How far have we already gone?

The oceans will lose creatures, at an awesome rate. Then they will change the coastlines, when the sea-level rises. Even a fuck-tard like you could come to that conclusion. Take the puck out of your butt, pick up the hockey stick, and swat.
So Mr. know it all. why did NONE of this happen during the MWP, the RWP or the Holocene Thermal Maximum? Is this warming trend somehow different from those that came before?

If it is, you absolutely MUST show us why it's different and show your work.
Why in the world would I need to post more links, since you don't post links?

As for summary of my posts, so you don't load up the rink with puck and refuse the stick and go skating off like you are Sonja Heinie or whoever, so I am supposed to cross-check nothing, and you are a hooker, with no hockey stick, kindly read what I wrote, once. CO2 is at 400 ppm, when 350 ppm is safe, 275 ppm was the start of the industrial age, and carbonic acidification and warming are accelerating.

That acceleration is the 'hockey stick' you fucktards keep ranting against. Up goes the graph! Up goes carbonic acid concentrations. Down go life-forms and the food chain.

The data for all those ancient events you refuse to link is useless, to us, since you are trying to pretend it means humans did not steward the planet, since, to wreck the place. Who cares if the warming wasn't as hot, in the Holocene, or Roman, or Middle Ages? You don't link, to any information you subscribe to, and I insist modern information is better, and it indicates an urgent problem matrix, including deadly acidification.

If you want to compare data, hey, die-offs happened, back in the day. Maybe we will live, to gather data, for your fuck-tard descendants, to wave around! Human stewarship AND CO2 emissions went up, concentrations went up, and human reaction isn't evident.

But stupid assholes like you keep farting and shitting up all the media channels, in what hope? Preventing re-greening? I say the food chains are in jeopardy, asshole! Got chow? Not forever! Screw you, for dropping names and not linking and reviewing.

I've posted more links than you could ever hope too bucko so pipe your twerp ass down. I challenge you to look at the historical record and look at the paleo climate of the MWP, the RWP, and the HTM and you will see that even though the temps were much higher, NONE of the catastrophic things you all claim are going to happen.....ever did.

Here is the wiki link for the HTM to get you started. As you can see it was MUCH warmer and yet none of the catastrophic things happened.

Holocene climatic optimum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yeah, right, in the Holocene, did the methane trapped in receding ice-affected areas get released, measured, and amount to a hockey puck, much less a hockey stick?

Again, Intestinalwall, you neglected to post a link. And what makes you think I am not as big as you are?

You are like any other sassy boy in speedos, parading around for new bath-houses, when the old baths had to close, since gays in the days got around with speed and butt-sex, so HIV became a problem. You are too queer to admit, the CO2 is here, the carbonic acid is here, and the species are going away. You are too gay, so get married, punk! Who is your wingnutty-buddy? I know you guys like to swing out at straight people, Log Cabin geek. I admit, I'm straight, so when I say, 'fuck you,' don't think I don't mean screw you, with plastic gear.
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Number of experiments showing how a (pick a number between 20-120) ppm increase in CO2 causes "Global warming", melts the ice caps, turns the oceans to acid: 0
Number of experiments showing how a (pick a number between 20-120) ppm increase in CO2 causes "Global warming", melts the ice caps, turns the oceans to acid: 0
Crosstard gets stupid! The hockey stick is driven by methane, released from melting ice, lands, and waters. There aren't any experiments like you want Crosstard, since those aren't valuable enough to hit search.

The CO2 is up to 400 ppm, 350 ppm is the safe limit, and CO2 converts to H2CO3 and kills oysters, reefs, eggs, little fish, and after that, the entire oceanic food chain.

The problem with you, Crosstard, is you are like every young queer, who wants new bath-houses, after the dead homosexuals already taught us shooting speed and banging butts in bath-houses passes HIV, and neglecting meds leads to full-blown AIDS. But I guess over at your branch of the Log Cabin Club, you get to keep your head up your ass, and your brothers think you are sexy, so eat shit.
that was my latest answer to your question wirebender. electric or magnetic fields cancel out to leave residual net effects. if you measure between them you will find some spots where there will be zero effect but move the measuring spot somewhere else and there will be a net force.

