How has the Republican party gone from the party of Lincoln to the party of Trump?


The Democrat criminal syndicate ran a socialist, communist-tutored America-hating, terrorist-supporting traitor....

Rigged primaries, collaborated with Russians and foreign spies, ran an old white criminal traitor, attempted to rig an election...

And now Democrats are running another corrupt, criminal, racist, old white elitist politician - this one suffering from dementia

More now than ever Democrats are reminding America they are the party of slavery, the civil war, Jim Crowe, the KKK, segregation, economic slavery, forced dependence on the govt, constant violations of Constitution, Constitutional Rights, Civil Rights, and the Rule of Law.

Democrats aggressively acted to oppress Americans, strip them of their rights, grab power, and impose their will on Americans.

Democrats like Cuomo and 5 other governors made the intentional choice to sacrifice the lives of elderly Americans by packing virus-infected patients in nursing homes.

Liberals / Democrats have embraced and are promoted anarchy, lawlessness, and are supporting and facilitating the violence that is resulting in the deaths of Americans.

Seattle, Chicago, New York - they have turned their backs on Americans, leaving them to be victimized and murdered by thugs, thieves, and foreign-funded domestic terrorists.

Welcome to 'Democrat / liberal Utopia' / control.

How has the Republican party gone from the party of Lincoln to the party of Trump?
It is like going from the diamond on the hill to a giant turd in the toilet.
It's really not the GOP at this point. It's been distorted, mutated, perverted into the Trump Party.

How? Listen to talk radio for a few weeks, without a critical ear, and it will start to make sense. Seriously.
And the Dem party is not the party of slavery anymore. As another stated, it has morphed into the American Chinese Communist Party.
How has the Republican party gone from the party of Lincoln to the party of Trump?

Easy, they lost all compassion
By "compassion" you mean the desire to willfully allow the communist horde to completely erase the founding of America (via Frankfurt school methods) so they can use government force to pilfer the means of production (communism/socialism) then I agree. They have lost all "compassion."
How has the Republican party gone from the party of Lincoln to the party of Trump?

It is like going from the diamond on the hill to a giant turd in the toilet.

There is no contradiction. Lincoln was anti-slavery and pro-America. So is Trump.

You lefties are the ones that hate America.

“The Know Nothing, formally known as the Native American Party and the American Party from 1855 onwards, was a far-right nativist political party and movement in the United States that operated nationwide in the mid-1850s. Wikipedia.”

This is the real party in the days of Lincoln that most resembles the republican version of Trump. Remember, republicans in general support Trump at over an 80% rate. There is always a firm base of disenfranchised people’s. It started out this time around as the Tea Party.

I guess you haven't been paying attention Moron. The tea party does not support Trump at all.

Are there any more bowel movements forthcoming from your mind?

Tea Party goers are steeped in racism...and they don’t even know it.
Their ideas of lowering the debt was just a front. It’s a fallacy shared by all republicans but the tea party really means is, lowering help to poor people which is code for Blacks . Their meetings always have racist overtones
And of course you have no evidence to back that up. You just mindlessly call people racists like a barking moonbat. And most likely, you're just projecting.

The fact of the matter is that the Democratic party has been overtly racist since it's very inception.
Well, we know Booth was and anyone with more then the mentality of a mature cucumber knows Trump is.,
There are no plethora of tee party followers who are black and their agenda is a farce. The balance the budget agenda is just a front like it has always been for the gop in general to hide their real goals. To maintain a minority gov. with a white ruling class. They never balance the budget but still support memorializing loser confederate slave owning ideas from bygone days. How many post here do we have to see with the N word and typical Trump inspired racism ?

Just the stupid idea that you identify one party name for two hundred years withthe same goals is dumb. There are plenty of racists who identify with Democrats of course. But it’s not a primary agenda item like it is withTrump and the 80% gop that support him.
How has the Republican party gone from the party of Lincoln to the party of Trump?

Easy, they lost all compassion
By "compassion" you mean the desire to willfully allow the communist horde to completely erase the founding of America (via Frankfurt school methods) so they can use government force to pilfer the means of production (communism/socialism) then I agree. They have lost all "compassion."
By compassion I mean helping people who need help.

Helping billionaires make more money is not compassion
How has the Republican party gone from the party of Lincoln to the party of Trump?

It is like going from the diamond on the hill to a giant turd in the toilet.
Very simple. White. Grievance.

The GOP has been cultivating it for decades.

Now its like the dog that finally caught the car.
Turn on your TV, look at what is happening all across the nation right now, dumbass.

