How to Get People to Recycle?

That's because you're a total racist
Muslim religion is racist. My ancestors, as well as the Founders of the United States and Canada, were Crusaders. I am a Crusader, by right of inheritance, I am a Teutonic and Templar Knight of the tradition of the Frankish Paladins; Clerical Knights.

22:78) And strive in His cause as ye ought to strive, (with sincerity and under discipline). He has chosen you, and has imposed no difficulties on you in religion; it is the cult of your father Abraham. It is He Who has named you Muslims, both before and in this (Revelation); that the Messenger may be a witness for you, and ye be witnesses for mankind.

So... how many people on this planet are not Arab?

Anyway, a more poignant targeted aid to the Coptic Church in Egypt would be better aid. But, I would rather send them military supplies, and commanders.

I see ... you accuse Muslims of being racist and then proudly state your fellowship with some of the most anti-semantic organizations in the world ... that explains why you're fine with the USA spend a trillion dollars a year defending Europe but the $5 billion sent to Israel is to be condemned ...

You're a very hateful person ... the Crusaders raped and murdered Christians (Siege of Constantinople (1204)) when they were too damn chicken-shit to march against the Arab army ... sold 30,000 Christian children into slavery (Children's Crusade (1212)) ... the perversity to send a woman to fight (Eleanor of Aquitaine (1144)) ...

Go up to Baton Rouge and spout this vomit ... see how many days in ICU it gets ya ... coward ...
That's because you're a total racist
Muslim religion is racist. My ancestors, as well as the Founders of the United States and Canada, were Crusaders. I am a Crusader, by right of inheritance, I am a Teutonic and Templar Knight of the tradition of the Frankish Paladins; Clerical Knights.

22:78) And strive in His cause as ye ought to strive, (with sincerity and under discipline). He has chosen you, and has imposed no difficulties on you in religion; it is the cult of your father Abraham. It is He Who has named you Muslims, both before and in this (Revelation); that the Messenger may be a witness for you, and ye be witnesses for mankind.

So... how many people on this planet are not Arab?

Anyway, a more poignant targeted aid to the Coptic Church in Egypt would be better aid. But, I would rather send them military supplies, and commanders.

I see ... you accuse Muslims of being racist and then proudly state your fellowship with some of the most anti-semantic organizations in the world ... that explains why you're fine with the USA spend a trillion dollars a year defending Europe but the $5 billion sent to Israel is to be condemned ...

You're a very hateful person ... the Crusaders raped and murdered Christians (Siege of Constantinople (1204)) when they were too damn chicken-shit to march against the Arab army ... sold 30,000 Christian children into slavery (Children's Crusade (1212)) ... the perversity to send a woman to fight (Eleanor of Aquitaine (1144)) ...

Go up to Baton Rouge and spout this vomit ... see how many days in ICU it gets ya ... coward ...
Yeah... from what I understand and read, the siege of Constantinople was ordered by the Pope of Rome. I'm a Rosicrucian of the Augsburg Confession. And I'm not anti-Semetic. I just showed you how islam is merely an Arab supremacist religion. And I'm Samesexed... a death penalty for being Gay? Come on, you're simply a nazi-rite sympathizer. There are Arab Christians, you are aware?
Make them live in their own mess. Removal of trash by the locals just encourages the easy way out.
Money invested to fix a threat to the global environment.

What threat?
A polluted and trashed planet that would have toxic air, water, and soil.

Mandating 100% recycling won't stop those threats.
That'll be a start, which will be good. At least here will be preserved.

Nah, it'll be an expensive waste of money and resources.
Money invested to fix a threat to the global environment.

What threat?
A polluted and trashed planet that would have toxic air, water, and soil.

Mandating 100% recycling won't stop those threats.
That'll be a start, which will be good. At least here will be preserved.

Nah, it'll be an expensive waste of money and resources.
You're an expensive waste of money and resources. Tongue sticking out emoji. Are there emojis on here.

Does Recycling Actually Make a Difference?



Everyone knows that person who refuses to recycle because they say it doesn’t actually do anything. Maybe you even are that person. Does recycling actually make a difference to our environment?

We talked to top experts in the recycling space to find out what we can really know about the impact recycling has on our planet.

The Good News About Recycling
Perhaps you’ve heard — or made — the argument that putting more trucks on the road to collect recycled materials, and building the machines necessary to process recyclables so they can be reused, seems like it can’t be good for the environment. Right?



The bad appears to outweigh the good, if you read the rest of the article, you will know why.
Yeah... from what I understand and read, the siege of Constantinople was ordered by the Pope of Rome. I'm a Rosicrucian of the Augsburg Confession. And I'm not anti-Semetic. I just showed you how islam is merely an Arab supremacist religion. And I'm Samesexed... a death penalty for being Gay? Come on, you're simply a nazi-rite sympathizer. There are Arab Christians, you are aware?

Since you hold all Muslims responsible for the acts of just one small sub-sect ... then I'm allowed to hold you responsible for all the evils ever done by Christians ... and that makes you an anti-Semetic child-murdering woman-burning goat-raping hyphenated-word-collecting MONSTER ...

Alternately ... you can back-off your hate speech against the Islamic faith and admit it's just the damned Wahhabists who are giving the world grief ... I know many Mormons, Methodists, Pentecostals and just a few Lutherans ... all these fine folks hold dear the very words of Our Savior "Blessed are the peacemakers" ... yet here you advocate war with the sons and daughters of Abraham ... maybe you need to go back to Augsburg and confess your sins again ...

Indonesia is the most populace Muslim country in the world ... why do you think she's full of Arabs? ... Egypt, Philippines, the United States, Zimbabwe ... do you honestly think Arabs inhabit the entire world outside of your little hamlet? ...

