How Green are you really in life?

Had a buddy here in Texas that was dating a school teacher from Boston.
This chick actually pulled the little plastic windows off the envelopes that your bills come in.
We were hanging out in his garage one day and she came out with a handfull of em and proceeded to pull out those little windows.
Of course I asked her what she was doing thinking she had a use for em.
When she told me she was recycling I busted out laughing!!!!!!
She didnt like me before but she really hated me after that.
That is not standard behavior for Bostonians.

That she was a school teacher probably had something to do with her wacky behavior no doubt.
I recycle my tin and plastic food containers but they changed the rules so that they don't take certain plastic. I thought the point was to keep the junk out of the landfill. The recycle center is geared towards glass and plastic but they won't take T.V. sets or motor oil. Crazy rules.
There is some cheese in the back of my fridge that has been there way too long.
When the mayonnaise goes bad, that'll be first to go!
mayo goes bad.jpg
I don't do recycling and I have a gas guzzling Tundra pickup truck.

I can get a pass because I had a 30 year career as an Environmental Engineer and cleaned up more pollution than ten thousand Environmental Wackos will see in their lifetimes.
There is some cheese in the back of my fridge that has been there way too long.
When the mayonnaise goes bad, that'll be first to go!
View attachment 491306
Mayo is tough, but bad roaches in the kitchen are really trouble.

This guy got off work, went home and popped a beer. he heard a knock on his door and when he opened it there was this giant 6 foot tall cockroach standing there and it punched him in the head and balls. He got up and went back to his beer and was eventually feeling better when he heard a knock on the door. He opened it and the cockroach was back, and this time it beat the crap out of him. He went to the emergency room and the when the doctor asked him what happened he explained about the roach. Doc, says, "Yeah, there's a really bad bug going around."
Our community was involved in a test pilot project in 1988 for curbside recycling of metal, glass, plastic, and ward waste.

It was a model for following communities.

So for 33 yrs I and my business have recycled every piece of paper, cardboard, glass, can and everything else recyclable. Strictly adhered too.

Every non recyclable metal is put in a box for the junk man. Just got 10 bucks and lunch for my 6 month haul.

I bought a Honda Harmony lawn mower in 1990 and have mulched every leaf, weed, and blade of grass into recyclable fertilizer. Less fertilizer equals cleaner water.

We've composted since I was a kid so every compostable kitchen scrap has never seen nothing but nice flowers growing from it. (never use citrus peels in compost, don't break down)

Only about 20% of plastic bottles are recycled so I know we have a lot of fake Greenies out there
As much as I can.

If it has a refund, I retun it. Anything else that can be goes into the recycling pickup. Yard waste is a seperate pickup.

I work at home. My total living space it maybe 300 sq ft.

Not much else I can do.
Our community was involved in a test pilot project in 1988 for curbside recycling of metal, glass, plastic, and ward waste.

It was a model for following communities.

So for 33 yrs I and my business have recycled every piece of paper, cardboard, glass, can and everything else recyclable. Strictly adhered too.

Every non recyclable metal is put in a box for the junk man. Just got 10 bucks and lunch for my 6 month haul.

I bought a Honda Harmony lawn mower in 1990 and have mulched every leaf, weed, and blade of grass into recyclable fertilizer. Less fertilizer equals cleaner water.

We've composted since I was a kid so every compostable kitchen scrap has never seen nothing but nice flowers growing from it. (never use citrus peels in compost, don't break down)

Only about 20% of plastic bottles are recycled so I know we have a lot of fake Greenies out there
As much as I can.

If it has a refund, I retun it. Anything else that can be goes into the recycling pickup. Yard waste is a seperate pickup.

I work at home. My total living space it maybe 300 sq ft.

Not much else I can do.
You do more than
Living in a 300 sq ft means you use about a third of global warming of the same person who lives in 1000 sf ft. You work from home so no commute.

I knight thee a true Green Hero. Now if you would only live in a dumpster your carbon footprint is just a little
There is some cheese in the back of my fridge that has been there way too long.
When the mayonnaise goes bad, that'll be first to go!
View attachment 491306
Mayo is tough, but bad roaches in the kitchen are really trouble.

This guy got off work, went home and popped a beer. he heard a knock on his door and when he opened it there was this giant 6 foot tall cockroach standing there and it punched him in the head and balls. He got up and went back to his beer and was eventually feeling better when he heard a knock on the door. He opened it and the cockroach was back, and this time it beat the crap out of him. He went to the emergency room and the when the doctor asked him what happened he explained about the roach. Doc, says, "Yeah, there's a really bad bug going around."

That was Kafkaesque.
Lefties love to label conservatives as wasteful consumers of natures resources but conservatives invented the concept of preserving resources and it seems that liberals are in charge these days. Most liberals think their garbage disappears once the garbagemen take it way. In my case I do my best to take care of my plastic junk but liberals seem to be in charge and they change the rules in an effort to make a profit from recycled junk rather than create useful ways of junk disposal.
I turned in a good deal of plastic grocery bags at my local super market. I am also no stranger to taking soda pop cans to my local place who accepts them.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Due to my dieting, I have gathered up clothes that are now too big for me and they will be going to the Good Will place.
Far more green than the limousine leer jet liberal hypocrites like Gore or Kerry who in one month burn more carbons than I do in several years.
We used to have what they called "Single Stream Recycling" which meant all recyclables went out in the same pail on the same day. Very convenient.

But ever since St Trumpy pissed off the Chinese who were taking the crap and doing God knows what with it, we now have to separate papers and plastics and cans. They don't even take glass anymore.

What an asshole that man was. (And still is.)
My garbage company still has single stream, but it isn't owned by Trump like yours must be.
If I can buy stuff used I will. Recently bought a nice office chair from a local thrift store. I do take plastic grocery bags to the recycle center. I do recycle plastic ,cardboard,aluminum cans, news papers and paper bags. And since I work from home I don’t drive a whole lot.

That’s about it.
I bought a cordless mower last year. Not to be green but because it's just easier than dicking with maintenance & having to run for gas all the time.
Was actually impressed at how good a job it did.
My household is almost plastic free. It's been a challenge to find stuff that's not packaged in single use plastic.
I recycle everything I can and compost my food scraps

Since I retired I don't even put 100 miles a month on the truck and I put less than 12000 mi a year on the Jeep.

My heat and hot water is from a 92% efficiency rated tankless heater.

Almost all my lights are LED

I will admit my house is too big for just the 2 of us but I built it to sell it. We'll be putting it on the market soon and will build a smaller house.
I recycle my plastic bags and six pack rings ...

... I hand feed them to dolphins.


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