Rioting, looting, destroying, burning, assaults, murder - CHILDREN being gunned down, cancel culture socialists / anarchists attempting to destroy this nation from within, foreign funded domestic terrorists seizing portions of cities, attacking and weakening authority by demanding police be abolished, and liberal governors and mayors abandoning Americans to die in lawless anarchist zones and slaughtering elderly Americans by packing virus-infected patients into nursing homes...

'white grievance'?



Soros? Xi? Putin?

Such insane bullshit makes you just another racist anti-American propaganda pusher to ignore....


“The Know Nothing, formally known as the Native American Party and the American Party from 1855 onwards, was a far-right nativist political party and movement in the United States that operated nationwide in the mid-1850s. Wikipedia.”

This is the real party in the days of Lincoln that most resembles the republican version of Trump. Remember, republicans in general support Trump at over an 80% rate. There is always a firm base of disenfranchised people’s. It started out this time around as the Tea Party.

I guess you haven't been paying attention Moron. The tea party does not support Trump at all.

Are there any more bowel movements forthcoming from your mind?

Tea Party goers are steeped in racism...and they don’t even know it.
Their ideas of lowering the debt was just a front. It’s a fallacy shared by all republicans but the tea party really means is, lowering help to poor people which is code for Blacks . Their meetings always have racist overtones
And of course you have no evidence to back that up. You just mindlessly call people racists like a barking moonbat. And most likely, you're just projecting.

The fact of the matter is that the Democratic party has been overtly racist since it's very inception.
Well, we know Booth was and anyone with more then the mentality of a mature cucumber knows Trump is.,
There are no plethora of tee party followers who are black and their agenda is a farce. The balance the budget agenda is just a front like it has always been for the gop in general to hide their real goals. To maintain a minority gov. with a white ruling class. They never balance the budget but still support memorializing loser confederate slave owning ideas from bygone days. How many post here do we have to see with the N word and typical Trump inspired racism ?

Just the stupid idea that you identify one party name for two hundred years withthe same goals is dumb. There are plenty of racists who identify with Democrats of course. But it’s not a primary agenda item like it is withTrump and the 80% gop that support him.

You said, "wacism" like it means something.

Here in the real world, Trump ran on Trade and Immigration. THe "Wacism" was just shit put out there by his enemies, who are vile scum of the earth race baiting asshole.s
How has the Republican party gone from the party of Lincoln to the party of Trump?

Easy, they lost all compassion
By "compassion" you mean the desire to willfully allow the communist horde to completely erase the founding of America (via Frankfurt school methods) so they can use government force to pilfer the means of production (communism/socialism) then I agree. They have lost all "compassion."
That’s funny. You have a leader in Trump who solicits re-election help blatantly from any totalitarian Govt. that will listen, and suddenly you prefer fascism over communism.
How has the Republican party gone from the party of Lincoln to the party of Trump?

Easy, they lost all compassion
By "compassion" you mean the desire to willfully allow the communist horde to completely erase the founding of America (via Frankfurt school methods) so they can use government force to pilfer the means of production (communism/socialism) then I agree. They have lost all "compassion."
That’s funny. You have a leader in Trump who solicits re-election help blatantly from any totalitarian Govt. that will listen, and suddenly you prefer fascism over communism.

That was a joke, obviously. and your side is the one with Brownshirts killing people in the streets. Though they are wearing more black this time around.

How has the Republican party gone from the party of Lincoln to the party of Trump?

It is like going from the diamond on the hill to a giant turd in the toilet.

There is no contradiction. Lincoln was anti-slavery and pro-America. So is Trump.

You lefties are the ones that hate America.

Trump is so pro-America that he solicits foreign governments to help him win
Trump is really the only person with the courage and conviction to change that course, much like Lincoln was for slavery.

Yet we have Trump defending the heritage of the Confederacy
Defending history doesn't imply any opinion. Hopefully you can learn from your mistakes instead of pretending your past mistakes don't exist.
If the history is to stick up monuments to loser rebellions who fought for slavery it certainly does. It implies racism. They don’t have Mussolini drive and Hitler Boulevard in Europe for the same reason.
How has the Republican party gone from the party of Lincoln to the party of Trump?

It is like going from the diamond on the hill to a giant turd in the toilet.

There is no contradiction. Lincoln was anti-slavery and pro-America. So is Trump.

You lefties are the ones that hate America.

Trump is so pro-America that he solicits foreign governments to help him win

YOur inability to distinguish between a joke and reality is noted.