I read your answer ian and it simply doesn't jibe with observation. Reduction of magnitude or complete cancellation of one EM field by another is observable and measurable. When one field is in opposition to another, there is a measurable decrease in the magnitude of both and depending on the relative magnitudes, one may be cancelled out entirely. Give me a rational explanation that doesn't violate any laws of physics for the reduction in magnitude or complete cancellation of an EM field that does not involve a diminishing of the number of photons in the field if indeed photons actually exist.

there is no magical disappearance of photons anywhere!

No ian, it isn't magic. It is supported and predicted by the laws of nature. Sorry that it seems like magic to you. Again, learn something about the subtraction of EM fields and perhaps the truth may penetrate your skull.

and you refuse to present any mechanism to explain why you think they do.

Look who is talking about refusal to present a mechanism. He who believes CO2 can cause warming by scattering IR. You have been shown repeatedly that a CO2 molecule can not absorb the emission of another CO2 molecule thus some how holding in the energy and yet you still believe.

probably wise on your part. "better to stay silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt of it"

I have been suggesting that to you for a long time now and you just don't listen. It is my claim that is supported and predicted by the laws of physics and supported by the definitions provided in every scientific dictionary that I can lay my hands on. Thus far, you have not been able to even name a single law that supports, much less predicts your claims and forget about scientific definitions because none describe photons as you claim them to exist.

By the way ian, you have removed all doubt. N&Z's work continues to gain further substantiation at every turn and you just keep believing in the fantasy. KOOK aid, even in small quantities is not good for you ian.

You might take a few minutes to look at the work of Roderich Graeff which has further subtantiated the work of N&Z and Hans Jelbring via observable, repeatable experimentation. This work is producing the "real and true nails" for the coffin of the greenhouse effect and all of the scandalous rape of the various natural laws required to offer it any support and you just keep the faith. How much more hard, verifiable, and substantiable evidence must be provided before you admit that you have been in error?
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Number of experiments showing how a (pick a number between 20-120) ppm increase in CO2 causes "Global warming", melts the ice caps, turns the oceans to acid: 0
Crosstard gets stupid! The hockey stick is driven by methane, released from melting ice, lands, and waters. There aren't any experiments like you want Crosstard, since those aren't valuable enough to hit search.

The CO2 is up to 400 ppm, 350 ppm is the safe limit, and CO2 converts to H2CO3 and kills oysters, reefs, eggs, little fish, and after that, the entire oceanic food chain.

The problem with you, Crosstard, is you are like every young queer, who wants new bath-houses, after the dead homosexuals already taught us shooting speed and banging butts in bath-houses passes HIV, and neglecting meds leads to full-blown AIDS. But I guess over at your branch of the Log Cabin Club, you get to keep your head up your ass, and your brothers think you are sexy, so eat shit.

Instead of babbling you could have posted the lab experiment showing these results from a 120PPM increase in CO2, right?

I asked for an experiment that controlled for 120PPM of CO2 increase and I got spittle sprayed in every direction

If it works as you say, if CO2 is SO powerful show us one time how this works
good grief! you're an astrophysicist too? the H-R diagram of stellar lifecycles has been around a long time. but I guess once you've overturned classical radiative physics you needed a new topic to keep you busy

The "Hockey Stick" is shorthand for two ways of thinking about global warming. For anti-carbon crusaders, a 1998 paper and its 1999 follow-up showing temperatures over the past 1,000 years demonstrated the terrible and immediate threat that man poses to the planet. For global-warming skeptics, though, the graph and the name are prime examples of the overblown claims and sloppy science behind much of climatology.
Good grief, you fart and don't pull your head out of your ass?

Runaway Methane Global Warming

"The accelerated global warming described in article 1 could lead to a runaway methane global warming effect due to the release of methane currently trapped in unstable methane hydrate deposits in the arctic that could be destabilised by accelerated global warming effects."

Vast methane 'plumes' seen in Arctic ocean as sea ice retreats - Science - News - The Independent

Hockey stick! See my article on wingnut intransigence, to hockey, given their puckey but refusal to get on the stick, which may be related to Log Cabin Club rituals.
The warming in the USA of the 30's and the 21st century seems to coincide with Dem control of Congress and the White House.

Therefore, Dems cause Global Warming
Crosstard gets stupid! The hockey stick is driven by methane, released from melting ice, lands, and waters.

