How Friggin' Dumb

The Design is absolutely stupid. It is not a sphere or a Sausage, it's a Tooth. ABSOTLE NEGLIGENC OF ENGINEERING. PSI AT TITANICS DEPTH? REALLY DUMB?

It's partly obvious HB is a Double Agent trying to work for the highest bidders. Its also clear the an attempt to pick your own President over national vote/electoral college Donald and Cronies will never be punished. Why. Everyone is lying! And why would a V.P. Meet with a Chinese VP 67 times many alone & fly 17000 miles alone wid em?

Well; at least he is young enough to look forward to Senility instead of denying/forgetting he is already senile. Sure, buss immigrants to Iowa, they net the cheap labor.
U guys shoot off your mouths, just go there spend these next months beside those men fighting for freedom of their country, freedom for their kids and families, then Shake hands with those braves. a!

"Ukraine is losing the war, obviously. And Ukrainians are dying in huge numbers, and the country is being destroyed," Carlson, who recently transitioned his show to Twitter, told Russell Brand.

Musk, in a somber response to the clip, highlighted the pointlessness of war.

"The flower of Ukrainian & Russian youth are dying in trenches, with no meaningful change in territory," the billionaire tweeted, just a day after a Russian missile strike killed at least six civilians and injured at least 36 in the Ukrainian city of Lviv.

You guys need to go there and beside those brave warriors fighting for their home. All You cowardly; big mouths are just in Hiding in a Mansion somewhere. Go to Mars and die there is a really smart move.
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First, the day cocaine is found on the Whitehouse, you fire the cops there. they did; not do their jobs. that's a drug dealer set up joke.
Well Rudy, you never tell the truth. Haha

The Cops didn't do their jobs protection of the White House is their only job. Nuff said, fire all of them.

OMG Gingerich you are o POC along with Rudi and Trump. Just a bunch of lying C-suckers. may you sink in your own stench. Roo good riddance

EV cars hazards!
Like all cars, their tires are constantly rubbing against pavement, releasing particulates that float through the air and leach into waterways, damaging human health and wildlife. New EV models tend to be heavier and quicker—generating more particulates and deepening the danger. In other words, EVs have a tire-pollution problem, and one that is poised to get worse as America begins to adopt electric cars en masse. None of this is inevitable. EVs don’t need to be so massive and lightning-fast—these are choices that the auto industry has made. All of us will pay the price.

This pollution is the inevitable result of the tire wear that every car owner experiences over time. Composed of hundreds of ingredients that can include natural and artificial rubber, petroleum, nylon, and steel, tires constantly spit out tiny bits of material, much of it invisible to the naked eye. The rate at which your tires break down will depend on many factors, but the cumulative quantity of tire pollution, ranging from visible pieces of rubber to nanoparticles, is staggering: as much as 6 million metric tons annually worldwide, according to a report from Imperial College London. “We are generating an enormous amount of rubber wear that ends up in the atmosphere as very small particles or on the road surfaces as large particles that get washed away,” Marc Masen, a mechanical engineer at Imperial College and a co-author of that report, told me. Rougher surfaces tend to produce larger tire chunks that settle on the ground, while smoother roadways, such as freshly paved highways, generate minuscule ones that can float in the air for hundreds of feet.

Much about tire pollution is still unknown. Compared with tailpipe emissions, tire particles are more difficult to measure in a laboratory and to isolate in the real world, where various kinds of car pollution mix together, Masen said. Only in recent years has the toll started to come into view. As a form of microplastics, tire pollution hits wildlife hard: Compounds that settle on the ground gradually leach toxic chemicals into the soil and water. One study concluded that tires could be responsible for as much as 28 percent of the microplastics in global oceans; another found them to be among the largest sources of such pollutants in the San Francisco Bay. Microplastics can be consumed by tiny aquatic organisms, wreaking havoc as they travel up food chains. A University of Washington study in 2020 traced a collapse in Northwestern-coho-salmon populations to 6PPD, a chemical added to tires to slow their wearing down.

The smallest tire particles, measured in mere nanometers, can enter our lungs and spread to our organs. Various tire components have been linked to chronic conditions including respiratory problems, kidney damage, neurological damage, and birth defects—a particular concern in neighborhoods adjacent to highways, whose residents skew low-income and minority. Tire particles could also affect us through our food because their chemicals can work their way into the algae and grass consumed by fish and cows. In the U.S., tire emissions aren’t regulated at all; though more stringent rules have made cars cleaner, research reported in The Guardian last year found that in newer cars, pollution from tires is much greater than tailpipe emissions.

My knowledge of battery powered vehicles is the compound of tires is harder for better life of the battery. Haha harder chunks laying int the Ditches.
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Nasa announced that an asteroid, known as asteroid 16 Psyche, valued at $10 quintillion is heading towards Earth. NASA also revealed that its spacecraft, set to launch in just under 100 days, will embark on a mission to study the asteroid. After resolving software issues, the probe is ready for takeoff in October on a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket. Comprised of gold, iron, and nickel, this 173-mile-wide asteroid offers an unprecedented opportunity for space mining. Despite the value of the materials present, NASA's primary goal remains scientific, focusing on planetary core research. The spacecraft will conduct a 26-month study orbiting Psyche in the Main Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter. Although Psyche is not the most valuable asteroid in the belt, Davida holds the title with an estimated worth of $27 quintillion.

Of course all of us Americans this is a complete waste of our time, resources and capital + tax monies! Haha ; if you don't agree so be your ignorance!

Well no, he is just the 2nd in the latest of Big Fat Liars that this USA has actually made POTUS. and thats our slap in the face confidence report that all of us have to bare. OMG How Dumb Are We?

Why should not people making more than $160,000 not have to pay SSN taxes. It's simple about 12% when it comes to a lawyer, Politician or Contractor, private employed Upper Middle Class. So, You see the B>S> of it all can't you. A politician will not tax his self-it's not his job, it's to tax U and you are really going To continue to let him do it because they know you will cause u a dumb ass! All this is really about the Demo congress in the 60's stealing the SSN fund to allow all the hell in dept drives ever since by the Congress and Federal Reserve. 35 trillion and accounting. Of course the plan is vote for me and I will lower your taxes while all the hardest working get taxed up the ass and the Politicians say fuck you to them cause they want the dividends of Pac moneys donated by those who consider themselves better than the low life hard workers. Ha ha thas a no brainer about life as we know it. Total Bull Shit!

Currently, any earned income below $160,200 is subject to a 12.4% payroll tax. Earnings exceeding that amount are not subject to OASI taxes. Biden plans to tax earned income above $400,000, leaving wages above $160,200 up to $400,000 untaxed.
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Why do our crazy elderly population politicians want to continue the misery they are in past 70. They got to be alien to most of the rest of us. They accomplish nothing. fight argue like a bunch of senile ordering a Bagget Cheese Broccoli of St. Louis bread Factory !
Guys, the Cats out of the Bag. Has been since 2016. You have no secrets left. They gone and you need to move on. Put him under house arrest with a bracelet and get on with all of it and other stuff. He did not give a crap about your secrets. The Donald does not care in one deep breath of blab.


Ok I cleared my throat and spit out the crap.
Uh Huh they really need to cut out the Mushrooms and the Hallucinogenic stuff. Our government is way too heavily staffed with soon in the grave members.

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