Yup. LBJ even would change how he said the n word depending on which he was talking to at the time. Even called his civil rights bill "the n!gger Bill.

first, a lot of these stories are apocryphal.

Second, at the end of the day, he did the right thing, and Southern White reacted by joining the GOP, who had no problem embracing racism.

So if you look at the 1964 bill as that key moment when the GOP decided they would embrace racism, and the democrats decided they would fight it, to the point now where the GOP is defending statues of old dead racists. you know, the ones Lincoln put the beat down to.

No, not really. Racist is racist, and multiple folks relay the same stories about his racism.
Not when it comes to proportions. The raw number on welfare is greater for whites. However, you seem to forget that there are 5x as many whites as blacks in the country. Until the percentage of welfare used by whites is 5x as much as blacks, your statement isn't based in reality. 1 in 3 1/2 blacks is on food stamps,. Only 1 in 12 - 13 whites is. See how that works when you look at the important part of the numbers?

But the point is, most blacks aren't on food stamps and more whites are on food stamps than blacks.

But if you want to go there, 40% of households who use SNAP benefits (there actually haven't been "Food stamps" since the 1990's, when they switched to EBT cards to prevent abuse.) have at least one member who has a job. Most people using Medicaid have jobs.

as opposed to "White People Welfare" programs....ooops, sorry, I mean "Entitlements" like social security and medicare, where white people mostly use them, and they don't work anymore.
The "need" for the EC no longer exists. Even the most remote living back woods dumb fuck has access to topical news and information of the day. This last remnant of our slave owning past should be dismantled before any stupid statue.
My God...the idiotic sites you visit for information is making you look like a buffoon. The Electoral College was never implemented because of "information". It was implemented because:

A. The founders didn't want a dense city to have more power and control over the direction of the U.S. than an entire state

B. To prevent candidates to pandering to a dense city and throw federal resources at it in exchange for their vote

It's amazing how the left is completely and totally clueless of their own history. They still haven't figured out that everything the founders did was to avoid power.

You didn't read a single link I provided. Stay ignorant, puppy, it suits you.

You are the uninformed one.
He stated historical facts.

He stated his opinion, I provided facts you both ignore. That makes it willful ignorance.
Liberals must always have a cause to CHAMPION...........It makes them feel morally superior............to safe something even when nobody asked them to save a dang thing....................If it wasn't statues it would be something else...................because they are emotional critters...............

Their rantings only divide a nation and CAUSE MORE RACIAL TENSION..................a tactic that is usually preserved when elections are close by.............Stir up racial hatred for votes................

Face it...............they suck.

The very first liberals who had a cause to champion were the undersigned; I don't think they sucked. If you do, you're on the wrong side of history.


this is the same document that obama said got in the way of his doing what he wanted to do.

Obama: Constitution 'Constrains' Me
Mm, well should, coulda would, Trump is presidant all leagle and stuff. Time to move beyond the fact and start living again.

He's not a king. Clearly, the fact that the resistance is holding him to account is having an effect... which is why his agenda is dead in the water.

if Hillary won you wouldn't give a crap.

If hillary had won, it would because she won the popular vote as well as the electoral college. You see, the big problem the GOP has is that it has only won the popular vote ONCE in the last 7 elections. And in that case, Bush barely skipped by because we were all seeing terrorists under our beds.
He won by using the system the Constitution set up. That's not a technicality.

Why do you hate the Constitution?

Because it's badly written by slave rapist who shit in chamber pots?

The system that is set up is awful and was specifically designed to disenfranchise the people in favor of the elites.

But if you really want to go back to the original intent, the original intent was to prevent EXACTLY something like Trump from happening.
Mm, well should, coulda would, Trump is presidant all leagle and stuff. Time to move beyond the fact and start living again.

He's not a king. Clearly, the fact that the resistance is holding him to account is having an effect... which is why his agenda is dead in the water.

if Hillary won you wouldn't give a crap.