What a moron. The hockey stick is driven by a single tree. More precisely, the tree designated YADO61. Take that picked cherry away from mann and the hockey stick blows away on the wind like the smoke that it is. They discounted data from a very large number of trees in favor of that particular tree because it showed what they had already decided that they wanted to see before the "study" began.
The warming in the USA of the 30's and the 21st century seems to coincide with Dem control of Congress and the White House.

Therefore, Dems cause Global Warming

If correlation = causation as warmers seem to believe, I think you would have a stronger case than them.
Crosstard gets stupid! The hockey stick is driven by methane, released from melting ice, lands, and waters.
What a moron. The hockey stick is driven by a single tree. More precisely, the tree designated YADO61. Take that picked cherry away from mann and the hockey stick blows away on the wind like the smoke that it is. They discounted data from a very large number of trees in favor of that particular tree because it showed what they had already decided that they wanted to see before the "study" began.

IanCrapforbrains: "The "Hockey Stick" is shorthand for two ways of thinking about global warming. For anti-carbon crusaders, a 1998 paper and its 1999 follow-up showing temperatures over the past 1,000 years demonstrated the terrible and immediate threat that man poses to the planet. For global-warming skeptics, though, the graph and the name are prime examples of the overblown claims and sloppy science behind much of climatology."
Gee, I thought the curve in the stick was the graphic upswing in warming, from release of sequestered methane, but if you fucktard birthers have a tree, hey now.

Wienerbender claims a hockey stick, from THAT? You don't see the dramatic, current release of sequestered methane, upwellings, release from melted ice and unfrozen lands, or birther farts, in some tree. Any steady warming accelerates, with the methane, so the graph bends, like a hockey stick. WTF, you have this tree, and all along, I thought you birther dumbfucks had a beef, with Al Gore's graph.

So why do you claim a 'hockey stick,' if it isn't the upswing in global temperatures? Explain this to me, dumbfuck Wienerbender. Did you guys get a tree and make a stick, you didn't immediately put up your own asses? The one I refer to has a bend, coming, like watch out on the road, ahead. You know. Like that thing you do, to your wiener!

You are kinky, as punks on speed, turning tricks, never mind the HIV. Explain your queer hockey, Wienerbender. I need to cross-check something, you Log Cabin boyz have, that poor, straight me didn't understand. Go over the 'hockey stick,' for Log Cabin science.

Kindly refer to IanCrapforbrains or any other reference, even Al Gore.
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The warming in the USA of the 30's and the 21st century seems to coincide with Dem control of Congress and the White House.

Therefore, Dems cause Global Warming

If correlation = causation as warmers seem to believe, I think you would have a stronger case than them.

I have peer reviewed this post and it is 100% accurate
Aw, look. They are circle-jerking at the Log Cabin picnic, withums widdle heads up each others' assholes.

Now that you can do that in public, go over 'hockey stick,' come up with a consensus, and get back to work, birther-poofters.
good grief! you're an astrophysicist too? the H-R diagram of stellar lifecycles has been around a long time. but I guess once you've overturned classical radiative physics you needed a new topic to keep you busy

The "Hockey Stick" is shorthand for two ways of thinking about global warming. For anti-carbon crusaders, a 1998 paper and its 1999 follow-up showing temperatures over the past 1,000 years demonstrated the terrible and immediate threat that man poses to the planet. For global-warming skeptics, though, the graph and the name are prime examples of the overblown claims and sloppy science behind much of climatology.
Good grief, you fart and don't pull your head out of your ass?

Runaway Methane Global Warming

"The accelerated global warming described in article 1 could lead to a runaway methane global warming effect due to the release of methane currently trapped in unstable methane hydrate deposits in the arctic that could be destabilised by accelerated global warming effects."

Vast methane 'plumes' seen in Arctic ocean as sea ice retreats - Science - News - The Independent

Hockey stick! See my article on wingnut intransigence, to hockey, given their puckey but refusal to get on the stick, which may be related to Log Cabin Club rituals.

Hmmm, methane release linked to conditions 8,000 years ago. And STILL an infinitisimal trace gas, even after all these millenia, and once again all of your fear mongering is based on computer models. What a tard, actually believes computer models that can't model conditions from a day ago with perfect knowledge of the variables involved.
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Gee, I thought the curve in the stick was the graphic upswing in warming, from release of sequestered methane, but if you fucktard birthers have a tree, hey now.

