostly exists to prop up white farmers.

Gerrymandered districts? You mean like the one in my state that was purposely made with a 60%+ black majority?

Since I don't know what state you live in, my guess is that you crowded all the blacks into that one district so that all the other ones would be white majority.

Yet you called Obama to account racist. How hypocritical.

Obama won a legitimate election. Twice.
so did all other presidents.

All based on the same Constitution being used since Washington was elected.
Trump won in exactly the same manner as Obama. Both received 270 (a majority) or more ELECTORAL VOTES. That's not a technicality, that's what the Constitution says has to happen.

Um, no Obama won a majority OF THE VOTERS.

Trump did not.
And he colluded with the Russians, which is treason.

When popular vote is what determines the President, you'll have a point. Since it doesn't, what you do is whine. Obama didn't win because he received a majority of popular votes but a majority of electoral votes. Same applies to Bill Clinton twice.

Trump didn't have to according to the CONSTITUTION.

Where's your proof?
The democrats are spotted the electoral college votes of CA every damn election and they cheat for the rest. No wonder they can't figure out how they keep losing.

Those EV constitute 20% of their needed total. Same with NY. In 2016, NY and California "spot" accounted for 84 of the 270 (31.1%) of what Hillary needed to win. That's almost 1/3 of the 270. What's sad is that someone that wasn't supposed to lose only received only got 227 EVs. If you count the other states where Democrats have been "spotted", Hillary was close enough to the 270 she could almost reach the finish tape. Seems she tripped and fell.
She had everything going her way. The advantage in the EC, name recognition and experience. As it turned out name reconition and her experience is what did her in.
Y'all keep forgetting that America voted for Hillary by 3 million votes. (More votes than any white presidential candidate in history) The Electoral College is not America.

The electoral collage is as American as it gets and here longer than you were.

It's as American Institution as much as slavery was. Without slavery we wouldn't have the Electoral College. Fact.

The Electoral College Has Been Divisive Since Day One | History | Smithsonian

Even when a half black democrat wins?

Yes, even then. The "need" for the EC no longer exists. Even the most remote living back woods dumb fuck has access to topical news and information of the day. This last remnant of our slave owning past should be dismantled before any stupid statue.
well you should get to work on how to change the EC. you don't get to wave a magic wand and zap it's gone. let's all vote on it. or are you afraid of a vote?

No, I'm not afraid of a vote...but we don't vote nationally on these things.

Abolish the Electoral College? Majority Favors Popular Vote | Home of the Marist Poll
Your side losing doesn't equate to cheating. It equates to you making excuse why you can't win.

Um, yeah, working with the Russians is cheating.

Oh, you're one of those that believes what the movie Roots showed and that all slaves were beaten.

No, I'm one who believes that historical research shows that slaves were treated horribly. One only has to look at the various skin tones on black people to know that rape was a common facet of their lives.

The welfare system, in general, is slavery. A borrower is always a slave to the lender.

So, um, i think you are confused here. Welfare isn't "borrowing". While it is often temporary and most people pay in more than they get out, it isn't "borrowing".

Trump didn't have to according to the CONSTITUTION.

Okay, here's where you are a little confused, buddy. all the constitution says is you "get the office'. It doesn't mean you get the mandate to rule.

It's why people called Rutherford B. Hayes "His Fraudelency" and largely ignored him.

It's why George W. Stupid felt the need to work with the Democrats until he won an ACTUAL election. (and then proceeded to blow it.)

Trump, sadly is a fraud.
The electoral collage is as American as it gets and here longer than you were.

It's as American Institution as much as slavery was. Without slavery we wouldn't have the Electoral College. Fact.

The Electoral College Has Been Divisive Since Day One | History | Smithsonian

Even when a half black democrat wins?

Yes, even then. The "need" for the EC no longer exists. Even the most remote living back woods dumb fuck has access to topical news and information of the day. This last remnant of our slave owning past should be dismantled before any stupid statue.
well you should get to work on how to change the EC. you don't get to wave a magic wand and zap it's gone. let's all vote on it. or are you afraid of a vote?

No, I'm not afraid of a vote...but we don't vote nationally on these things.

Abolish the Electoral College? Majority Favors Popular Vote | Home of the Marist Poll
A pure popular vote is mob rule
If you count the other states where Democrats have been "spotted", Hillary was close enough to the 270 she could almost reach the finish tape. Seems she tripped and fell.

You are right. She ran a poor campaign.

Still doesn't mean that Trump has the moral authority to be president.

Here's the thing. Richard Nixon won 49 states AND 60% of the vote in 1972. and unlike Trump, he was actually qualified for the job and accomplished some pretty good stuff.

But at the end of the day, when it was found he had been involved in Watergate, he had to go.

And what Trump did with the Russians was FAR worse than Watergate.
If you count the other states where Democrats have been "spotted", Hillary was close enough to the 270 she could almost reach the finish tape. Seems she tripped and fell.

You are right. She ran a poor campaign.

Still doesn't mean that Trump has the moral authority to be president.

Here's the thing. Richard Nixon won 49 states AND 60% of the vote in 1972. and unlike Trump, he was actually qualified for the job and accomplished some pretty good stuff.

But at the end of the day, when it was found he had been involved in Watergate, he had to go.

And what Trump did with the Russians was FAR worse than Watergate.
what did trump do with the russians? dance? eat? how fking horrible.
Your side losing doesn't equate to cheating. It equates to you making excuse why you can't win.

Um, yeah, working with the Russians is cheating.

Oh, you're one of those that believes what the movie Roots showed and that all slaves were beaten.

No, I'm one who believes that historical research shows that slaves were treated horribly. One only has to look at the various skin tones on black people to know that rape was a common facet of their lives.

The welfare system, in general, is slavery. A borrower is always a slave to the lender.

So, um, i think you are confused here. Welfare isn't "borrowing". While it is often temporary and most people pay in more than they get out, it isn't "borrowing".

Trump didn't have to according to the CONSTITUTION.

Okay, here's where you are a little confused, buddy. all the constitution says is you "get the office'. It doesn't mean you get the mandate to rule.

It's why people called Rutherford B. Hayes "His Fraudelency" and largely ignored him.

It's why George W. Stupid felt the need to work with the Democrats until he won an ACTUAL election. (and then proceeded to blow it.)

Trump, sadly is a fraud.
It sounds like you're a sore loser, it's best if you stay in seclusion in your mothers basement
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