And I'm Samesexed... a death penalty for being Gay?

"[whimper whimper] I'm gay [whimper whimper] Jews will kill me [cry cry] feel sorry for me [whimper whimper]"
I could give a rats ass how much your sexuality consumes you, or how deeply you dwell on the matter all the day long ... time you do not dwell on God and His gifts to you ... that you should bring this up in a thread about recycling speaks volumes of where your heart lies ...

Remember, you were busy telling me where to spend my money ...

ETA: My apoligies to that poor rat, I didn't mean that literally ... "Let the meditations of our heart and the words of our mouths be acceptable in thy sight, Oh Jah" ...
Yeah... from what I understand and read, the siege of Constantinople was ordered by the Pope of Rome. I'm a Rosicrucian of the Augsburg Confession. And I'm not anti-Semetic. I just showed you how islam is merely an Arab supremacist religion. And I'm Samesexed... a death penalty for being Gay? Come on, you're simply a nazi-rite sympathizer. There are Arab Christians, you are aware?

Since you hold all Muslims responsible for the acts of just one small sub-sect ... then I'm allowed to hold you responsible for all the evils ever done by Christians ... and that makes you an anti-Semetic child-murdering woman-burning goat-raping hyphenated-word-collecting MONSTER ...

Alternately ... you can back-off your hate speech against the Islamic faith and admit it's just the damned Wahhabists who are giving the world grief ... I know many Mormons, Methodists, Pentecostals and just a few Lutherans ... all these fine folks hold dear the very words of Our Savior "Blessed are the peacemakers" ... yet here you advocate war with the sons and daughters of Abraham ... maybe you need to go back to Augsburg and confess your sins again ...

Indonesia is the most populace Muslim country in the world ... why do you think she's full of Arabs? ... Egypt, Philippines, the United States, Zimbabwe ... do you honestly think Arabs inhabit the entire world outside of your little hamlet? ...

And I'm Samesexed... a death penalty for being Gay?

"[whimper whimper] I'm gay [whimper whimper] Jews will kill me [cry cry] feel sorry for me [whimper whimper]"
I could give a rats ass how much your sexuality consumes you, or how deeply you dwell on the matter all the day long ... time you do not dwell on God and His gifts to you ... that you should bring this up in a thread about recycling speaks volumes of where your heart lies ...

Remember, you were busy telling me where to spend my money ...

ETA: My apoligies to that poor rat, I didn't mean that literally ... "Let the meditations of our heart and the words of our mouths be acceptable in thy sight, Oh Jah" ...
Matthew 19:11, Article 23 Augsburg Confession. Before I was Christian, I was Druid and Magi. This isn't pin the genocide on the Ass. I hold Rome accountable to those acts... as I said, I'm not anti-sememtic. There are Arab Christians, there are Hebrew Christians. There is Reformed Judaism. Islam is what it is, as is written in the Arabic Koran, an Arabic supremacist cult of Abraham.

Your hatred of Samesexuality is what drives your unreasonable passion. I'll be glad when the waves wash away your road. Just keep on driving the way you have been, and let Poseidon's Karma have his Way with you.

I will be glad when My Kaiser Consort Husband and I are coronated as Kaiser, a joyous event. How will you feel then? When the Crown of Scott's Love is placed upon My head, and the Authority of an Empire is given to a Gay. I'm a Mutant. King Over the Water. Cheers. My policies will be Law.

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Yeah... from what I understand and read, the siege of Constantinople was ordered by the Pope of Rome. I'm a Rosicrucian of the Augsburg Confession. And I'm not anti-Semetic. I just showed you how islam is merely an Arab supremacist religion. And I'm Samesexed... a death penalty for being Gay? Come on, you're simply a nazi-rite sympathizer. There are Arab Christians, you are aware?

Since you hold all Muslims responsible for the acts of just one small sub-sect ... then I'm allowed to hold you responsible for all the evils ever done by Christians ... and that makes you an anti-Semetic child-murdering woman-burning goat-raping hyphenated-word-collecting MONSTER ...

Alternately ... you can back-off your hate speech against the Islamic faith and admit it's just the damned Wahhabists who are giving the world grief ... I know many Mormons, Methodists, Pentecostals and just a few Lutherans ... all these fine folks hold dear the very words of Our Savior "Blessed are the peacemakers" ... yet here you advocate war with the sons and daughters of Abraham ... maybe you need to go back to Augsburg and confess your sins again ...

Indonesia is the most populace Muslim country in the world ... why do you think she's full of Arabs? ... Egypt, Philippines, the United States, Zimbabwe ... do you honestly think Arabs inhabit the entire world outside of your little hamlet? ...

And I'm Samesexed... a death penalty for being Gay?

"[whimper whimper] I'm gay [whimper whimper] Jews will kill me [cry cry] feel sorry for me [whimper whimper]"
I could give a rats ass how much your sexuality consumes you, or how deeply you dwell on the matter all the day long ... time you do not dwell on God and His gifts to you ... that you should bring this up in a thread about recycling speaks volumes of where your heart lies ...

Remember, you were busy telling me where to spend my money ...

ETA: My apoligies to that poor rat, I didn't mean that literally ... "Let the meditations of our heart and the words of our mouths be acceptable in thy sight, Oh Jah" ...
I believe in no laws of sin. Sin is a Babylonian Dynasty, Apil the first. Moses, Hysko invader and rebel. John 8:44 was about him. I am picking up the Hexenhammer now. I see a Hex before Me. A Gay hating abomination in the sight of the Heavenly (Toaist) Christ and Buddha.

GO ahead... bow down to what is Haram. You're halfway there already. In what direction do you kneel?

I'd rather live.

Remember to Recycle.


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