How Friggin' Dumb

Give me an F/N break! Hot sand!

Ahh, Well, no ya blew it up so as not to worry about the 1000's tons of fuel in th eGulf if it crashed. Shhhhsh. Quiet guys!
SpaceX has revealed what caused its gigantic Starship spacecraft prototype to blow up during the company's inaugural orbital test launch this morning.

In a statement, the Elon Musk-led company confirmed that while the vehicle "cleared the pad and beach" and reached an apogee of just over 24 miles, it subsequently "experienced multiple engines out during the flight test, lost altitude, and began to tumble."

The company also confirmed earlier suspicions that the spacecraft may have triggered its flight termination system on both booster and ship.

In other words, SpaceX blew up its own Starship and Super Heavy booster four minutes into the flight as a precautionary measure because things weren't going according to plan. Ah well — there's always next time.
So you 50 / 60 /70 /80 year old fear the young 21 year old College kids Votes! Sure you do. Why. Maybe they see things differently than you do. Isn't that what we Americans are all about, and a good argument is always the predecessor to good government. well thas my thoughts, I got nothing!

Of course trying to control votes, control, control , control is always what Despots, Crooks, Dictators, Autocrats etc. attempt to control as their own. It's a no brainer and we all get it!
Does Stuff Ever Change if It isn't Hauled IN?

Lets talk about AI and the future of worker Class Guys. " it may be uplifting for the middle class, but it will be extremely disruptive in the sense\ that every job will change." Say you got 20/30
years of experience at your job, basically a PHD.
With Ai a one-year PLEB will replace you
with the same knowledge. Of course a disruption in the Job market is a no brainer!
Thoughts on AI come as generative AI tools like ChatGPT have sparked debate over whether the tech will replace jobs.

But some experts say AI will help workers be more productive. After all, professionals in a range of industries are already using tools
like ChatGPT to develop code.

So does Stuff actually ever change if it isn't (Hauled IN? )
Ahh! Billey Woke, ya lied. Ya lied to us and most likely to Hillary and You know what Hillary's mental Directions are and also Hil lost because of You lied Billy Woke! So, Yea You got nothing!

The Electoral College is part of the Constitution and Preserves the rights of the small against the many.
Oh Boy for a Judge to state as much to a Jury could bring Federal Charges to the Donald!

Kaplan told the jurors that they might not want to publicly identify themselves—“not now and not for a long time.” Those words were jarring and yet seemed wise in light of Trump’s habit of directing violence, threats, and general mayhem against the peaceful functioning of our democratic norms.
Ya got a couple of really old guys who basically fit the Mold! Hahahahaha

"After less than three hours of deliberation, the jury concluded he had not been telling the truth. The jurors’ unanimous verdict form reported “clear and convincing evidence” of both falsity and actual malice. After years of us hearing that the Sullivan standard was far too high to be met, a jury found that Donald Trump met it. That’s how big a liar he is."
So, is Clarence next? Hahahahahahaha
Ahh, TC we know you are all about ratings and a total liar when the lights bright and the film is rolling on your total crap. You couldn't tell the truth if your neck is in a noose, the camera roles and you got a prime-time audience. Total lies, nothing but the consummate liar. Hahahaha!

Hahahah ahh ahh ahh hahahahahahahaha
Create your next prime time around Comedic, Ridiculous B.S. Lies about most all who (despise most all of Us) and think their destiny to greatness depends on fooling us. Hahahaha
So: We can absorbed the facts that the USA Political system, be it Republican or Democratics/other ones running can & is absolutely recognized as a Criminal Conspiracy of Liars. Most Everyone of them will send out a pack of lies during the Campaign trail against their opponents. See what you mean about BS Lying MF's/ the hard part to get is the lying Media is a Co-conspirator of ratings and $$$$$. Not only lying to get ratings and a raise but also what they are.
come on we been having this crap for how3 many decades? Most all are just total lying assholes. Come on, we are all knowing this shit is just total lies constantly from all of them. Even the FBI! It doesn't take years to charge a fellon of Treason!

It's already happened! Our Political-Legal system is Organized Crime. Across the Books its the same as THE Mafia in Russia. Oligarchs, Billionaires, ride around in near Billion Dollar Yachts/personal airport dock Jets. Get real It's been here for a Half Century. Democrats wrecked the Social Security System? Early 60's. It's all been done, finished and it will not stop, not ever.

Well: You know I ain't got 20 years for this shit! It takes so long, the Fed is Corrupt, the Senate and Congress is Corrupt. All of Washington is corrupt! forget it, I just ain't got the time for all of this shit.


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