How Friggin' Dumb

Alright everything is beginning to fall into place. May the inditements begin!

An indictment is never a celebratory affair. It is simply a necessary step on the road to justice. But the indictment of a former president of the United States will send a necessary message, a powerful message, indeed a potentially democracy-saving message: Gone are the days when presidents are given carte blanche to commit crimes with impunity. This historic development is a move toward fulfilling the words of what had begun to feel like a hollow promise, that no man is above the law. Today’s indictment prods that mantra into wakefulness and provides some modicum of hope for a resurgence of accountability for the crimes of a former president. Mr. President (former POTUS) if you had just peacefully abdicated your hollowed (shit house) you may have been worthy of a good ass kicked!
There is a lot going on right now about & object called a firearm/assault weapon and the Second Amendment. Yep, each State has its Citizens, and they have a right to form a Militia with Commanders. That Militia needs recognized in the state. Thats a no brainer. Every law-abiding Citizen in the State has the right to own Firearms and that right cannot be infringed. It's really a no brainer. The two statements of the 2@nd amendment are easy to read, understand and never change. The Citizens right to own firearms shall not be infringed.

(“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”)
So, what's going on with mental health. Sure, that's the problem and Solution!

Of course, we have an army, navy, air force, marines, Coast Guard, Secret Service, CIA etc.
None of the rights change and so Mental Health still raises its nasty head. The only thing our Founding fathers got right was they recognized the need for all free men to be able to protect themselves and serve if needed.

Our Founders new that without protection they all would either stick together or hang separately on an English Noose. Sure, they were worried! 1st Congress said the Same! So did George.
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Corrupted minds please watch the following.

And that's just the beginning of What He and His Cronies pulled over Decades of crap. In home with a Bracelet lockup for him. PLEASE!
of COURSE these are the ways we turn our futures, follower's world around in these coming decades. Not some doom prognosis but positive action that make sense!

Of course, Sun light is our driving energy force that makes Earth for us what it is. Deserts occur because there is no absorbent of light & heat energy there to change them.

Oh boy New York Men and Women were a really, really big leader in saving the USA in the Confederate war against Slavery.
So Mr. Pence, Mr. Trump, Sleepy Joe and your associates. We are not after just you'se guys; we want all your cohorts wearing in home bracelets, living freely to visit your wives under the law, visiting with your visitors under the law but stuck there cause you a bunch of really bad suckers. You don't get the chance to teach other Cons how to be as crooked as you are! No one is above the Law and our Constitution will survive your crooked bunch of shit!

So maybe there were 2,000,000 people in the American colonies thereabouts. So, 3% = Geesh, Britain could never handle 60000 American Army troupes. So how brave were our Army and Militia? Well; we won against a professional killing machine. Thas our strength of our Democracy, our right to form a militia. Yep, it's got to obey our Constitution!
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yea, all you hear is total bullshit maybe completely crooks oral mouth Bull shit, lies and etc. unless you really pay attention, fact check every body's big mouth you are just another stupid person on the people taking total advantage of your stupid ass!
Yep, those Crooks have been around since the Snake bit Adam in the garden and the Lord wasn't there. Sure, you can blame holly scripture!

Yea I wish the Crook had just said Congrats Joe, you got a really, really big Shoe to fill and ran 2024. He would have got my vote. But he didn't do that. He incited a mob, more than once. By The Donald, you a really, really bad person.
The Russians are playing pokker..They blow up their pipelines to Europe. Well Thas a no brainer. Europe is moving green. Russia is screwed as a gas station to Europe and NATO which it hates anyway. Thas a no brainer also.
Russia knows it has to sell gas to Asia. So thas what, also a no brainer.

Is that important, absolutely only to Asia. thas also a no brainer.

The bottom line is no matter how green the West wants to be it won't make a bit of difference with the Climate of Earth. Russia and China + N.K., Iran, Saudi and others will also pass on the Gas that I see as our future.
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Yes it is time to get these lying poc out of your political run for high places in government & financed by SuperPAC's (Big Monies.) like Fox News & all those Types! Sure they most likely are Mafia , remember when the," we are now legitimate," statement happened? Legal criminal is what's happened.
Look at what has happened to Little Rock, Ark. today and we can see Uke's hell damage to their cities / homes of Families and those lives. What is really real here?
Please! Please! put him in a bracelet and lock him in The Tower Apartment. Please, The Pain, The Pain!


It's a Sad day when People who attain high positions of responsibility prove to be otherwise, despicable, Despots, Crooks, thieves, etc. Need more be said. Well, Bracelet and lock up in Trump Tower for the remaining miserable years of life.
What did I see in New York City, New York State today. Well, Ya don't let an accused Fellon leave the State. It's all about Money. So, it's basically a Circus of Bull "Shit" U guys blew it! Even when the Law Says its gonna prove its not Bull Shit it proves its total Bull Shit. Yea Judge, yea Prosecutor team members just resign and move on, you suck!

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