My point stands.

There is no contradiction. Lincoln was anti-slavery and pro-America. So is Trump.

You lefties are the ones that hate America.
How has the Republican party gone from the party of Lincoln to the party of Trump?

Easy, they lost all compassion
By "compassion" you mean the desire to willfully allow the communist horde to completely erase the founding of America (via Frankfurt school methods) so they can use government force to pilfer the means of production (communism/socialism) then I agree. They have lost all "compassion."
By compassion I mean helping people who need help.

Helping billionaires make more money is not compassion
Well, we agree on a goal. We just disagree on the method. Maybe we could agree on what WILL NOT work.

Communism will not make it happen. Agree?

Taking away 75% of our guns will not make it happen. Agree?

Getting and keeping us in foreign wars will not get us there. Agree?

Tearing down monuments will not make it happen. Agree?

Banning object and changing flags will ot get us there. Agree?
The reason the party of JFK slid further to the left into Marxism, is because of Marxists getting into teaching positions in all of our public educational systems, with the goal of undermining our government and the freedoms afforded the public.
I couldn't agree more. While conservatives were building the greatest economy in the world, liberal marxists were undermining its future via the youth.
Right. And, the only way to get rid of this problem, may be via a Civil War. For over two centuries, we've been having a peaceful transfer of power with each presidential election. However, if there are enough uneducated idiots that could change this country into a Marxist Communist nation, then there should not be a peaceful transition of power, but a war.
You are a Trump minion. There are fewer and fewer. If the Trump minions attempted a civil war they would be defeated in 12 hours.
Trump is a joke, his followers are a joke. They are a bunch of turds in the toilet that are about to be flushed.

Well for a "joke" he's done a damned fine job.

Just think. You will have four more years to moan, groan complain and try to find something to pin on the man.

Enjoy. I know I will. LOL
How has the Republican party gone from the party of Lincoln to the party of Trump?

It is like going from the diamond on the hill to a giant turd in the toilet.
Very simple. White. Grievance.

The GOP has been cultivating it for decades.

Now its like the dog that finally caught the car.
/—-/ You desperate azzclowns just throw shyt againg the wall everyday hoping something sticks. Pathetic.
How has the Republican party gone from the party of Lincoln to the party of Trump?
It is like going from the diamond on the hill to a giant turd in the toilet.
It's really not the GOP at this point. It's been distorted, mutated, perverted into the Trump Party.

How? Listen to talk radio for a few weeks, without a critical ear, and it will start to make sense. Seriously.

So, IOW, listen with a open mind?
As much as possible. But when I say "without a critical ear", what I mean is to try to ignore the obvious spin, distortion, denial, obtuseness, hyperbole, deflection and intellectual myopia, and try to approach it as a person who is not prone to engage in honest critical thinking, like their fans.

It's very educational, in that approaching in that way helps a person understand why so many Trumpsters are the way they are. It's good to understand the intellectual perspective of others.

What a snotty way to reply, but I expect nothing less from the truly intolerant, and intellectually vapid.

“The Know Nothing, formally known as the Native American Party and the American Party from 1855 onwards, was a far-right nativist political party and movement in the United States that operated nationwide in the mid-1850s. Wikipedia.”

This is the real party in the days of Lincoln that most resembles the republican version of Trump. Remember, republicans in general support Trump at over an 80% rate. There is always a firm base of disenfranchised people’s. It started out this time around as the Tea Party.

I guess you haven't been paying attention Moron. The tea party does not support Trump at all.

Are there any more bowel movements forthcoming from your mind?

Tea Party goers are steeped in racism...and they don’t even know it.
Their ideas of lowering the debt was just a front. It’s a fallacy shared by all republicans but the tea party really means is, lowering help to poor people which is code for Blacks . Their meetings always have racist overtones
And of course you have no evidence to back that up. You just mindlessly call people racists like a barking moonbat. And most likely, you're just projecting.

The fact of the matter is that the Democratic party has been overtly racist since it's very inception.
Well, we know Booth was and anyone with more then the mentality of a mature cucumber knows Trump is.,
Just because your feeble TDS addled mind has been brainwashed into believing that Trump is a racist, that doesn't mean that Trump is actually a racist.

Trump has been a celebrity that has been in the national spotlight for decades. If he was a racist you would think there would be some sort of evidence of racist behavior. A pattern of behavior.

And you barking moonbats who keep insisting he's a racist always fail to provide a shed of compelling evidence to back up your idiotic accusations.

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