If hillary had won, it would because she won the popular vote as well as the electoral college. You see, the big problem the GOP has is that it has only won the popular vote ONCE in the last 7 elections. And in that case, Bush barely skipped by because we were all seeing terrorists under our beds.

Mute "resistance" ain't doing shit but making a case for Trump. You are losing all your elections. You have lost since 2010. Now you are resorting to burning cars and making bombs. Your resistance is crumbling joe. Matter of fact, many are worried what the left will do being as desperate as you are. Hope they never get anbomb maker who knows what they are doing...
He won by using the system the Constitution set up. That's not a technicality.

Why do you hate the Constitution?

Because it's badly written by slave rapist who shit in chamber pots?

The system that is set up is awful and was specifically designed to disenfranchise the people in favor of the elites.

But if you really want to go back to the original intent, the original intent was to prevent EXACTLY something like Trump from happening.

Malays,slave, slave, Russia, Russia, Russia, pussygrabber , pussygrabber, pussygrabber. Same old song .
Mute "resistance" ain't doing shit but making a case for Trump. You are losing all your elections. You have lost since 2010. Now you are resorting to burning cars and making bombs. Your resistance is crumbling joe. Matter of fact, many are worried what the left will do being as desperate as you are. Hope they never get anbomb maker who knows what they are doing...

Guy, your side isn't winning elections. When we have a NATIONAL election, you guys have lost every national election save one since 1988.
That you win elections in Gerrymandered districts because minorities were undercounted isn't anything to be proud of.

The fact is, after he hugged the Nazis after Charlottesville, even Republicans are running away from Trump.
Not when it comes to proportions. The raw number on welfare is greater for whites. However, you seem to forget that there are 5x as many whites as blacks in the country. Until the percentage of welfare used by whites is 5x as much as blacks, your statement isn't based in reality. 1 in 3 1/2 blacks is on food stamps,. Only 1 in 12 - 13 whites is. See how that works when you look at the important part of the numbers?

But the point is, most blacks aren't on food stamps and more whites are on food stamps than blacks.

But if you want to go there, 40% of households who use SNAP benefits (there actually haven't been "Food stamps" since the 1990's, when they switched to EBT cards to prevent abuse.) have at least one member who has a job. Most people using Medicaid have jobs.

as opposed to "White People Welfare" programs....ooops, sorry, I mean "Entitlements" like social security and medicare, where white people mostly use them, and they don't work anymore.

Apparently you don't understand proportions. Blacks are almost 4x more likely to be on food stamps than whites based on those proportions.

Calling it something different doesn't change what it is. There is still plenty of abuse. If you're using an EBT card, you're saying you don't have money to buy your own food. How do those same people have money to buy beer and why shouldn't they be using that money to buy food if they have enough to buy beer? Not my responsibility to fund their vices but it is theirs to feed themselves and their own damn kids.

If they have jobs, they don't need someone else's money.

So no blacks use SS or Medicare? Play that race card somewhere else, NL. My mother uses SS and Medicare. She also worked for 45 years paying into it. Not a single person getting food stamps this budget year has paid the taxes that fund this year's budget.
Mm, well should, coulda would, Trump is presidant all leagle and stuff. Time to move beyond the fact and start living again.

He's not a king. Clearly, the fact that the resistance is holding him to account is having an effect... which is why his agenda is dead in the water.

if Hillary won you wouldn't give a crap.

If hillary had won, it would because she won the popular vote as well as the electoral college. You see, the big problem the GOP has is that it has only won the popular vote ONCE in the last 7 elections. And in that case, Bush barely skipped by because we were all seeing terrorists under our beds.

Yet you called Obama to account racist. How hypocritical.

Hillary didn't win the electoral college. That's why she isn't President. It's really that simple.
Mute "resistance" ain't doing shit but making a case for Trump. You are losing all your elections. You have lost since 2010. Now you are resorting to burning cars and making bombs. Your resistance is crumbling joe. Matter of fact, many are worried what the left will do being as desperate as you are. Hope they never get anbomb maker who knows what they are doing...