It is clear that you haven't done much thinking at all. The hockey stick is based on tree ring studies and is weighted on one tree. If you didn't even know that very basic bit of information, then you are clearly in over your head. Of course we already knew that, didn't we rocks?

So why do you claim a 'hockey stick,' if it isn't the upswing in global temperatures?

I don't claim a hockey stick at all goober. I state with supreme confidence that the hockey stick is the poster child of smoke and mirrors used by climate pseudoscience in an attempt to eradicate the oh so inconvenient medieval warm period.
If correlation = causation as warmers seem to believe, I think you would have a stronger case than them.

I have peer reviewed this post and it is 100% accurate
Aw, look. They are circle-jerking at the Log Cabin picnic, withums widdle heads up each others' assholes.

Now that you can do that in public, go over 'hockey stick,' come up with a consensus, and get back to work, birther-poofters.

All I see is another opportunity you passed up to post the requested experiment. Kids who forgot their homework can learn a lot from you guys

And you fear you're gay too.
Gee, I thought the curve in the stick was the graphic upswing in warming, from release of sequestered methane, but if you fucktard birthers have a tree, hey now.

It is clear that you haven't done much thinking at all. The hockey stick is based on tree ring studies and is weighted on one tree. If you didn't even know that very basic bit of information, then you are clearly in over your head. Of course we already knew that, didn't we rocks?

So why do you claim a 'hockey stick,' if it isn't the upswing in global temperatures?

I don't claim a hockey stick at all goober. I state with supreme confidence that the hockey stick is the poster child of smoke and mirrors used by climate pseudoscience in an attempt to eradicate the oh so inconvenient medieval warm period.

You are a piece of shit, who made a claim about how the stick comes from your stupid tree, I didn't buy it, so now you stink, you stupid, lying, con-gaming piece of shit. You are a punk Mr.Hankey is the only science you know. Howwwdy Ho! Shit.
I have peer reviewed this post and it is 100% accurate
Aw, look. They are circle-jerking at the Log Cabin picnic, withums widdle heads up each others' assholes.

Now that you can do that in public, go over 'hockey stick,' come up with a consensus, and get back to work, birther-poofters.

All I see is another opportunity you passed up to post the requested experiment. Kids who forgot their homework can learn a lot from you guys

And you fear you're gay too.

No, Crosstard. I don't want to spread a dose of global warming and acidification, like the dead queers, who wanted to ignore HIV, turn tricks, shoot speed, and turn up with full-blown AIDS. YOU are the guy who does that, and one of your wingpunks is out:

I was stationed on a nuclear ship when I was in the Navy, it is a lot safer than you think it is. The major problem with it right now is that fearmongers are preventing the industry from upgrading to newer plants that are even safer than the 1st generation reactors that you are worried about.

Don't worry though, I am gay, and stupid.

If I were stupid, I'd be afraid of that, I imagine. But I'm not stupid, you are. And you act as queer, as a three-dollar-hillbilly, from a Log Cabin tea-room. You have a dose, for the whole planet! So why aren't you out, since you are so dumbfuck proud, with queer wingpunks getting sassy, pushing your stupid dose around?

You want to help your buddy define the 'hockey stick,' or are you giving up on that shit?
If correlation = causation as warmers seem to believe, I think you would have a stronger case than them.

I have peer reviewed this post and it is 100% accurate
Aw, look. They are circle-jerking at the Log Cabin picnic, withums widdle heads up each others' assholes.

Now that you can do that in public, go over 'hockey stick,' come up with a consensus, and get back to work, birther-poofters.

Your gayness should no longer terrify you, you have issues and may need professional hlep
Now that you can do that in public, go over 'hockey stick,' come up with a consensus, and get back to work, birther-poofters.

Your gayness should no longer terrify you, you have issues and may need professional hlep
Say, Crosstard, what's 'hlep?' I've been making do, typing with the ballgame on TV, and I read Trakar and O.R., when they have time for any of this. None of us is gay, wingpunk. We just do this because we have time for it. If I were better at tennis, I'd be outside, right now.

Wanna spell out my issues for me, or is that too challenging? Want some 'hlep?'

Meanwhile, you neglected to 'hlep' your circle-jerking wingpunk Intestinalwall, so he keeps changing his definition of 'hockey stick,' and you at least have that stupid remark at the bottom of every one of your posts, which should qualify you to eat your foot and feed the leftovers, to Intestinalwally.

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