How Friggin' Dumb

Oh My God! Southern California is soon finished! Oh My F'n god, get the hell out of there !
Well; it's not a national disaster that you California is gone, good riddance and take your Far Left bunchy's wid you! By MF's

Go down to your Bank, show them this and just say, "This is Total Bull Shit." withdraw all and go out tonight having fun! Live it up, nothing important gonna happen in your future, just don't have your keys in your possession!

The Donald believes he will be Reelected, and not president but Premier for life, thus erasing all the Laws and Lawsuit findings during his life. Well, Hahahaha, some are real dumb shits aren't they. The names are falling out of the Attic onto the Horse shit manure in the ground level of life.

Roughly 40 Trump supporters gathered on a thin strip of sidewalk outside the Doral property to catch a glimpse of The Donald headed for a Lock up maybe about a YEAR AWAY counting all his delay tactics.

Out into the pasture comes first is a great conclusion for those Cronies and The Donald.

Uh huh, good by Brandon too! B.S.'ers!
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Here is the facts of life. As the Donald, soon to be a Bitch in a womans Federal prison begins his time, Melania, And, Barron, Plus Donald Jr are gonna throw him under the Buss and move on with a Window of opportunity for Barrons Political Future. Hahahaha Forget it! .....

Roughly 40 Trump supporters gathered on a thin strip of sidewalk outside the Doral property to catch a glimpse of
The Donald learned as a youngster about mis-direction and capable Delay systems.
Of course the majority can be fooled most of the time so the purr-fact lies are the truth in progress.
Sure the Purr-fact phone call falls in thar also. Hahahaha Sure the FBI and Government legal ability is so compromised by inability to do its job. What's new here. Its full of the same crappers.

U'r Fired guys is the purr-fact lie Breaker! Hahahahahahah u been found out so many times! Yet ya keep at it. Hahaha
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Sure, the Pentagon is too 5 sided, Brass heavy and out of touch ever since the 90's. Have them been going to war since the 50's more or less constantly. Stupid is basically a learned trait. When you have so much intelligence you constantly make stupid mistakes, you got it Bubby. You just might be a Rednick! Better than them or just lucky is the thought here.

May the side with the defense hope while the group against them wins on offense. Thas a proof thas always worked. A missile defense while sound won't work if you don't have the Offensive togetherness of partnerships to win. If not on the OFFENSE at Midway Island, we would have lost to Japan. If kids had flown back to their carriers instead of offensively hunting down the Carrières we would have lost that day. So, Donald you suck!
Look the SOB has be be locked up, arm bands, leg bands no way to leave his apartment. No contact with the outside world, no contact with anyone. No phone, puter or internet. Just him, his rooms, sure Tv room, bed room, kitchen and dinet. But no actual contact with anyone for the rest of his horrefic life. He is so oooo so oooo dangerous. How dumb ya gotta be not to see what he tried to do, continues to try to do. hahhahahahahahaha F. Ya Donald. Lock em up. all of em.


That pretty much works in most all scenarios where the bad guys want to harm the lil-guy.
Here's a fact of life. "The few determine the future of the Many." got that? Most all in positions of power are proving to be Crazy, as a neutral guy can easily agree to. So Yep 10 people in the world will definitely destroy it all for the rest of us. U no that's gonna happen sooner than later. It's Human nature. End of all times is coming sooner than we thought hopped planned realize....! :113:The pain, the pain! Its all gonne end quickly!

Over 50 years ago, going into space, computer in the Space craft, Velcro and Orange juice in a packet, were cutting edge comments. Nothing has changed except the commercials that we now have when we go online. Yeah we got 5G. that means it's the 5 try to get it right and it still sux. Hahaha...Aliens, hahahaha keep on trying but you're just a dumb ass in a vacuum. So, suck you egg and keep the hope!
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Too bad Blinken and Brandon aren't men enough to wipe the smile of the Psychos face. All dictators have the same Hate neighbors Psycho going on behind their smiles.
Donald enjoy your limited access to outside at your game place, no golf, no trips outside your compound, no calls, TV or any contact with most all media. Yae you are so tied down to your ankle an wrist bracelets. It's what you've asked for. Solitude to by the asshole you have always been. Ado lil Stinker. Yes, Lil Donald, you are a total stinker. Boots up your ass, sit there, no where you can go the rest o your life. no one to talk to, your protection will make sure of your silent life from now on. Hahahaha

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Old men are very old, old judges are very stupid and old men judges are old and stupid. Hahaha
Men are basically just plain Stupid.


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