Guy, your side isn't winning elections. When we have a NATIONAL election, you guys have lost every national election save one since 1988.
That you win elections in Gerrymandered districts because minorities were undercounted isn't anything to be proud of.

The fact is, after he hugged the Nazis after Charlottesville, even Republicans are running away from Trump.

More than 1000 seats were lost by Democrats under Obama on the local, state, and NATIONAL levels.

Gerrymandered districts? You mean like the one in my state that was purposely made with a 60%+ black majority?

If a State has a (fill in the blank) % of each racial/ethnic group in it's population, how is a group underrepresented if each district in that state has approximately that same makeup? You don't seem to have a problem with certain groups being overrepresented.

My State has a population of approximately 4.7 million. 66% are white, 27% are black, 5% are Hispanic, and the other 2% encompass a variety of other groups (Native American, Asian, etc.). If each district in the State is broken down according to those percentages, how is any group underrepresented?
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Mute "resistance" ain't doing shit but making a case for Trump. You are losing all your elections. You have lost since 2010. Now you are resorting to burning cars and making bombs. Your resistance is crumbling joe. Matter of fact, many are worried what the left will do being as desperate as you are. Hope they never get anbomb maker who knows what they are doing...

Guy, your side isn't winning elections. When we have a NATIONAL election, you guys have lost every national election save one since 1988.
That you win elections in Gerrymandered districts because minorities were undercounted isn't anything to be proud of.

The fact is, after he hugged the Nazis after Charlottesville, even Republicans are running away from Trump.

Really? No, not really. Notice you glossed right over your hero and his bomb making. Tell me Jose, are toddlers and teens medical waste to. Is it okay the group YOU want to be associated with can make bombs and try to kill people enjoying the sun on a nice Saturday?
He won by using the system the Constitution set up. That's not a technicality.

Why do you hate the Constitution?

Because it's badly written by slave rapist who shit in chamber pots?

The system that is set up is awful and was specifically designed to disenfranchise the people in favor of the elites.

But if you really want to go back to the original intent, the original intent was to prevent EXACTLY something like Trump from happening.

In other words, you don't like the results it produces, therefore, you consider it bad. Got it. Typical leftwing POS. Disliking results does not equate to being fundamentally wrong.
Apparently you don't understand proportions. Blacks are almost 4x more likely to be on food stamps than whites based on those proportions.

which is meaningless to any point. Again, there's no shame to being on Food Stamps, a program that mostly exists to prop up white farmers.

Gerrymandered districts? You mean like the one in my state that was purposely made with a 60%+ black majority?

Since I don't know what state you live in, my guess is that you crowded all the blacks into that one district so that all the other ones would be white majority.

Yet you called Obama to account racist. How hypocritical.

Obama won a legitimate election. Twice.
The "need" for the EC no longer exists. Even the most remote living back woods dumb fuck has access to topical news and information of the day. This last remnant of our slave owning past should be dismantled before any stupid statue.
My God...the idiotic sites you visit for information is making you look like a buffoon. The Electoral College was never implemented because of "information". It was implemented because:

A. The founders didn't want a dense city to have more power and control over the direction of the U.S. than an entire state

B. To prevent candidates to pandering to a dense city and throw federal resources at it in exchange for their vote

It's amazing how the left is completely and totally clueless of their own history. They still haven't figured out that everything the founders did was to avoid power.

You didn't read a single link I provided. Stay ignorant, puppy, it suits you.

You are the uninformed one.
He stated historical facts.

He stated his opinion, I provided facts you both ignore. That makes it willful ignorance.

That's you dear, you have ignored historical facts, which we both put up.
You put up opinion, not facts.
The EC was never about information.
The E C is about equality, so that the more populated cities like Boston and New York were not the only voices being represented in our Government.

If we get rid of the EC, only two states would have representation, New York State and California.
In my book that is not equality, that's mob rule.

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